• Published 4th Apr 2023
  • 1,342 Views, 9 Comments

Princess Sunset Shimmer - Hayloud

Sunset Shimmer, one of the Celestia's most powerful student, that lived in the human world, went back to the pony world and now have to face the consequences and save the day, now being an Alicorn.

  • ...

Heads Up In The Fight

As they regained consciousness, they took a deep breath of the fresh air surrounding them. The gentle breeze brushed their manes, and the warm sunbeams felt comforting on their skin. The peaceful ambiance was accompanied by the sweet songs of birds chirping and the serene melody of the lake's calm waves. It was a perfect day, yet they still felt uneasy, as they had no clue where Starlight and Sugary were.

Sunset rose to her hooves, feeling the blades of grass tickle her hooves, and approached Trixie, still lying on the ground. She extended her hoof, helping Trixie to stand up. They looked around, scanning the vast landscape, searching for any clue or sign of their missing friends. Their exhaustion was now the least of their worries, as they had a more significant issue to tackle.

"Let's go!" Sunset said, and as Trixie nodded they started to walk up to the North.

"Wait..." Trixie said as she abruptly stopped walking.

"What?" Sunset asked as she directed herself to her friend.

"Well, I had a better plan than just keep walking in a random direction," Trixie said, Sunset slowly inclined her head to the left curious of what the idea was and Trixie continued, "I may, with a little small tiny chance of me to had put a spell in Starlight that makes me locate her wherever she is"

"Trixie, you're a genius!" Sunset said eagerly.

"I know," Trixie answered.

"So, locate her!" Sunset said.

Trixie nodded, determination flickering in her eyes as she focused her attention on her horn. She concentrated her magical energy with a deep breath, trying to summon her abilities to guide them. She strained her body, pushing through the fatigue that weighed her down, and felt a drop of sweat trickle down her forehead. The intensity of her efforts grew, and suddenly, her horn began to emit a faint glow.

As Trixie's horn radiated with soft ethereal light, a magical orb materialized before her. It hovered in the air, pulsating with energy and casting a mesmerizing glow that illuminated the path they needed to take. The orb's gentle movements created delicate sparks that flickered in the air, guiding their way with a subtle yet captivating display of magic.

Sunset and Trixie knew that this was the sign they had been waiting for. With renewed hope and determination, they wasted no time and sprinted toward the magical orb, their hooves pounding against the ground. The orb floated ahead, leading the way through the serene landscape, while the whispers of wind carried their hoofsteps as they ran.

As they continued to run, their legs burning with exertion, the ethereal magic orb leading the way, they felt a surge of anticipation. It had been a long and arduous journey, but they couldn't shake the feeling that they were getting closer to finding Starlight. The air crackled with electric energy, and their hearts pounded in their chests, matching the rhythm of their hurried steps.

Finally, the radiant light emitted by the orb came to a sudden halt, casting an eerie glow on the surroundings. Sunset, Trixie, and Sugary's breaths became shallow, and their senses heightened, as if they were on the verge of a momentous discovery. The hairs on their necks stood on end, and a shiver ran down their spines. This was it—they knew they were on the cusp of finding Starlight.

Their anticipation turned into astonishment as they caught sight of a female unicorn with a color palette strikingly similar to Starlight's. Hope surged within them, but as the unicorn turned around, their jubilation turned into confusion. The unicorn's eyes were pitch-black, devoid of any light or color, an unsettling sight that sent a chill down their spines. The air around them seemed to grow heavy with an unexplained aura.

Caution filled their minds as they approached the mysterious unicorn cautiously, their steps slow and measured. They exchanged apprehensive glances, unsure of what to expect. There was something off about her, something that didn't align with the Starlight they knew so well. But their longing to find their friend propelled them forward, overriding their doubts and fears. They were determined to uncover the truth, even if it meant facing the unknown.

"Starlight..?" Sunset asked, but she had no response.

As the angry unicorn unleashed a powerful laser ray, a surge of adrenaline coursed through Sunset's veins. Drawing upon her newfound alicorn powers, she instinctively conjured a shimmering shield that enveloped her, deflecting the deadly attack. The impact reverberated through the air, sending shockwaves rippling outward.

Undeterred, the unknown unicorn pressed forward, her eyes filled with an intense determination. Her every movement exuded a ferocious energy as she sought a way to breach Sunset's defenses. Sunset's heart raced as she dodged the oncoming strikes, her senses heightened and her mind focused solely on the upcoming battle.

Sunset realized that she was now in a precarious situation, facing off against a formidable adversary. The air crackled with magic as the two unicorns engaged in a dance of evasion and counterattacks. Each maneuver was precise, and calculated, as they sought to outwit and outmaneuver one another.

With each passing moment, Sunset's determination grew stronger. She knew that she had to protect herself and her friends. Her eyes locked onto the unknown unicorn, analyzing her every move, searching for any weakness she could exploit. The weight of the impending battle settled upon her shoulders, but she refused to let fear consume her.

