• Published 6th May 2023
  • 556 Views, 49 Comments

For the Girl Who Has Everything - Revel Montaro

What do you get the person in your life after being together for 100 years? Sunset Shimmer racks her brain to come up with the perfect gift that turns into an out of this world adventure and more than they both expected.

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Chapter 2: Homecoming

Sunset found Twilight Sparkle where she had expected to find her, at the desk in their suite with the balcony door open letting the sea breeze blow around the room. Though her computer had a touch screen it also had a virtual reality/augmented reality interface. It was not the first time Sunset had found her wife using her goggles and interactive gloves, doing her best impression of leading a tech orchestra or trying to move or grab things that only she could see. Sunset always found it adorable when she was in the zone.

At the sound of their hotel door closing loudly Twilight turned and raised her eyewear, smiling brightly at her wife. The expression quickly changed to one of worry when Sunset Shimmer had reached for their luggage and began to pack their clothes from the provided dresser drawers. Admittedly, starting off by saying, “We need to go to Canterlot City immediately,” had not been the best way to start the conversation. Color had drained from Twilight's face as she had feared the worst and began smacking Sunset in the arm, which she rightly deserved, for scaring her. Once checked out and in the privacy of their rental car heading back to Miami, Sunset explained in greater detail what was going on and what they needed to do.

As Sunset had predicted, Twilight had a small panic attack after explaining her proposal. At least it had not involved striking the driver while her arms flailed and pulled at her hair. Then, quicker than expected, Twilight began weighing the pros and cons of the entire situation. Sunset listened as her wife recited the information they knew thus far while keeping her eyes on the road ahead. After a few minutes, Twilight took several meditative deep breaths and proceeded to contact Aurora for greater details on the situation.

Their daughter forwarded all the necessary company emails and details on what they knew thus far. Twilight, through practice or luck, did not get carsick while reading and caught up in a little over an hour. She next bought boarding passes for her and Sunset to take the next available evening flight home.

Home. Twight thought. Yes, it is still home. At least, in my heart. She glanced to Sunset whose eyes were glued to the road ahead. I’m sure Sunny thinks the same.

“Sunset,” Twilight began, closing her apps and staring out over the water of the overseas highway. “I have a question.”

Sunset spared a glance and smirked. “Go for it.”

“Why did Aurora contact you about this instead of me?” Twilight arched her brow inquisitively when she watched her wife squirm ever so slightly. She did not wish to cause Sunset discomfort, but she had a sneaking suspicion that the fire haired woman had set the current reactive steps in motion. Obviously, she did not need to know, but the timing just screamed, 'Sunset Shimmer half baked plan.' “I won’t be mad, I promise.”

“I wasn't so much worried about you being mad. I just… okay, so I told you all the things Aurora told me and what we need to do, but we got on the subject because I brought the space station up to begin with.”

“Okay, I can see that. But why?” More squirming and fidgeting. Twilight could tell she was debating on what to say. After so many decades she had learned the Language of Sunset Shimmer as fluently as she had the twenty other languages she could speak. “It has to do with the present you went looking for, correct?”

“It…” Sunset sighed and groaned. “It was supposed to BE the present itself. Take you to space. See the stars. I know you have always wanted to go. Celestia knows we have talked about it more than once. Granted, it was supposed to be for fun and now it sounds like it will be more a working vacation.”

Twilight turned her face back to her window in a futile attempt to hide her blush. She had to take her glasses off to wipe her eyes that had started to get misty. She knows me so well. Goddess, I love this woman. “When I was little and my dad and I would look up at the stars with our telescopes, I would name the constellations and individual stars and planets to show how much it all meant to me. I would tell him that I wanted to be an astronaut. That I wanted to do science in space and push the edge of human understanding and exploration. Dad, being dad, would tell me that I could do anything if I studied hard and put my mind to it.”

Sunset smiled, taking a moment to glance over at Twilight who continued to stare out over the ocean, lost in reminisce. “So, why didn’t you pursue that more if it meant so much to you?”

“A few reasons. Mainly because the idea of being strapped to a massive rocket that was basically an intercontinental ballistic missile meant for world annihilation terrified the living crap out of me. Then you add in that the physical training astronauts have to go through and my crummy eyesight. Well, it just seemed like a pipe dream that was too far out of reach in my lifetime and I could still do good work and science here on the ground.” Twilight placed her hand on Sunset’s right leg and gave it a few strokes. The goldenrod woman practically purred at the delightful touch.

