• Published 4th Apr 2023
  • 1,342 Views, 9 Comments

Princess Sunset Shimmer - Hayloud

Sunset Shimmer, one of the Celestia's most powerful student, that lived in the human world, went back to the pony world and now have to face the consequences and save the day, now being an Alicorn.

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Back To Equestria

As the trio awakened, their bodies felt a sense of tranquility they hadn't experienced in what seemed like an eternity. The air around them carried the soothing scent of nature, and the gentle breeze whispered through the trees, offering a melody of solace. They found themselves lying on a bed of soft grass, cradled by the comforting embrace of Equestria.

Their eyes fluttered open, and as the world came into focus, a light blue sky stretched above them, adorned with fluffy white clouds that seemed to dance in the gentle currents. Familiar bird songs filled the air, a symphony of melodies that resonated with their hearts, evoking feelings of nostalgia and homecoming.

In that moment, a wave of serenity washed over them, a profound realization that they were finally safe, that their long journey had led them to a place of respite and comfort. A sanctuary where they could catch their breath and heal from the trials that had tested their strength and bonds.

Sunset, overwhelmed by a surge of emotions, felt her heart race with a mixture of relief and euphoria. The weight of the world seemed to lift from her shoulders as she savored the feeling of safety and homecoming that enveloped her being.

As she hurriedly sat up, her eyes met those of her companions, and a knowing smile spread across her face. Trixie and Starlight mirrored the same expression, their hearts brimming with joy at the sight of each other's well-being. I need to know if Equestria is fine!

Sunset's heart swelled with joy as her eyes scanned the bustling streets of the Crystal Empire. The sight before her was a testament to resilience and hope, a city that had weathered storms and emerged more vital than ever. Earth Ponies exchanged warm greetings, their laughter resonating through the air. Pegasi soared gracefully through the sky, leaving trails of shimmering colors in their wake. Unicorns showcased their magical prowess, effortlessly using their abilities to aid their fellow citizens.

In the midst of this vibrant scene, Sunset felt an overwhelming sense of relief. The fear and apprehension that had gripped her heart seemed like distant memories now, replaced by a profound sense of homecoming and belonging.

As they walked through the city streets, Sunset couldn't help but marvel at the resilience and unity of the Crystal Ponies.

"They're fine! It's all fine yet!" Sunset shouted in an urge of happiness and relief.

"Yay," Starlight said

"Oh my Celestia! Did you already save us?" An earth crystal pony asked with a curious tilt of their head, their eyes reflecting genuine concern. However, their query was met with a shared glance among the group, a wordless acknowledgment that conveyed a mixture of sadness and a touch of embarrassment. The weight of their recent experiences hung heavily in the air, dimming the once-bright sparks in their eyes.

Though unspoken, the realization was clear – they hadn't been able to ensure the safety of everypony. The memory of those they hadn't been able to reach, the sorrow they hadn't been able to quell, weighed heavily on their hearts. A shared feeling of responsibility and regret cast a shadow over their spirits, and they felt a pang of guilt for having inadvertently given false reassurances.

But then, in an unexpected turn of events, a figure stepped forward from their midst. It was Sunset, her sight a beacon of strength and resilience. As she stood before the gathered crystal ponies, her posture radiated determination and a renewed sense of purpose. The atmosphere shifted, a sense of anticipation filling the air.

"Not yet, but we can. We know, we have to, WE WILL!" Sunset said making the ponies disappointed looks in their eyes almost instantly.

"Yes!" The ponies shouted in a mix of hope and excitement.

"Well, I guess we will move on to Sunburst and Moondancer now," Trixie said, Sunset nodded.

As the group departed from the bustling heart of the Crystal Empire, they embarked on a path leading toward the majestic castle that stood as a symbol of their triumph over darkness. With each step they took, a profound sense of happiness and relief enveloped them, their spirits uplifted by the radiant energy of the crystal ponies' smiles.

The expressions on the crystal ponies' faces were nothing short of a masterpiece of joy. Wide, bright smiles stretched across their features, radiating an infectious sense of elation that was impossible to ignore. It was as if the sun itself had chosen to shine through their joyful countenances.

Upon arriving at the castle, an unusual sight greeted them – the entrance was fortified with an increased number of guards, an indication that something had taken place. Though taken aback by the heightened security, Sunset, and her companions exchanged knowing glances, understanding that their journey had not only impacted their own lives but also the safety of their realm.

As they ventured further, the grand main room welcomed them with its majestic aura, but their attention was quickly drawn to the stairway that led to the library. This was where they believed their friends would be, where they could find solace in their shared memories and knowledge.

However, as they entered the library, their expectations were shattered. The usually serene space was now in disarray, books scattered haphazardly across the floor like fallen leaves in autumn. The chaos before them was unexpected, a stark contrast to the usual order that prevailed within these walls.

With a mixture of concern and determination, they wasted no time in searching the area. The urgency of their mission pushed them to meticulously examine every corner of the library, their eyes scanning every shelf and alcove. They were driven by the prospect of reuniting with their friends, knowing that the trials they had endured had brought them all to this point.

Minutes stretched as they methodically combed through the disorder, their tension growing with each passing moment. And then, like a glimmer of hope in the midst of chaos, they found what they had been seeking. There, nestled amidst a pile of toppled books, were the familiar forms of their friends – Moondancer and Sunburst, sound asleep.

Relief washed over them in a tidal wave, their anxieties dissolving as quickly as they had emerged. Seeing their friends safe and resting, their faces peaceful in slumber was a sight that rekindled their spirits. It was a reminder that even in the face of turmoil, there was a sense of refuge and unity.

With gentle smiles, Sunset and her companions approached Moondancer and Sunburst. Sunburst and Moondancer hurriedly woke up hearing the hooves hitting the cold crystal ground.

"WHAT?!" Sunburst quickly shouted as he woke up, he was in total concern, as Sunset, Sugary, and Starlight could hear his heartbeat from inches away, clear like water, his breath was quick and very shortened, it was such a strong breath that they could almost see the sound of his breath.

"Is everything fine," Moondancer asked in a way more calm way than her partner did, looking at the three mares in her front.

"Almost everything..." Sunset said, "... Except for the imminent danger, yes, everything's fine"

"It's so good to see you fine, we were very worried about how much of a bad state you would be, so, is there any recent discovery?" Sunburst said in an almost scarily quick way, they couldn't understand much of what he said except for the upcoming phrase, "And why is Trixie in these weird colors now?"

Author's Note:

Sorry for the long wait, but I promise that the next chapters will be quicker to be released

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