• Published 29th Apr 2023
  • 165 Views, 5 Comments

The Usual Suspects - Visharo

Set in a Cyberpunk Equestria, a crime has been committed and the Equestrian Investigative Bureau are here to find out how, by bringing in the suspects.

  • ...

Suspect 008

"That mare was really nice. Right, last but not least, Suspect 008! I'm so tired. Suspect is a beast of a stallion, heavy augments, et cetera et cetera. Cutie mark is unknown, eye color unknown. Mane and tail are blood red, isn't that interesting."

*heavy sigh*

"Sending him in."

*door opens*

*heavy tromping*

*door closes*

*heavy thud*

*wood creaks*


"Stallion. May I ask your name?"


"Okay, Brutus."

*deep rumbling laughter*

"What's so funny?"


"HEY, I said what's so funny!"

*laughter subsides*

"What's so funny, little greaser? Tell me, do you trust in machines?"

"What do you mean?"

"That one, over there. Do you trust it?"

"The lie detector? I suppose I have to. Why do you ask?"

"Oh, no reason, just making sure."


"You done? Good. What were you doing on April 20th?"

"I'm sure you know, after all, you brought us all here."


"Aw, poor little greaser hasn't figured it out yet. Perhaps I should give a hint. What tells the truth, but really was telling a lie this entire time?"

"Fuck you, I don't have time for this shit. Just answer the question."

"What was I doing on April 20th? Well, let's see. I gathered my crew and we set our plan in motion. One would get the surprise food, one would get the poison, one would deliver the poisoned food, one would 'panic' and open the door, one would slip right in, one would cover the escape route, and lastly one would be the escape."

"Are you done spewing nonsense? Just say it to me all straight like."

"I think not."

*wood creaks*

"Put your fucking hooves off the table. You better tell me what I want to know, or I'll call the shock unicorns."

"Heh, I already told you everything you need to know, but if you want to shock me still, go ahead."






"Fuck you, that alone should've dropped you to your knees!"

"What can I say, I'm just a big. 'Ol. Fucker."



"Oh, would you look at that. The greaser finally figured it out. That's my cue to leave."

"Hold it right there!"

"I think not!"



*glass shatters*

*pained yell*

*more gunshots*



*large boom*

*debris falling everywhere*




Author's Note:

And we come to our conclusion! Hoped you enjoyed it! This certainly was different.

Comments ( 5 )

I mean I thought it was pretty obvious a few chapters ago.

Then you're smart!

A very fun caper, could use a little tightening grammatically, but aside from that an enjoyable read. The interview format coupled with a dual reading gimmick offers a read-again factor that many fics lack, while the dialogue alone gives us an idea of how crap sack this world is.

Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it.

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