• Published 17th Apr 2023
  • 663 Views, 23 Comments

A New Adventure - Late2TheGame

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Chapter 6 - Girl meets boy, Boy meets rock (Edited)

Blaze walked down the stone passageway, a dull glow coming from the carvings in the ceiling that followed him down the pathway. He looked around and found that it was fairly plain save for more Coltic carvings along the walls and ceiling “It’s been a while since I’ve seen anything that reminds me of home. You’d love this, Star” he thought with a sad smile.

Something else that caught him off guard was the apparent lack of any defences or traps of any kind. No pitfalls, no pressure plates, no elaborate puzzles or anything; just a simple stone hallway. Snapping out from his train of thought, he realised that he has come to a crossroad, the path now splitting two ways in opposite directions. Left or right, the two identical pathways stretch out onto the unknown.

Taking a breath, Blaze thinks for a moment “If there are no traps here, then I might be able to explore both. For now, though, I think I’ll go…. right” he decides as he makes his way down the right corridor. The only sound he can hear is the echo of his hooves against the stone as he continues onward. Until he finds himself in an open chamber at the end, he looks around and sees that it appears to be some kind of ancient research lab. There are shelves, some of which are broken; the ones that are still standing are filled with glass jars and bottles, stained with whatever evaporated out of them. Walking further into the room, he finds yellowed research papers written in old ponish on an old desk at the very back of the room. He blows the centuries of dusk off the desk and inspects it, looking for traps.

Satisfied that there are none, like the rest of this place it seems; he reaches and runs a hoof along the desk. As soon as he does, there is a sudden ripple of gold from the point where his hoof touched the wood that spreads across the room and is sent down the hallway. Following the ripple with his eyes, he stands at the ready. Waiting for some sort of defence system to kick in, but nothing happens other than the lights in the room and hallway becoming brighter. Once he turns back he is shocked to see that the desk and the shelves along the walls are as good as new, only the broken shelves, the research papers as well as the glass jars and bottles remained unchanged.

“Well, that’s a new one,” Blaze said hesitantly as he turned his attention back to the desk, deciding to inspect it further.

Twilight had tried everything to open the main vault door; magic, brute force and even chanting old ponish incantations. Nothing seemed to work and Twilight was ready to head home in disappointment until there was a sudden ripple of gold light from the door, which then began to slide open.

“YES! I knew those incantations would work!” Twilight said in relief as she gathered her things and walked through the vault door into a well-lit stone hall.

Looking around at the carvings along the walls, Twilight was in a writing frenzy. Her mind was practically bursting at the seems, thinking about all the possibilities that have come from this massive discovery. Excitedly, she presses onward until she comes to a crossroads dividing the path two ways, left and right. She thinks it over for a moment “I want to explore both but for now, I think I’ll go….left.” she decides as she turns left and heads down the hallway.

She continues onward until she reaches a huge open chamber with a pedestal in the very centre of the room. Stop the pedestal was a large red leather-bound book. Seeing the ancient book all on its own, practically calling her name, Twilight almost dived for the thing as soon as her brain realised what it was. She happily trotted to the pedestal and grabbed the book without hesitation.

At that moment the chamber began to shake violently as some form of alarm sounded, all the lights in the room turning a deep red. The back wall slid down, revealing a large stone sphere covered in more Coltic carvings and glowing runes with a small crystal lens in the centre. And to Twilight horror; it floated into the air, And turned the lens towards her.

Not wanting to stick around and find out with it, she tried to make a run for it but the doorway she came through was now closed; she tried to open it forcefully, then tried reciting more old ponish incantations but they didn’t work. Hyperventilating, she turned in time to see the lens rapidly glowing brighter and brighter until it fired a beam of concentrated magic at her. Bringing up a force field in time, it took the beam dead in the centre, cracking at the impact. The sphere ceases its attack and quickly moves to Twilight's side before charging another beam. Fearing she would be able to charge one strong enough in time she drove forward, narrowly avoiding the beam. Though the force of the beam hitting the ground created a shockwave that sent Twilight flying forward, causing her to scream out in fear and shock.


Blaze was standing at the desk, his saddlebags removed and placed on the counter. He couldn’t believe his luck, he had pulled out a drawer from the desk only to find the magic spyglass he was looking for. He pulled it out and inspected it more closely, looking at the runes carved into the surface and its crystalline lens. Wanting to give it a test, he takes a potion from his bag and looks at it through the lens, information now surrounds the glass bottle saying what it does, and how effective it is.

1 healing potion:

Can halt bleeding and accelerate the natural healing process.