This was a pivotal moment, a clash of powers and wills. Sunset braced herself, drawing upon her inner strength and the bond she shared with her friends. She had faced challenges before, and she would not falter now. With a resolute spirit and a fiery determination, Sunset prepared to face the unknown head-on, ready to fight for what she believed in and protect those she held dear.

The unexpected retreat of the mysterious unicorn caught Sunset off guard, but she quickly recognized it as a golden opportunity. With the unicorn vanishing into the depths of the dense forest, Sunset's mind raced, concocting a plan to seize the advantage. She knew that time was of the essence, and she couldn't afford to let this chance slip through her hooves.

"Trixie, I have a plan. We are going to try and lock her, maybe Starlight is still in there."

"The best idea we've got so far."

Startled by the sudden return of the unicorn, Sunset instinctively tapped into her alicorn powers once again. With a surge of magic, she levitated the enraged creature, holding her suspended in the air. The unicorn thrashed and struggled against Sunset's grip, but her efforts were in vain.

Taking advantage of the moment, Trixie swiftly conjured chains made of shimmering energy, encircling the unicorn and locking her in place. The chains glowed with a faint magical aura, ensuring that their captive wouldn't escape. However, to their astonishment, the unicorn began to disintegrate into a swirl of ashes, as if she were never truly solid.

The winds gently carried away the remnants of the unicorn, scattering her essence among the trees and sky. Sunset and her friends watched in awe as the ashes dispersed, leaving no trace of the once-rageful creature behind.

"What did just happen?" Sunset asked, and her wide-open eyes showed all her confusion and desperation.

"Was she Starlight?" Instead of responding, Trixie answered with another question.

"Let's get away from here," Sunset said. Eager to find warmth and rest, Sunset and Trixie made their way toward the mountain. The evening sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows that stretched across the rugged landscape. With the fading light, the air grew colder, prompting the two friends to seek shelter in the mountain's inviting cave.

Stepping into the cavern, they were greeted by the cool, damp air that enveloped them. The cave's walls were adorned with glistening stalactites, adding a touch of natural beauty to their temporary refuge. The weariness of their journey began to weigh upon them, and the promise of a brief respite brought a sense of relief.

As night fell, the chill in the air deepened, reminding them of the need for warmth. Realizing the importance of a crackling fire, Sunset and Trixie ventured back outside, their eyes scanning the surroundings for any signs of dry wood. However, their search was momentarily interrupted by an intriguing sight— wisps of smoke snaking through the dense woods.

Curiosity piqued, they abandoned their quest for firewood and followed the trail of smoke, their steps cautious but filled with anticipation. As they drew nearer, the glow of flickering flames danced in the distance, casting an enchanting aura amidst the darkness. Guided by this ethereal light, they pushed through the underbrush, their senses heightened with each step.

Emerging into a small clearing, Sunset and Trixie beheld a humble campfire, its amber flames casting a warm and inviting glow. Surrounding the fire were figures, their faces obscured by the dancing shadows. The aroma of roasting food wafted through the air, tantalizing their senses and reminding them of their own hunger.

"So..?" Sunset asked and looked o Trixie.

"I don't know if we should eat," Trixie said.

"But we are hungry!"

As Sunset and Trixie basked in the warm glow of the campfire and the company of the mysterious travelers, a familiar figure emerged from the shadows, drawing their eyes and stealing their breath away. It was Sugary, their dear friend whom they had feared lost, and by her side stood Starlight, the missing piece of their triumvirate.

Tears of joy rose in Trixie and Sunset's eyes as she rushed forward, embracing Starlight tightly. The weight of uncertainty that had burdened their hearts began to lift, replaced by an overwhelming sense of relief and elation. Starlight's presence brought further reassurance, solidifying their bond and reigniting the spark of hope that had flickered within them.

"Oh, my Celestia!" Everyone said, widely happy.

"So, can we eat the food?" Trixie asked.

"Of course!" Starlight answered.

After indulging in a hearty meal and savoring the warmth of the campfire, they bid each other goodnight and retreated to the shelter of the cave. With their provisions and camping supplies, they fashioned a cozy sleeping area, laying out their sleeping bags and blankets with care. Exhausted from their arduous journey, they eagerly succumbed to the embrace of slumber, their bodies finding solace in the tranquil refuge of the cave.

The night unfolded in peaceful serenity, the gentle whispers of the wind outside lulling them into a deep and restful sleep. As the hours passed, time seemed to stand still, cocooning them in blissful oblivion, free from the burdens and worries of their quest. Dreams danced through their minds, carrying them to far-off realms of wonder and adventure, where the weight of the world was momentarily lifted.

As the first rays of sunlight gently pierced through the crevices of the cave, casting a warm glow upon their faces, they stirred from their peaceful slumber. Stretching their limbs and blinking away the remnants of sleep, they felt an undeniable sense of rejuvenation coursing through their bodies. It was as if the restorative power of the cave had washed away their weariness, leaving them refreshed and invigorated.

