• Published 17th Apr 2023
  • 663 Views, 23 Comments

A New Adventure - Late2TheGame

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Chapter 2 - No rest for the wicked [Edited]

Blazing Comet was awoken from his sleep by a loud banging on the door to his cart. With a groan and he sat up, rubbing his eyes; looking at the clock on his wall, he saw that it was nearing noon. Crawling out of bed, he put on a pot of coffee while the banging continued “Come on out Comet! We know your in there” a muffled, raspy voice croaked. Blaze groaned louder then before, recognising the voice. He grabbed his magic strongbox and his mug before finally answering the door.

“Well, took you long enough” The horrible voice was now much clearer now and Blaze was all the more miserable for it.

“Aye, well I was holding out hope you’d die of old age but we cannae all get what we want, can we, Pocket?” He said with a tired grin, taking a sip from his mug.

The unimpressed pony in front of him, Pocket Watch, was a middle-aged unicorn with long greasy hair and stained teeth; he took a step back, revealing 2 other pony thugs that didn’t exactly look like they were collecting for charity. “Always a treat, Comet.” Pocket Watch spat with a forced smile “You know why we’re here, Caesar wants his cut; 2000 bits”.

Blaze raised an eyebrow as he leaned against the door frame “The last one was 1500, and he didn’t exactly do anything special this time around.” he said sternly.

“Now it’s 2000 I’m afraid. Call it a, messenger’s tax.” Pocket Watch flashed a shit eating grin that made Blaze want to throw up. With a long sigh he set down his coffee, stepped out and opened the strongbox, reaching his hoof inside. “There’s a good lad; see boys? I told you he-“ Pocket found himself cut off as a large sack of bits collided with the side of his head, sending him flying onto his back and knocking him out cold. The other two thing watch in stunned silence for a second before one leapt forward to attack the smug unicorn, only to have a few of his teeth knocked out with the same bag of bits. He fell to the ground holding his hooves to his now bleeding mouth, groaning in pain. Blaze looks to the 3rd thug, who showed that he is smarter then his friend and backs away holding his hooves up in surrender.

Looking down to the unconscious Pocket, he threw down the bag and starts waking back to his cart, stopping at the door, he called out to the last thug “There’s 1500 bits in the bag like we agreed, if Caesar wants more next time, he can ask me himself.” Closing the door, he sets down the strongbox and sits back on his bed, already finished with today. He looks to the picture on his shelf and gives a lazy salute “Good morning, Star.” Maybe now he can enjoy his coffee in peace.

After his eventful morning, Blaze made his way into town, cart behind him. He had a train to catch and he was late enough at it was. Making his way to the station he unstrapped himself from the cart, purchased one ticket for himself and returned to his cart to gather all the things he’d need on the train to Manehattan. Once his saddle bags were filled, he pulled out a copper pendant and placed it on the door of the cart. He recited an incantation and the cart started to shift and fold into itself, changing in appearance until it resembled a large leather trunk on wheels. A few onlookers pausing to watch the impressive display, Blaze gave them a small wave of acknowledgement as he wheeled the trunk away with his hooves. He preferred to use his hooves for mundane, everyday tasks in the event that his magic fails him, or he finds himself against a magic cancelling enchantment, he was caught off guard once and he was not about to leave himself unprepared again; paranoid? Yes. Alive? Also yes.

The train ride itself was quiet; sitting at the end of a row of seats so he could stay next to his trunk which had been tucked into a luggage compartment by one of the sets of doors. To pass the time he pulls picks up a copy of a newspaper he found on the seat to his right; it full of the usual garbage, latest fashion trends and and gossip pieces on Celestia’s alleged diet. Blaze was about to put the thing down until he saw the front page upon closing the paper.

New Alicorn Princess is crowned!!
Princess Celestia’s former protégé is officially crowned as Equestria’s forth alicorn princess.

Blaze couldn't believe what we was reading. This former unicorn, Twilight Sparkle, had become an alicorn and raised to royal status. He didn’t even know that was possible, he had to look into the logistics of that later. And on top of that, who even was she? The paper makes it sound like he would already know her.

His reading and train (ha) of thought was interrupted by a couple of young voices. “Whooooa.” Blaze lifted his gaze from the paper to a young colt and filly, staring up at him.

“Blueberry! Cookie! Stop bothering that stallion!” An exhausted mare called out as he caught up to who Blaze assumed were her children. “I’m so sorry if they were bothering you.” She said, giving an apologetic smile.

Blaze gave a warm smile back “Oh it’s no trouble, can I help you two?” He asked the children, rolling up the newspaper and putting it into his bag.

“Those scars are awesome!” The colt practically screamed.

“Are you a soldier?” The filly asked in a slightly quieter voice. The mother looked like she was about to die of embarrassment.

Giving a gentle chuckle, Blaze leaned in closer to the tiny ponies “Actually, I’m an adventurer. Ya see, I travel all over the world, searching fer buried treasure!”