“And now?”

“And now, my beautiful, amazing wife and wonderful daughter are going to help me not only go to space, but to the space station that I helped design. No way am I going to let fear stop me from see it for myself.”

Sunset Shimmer beamed, her toothy smile so wide it almost hurt. “That’s my Twilight.”


By the time Sunset and Twilight arrived in Canterlot City it was too late to speak with Aurora. Without hesitation, they instead booked a room at their preferred hotel and turned in for the remainder of the night. It had been a long day of travel and even Sunset was too exhausted for late evening frisky activities.

The next morning, following breakfast, Sunset and Twilight retrieved two new identification cards and credentials from their safety deposit box. Sunset had chosen to risk her Sunbeam Glow alias, since it was her least favorite, and Twilight had selected her Starlight Moondance identification. When Sunset asked if it was her least favorite Twilight simply shrugged, swishing her hand back and forth and made for the exit.

While Sunset was specifically unsure how Twilight cycled out their identifications, what she did know was that it was a complex and highly illegal process that she had become an expert at doing and knew better than to disturb her wife while she did so. Years ago, Sunset’s curiosity had been piqued enough to inquire how Twilight was able to complete such a task. The closest thing she received to an answer was, “I have my ways and just be glad I helped lay the foundations to most of these software programs. Otherwise, we might have been caught.” Sunset was not entirely sure what that meant and software programing and hacking were not her expertise anyhow, so she let it slide. She preferred more physical, hands on sort of tasks such as hot wiring a car. They both knew how to do that and it had come in handy once when things got unusually complicated in Hong Kong a few decades ago.

Complicated. Sunset thought with a humorless, mental laugh. Kind of like how things this trip could become complicated. Oh, who am I kidding. This is on a whole ‘nother level of ‘complicated’. Aurora was right, I probably should have just said nothing and forgotten about the whole thing…

“I know what you are thinking,” Twilight said as she finished up her work and set her computer to standby. She turned to look up at Sunset, adjusted her glasses, and smiled lovingly. Sunset could feel her cheeks heating up at the look, even after all these years.

“Oh yeah?”

“Mmmhmm. You are second guessing yourself.” Sunset blinked, mouth hanging open slightly. “You always second guess a big decision when it might drag friends and family into trouble. Remember the family vacation to Mexico that ended with us having to literally run for the embassy? Of course you remember. Your eidetic memory and all. What I mean is, you are still trying to carry all the weight of a decision on your back alone. Just like you have always done, silly pony.”

Sunset chuckled and shrugged. There was no need to argue against the truth. “Guilty. I guess I just get worried about things going sideways because of my dumbass ideas.”

Twilight took Sunset’s hand and guided her over to the bed. She moved to lie down and pulled the taller woman down to lie upon her. Sunset did not struggle against it in the least. She simply followed her wife’s wordless directions and snuggled up close, her head upon Twilight’s chest, listening to her rhythmic heartbeat thump and thump away. It was a soothing, heavenly beat... and the pillows were nice as well.

Silence lingered for several minutes while Sunset snuggled close and Twilight ran her fingers through the long, fiery waves of hair, only snagging a few times. Sunset never was a perfectionist when it came to brushing her hair. Once finally certain that her goddess of a wife was calm and moaning pleasurably at the attention, Twilight whispered, “It will be okay, Sunny. I want to do this.”

Sunset sat up, stared into deep pools of amethyst, and leaned forward for a kiss. Just a small peck of a kiss, but it was all the assurance they needed of one another. “Okay. Let’s do this.”

Sunset rolled over so that Twilight could lift her phone and call Aurora to tell her they were ready.

An hour later, Sunset and Twilight were walking along a street they knew all too well. Sunset asked the taxi to drop them off at the street corner as they walked towards the house that had once been theirs. When they had purchased the home, it had been only mostly finished and in need of additional modification and renovation. A custom model that the original owner never finished paying for and was in danger of demolition and starting over from the foundation. Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle saw its potential and made it their own.