They shared knowing glances, their spirits uplifted by the newfound energy that pulsed within them. The challenges that lay ahead no longer seemed insurmountable, for they had been replenished by the gift of rest. With renewed vigor, they rose to their hooves, ready to face the day with unwavering determination.

The morning air greeted them with a gentle caress, infused with the scents of nature awakening. They ventured outside the cave, their steps light and their hearts brimming with anticipation. The world around them seemed to shimmer with possibility as if every leaf and blade of grass whispered secrets of the grand adventure that awaited.

"Let's pack up and go!"

They gathered their belongings and cast one last grateful glance at the cave that had provided them respite, they set off on their journey once more.

"So, we didn't even talk about what happened!" Trixie said.

"So, I may start," Starlight said

I woke up in the middle of the forest and I saw Sugary deeply injured, so I managed to use a flower as medicine and as a band-aid to help her, then I stood there until Sugary regain her conscience. When she did, we went out to hunt some food, when we came back we cooked the food, then we went o find more firewood, and when we came back, you guys appeared.

"Just that?" Sunset asked and both nodded.

"Yep," Starlight answered.

"But what about you, what did you do?" Sugary asked

"Uh..." Sunset said

I went back to the castle, where I fought with some guards, took our bags back, and then went to find Trixie, we passed through a kingdom whose king let us out peacefully, and we also discovered that the sea evil queen is called Seaf-

"DO NEVER, EVER SAY THE QUEEN'S NAME OUT LOUD AGAIN!" Sugary said to Sunset, showing up to be extremely angry.

"Sorry! Let's just keep walking" Sunset said as they kept walking.

As they stood before the trio of portals, the significance of their choice weighed heavily upon them. Each portal held the promise of a new realm, a different path to follow. The purple-closed portal teased them with its mystery, concealing secrets yet to be unveiled. The blue portal beckoned with a sense of tranquility and unknown wonders waiting to be discovered. And the red portal, vibrant and fiery, seemed to pulsate with the energy of adventure and unforeseen challenges.

They huddled together, their gazes fixed upon the portals as they deliberated their next move. The weight of their past experiences and the urgency of their quest hung in the air, mingling with a sense of trepidation and curiosity. It was a pivotal moment, a decision that could shape their fate and lead them closer to their ultimate goal.

"Well, what should we do now?" Sunset asked.

As their eyes darted across the portals, a glimmer of realization washed over them. In the midst of their contemplation, they noticed a subtle detail that had eluded them until now—the purple portal bore a small indentation, a perfect fit for the diamond they had carried with them on their journey. Sunset's heart quickened with a surge of intuition as she stepped forward, her trembling hoof carefully placing the diamond into its rightful position.

In an instant, the world around them erupted in a blinding flash of radiant light. It streaked across the forest, casting vibrant hues of purple and gold as if the very fabric of reality was being reshaped. The ground beneath their hooves trembled with newfound energy, and the air crackled with electric anticipation.

"So, I think that everything will be fine now," Sunset said, but when they were going to enter the portal, in an instant, a blinding light descended upon the ground, erupting in a violent explosion that shattered the tranquility of the moment. The shockwave sent them reeling backward, their bodies thrown off balance by the force unleashed before them. Debris and fragments of the earth were hurled into the air, filling the atmosphere with chaos and uncertainty.

"What?" Trixie asked

From the dissipating tendrils of smoke, a figure emerged, and to their astonishment, it bore an uncanny resemblance to Twilight Sparkle. The pony stood before them, her eyes gleaming with a mix of familiarity and enigma. She seemed to radiate wisdom and power, her aura tinged with a hint of something beyond comprehension.

"Princess Twilight?" Sunset asked, but as the last tendrils of smoke dissipated, the true form of the pony before them, was revealed, and it sent a shiver down their spines. It was not Twilight Sparkle standing there, but a hauntingly familiar figure with crimson eyes and an air of dark power. The resemblance to Midnight Sparkle, Twilight's alter ego, was uncanny as if the two were intricately intertwined.

A mixture of trepidation and curiosity coursed through their veins as they exchanged wary glances. This was not the Twilight they had known and trusted, but a manifestation of her darker side, a remnant of the tumultuous past they had all faced together. Their hearts weighed heavy with the knowledge of the struggles Twilight had endured to overcome her own inner demons.

"You got me wrong, my name is not Princess Twilight Sparkle anymore, I am the Queen Midnight Sparkle!" The alicorn said, In a sudden and unexpected turn of events, the Midnight Sparkle manifestation lunged forward with alarming speed, her eyes gleaming with an unsettling intensity. Without hesitation, she aimed a powerful strike at Sunset, intending to inflict harm upon her.