The siblings looked as thought they might explode out of excitement. “NO WAY! THATS SO COOL!” The two yelled out simultaneously in an attempt to murder the eardrums of everypony in the train car.

For the rest of the train journey, Blazing Comet told the children some of his wildest (child friendly) adventures for magical treasure. The two siblings were absolutely enthralled and stayed quiet as they listened, much to the delight of the mother who thoroughly enjoyed the small break from the chaos of parenthood. The trains pulled into Manehattan station and Blaze took his trunk, waved goodbye to the family and set off into the city.

Finding an open space, Blaze opens the trunk which begins to unfold and shift back into a cart, the magic pendant falling from the door. Picking it up and putting it back into his saddlebag, which he then he tossed into the cart. Strapping himself to the cart and making his way down the street, he double checked his map of the city; it’s been a while since he was here last and couldn’t remember the directions to his friends apartment from the station.

“Excuse me.” He attempts to ask a passing pony.

“I’m busy, get lost.” The rushing stallion responded without giving so much as a second glance.

Stunned for a split second, Blaze suddenly remembered what city he is in and lets out a long sigh. “It’s fiiine, I actually never wanted to find where I’m supposed to go”.

“Still charming the locals I see?” A male voice says from Blaze’s side. His ears picking up, he turned his head to confirm who it came from.

“For once I’m actually glad to see you, JJ” Blaze sighs in relief. The pony in front of him was Jumpstart Jr, a slim pegasus stallion with a white coat and short electric blue, spiky styled mane. As well as one of Blazing Comet’s (few) friends.

Jumpstart, or JJ as his friends called him, shook his head with a false look of hurt. “And here I thought you came all this way just to see me.” He said as he wiped away a nonexistent tear. Blaze rolls his eyes at the display; JJ then stepped beside him puts a foreleg over his withers. “I got your letter by the way, you know I’m always down, bro. But what’s the occasion?”

“Payday.” Blaze responds with a smirk. Earning a huge smile from his buddy, who knows what happens when Blaze gets paid.

“Aww yeah! How much we talking this time?” JJ asked impatiently, desperate to know how much fun he’s gonna have tonight.

Blaze paused for a moment, looking at JJ dancing on the spot like he needed to use the bathroom. He leans to whisper into his ear “5000 bits”. He had actually made closer to 15,000 for the statue but needed to keep some for emergencies, or in case he couldn’t find another job right away.

JJ almost exploded with excitement, nearly dashing off leaving Blaze to get lost again. “Aw this is going to be EPIC bro!” JJ had a rough idea of what what Blaze did for a living, mainly how it was dangerous and paid very well. But he didn’t know all the details, and Blaze knew that was for the best.

As the two walked down the street, Blaze’s mind returned to the newspaper he saw on the train. Pulling it from his cart in a telekinetic grip, he showed JJ the front page. “By the way, what do ya know about this?”

JJ’s eyes went wide when he looked at the article. “That’s right, you wouldn’t have heard. There’s a new princess, bro! She’s like, saved Equestria like a dozen times or something. Apparently she was also Princess Celestia’s old student.”

Blaze once again looked at the picture; Princess Twilight Sparkle at her coronation, standing between Princesses Celestia and Luna, along with 5 other mares. In the article, he read the transcript of the speech she gave. “Huh, seems nice enough. You know, for a princess.” Blaze has had enough experience with creatures with money and status to know they can’t be trusted right away, but at lest she seems to be friendly when in public.

“Whoa. That’s like, the nicest thing you’ve ever said about somepony with a title. I think you’ve got a crush, bro.” JJ teased, knowing Blaze’s views on wealth and status.

For what felt like the millionth time that day, Blaze rolled his eyes. “Oh aye, I’m in love. Be still my beating heart!” He falsely proclaimed, holding his hoof over his heart. The two friends laughed heartily as they walk down the street. Eventually reaching the apartment building in which JJ lived, Blaze grabbing his saddlebags before heading inside with JJ.

“I got the couch ready for you man.” JJ said as they entered the mid sized apartment. “Nimbus is still at work, so he’ll be back later. And I can go and let Smokey know you’re here if you just wanna chill here until I get back?”

“That’d be great actually, I’m a little tired from
The journey so I might have a nap if that’s alright.” Blaze was exhausted after dealing with Pocket and rushing to catch the train that morning, so a nap was exactly what he needed. He hung up his saddle bags and made his way to the beaten up couch.

JJ smiled as he shook his head. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you not tired, bro. But you do you, I’ll be back soon.”

Blaze didn’t bother responding, opting to collapse onto the couch instead. It was old and the colour had faded but it was comfortable, that’s all that mattered. Once the door had been closed, he turned his head to his saddlebag with the newspaper still sticking out “I wonder what kind of pony can just be crowned royalty.” he though to himself before falling asleep.