Not advised for serious injury requiring surgery.

This was incredible, this was going to make his life so much easier, it was almost funny that getting it was this simple.

At that moment there was a powerful tremor in the chamber, the lights flashed red and an alarm started going off. Blaze then noticed the doors were now sliding shut “Oh of course NOW everything Goes wrong!” Deciding that his saddlebags were a lost cause, he dived into the hallway before the door finished closing. Glad he at least got the spyglass, he made a run for it down the hallway. Seeing the crossroad he knew that he’d be home free soon, as long as nothing went wrong.


Blaze froze. Was there somepony in there with him? Were they hurt? If he helped them, would he make it out? His breathing quickened as he found himself unable to think.

Until; without realising it, Blaze took one step down the opposite hallway, then another, and another. Picking up the pace until he brought out into a full sprint “What am I doing?! I need to get out of here!” he thought as he ran as fast as he could. Images flashed in his mind, memories of one of his first expeditions.



Closing his eyes, shaking those thoughts out of his head. He sprints down the hallway with determination and certainty “Not again” he wasn’t able to make the same mistake again. He came to a sealed door at the end of the hallway, hearing something loud on the other side. Racking his brain, Blaze tries to think of a way to open the door “Come on Blaze, think!” he says bringing his hoof to his head.

Just then, he looks at his hoof and recalls how he first entered the vault. He quickly reaches out to the door, hoping his theory is correct “Please please work!”

Once his hoof touched the door, a familiar light shines over the door as it slides open “YES!” he yelled in victory. Running into the room, he is met with an extremely unexpected sight. An alicorn mare was pulling herself back up to her hooves as a floating stone sphere that seems to be charging some kind of attack. Without thinking, he closes the gap with a teleportation spell and throws up a force field to protect them both.

Exhausted, battered and bruised; the last thing Twilight was expecting at this moment was somepony appearing out of nowhere and putting themselves between her and the sphere. She looked up at her protector as he finished getting up to her hooves, making out a masculine frame and yelling something at her.

“Get up! Move your ass!” Blaze yelled as he strained against the beam hitting his shield. After a few seconds, the beam stops, most likely to charge another attack. He looks back to see the mare standing weakly and with a groan he grabs her by the barrel and leaps behind the pedestal, holding her close to him.

Twilight was surprised by the sudden movement but caught on quickly, pressing herself against the pedestal for additional protection. As another beam hit the pedestal, she looked to the Stallion who pulled out some kind of spyglass “What are you doing to do with that?” She asked, trying to speak over the alarm.

“No time to explain!” Blaze replied as he waited for the beam to cut out. Once it did he stepped out and looked at the sphere through the glass “Please be easy…” he said quickly to himself as he watched as the sphere was surrounded by information.

1 Arcane Sentry:

Fires single beams of highly concentrated magic - Beam charge, 3 seconds; beam duration, 3 seconds; recharge interval, 5 seconds.

Outer stone is impervious to all magical attacks.

Blaze’s heart dropped as he finished reading “Impervious….no. No! it has to have some kind of weakness!” He cursed in frustration as he checked again.

1 Arcane Sentry:

Fires single beams of highly concentrated magic - Beam charge, 3 seconds; beam duration, 3 seconds; recharge interval, 5 seconds.

Outer stone is impervious to all magical attacks.

“Damn it!” He yelled as he grabbed Twilight and moved them to the other side of the pedestal as the sphere finished repositioning itself. This couldn’t possibly be a worse situation, trapped with a killer rock that their magic is useless against.

“Wait. Outer stone is impervious to all magical attacks“ he recalled in this mind “Outer stone”

“What?” Twilight asked, completely lost as to what this stallion was doing and why was talking about ‘outer stone’.

Looking at her as the beam hit the pedestal again, cracks forming around it. Blaze came up with a plan, it was risky, but it may be their only shot. He gave her a determined look “We need to let it fire at us.”

“ARE YOU CRAZY?!” Twilight yelled in response to this terrible plan.

“Look, I know it's crazy but I have a plan!” He said, realising that it did sound completely insane “Trust me.” he looked into her eyes and gave her a genuine smile, trying to reassure her.

Twilight wanted to tell this stallion not to go through with this “plan” but the look in his eyes stopped her words before she could speak. “Okay, what can I do?”

“Once I tell you, put a force field over us, as strong as you can make it,” he said as he timed the sphere's movements. The next beam cracked through the pedestal further, knocking off a large chunk. The next one would destroy it, so it was now or never. Once the beam ended, Blaze jumped out into the open and began charging a spell and taking the sphere’s attention away from Twilight.