Sunset's instincts kicked in, and she swiftly evaded the incoming attack, her wings unfurling to propel her out of harm's way. The force of the blow grazed past her, sending a surge of adrenaline coursing through her veins. The gravity of the situation became all too clear—the Twilight they had encountered was not to be underestimated.

"Not again!" Trixie said.

"What do you mean by again?" Sugary asked.

"We have something to tell you..." Trixie said.

"Speak up!" Starlight said.

"...We fought another Starlight back when we came," Trixie said.

"What?" Starlight asked, but with no time for response, Midnight Sparkle returned flying in Sunset's direction.

Midnight Sparkle's attack connected, striking Sunset with a devastating blow, and a surge of pain coursed through her injured wing. With a determined grit, Sunset pushed herself up, refusing to let the pain deter her from the battle at hand. Though her ability to fly had been compromised, her spirit remained unyielding.

Drawing upon her reserves of inner strength, Sunset tapped into the knowledge imparted by Starlight, calling upon the power of levitation. Focusing her magic, she enveloped herself in a shimmering aura, defying the limitations of her damaged wing. Hovering above the ground, she prepared to unleash her counterattack.

With a fierce determination in her eyes, Sunset unleashed a powerful laser ray, its brilliance cutting through the air with precision and intent. The beam surged forward, hurtling towards Midnight Sparkle with a force that matched the intensity of Sunset's resolve.

The clash of their powers signaled the beginning of a formidable showdown, a battle that transcended physicality and delved into the depths of their inner strength. Sunset knew that this encounter was no ordinary challenge—it was a test of her resilience, her growth, and her ability to confront the darkness that threatened to consume them.

As the laser ray collided with Midnight Sparkle's defenses, a cascade of sparks erupted, illuminating the battlefield with a breathtaking display of raw power. Sunset held her ground, channeling her energy with precision and skill, determined to overcome the formidable opponent before her.

At this moment, Sunset understood that she had stepped into a realm of epic proportions, where victory hinged not only on physical prowess but on the strength of her character and her unwavering belief in the power of friendship. The battle raged on.

As Midnight Sparkle ascended to the skies, her malevolent intent radiating from every fiber of her being, she directed her path straight toward Sunset. With blinding speed, she closed the distance, targeting Sunset's injured left wing with precision.

The impact was jarring, as the force of Midnight's attack struck Sunset's already wounded wing. Pain surged through her body, threatening to weaken her resolve. The damaged wing throbbed, protesting against any further exertion. Sunset winced but refused to succumb to the agony. She knew she had to keep fighting.

Summoning every ounce of determination, Sunset pushed through the pain. Ignoring the searing ache in her wing, she focused her attention on her opponent. With unwavering resolve, she mustered her magic, determined to retaliate.

Midnight Sparkle's strike had momentarily disrupted Sunset's aerial abilities, grounding her in the midst of battle. But she would not be defeated so easily. With a flicker of magic in her eyes, she cast a levitation spell, once again lifting herself above the ground.

Rays of determination emanated from Sunset as she repositioned herself, ready to face Midnight Sparkle head-on. The pain in her wing served as a reminder of the stakes at hand, fueling her determination to prevail against the darkness that had consumed her former friend.

Summoning her magical powers, Sunset unleashed a barrage of magical projectiles, aiming to disrupt Midnight Sparkle's advance. Each burst of energy crackled with her indomitable will, seeking to penetrate the formidable defenses of her adversary.

Despite Sunset's valiant efforts, Midnight Sparkle seemed impervious to her attacks. The dark aura surrounding Midnight only grew stronger, forming an impenetrable shield that deflected Sunset's every assault. The frustration mounted within Sunset as her strikes seemed to have no effect.

In a sudden burst of energy, Midnight propelled herself towards Sunset once more, her eyes gleaming with malevolent intent. With a swift and precise strike, she aimed directly at Sunset's hoof, inflicting a painful blow that drew blood. The searing agony radiated through Sunset's body, threatening to weaken her resolve.

Gritting her teeth, Sunset fought to maintain her focus amidst the pain. She refused to let Midnight's relentless assault break her spirit. Through sheer determination, she mustered the strength to keep standing, despite the throbbing ache in her wounded hoof.

Knowing that her current strategy was ineffective, Sunset's mind raced to find an alternative approach. She realized that confrontation alone would not be enough to defeat Midnight Sparkle. She needed to tap into her inner strength, harness her unique abilities, and find a way to outsmart her formidable adversary.

As her hoof continued to bleed, Sunset's eyes glinted with a newfound determination. She channeled her pain into a source of resilience, embracing her role as a leader and protector. With a deep breath, she focused her magic, searching for a way to turn the tides in her favor.

With unwavering focus, Sunset harnessed her magical abilities, propelling herself high into the air. The winds whipped around her as she prepared to execute her next move. Sensing an opportunity, she descended swiftly towards Midnight Sparkle, her gaze locked on her target.