Though the trees along the sidewalk had grown immensely over the last century, the neighborhood had not changed much. The houses and property in this part of Canterlot City were considered highly sought after to the point of coveted now. Because of that desire, many of the homes had endured even through additional upgrades and renovations. Some were even older than theirs and were classified as historical and protected from too many such modifications.

Though Twilight and Sunset always wanted to see their daughter It had come as a surprise when Aurora had instructed her mothers to come by in person instead of handling everything over the phone or through couriers. She had assured Sunset and Twilight that it would be fine since everyone else was out of the house at work or school other than herself, her son, Timber Hill, and the support staff who, even if they did recognize them, were unlikely to say anything. Assuming they were just younger relatives with coincidental similarities to some of the pictures on the walls. They knew better than to pry.

One of the housekeepers opened the electric gate and met Sunset and Twilight at the door. They both nodded and said thank you and the woman nodded in kind. The middle aged woman informed them that Aurora was upstairs in her room. She offered to escort them but they declined, knowing exactly where to go. With nothing else to say the housekeeper returned to her duties. Sunset and Twilight glanced at one another and continued up the stairs.

Ever since Aurora moved back in for in home care she had reclaimed her old bedroom. It was not quite as large as the master bedroom, but was respectable in size with a full walk-in closet, room for a home office in the corner, and entertainment center that also included shelves for books. It did have to share a bathroom with the room next to it, which had been Sunna’s, but had more than enough room for both of them. Or had. Sunna still lived with her daughter, Lilly Dawn, out of state. That was a heated debate for another day.

The moment Sunset knocked on the door she heard Aurora call out. The elderly woman was sitting up in her bed with AR goggles on while she worked on two different computers at once that were sitting on two slide tables on either side of her bed, one hand on each touch screen keyboard.

“I’m almost finished here. Give me a moment.”

Sunset gently elbowed Twilight. “She still multitasks like you do.”

Instead of commenting, Twilight chose to walk around the room she had not seen in person in years. The walls were mostly covered with photos of people Aurora had met from her career as a state senator and other political functions. There were also, of course photos of friends and family, her three children taking up the majority of those. Twilight paused at one photo that was tucked in the corner, nearly invisible to those around them of Aurora holding her first born, Twilight Breeze. She was surrounded by family. Sunna was up front with her face right next to baby Breeze while Sunset and Twilight were both hugging their daughters. Behind them, were Celestia and Luna, the retired princesses from Equestria smiling brightly, as happy as could be that they were included in the festivities and that the mirror had serendipitously opened only a week after Twilight Breeze had been born. It was one of the only photos they had in their collection of the two elder alicorns in the human world. Sunset had a copy on her phone and cloud drive.

“You’re all set.” Twilight turned back to her daughter just as she closed the lids on both computers and set the goggles and gloves on the table to her right. “I added your identifications to our official contractor database. That was more for formality at the checkpoints. Dotting the eyes, crossing the tees kind of crap. What was more important was filling in your background logs. In order to be allowed to visit and work at the station you normally would have needed certifications in zero gee training environments, NASA basic aeronautical simulations, and probably a few trips on the ‘vomit comet’ just to test your ability to handle working in a weightless environment.”

Twilight arched a brow. “But the station has artificial gravity, or at least it was supposed to by this point. Did something happen to the gyrocycle I designed?”

Aurora shook her head. “Not yet, but they like having people prepared. Even computer technicians. Truth is, there is no telling what system might fail next. Gravity and oxygen generation failure would be grounds to abandon the station with almost no chance for recovery. Let’s all hope it does not come to that. Anyhow, you have clearance papers in your emails that you will need to present several times, including to get your badges and flight gear. You can’t take any more than a duffle bag worth of clothes and personal items so pack light. You won’t need tools, but if you have any special hardware or software tricks that might fix this I suggest you load them on a personal device. Any questions?”

“A few, but I’d like to start with how are you doing, kiddo?”

Aurora smiled at Sunset and sighed. “I’m okay, Mama. Just tired all the time now and having to always keep an eye on the younger ones to make sure they don’t forget about me. Plus, I have to take like twelve pills a day. This one tastes like chalk covered vomit. And look at the size of this one. If it were any bigger it would be a suppository.” Sunset and Twilight both cringed.


“Yeah.” Aurora snapped her pruned, elderly fingers. “Oh, one more thing. Don't get mad, but it might be a good idea if you leave your wedding rings here.”

