• Published 17th Apr 2023
  • 663 Views, 23 Comments

A New Adventure - Late2TheGame

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Chapter 3 - A night to forget [Edited]

Blaze, to his dismay, was suddenly awoken from another dreamless sleep by the sound of the apartment door opening. Sitting up, he can hear the sound of two ponies having a conversation.

“Man you can’t be serious. If he’s got all that money, why’s he spending it on a night out again?” A masculine voice asked.

Blaze turned around to see JJ and a tall, earth pony stallion with chestnut brown coat and a mid-length, curly black mane, Smokey. “I mean you can just stay home if you want. I’m no gonna force you to enjoy my money” Blaze answered with a smirk while claiming off the couch.

Smokey raised an eyebrow as he walked toward his friend. “Well if that’s how you’re gonna be, spend away.” He said with a smile, offering an outstretched hoof.

Returning the hoofbump, Blaze gave a small laugh. “I like that energy but we gotta wait for Nimbus. JJ, what time does he get off of work again?” He asks, turning to their host.

“In like an hour, we can chill here until he gets back.” JJ answered, carrying a couple bottles of cider in his wings, giving them to his guests before going back into the kitchen to get one himself.

The three shared a drink, catching up on lost time while they waited for the forth and last member of their group to arrive.

About an hour and a half later. The door to the front door opens, followed by a tenor voice calling into the apartment “JJ, I’m home! Do you wanna grab a pizza or something? I’m starv-“

Walking into the living room, Nimbus was met with two of his friends, JJ and Smokey, having a heated discussion about a card game. Looking like it was about to get violent, Nimbus readies himself to step in but was interrupted by a third voice from his side.

“No no, let them fight.” Blaze said with a grin, stopping his friend from ruining preventing a brawl, the two stallions yelling about house rules and bad shuffling.

“Blaze! When did you get here?” Nimbus called excitedly, leaping toward and pulling his much taller friend into a tight hug.

Nimbus was a short, sky blue pegasus with a long blonde mane. He wasn’t the most masculine looking guy and next to his friends, in fact he had been mistaken for a mare on one occasion before, much to the total amusement of his friends. Nimbus however, didn’t find it that funny, opting to try and strangle the poor stallion that clearly had one drink too many.

“Just got here, I sent a letter a day or two ago. Did JJ no tell you I was coming?” Blaze responded with a chuckle, returning the hug with one of his forelegs.

“No, he did not. JJ! Why didn’t you tell me about his?” Nimbus asked through gritted teeth, separating the hug.

Hearing the angered voice, JJ gulped and turned to his small roommate with a nervous smile. “H-hey Nimbus! I-I thought I did tell you, didn’t I?” He asked, sinking into his seat, earning a small laugh from Smokey.

“No. You didn’t.” Nimbus said, leaning close into his friends face.

S-sorry man. But w-what’s done is done and he’s here now so sit down and take a load off!” JJ says a little more enthusiastically, hoping to calm his friend down.

Nimbus let’s out a long sigh as Blaze passes him a cider from the kitchen. “Thank you Blaze. Okay fine, but you’re paying for my drinks tonight JJ, not Blaze”

At his words, JJ nearly choked on his cider. Blaze and Smokey just laughed at JJ’s punishment “C-come on bro! I said I was sorry”

“Well Blaze usually pays for everypony’s drinks so it’s only fair, right guys?” He asked the other half of the group, who take one look at their friend before deciding his fate.

“Absolutely.” they say in unison, earning a defeated groan from JJ.

That night was spent travelling from bar to bar, club to club, overstaying their welcome and finally a shot at the casino. Blaze didn’t have the best track record with casinos so he just watched his friends and frank some more. After a while he left to the outdoor smoking area, he didn’t smoke but he needed to catch his breath.

A minute later he was joined by Nimbus, who pulled out a cigarette and stood with Blaze by the balcony looking out into the city. “It looks like another unforgettable night, sponsored by Blazing Comet.” He said with a small smile and taking a draw. “You know, we talk about these nights all the time.”

“Really now, When?” Blaze asked, not taking his eyes off the city lights, it must be around 3am but the city is still so alive.

“While you’re out there, in the world. We tell everyone we know about these amazing nights.” Nimbus shoots with a small chuckle, before his smile drops slightly “Before you go and disappear for weeks at a time. W-why don’t you stay for longer this time? I- The guys miss you when your not here.” He said, clearing his throat.

Blaze gave him a dry chuckle “You mean they miss my money.”

“Blaze, you know that’s not true. We love you and wouldn’t care if you didn’t have money.” Nimbus tried to reassure his friend, reaching out a hoof to his.

Blaze gets out a small sigh, getting up to head back into the casino. “Thanks Nimbus, but I think I’m gonna turn in for the night. I’m a little tired, tell the guys I said goodnight.” He was exhausted, and not having the energy to pretend otherwise decided now was the time to call it a night.

“…Goodnight, Blaze.” Nimbus said, watching Blaze walk back into the casino before letting out a sigh.

On his way back to JJ’s apartment (he knew where JJ kept his spare key), Blaze heard a rustling from a trash can in an alleyway to his left. Drunken curiosity wanted to know if it was a raccoon or hobo, so he stayed and watched carefully as the trash can eventually tipped over revealing a dirty, tortoiseshell cat. Seeing the unicorn, she jumped to her paws, hissing at him.

Blaze looks directly into the cats eyes.

And she looks at him.

And he looks at her.

And she looks at him.

And he looks at her.

And she looks at him.

And he looks at her.

And she looks at him.

Later, the rest of the party return to the apartment, stumbling as the try to squeeze through the for at the same time.

“Get-*hic*-out of my way, fatass.” JJ said to Smokey, who tried to push JJ back with his hoof.

“Whooo in Tartarus are you calling fat?! *hic*.” He spat back at him.

“Why is this my life?” Nimbus complained, sandwiched between the two drunken idiots, forgetting that he was also drunk off his mind and stuck in the door.

Just when all hope was lost, the three were enveloped in a golden magical aura and pulled into the apartment. With a chuckle Blaze walked into the view of his now grateful friends.

“Thanks for that one man, I though we-“ JJ began to thank him but cut himself off at what he saw. “…why do you have a cat?”

Blaze stood there, with a now clean and fed tortoiseshell cat sleeping on his withers.

“Her name is Coco, and she’s my baby now.” was all the drunken response Blaze could manage before heading into the couch.

“Where’d he get a cat?” Smokey asked.

“I have no idea…” Nimbus said, just as clueless.

“Whatever, I’m going to bed. Night” JJ said, accepting the new truth, that Blaze has a cat now.

“Yeah, I think I’ll turn in too. Night guys” Nimbus says, having faith the police won’t be knocking on his door about a stolen cat.

“Night guys.” Smokey responds before realising something.

“Wait…where am I supposed to sleep?”