Instead of engaging in a direct physical confrontation, Sunset opted for a different approach. Drawing upon her knowledge of ice magic, she conjured a freezing spell, aiming to encase Midnight in a solid block of ice. With a graceful flick of her hoof, a glimmering blast of icy energy shot toward its intended target.

However, fate had other plans. As the attack surged forward, Midnight's instincts kicked in, prompting her to evade the incoming assault. Unbeknownst to her, she inadvertently moved directly into the path of the spell, resulting in a direct hit.

Time seemed to stand still as Midnight's body became encased in a frozen cocoon. The ice enveloped her, shimmering with an ethereal glow. Yet, before anyone could fully comprehend what had transpired, the ice began to crack and crumble, causing Midnight's frozen form to disintegrate into nothingness.

The air was tinged with an eerie stillness as the remnants of Midnight's presence dissipated into the surrounding atmosphere. A solemn silence fell over the battlefield, the weight of the moment hanging in the air.

Sunset landed softly on the ground, her heart pounding with a mixture of relief and exhaustion.

"I just won a fight all alone, my “friends”," Sunset said in a slightly upset tone.

"Come on, we knew you would win this fight all alone," Starlight said

"Uhmm… okay," Sunset answered

"Let's just go away, guys," Trixie said, and as the battle-weary heroes stood amidst the aftermath of their victory, their breaths heavy and hearts pounding, a sudden disturbance shattered the calm. The air crackled with electric energy, and the ground trembled beneath their hooves. A deafening roar pierced through the silence, reverberating in their ears, forewarning of an imminent danger that loomed over them.

In an awe-inspiring display of cosmic forces, three radiant lights streaked across the sky, descending toward the ground with otherworldly grace. Each light carried a distinct hue, emanating a unique aura of power and purpose. The first light, a vibrant shade of orange, exuded an aura of fiery determination. The second, a deep and resonant blue, radiated an air of calm resilience. The third light, a gentle and soothing pink, emitted an essence of compassion and hope. And finally, the fourth light, a soft and enchanting lavender, shimmered with a mystical allure.

As the lights made contact with the earth, a shockwave rippled through the surroundings, causing the very fabric of reality to quiver. The ground beneath their hooves trembled in response, while the trees swayed in anticipation. The impact of their arrival echoed in the air, its reverberations a testament to the immense power they possessed.

Instinctively, the heroes braced themselves, their eyes fixed upon the ethereal glow that surrounded the lights. They could sense that these celestial beings were not mere happenstance, but rather harbingers of an extraordinary event yet to unfold.

A mix of curiosity and trepidation filled the hearts of Sunset, Trixie, Starlight, and Sugary as they approached the lights with caution. Each step they took seemed to be guided by an invisible force, drawing them closer to the source of this cosmic convergence.

With every passing moment, the lights intensified, pulsating with an energy that seemed to transcend the boundaries of their world. The air crackled with anticipation, and an otherworldly hum permeated the atmosphere.

"Now you gotta help me," Sunset said

As the luminous radiance dissipated, revealing the figures that emerged from the lights, a mixture of awe, shock, and apprehension settled upon Sunset, Trixie, Starlight, and Sugary. From the radiant orange light, a majestic and fearsome alicorn materialized. It was none other than Daybreaker, an alternate version of Princess Celestia, brimming with overwhelming and untamed power. The realization struck the heroes like a bolt of lightning, for they understood that each light signified the arrival of villainous counterparts of the beloved princesses.

Daybreaker stood before them, her fiery mane ablaze with an intense radiance that matched the scorching sun. Her eyes burned with a malevolent glint, and her presence exuded a volatile mixture of strength and cruelty. She was a force to be reckoned with, a reflection of the darkest aspects of Celestia's power, corrupted and unleashed upon the world.

As the heroes gazed upon Daybreaker, a profound sense of unease settled within their hearts. The gravity of their predicament became clear. They were faced with the daunting task of confronting these villainous versions of the princesses, embodiments of their worst fears and nightmares.

"Oh my Celestia!" All of them said except for Sugary, who said: "Oh Lumis Fausticon".

From the other lights suddenly came; Nightmare Moon, from the blue one; Queen Infauta, from the pink one; And Hearticane from the lavender one.

They got surprised as they saw Cadence's once vibrant pink coat has turned a sickly shade of purple, while the flowing pastel mane she had, transformed into a tangled mass of black and gray. Once filled with warmth and compassion, her eyes now glow with an eerie red light, reflecting her evil nature. This was the first time they ever saw an evil version of Cadence.

The same happened to Flurry's pristine white coat now bore a subtle gray hue, while her flowing pink mane has turned ashen, losing its vibrant glow. Her usually sparkling magenta eyes have become cold and empty, reflecting her corrupted nature.

"So, let's just go up and win some fights!" Sunset said seeking for the battle yet to come.