Twilight quirked and eyebrow and turned her head. “Why?”

“Yeah, that’s not happening,” said Sunset with quiet yet firm finality to her words. “I only take this thing off to clean it or for emergencies. I even leave it on when my hand turns into a hoof.”

“Fine, fine. I was just trying to keep things simple. Don’t go all demon bitch on me. If anyone asks, just say you are married to someone, just not to each other. It’s not a bigotry or phobia thing, before you ask. While not an on the book rule, it is a general company policy not to station couples together in the same environment or department in case relationship issues hinder the work. So, just lay low on that front to preserve your covers and don’t go smooching every chance you get or try to have sex in space. I’m specifically referring to you in this regard, Mama.”

Sunset blew a raspberry. “You’re no fun anymore.”

“It would probably not be much fun anyhow, Sunny. If working properly, the gyrocycle would make the station feel like or close to Earth standard graving. And in a zero gee environment, the lack of gravity and inertial resistance means that a single, unsecured bump or thrust could send you flying across the room until you hit the far wall.” Twilight grabbed Sunset’s hand and took Aurora’s with her other and gave them both a gentle squeeze. “Anyhow, thank you for this, my little star. I know you did not want us to get involved, but we still love you and our family and would do anything to help or protect you. All of you.”

“Also, you mom reeeeeeally wants to go to space.”


Aurora smiled and reached out to take Sunset’s free hand as well to close the circle. “I appreciate the sentiment and that you are willing to take the risks. I’m hoping it’s just a bug in the software and that you can fix it fast. If that ends up being the case, there is a resupply shuttle that will arrive at the station in four weeks. You will have privileged access and can leave on that shuttle fading quietly into the background. Otherwise, you will end up staying for the remainder of the four month crew rotation. Try not to do that. It might risk your covers being compromised. Also…”

“Yes?” Sunset asked at the unusually long pause.

“Mama, while mom deals with the computers you should look at as much of the hardware junctions as possible. Obviously checking the whole station will not be possible at this point, but just look for anything strange. And, while I hope I am wrong about this, keep an eye on the crew and how they are behaving. You know, suspicious behavior and things that rub you the wrong way. I don’t want to jump to the conclusion of sabotage, but things were running so smoothly for so long it is not beyond the realm of possible. There is a lot of money and reputation at stake here. You know how some people can get when those two things are at the head.”

Sunset grimaced. “Yeah, we know all too well.”

“I’m sorry if I sound like I am just barking orders at you. Just… I love you both so damn much. Please, watch out for one another.”

Both Sunset and Twilight nodded. Sunset smirked and added, “We always do. Gotta say though, it does feel a little strange to be ordered around by my own daughter. I wonder if this how Celestia feels around me sometimes.”

“I think it's the gray hair and grandma has lots of it now. Us old biddies just get so used to telling people what to do that we come by it naturally. I would apologize, but I figured you would understand.”

“We do,” said Twilight.

Aurora nodded and smiled. “You better get packing. The private plane to take you to the Slingshot takes off in just under two hours.

Twilight’s eyes grew to twice their previous size and her jaw hung open. “Oh my God… the Slingshot?!”

“Well, yeah. How else did you think we were going to launch you, Mom? They only do Canaveral vertical launches for satellites these days. Sheesh, try to keep up with the times.”

“Um…” Sunset knew she was going to regret it, but asked anyway. “I know I should know this, but what’s the ‘Slingshot’?”


As Sunset Shimmer had expected from her comment, Twilight had filled her in on what the Slingshot was. Sunset, in her defense, HAD remembered Twilight describing the project when it was first proposed, but that it had a different name then. It had taken near a decade to build and while Sparkle Tech had provided most of the software for the launch facility, they had sold the designs and manufacturing rights to the government who contracted out several other firms, but only after the location of the Slingshot had been debated and fought over for almost twenty years before ground broke on that decade long build.

“That was why I had no intention of ever seeing the project through,” Twilight finished with a wave of her hand as their back were pressed into their plush seats and the pair were once again in the air. Sunset was briefly thankful that neither she nor Twilight got airsick or suffered greatly from jetlag.