“8 seconds” he reminded himself “I’ve got 8 seconds” as he continued to charge the strength of his spell.





The sentry began charging its beam attack once more.



NOW!” Blaze yelled as he fired his spell directly at the crystal lens on the sentry. A magical mass of glue-like consistency coated the lens just before the beam was fired. With the magical energy not able to break through the barrier, the sentry began to crack and shake.

Twilight, hearing her cue dove to Blaze and lit up a force field just as the sentry exploded. Sending debris everywhere and hitting them with a powerful shockwave. And with Twilight being so weakened already, her shield shattered and the two were sent flying backwards.

After a moment, Twilight lifted her head and looked back to find the alarm had been switched off and the lights were back to normal. And their spherical friend in pieces, shattered across the room. A sudden jolt of energy allowed her to push her to half up as he looked to Blaze, who was stirring into consciousness “We did it…..WE DID IT!!!!” Twilight yelled in his face with a loud triumphant laugh “I can’t believe your plan worked!! I’m so sorry for doubting you, you rea-“

“No problem, but can you get off me now? Please?” Blaze strained as Twilight looked down and realised that she had landed on top of him and was currently sitting on his barrel with her front hooves pressed into his chest.

Feeling her face become flushed, she quickly climbed off of him and looked away embarrassed “S-sorry. Are you okay?” She asked him in a concerned voice.

“I’ll live,” he said, pulling himself to his hooves “What about you? You okay?”

“Y-yeah. I think so, just a little banged up” She responded, while she wasn’t seriously injured she’d still need to see a doctor.

Blaze gave a relieved sigh “Good, that's good. Now; ARE YOU AN IDIOT!!!” He suddenly yells, making Twilight jump. And leaving her confused.


He continued, as Twilight just stared at him, of all the outcomes that she predicted, getting scolded like a filly that ran away from home was not her first guess. Since becoming a princess, nopony would never think to speak to her that way, but then there was this stallion. Who was telling her off for putting her life in danger so carelessly, it was very strange to say, but it was almost refreshing.

Blaze, finishing his rant took a deep breath in and let it out slowly to calm himself “Next time I won’t be there to help so please just think”

Twilight was honestly a little lost for words and didn’t know how to respond. Does she apologise? Thank him? She wasn’t used to being so tongue-tied “What is wrong with you? Just thank him already” she thought to herself.

“I-I uh, thank you and uh s-sorry for the trouble.”

“Nice one Twilight” she thought to herself as she gives herself a mental facehoof.

“It’s no problem, just don’t let it happen again. For your own sake” he said turning to leave “Now I can go get my saddlebag back from that lab” he realised.

“Wait!” Twilight called, grabbing her saddlebags and following after him “I want to thank you properly, you saved my life. So thank you, and again I’m truly sorry for the trouble”

Looking towards her for a second Blaze responds with a small sigh “It’s no problem, you sure you’re okay?” He asks, noting her slight limb.

“Yeah, I’ll see a doctor once I get back to Ponyvile. I certainly have a lot of explaining to do” she said with a small laugh “I never got your name by the way, I’m-“

“Princess Twilight Sparkle, I read about you in the paper,” he said keeping with eyes forward before glancing her way “I’m Blazing Comet”

“Well, it’s a pleasure to meet you Mr Comet,” Twilight said with a smile, trying to bring up his mood.

“Please just call me Blaze, princess” he responds.

“In that case, please just call me Twilight,” she said, hopeful that he wouldn’t be afraid to call her by her first name. Though he didn’t seem his he would be.

“Whatever you say Twilight” It’d been a while since he’s spoken to a pony with status who didn’t want to be referred to by their noble title. It was honestly a little refreshing, even if she was just like this because he saved her.

Eventually, they come to the crossroads and Twilight is confused to see Blaze continue down the hall “Isn’t the exit this way?” She asks.

“Yeah but I left my bags down the hall” he answered as they continued onwards until they reached the still-closed lab door.

“Oh no, that door is closed. Do you have a way in?” Twilight asked with concern, as far as she knows have no way of opening it.

Blaze walked over and touched it with his hoof, the door opening at this touch “You tell me.”

Twilight was dumbfounded at the doors opening so easily for Blaze “This stallion has a lot of explaining to do” so thought as she followed him into the room. Only to be stunned to see a perfectly intact research lap, she almost tried to throw herself at the desk with Blaze practically dragging her away.

He had her sit on a desk chair while to took out his first aid kit and checked her over. Not finding any serious injuries, he gets to work cleaning and bandaging her cuts and scrapes. Twilight just watched him work in silence.