In an instant, the malevolent counterparts of their cherished princesses surged forward, their intentions clear and malevolence palpable.
Nightmare, with her sinister aura, honed in on Starlight, aiming to ensnare her in a web of darkness.
Infauta, radiating corrupted energy, directed her wicked gaze toward Sugary, seeking to manipulate his emotions and sow discord in his heart.
Daybreaker wreathed in flames, set her sights on Sunset, her intentions to engulf her in a blaze of chaos and destruction.
Meanwhile, Hearticane, an icy embodiment of power, advanced menacingly toward Trixie, conjuring a powerful shockwave that threatened to overwhelm her.

"Am I really going to fight with a filly?" Trixie joked as with a sly grin adorning her face, Trixie deftly evaded Hearticane's assault, her nimble movements displaying both grace and confidence. As the wicked attack collided with a nearby tree, Trixie hung in the air, abruptly halted by a cataclysmic explosion. The force unleashed was so immense that not only did the targeted tree disintegrate, but fifteen others were instantly uprooted and propelled skyward in a chaotic dance of destruction. The sheer speed at which the forest transformed left Trixie momentarily stunned, her eyes widening in astonishment and realization.

In that awe-inspiring moment, Trixie's playful demeanor gave way to a profound understanding. Hearticane, despite her youthful appearance, possessed a magnitude of power far surpassing Trixie's initial estimation. The devastating display of force was a stark reminder that appearances could be deceiving and that the young filly harbored untapped potential that rivaled even the mightiest of adversaries.

"If the foal is that strong, we are DOOMED," Trixie shouted. Making her friends lose the fire of hope they had as they saw the villains still running in their way. The feeling sunk into them, but Sunset, needed to, had to, and she did reignite the flame.

"No! We won every problem that stood in our way, we can win this too!" Sunset shouted, making them try to embrace the fear and turn it into a light of hope.

United in purpose and determination, Sunset, Trixie, Starlight, and Sugary stood shoulder to shoulder, their gazes unwavering as they faced their formidable adversaries. The air crackled with tension, a palpable energy that mirrored the intensity of their resolve.

"It won't be easy but we can get thro-" As Starlight started to speak, her words were abruptly cut short by the swift and ruthless onslaught of Nightmare Moon. Without warning, a bolt of crackling blue lightning surged forth from Nightmare Moon's horn, aimed directly at Starlight. However, in a display of quick thinking and sheer resourcefulness, Starlight deflected the deadly assault, redirecting the searing energy back toward her opponent.

The redirected bolt of lightning struck Nightmare Moon with incredible force, causing a blinding explosion of raw power. Yet, to the astonishment of Starlight and her companions, Nightmare Moon seemed unfazed by the attack. Her dark form stood tall and resolute, unaffected by the very magic she had unleashed.

Star's eyes widened in disbelief, her mind racing to comprehend the scope of her adversary's power. The realization dawned upon her that Nightmare Moon possessed an indomitable strength, one that surpassed her own expectations. It was a stark reminder that they were not merely facing a villainous version of Princess Luna, but a formidable force of darkness that had been unleashed upon the world.

Fueled by a surge of unwavering determination and an unwavering desire to protect her friends, Sunset Shimmer tapped into the depths of her inner power. Channeling the strength that flowed through her, she summoned a radiant orb of brilliant orange light, its pulsating energy encapsulating the resolve burning within her.

With her focus honed and her intentions clear, Sunset hurled the orb toward her formidable adversary, Daybreaker. The orb sailed through the air, leaving trails of shimmering rays in its wake, like a celestial beacon of hope amidst the darkness.

In a desperate bid to defend herself, Daybreaker unleashed a searing laser line, aiming to obliterate Sunset's orb and retaliate with equal force. However, to the astonishment of both combatants, Sunset's orb absorbed the potent energy of Daybreaker's attack, siphoning its destructive power.

In a breathtaking display of light, the absorbed energy transformed within the orb, swirling and intensifying, until it reached its peak. Then, with an explosive release, the orb unleashed a torrent of blazing light, hurtling toward Daybreaker with unstoppable force.

The impact was devastating, as the radiant energy enveloped Daybreaker, causing her to recoil and stumble backward. The sheer power of Sunset's attack sent shockwaves through the battlefield, shaking the very foundation upon which they stood.

Daybreaker, momentarily staggered by the unexpected assault, struggled to regain her composure. The formidable alicorn, whose flames had once burned unchecked, now found herself momentarily subdued under the weight of Sunset's unyielding determination.

In the meantime Sugary's quick reflexes propelled her into action, she leaped towards her adversary with unwavering determination. Her aim was clear: to neutralize the manipulative Infauta by grasping onto her horn and disabling her wicked powers. However, in a surprising turn of events, Infauta swiftly altered her trajectory, quickly adjusting her path to intercept Sugary.

The nimble mare's maneuver proved too swift for Sugary to anticipate, and she found herself falling short of her intended target. Before she could react, Infauta redirected her movement, angling herself toward Sugary's new position with malicious intent.

