• Published 6th May 2023
  • 556 Views, 49 Comments

For the Girl Who Has Everything - Revel Montaro

What do you get the person in your life after being together for 100 years? Sunset Shimmer racks her brain to come up with the perfect gift that turns into an out of this world adventure and more than they both expected.

  • ...

Chapter 6: Revelations

Sunset Shimmer had a feeling things were about to get... awkward. Or at the least, uncomfortable. Since the trip began, she and the crew pilot and military attaché, Eagle Eye, had been bumping and grinding in all the wrong ways. The moment he opened his mouth to pry she knew it would not get better, but it was also unavoidable. He was clearly not the type to take everything at face value.

As they traversed the plain halls Sunset made a point to travel either by his side or a step or two behind, but never where she could not see him or that he could eye her up outside of her periphery. Such had been necessary on more than one passing where someone was coming the other direction. Sunset had a sudden and deep desire to detour to her cabin and retrieve her jacket, not because she was cold, but because she wanted to shove her hands into the coat pockets.

Sure, the coverall jump suit had pockets, but it was not the same! They were not at the right height and Sunset always felt a level of aloof comfort from being able to shove her hands into her pockets. She could ball them up in fury. She could flick someone off without making a scene. It was a personal shield made of the finest fake leather and silky smooth satin interior liner, but for Sunset it was armor as powerful as tungsten reinforced titanium. She loved feeling a jacket envelop her. Only Twilight's arms wrapped around her felt better.

“Sooooo…” Eagle Eye began once he had led Sunset back to the prep room for the space suits where it was just the two of them. “You are related to Doctor Twilight Sparkle.”

Sunset sighed. It was a said as a statement not a question. “And?”

“I’m just processing it, you know? That’s big money. Which does explain some of the things about you and what you have said, like having a private pilot's license. Plus, you don’t look anything like her. Unlike your cousin, Starlight, who is like a damn clone of Twilight Sparkle now that I really check her out.”

Sunset bristled, she tried not to, but he was getting on her nerves again. “Please don’t say her name and ‘check her out’ in the same sentence. It makes my eyebrow twitch from the blood pressure.”

“What? I figured you’d be cool with me taking a little interest in her even if you are way, WAY hotter.”

“You really are a sexual harassment lawsuit waiting to happen. Did you forget about the wedding bands YOU pointed out? You think these things are just for decoration? They have meaning and are a symbol of commitment and understanding.”

Eagle Eye just chuckled, smiled, and shrugged. “I think you like it. I've got an eye for people and you have this, I dunno, manner about you that says, predatory. Alpha. As if staking your claim on one person is not enough. You know what I'm talking about because I'm the same way.”

Sunset deadpan stared while Eagle stared right back, the smile never leaving his face. “I guess there is no more doubt who blasted, ‘Something to Talk About’ over the PA system in the cafeteria the other day. And not even the original recording, you heathen.”

Eagle just shrugged and moved over to the lockers where the suits were all located. “I plead the Fifth, Your Honor.”

Sunset shook her head and silently scolded herself for smirking before wiping it away with focus on where and what they were doing. After all, there was a potential traitor among the crew and the only one she was one hundred percent certain was on her side was her wife. Sunset stiffened her posture and once again tried to remain indifferent and on her toes. She pointed to all the suits and equipment around them and asked, “Why are we back here?”

Eagle Eye’s face switched to all business mode like the professional he claimed to be as he gestured to the lockers. “As you now know, since deciding to try them out for yourself, there are not enough suits for everyone to have their own. So, anyone who uses them has to find one that fits, then put the suits back in here when done. Everyone up here who is EVA certified already knows that.

"Now, when a suit is used the user is supposed to register their EVA with the station computer along with the logged time outside for company records and for safety concerns. Have to know how many times they have been used in case they need to be serviced or discarded, right?”

Sunset nodded, following along. “Makes sense. All those seal checks and rechecks.”

Eagle Eye gestured to the computer terminal in the corner where the logs were made. “Do me a favor and start combing the back log use starting with that little excursion you just took.”

Sunset found the usage log easy enough and read out loud the suit numbers, the time used and both her and Twilight’s assumed names. All logged in detail. It was more captured information than she had expected the computer to know. She had only typed in hers and Twilight’s fake names in order to open the lockers for the suits that would fit the two of them. Since Aurora had included in their files that they were both certified, nothing had flagged as a warning.