“Okay, so that should hold you together until you see a doctor. Here, drink this” he said passing her a healing potion “That should speed up your recovery.”

Twilight gives him a thankful smile “He’s a little rough-and-tumble, but he seems kind.” she thought to herself “Thank you” she said before taking a drink. At that moment, she almost immediately wanted to take her thanks and kind thoughts back; feeling sick at the taste of the foul liquid, she let out a loud gag and started retching at the bitter taste in my mouth.

She give him a scowl for the ages as he just laughed at her “Sorry, I was going to warn you but I just had to see the look on your face” he said, continuing to laugh.

“I take back everything nice I thought about you.” Twilight thought as she looked away with a pout.

Seeing her face, Blaze’s laughter slows before he comes up with an idea. He takes the rest of the healing potion and finishes it, not holding back his gag at the awful taste.

Seeing his face twist as he finishes the potion, Twilight lets out a small giggle which turns into a full-blown laugh “Okay, that was funny.”

The two laughed together at their mutual disgust. Eventually, the two began to set off down the hallway again; though Blaze had to drag Twilight away from the desk again “You can come back later”

As they made their way out, they told each other the story of their coming to the vault and how they got inside. After telling her about the timber wolf attack, she looked to his bandaged leg where the timber wolf has bitten him, which had now started to bleed through “You really should see a doctor about that” with a voice of concern.

“I’ll be fine. I’m tougher than I look” Blaze said nonchalantly.

“I’m serious, it could be infected,” Twilight said with a serious tone.

“Let’s just focus on you for the moment,” he said, changing the subject “Why are you here in the first place? Don’t you have like, guards to protect you in these situations?” One thing Blaze had never seen before was a noble pony in an even remotely hazardous environment without a full security detail with them.

Twilight shifted uncomfortably, both Princess Celestia and her brother had tried to get her a full-time guard squadron when she declined to move to a Canterlot castle. The thought of ponies always keeping an eye on her was suffocating, she already felt distant from normal ponies but that would make it infinitely worse “N-no I don’t. I don’t want to have to be constantly surrounded by ponies that are only there to keep an eye on me.”

“Then who protects your castle?” Blaze found himself interested in what she had to say, another first for him when it came to noble ponies.

“I-I don’t live in a castle…I live in a library, in Ponyville. The day I moved here was the day I met my best friends, I couldn’t abandon them to kind in a castle far away from them” Twilight felt herself smile as she recalled that first day in Ponyville, with no friends, save for Spike and no interest in anything other than her studies. Until she met the 5 ponies that changed her life and the way she saw the world for the better. She owes them everything “Without my friends, I wouldn’t be a princess. But more importantly, I wouldn’t be as happy as I am now”

Her words dumbfounded Blaze, who found himself at a complete loss for words. Never in a million years would he expect such a genuine, beautiful sentiment from a noble, let alone royalty “You are fascinating, Twilight”

“What?” Twilight asked a little caught off guard at his comment.

“I’m not the biggest fan of nobility; but I think I can safely say your nothing like the stuck-up, spoiled ponies that cling to the titles they did nothing to deserve. But you did earn a royal title and you are still so modest, is honestly impressive” he said with a genuine smile.

Twilight felt a small blush appear on her face at his praise, it didn’t feel like the flank kissing that he had seen from nobles in Canterlot. Nor was it like the obligatory compliments she got from everyday ponies, it was genuine and heartfelt.

“T-Thank you, though I wasn’t just being modest when I said owed my friends for where I am today. Maybe you could meet them and decide for yourself?” She asked hopefully.

“Maybe. Come on, I’ll take you back in my cart.” Blaze said as they exited the vault and he brought his cart from the trees. Once he did he showed her inside, showed her the one-room tour and left to go pool the cart along.

Twilight looked around at the modest cart, sitting at his desk. She looked out the window as her mind walked over the last few hours, thankful that Blaze showed up when we did. He was a strangle pony, he didn’t seem to care that she was a princess and he certainly wasn’t afraid to speak his mind. She thought about how he was able to open the vault doors. And how he was so ready to step in and save her. Just then; Coco jumped onto the desk, scowling at the stranger in her home “Oh hello there” said Twilight in surprise, before very slowly trying to pet the cautious cat. Coco reluctantly accepted the pets before slowly melting into Twilight’s lap to go for a nap, purring. Something Twilight could only giggle at “Kinda like your owner, grumpy.” she thought as the cat melted at her touch. But sweet.” She smiled as she looked out the window towards the pony pulling them onward.

Author's Note:

A bigger chapter than usual. Hope it turned out alright haha