Caught off guard by Infauta's swift counter, Sugary had little time to respond. But she was not one to succumb easily. Drawing upon her inner resilience, she swiftly recalibrated her focus and prepared for the impending confrontation.

Witnessing Sugary's peril, Starlight's instincts kicked in, and she swiftly retrieved a dagger from her bag. With a determined gaze, she hurled the blade toward Sugary, aiming to provide her friend with a crucial tool for the imminent confrontation with Infauta.

"Take this!" Starlight shouted to Sugary

Reacting with lightning speed, Sugary snatched the dagger out of the air, her agility and focus allowing her to seize the opportunity. Empowered by the weapon in her possession, Sugary summoned her inner strength and resilience.

In a display of unwavering determination, Sugary leaped over Infauta once again, her movements guided by an unyielding spirit. With a precise landing, she descended upon her adversary, her dagger slicing through the air, aimed at Infauta's left wing.

Infauta, however, proved to be quick in her response. Reacting with instinctual reflexes, she conjured a levitation spell, suspending Sugary in mid-air. Helplessly floating above the ground, Sugary's hopes of landing a decisive blow were thwarted, her intended strike transformed into a mere glancing blow.

The levitation spell, fueled by Infauta's dark magic, held Sugary suspended for a brief moment before releasing its grip. Unable to maintain her balance, Sugary plummeted from a height of 13 feet, landing with a jarring impact that jarred her left hoof, causing her pain.

As Trixie scrambled to her feet, her focus set on escaping the advancing Hearticane, the malevolent filly unleashed a powerful lightning bolt in pursuit. The searing bolt found its mark, striking Trixie and jolting her with a surge of electrifying energy. The unexpected blow forced Trixie to abruptly pivot and face the battle head-on.

Undeterred by the setback, Trixie's mind raced with a flurry of ideas, seeking a way to gain the upper hand against her formidable opponent. With a flourish of her horn, she conjured a colossal magician's hat, flipping it upside down to create a makeshift barrier. In a dazzling display of magic, the hat released an onslaught of enchanted wands, hurtling through the air toward Hearticane.

For a fleeting moment, triumph danced in Trixie's eyes as some of the wands struck their intended target, momentarily staggering the icy adversary. The surge of hope swelled within Trixie's heart, the belief that victory was within reach fueling her resolve.

But in a cruel twist of fate, the jubilation was short-lived. In a display of resilience and power, Hearticane swiftly retaliated, manipulating the very magic that Trixie had summoned. With a flick of her tail, three of the enchanted wands suddenly veered off course, their trajectory redirected towards Trixie herself.

The wands collided with Trixie, their impact shattering her momentary elation. Pain radiated through her body as powerful blows struck their mark, briefly overwhelming her with a wave of anguish. Trixie's confidence wavered, but her determination remained steadfast.

"That's all you got, filly?" Trixie joked, seeking to provoke the evil pony. Who seemed to have no reaction.

With determination fueling her every move, Trixie focused her magical energy, attempting to cast a precise laser ray to neutralize Hearticane. However, her first attempt missed its target by a wide margin, dissipating into the distance. Undeterred, Trixie gathered her composure and tried once more, only to meet the same disappointing outcome as her second attempt veered off course.

Frustration mounted within Trixie's heart as her missed attempts gnawed at her confidence. Doubt crept into her mind, threatening to overshadow her indomitable spirit. But Trixie would not allow herself to be consumed by uncertainty.

Before she could gather her thoughts and recalibrate her strategy, Hearticane seized the opportunity to strike back. A beam of icy power streaked through the air, finding its mark on Trixie's hoof. Pain shot through her, radiating from the impact site and momentarily causing her to falter.

Trixie clenched her teeth, battling against the waves of pain that threatened to overwhelm her. She refused to succumb to defeat, drawing upon her inner strength to push through the agony. In this pivotal moment, Trixie's determination burned brighter than ever.

With her hoof throbbing and her resolve reinforced, Trixie redirected her focus back to the battle at hand. She knew that she couldn't afford to let her missed attempts or her wounded hoof hinder her progress. She had to dig deep, summoning every ounce of her magical prowess and unwavering spirit to turn the tide of the battle in her favor.

"Ow, come on! The little filly managed to do it, and I didn't?" ¨Trixie said, "This got to be wrong"

Summoning the last reserves of her magical strength, Trixie unleashed a fierce torrent of flames toward Hearticane. The intense blaze engulfed the icy adversary, scorching her form and reducing her to a smoldering heap of cinders. The once-mighty Hearticane crumbled away, her malevolent presence dissipating into the ether, much like her villainous counterparts, Midnight Sparkle and the evil Starlight.

With her foe vanquished, Trixie wasted no time. She sprinted towards Sugary, her concern for her friend outweighing any exhaustion or injuries she had sustained in the battle. As she drew closer, Trixie's heart swelled with relief and determination, knowing that they had overcome yet another formidable obstacle.

"Wow, okay we have now to go to Starlight," Trixie said and then they ran to Starlight.