Their cross-country flight had made good time and had landed at LAX Los Angeles for a crew change and fuel. Traveling West always felt odd with the time changes adding back to the clock. After the brief pitstop, they were once again in the air heading for the open water of the Pacific Ocean.

“Location was the hard part you said. Something to do with the noise. The shockwave, right?”

Twilight nodded and settled comfortably into her chair as they started to level off. She always loved the intimacy of the chair layout as she reclined back for the long flight happily being directly across from Sunset Shimmer. It was, admittedly, odd to be riding in a Sparkle Tech company jet again after so many years. Thankfully, Twilight had never insisted on having her face plastered everywhere on everything even as the company founder unlike some egocentric individuals. Otherwise, more people may have recognized her by chance.

“When a speeding object breaks the sound barrier quickly it creates a sonic boom, the shockwave you just said. The idea behind the Slingshot was to negate that shockwave. Make it more affordable to launch objects to space using a unique method that did not require expensive and dangerous rocket fuels. Plus, less stress on the vehicles so they could be reused more often. My first design models were based off the hover trains from Japan. As I understand they only changed a few things. Of course, in order to make those launches affordable, eco-friendly, and even possible it still requires a lot of power and a LOT of runway.”

“Hence, why it is over water.”

Twilight beamed. She loved talking science and technology with her wife. She never had to explain her vision, Sunset was just that smart and imaginative she understood. And even if she did not get all of it, she politely followed along. “The mag-drive rail is over eight hundred kilometers long and completely enclosed. No major country was going to dedicated that much initial cost and open land even with the substantial revenue from regular space flight. But a small island nation where most of its territory is just open water and the rail is high enough not to affect the environment? Absolutely.”

“How long till we get there?”

Twilight could have done the calculations, but she chose instead to just lean back in her seat, take her glasses off, and close her eyes. “A while. These jets do have supersonic cruise, but we have to reach the designated zones for them to get up to that speed.”

Sunset nodded and stuck her earbuds in, clicking the play button on her phone.

Not much had been said on the flight and the crew had no need to disturb their passengers until they were on approach. Sunset and Twilight chose to catch up on some lost sleep through most of the flight and a light meal of snack packs not long before landing in South Tarawa.

While Twilight stretched and grabbed her bag, Sunset took a moment to slip her black, faux leather jacket back on. Twilight would have pointed out that they were on a chain of islands near the Earth’s equator and that it never got that cold, but she knew better after so many years together. Sunset loved jackets. It was just her thing.

“So, what’s the plan?”

Twilight thanked the flight crew with a smile and a wave before answering. “There should be a car out in front of customs waiting to take us to the hotel. After that, we can do whatever we want to relax or prepare. We need to report to the launch site base the day after tomorrow for preflight briefing and just hope the nice weather holds out so we are not delayed.”

Sunset nodded, turning her eyes to the fading daylight where the sun had already retreated. Even from the airfield she could hear the crashing ocean and smell the salt in the air. She was also impressed they had landed so smoothly in such crosswinds and turned back to give her own thanks to the talented flight crew.

“So, another hotel along another beach with the smartest and sexiest woman in the world. Yeah, I’m cool with that,” said Sunset, wrapping her arm behind her wife’s back, the left hand sliding down until she found a handful of butt cheek and gave it a playful squeeze. Twilight giggled briefly before walking towards the arrivals terminal.

"Me too."

Author's Note:

Happy Mother's Day weekend to those that celebrate or take part in it. My parents are visiting tomorrow so posting tonight.

I think at some point I would like to add a picture of Sunset, Twilight, and elder Aurora together. I think that would be touching. Maybe even just as an ink or pencil drawing. We'll see. So, I'll give more details on the Slingshot in the next chapter, but also a bit more here as well. Since the science is part of this story I did some research to make it as "plausible" as possible while still making it flow smoothly.

Try to imagine a cylindrical launch tube big enough for a space shuttle sized vehicle to fit in. It is then magnetically accelerated to 16,000 KPH or nearly 10,000 MPH and does that in less than a thousand kilometers or 620 miles. Yeah. Suck on that Tom Cruise. It requires special chairs to keep you from turning to paste and is only possible because the tube is empty. All the air is pumped out so on drag, no air resistance. You know, until you pop out the end like a bullet and then... BOOM!

More on that next chapter along with some new characters along for the ride.

Questions? Comments?