As Trixie and Sugary rushed to Starlight's aid, her keen eyes caught sight of Nightmare's impending attack. Acting swiftly, she summoned a protective shield, interlocking her magic with Starlight's own defensive barrier. The two forces merged, creating a formidable fortress of magical energy.

The half-moon hurled by Nightmare hurtled towards them, its malevolent intent was evident. Yet, as the destructive force collided with their combined shield, a cataclysmic explosion erupted. The explosive impact consumed Nightmare, engulfing her in a blinding light that tore through the darkness of her existence.

In an instant, Nightmare was vanquished, reduced to ethereal particles that dissipated into the surrounding air. The power of Trixie and Starlight's combined magic had proven to be an unstoppable force against the embodiment of darkness that had threatened them.

As the echoes of the explosion subsided, a hushed silence fell upon the battlefield. Trixie, Sugary, and Starlight stood side by side, their hearts pounding with a mixture of relief and triumph. They had overcome villainous versions of their dear
princesses, banishing the darkness that had momentarily plagued their realm.

With Sugary swiftly attending to Sunset's injured wing, Trixie and Starlight assumed their positions in front of the indomitable Daybreaker. Determination etched across their faces, they braced themselves for the imminent clash, knowing that they were now alone in this perilous battle.

Unfazed by the shattered shield and undeterred by Sunset's current state of exhaustion, Trixie and Starlight drew upon their inner reserves of strength and magic. They knew that victory could only be achieved through unwavering resolve and a united front.

The air crackled with raw energy as Trixie and Starlight conjured another shield, pouring their combined magic into its protective barrier. With each passing moment, the shield grew stronger, fortified by their unwavering determination and unbreakable bond.

Daybreaker, seemingly unfazed by the previous attacks, prepared to unleash another devastating assault. Flames danced upon her mane, casting an ominous glow upon the battlefield. With a primal roar, she conjured a blazing fireball, hurling it toward the resilient shield.

The impact was tremendous, a collision of unstoppable force against an unyielding defense. The shield quivered under the strain, its magic wavering, but Trixie and Starlight refused to let it crumble. They channeled their strength, reinforcing the shield with every ounce of their being, their determination bolstered by the realization that they were now standing as the last line of defense.

Despite their valiant efforts, the shield shattered under the immense heat and force of Daybreaker's fiery assault. The shield's demise sent shockwaves through Trixie and Starlight, yet their spirits remained unbroken. They knew that their task was far from over.

Gazing upon the resolute figure of Daybreaker, Trixie, and Starlight exchanged a silent glance, an unspoken agreement passing between them. They were ready to face this formidable opponent head-on, their combined strength and unwavering friendship serving as their greatest weapons.

With lightning-fast reflexes, Trixie and Starlight skillfully evaded the incoming fireball, sidestepping its destructive path. Their agility and synchronicity were key in dodging the attack unscathed, providing them with a momentary advantage.

Seizing this opportunity, the two friends synchronized their magic, intertwining their powers to forge a formidable weapon. Channeling their combined strength, a magnificent sword materialized in their grasp, glowing with radiant energy. This majestic blade, a manifestation of their unity and unwavering resolve, became an instrument of justice.

In one swift motion, the empowered duo lunged forward, their mighty sword slicing through the fiery form of Daybreaker. The blade cleaved her in half, severing the embodiment of darkness and banishing her from their realm. The once-mighty Daybreaker dissipated into shimmering particles, leaving no trace of her malevolent presence.

A profound silence settled over the battlefield, broken only by the fading echoes of their triumph. Trixie and Starlight stood tall, their chests heaving with exertion, yet their spirits soaring with the knowledge that they had prevailed against the darkness that threatened their world.

As the realization of their victory sank in, Trixie and Starlight exchanged a knowing smile, a profound sense of accomplishment radiating between them.

"We did it!" Trixie shouted

"We won!" Starlight did too

"We need to go now!" Sugary said

"We don't have a way to escape from here, how are we supposed to?" Trixie asked

"Maybe if we jump the hole where the portal was, we can use the rest of its magic," Starlight answered

As uncertainty hung in the air, the trio of friends made a swift decision. Recognizing the potential dangers of remaining in that realm, they cast aside hesitation and leaped into the gaping hole where the purple portal resided. Trixie extended her magical grasp, ensuring that Sunset was safely carried alongside them.

Their bodies soared through the portal's ethereal embrace, traversing the vast expanse between realms. Time seemed to warp and twist as they embarked on this interdimensional journey, their hearts filled with anticipation and trepidation.

Author's Note:

Whisperwood: The Tale of the Queens, It's out! Part three of the special, it's been so fun to write this story, and, I am sad that soon it'll end, but everything needs a start, middle, and ending at some point.

Sorry for the late chapter! I had a lot of personal problems going on at the time, that I don't feel good to say here, but I didn't have any time to write, but I promise that the delays will stop soon.