“Good. And thank you for following checkout procedure even if you did not have permission to go outside. Now, you are probably wondering why I asked you for that info knowing it should have been there."

"I am, admittedly, wonder what we are doing and why."

"See, what most people don’t know, because it's NOT in the manual, is that the suits have their own logs that are not found on a screen but are saved into the onboard SSD just like the station computer.” Eagle Eye tapped a few buttons on his phone, that was strapped to his wrist, and it displaced the same information after he accessed the suit’s records. “It’s a match.”

“So now what do we do?”

Eagle Eye put the suit back and pointed to the screen again. “Now we go line by line, suit by suit, and make sure they all match.”

Sunset grimaced and scratched at the side of her head. “What is that going to prove?”

“We are looking for discrepancies. Every ‘approved’ EVA mission is on record. If one is not on record, it’s suspect. If someone deleted the EVA from the computer, it’s suspect. The suits memory can’t be deleted, but say someone fried the suit’s systems to cover their tracks.”

“Got it. Suspect.” Sunset turned back to the computer. “On to the next one…” Sunset paused and glanced over her shoulder to find that her sixth sense suspicions had been correct. “And could you possibly be less obvious at the fact that you are ogling my butt?”

Eagle Eye flashed a toothy grin. “No promises.”

Sunset rolled her eyes. “You’re trying too hard again." This standoff had to end. They needed to work together to find out what was going on and how to save the station. Sunset took a deep, calming breath and sighed. It was time to take a page from Princess Twilight's book on Friendship tactics... which was an actual book in Equestria.

"Look, I’ll be the first to admit I love a, 'roll in the hay' as much as any sexually active adult, but it is really getting pathetic how desperate you are for it. Help me understand so that we can focus. Is this like a sexual conquest thing? ‘I banged all the ladies on the space station! How badass am I? Let me add another notch to my stick’ or something like that.”

Eagle Eye chuckled lightly, moving to the next suit and accessing its onboard SSD without pause. “At first, sure. I saw you walking my way across the dock and airfield and I said, I would love a piece of that ass. Hands down, the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. And I have traveled and been deployed all over the world, so I have seen A LOT of women. But there is something special about you. You are… different.

"You’re drop dead gorgeous, no question of that. A fucking goddess. Fifteen out of ten. Every college and academy boy’s pin up dream poster and not all cleaned up and modded afterwards like most of the lingerie and swimsuit girls these days. I can tell by the way you carry yourself. You are all natural… or at least have gotten so used to the way you look, you know how to make it look, ‘natural.’ But to be able to grab that hundred under that may Gees… there is NO WAY you should have been able to do that.”

Sunset paused to turn to stare flatly, pokerfaced at the pilot while at the same time she knew her hands were beginning to sweat and the muscles in her neck were tightening up. He was dangerously close to the truth and it was tripping Sunset’s fight or flight instincts like a buzzing in the back of her brain. Play it cool, Shimmer. There is nowhere to run and even if he somehow knows the truth it would serve him no benefit to tell others… unless he is planning to blackmail me into sex, which is a possibility. Meh. I'll cross that bridge if I have to if it means protecting Twilight. Or… he’s actually a government spy. That would be VERY bad. But as I understand they do like to draw from military personnel and he is a military attaché go-between for the company and the government. No, there is no way he knows about Equestria or who I really am. Otherwise, Twi and I would have been arrested and detained long before now if that were the case. He’s just trying to get into my head. Not happening, flyboy. Just play the game, just like Mom taught you. Observe, calculate, execute. Just like chess.

Sunset casually wiped her hands on the back of her jump suit knowing the material would absorb the sweat like it was designed to do. She shrugged nonchalantly and commented casually, “Then how did I do it?”

Much to Eagle Eye's credit, he too shrugged without showing any signs of aggression or concern. “If I were to guess, some sort of body modifications. It’s not unheard of if still highly experimental and illegal in a number of places. But now that I know you come from money it makes such a possibility plausible. Money makes the world go 'round, sure. But money like the Sparkles have means you can do more than have the perfect body to look at, which you do, but also one that is stronger than normal.

"Gene therapy, nano tech bionic enhancements, carbon fiber bone wraps, bioengineered extra adrenal glands for quick bursts of added strength. I’ve read more than a few science papers and theories on it and how governments are trying to find ways to make soldiers bigger, stronger, faster, deadlier, and all that. The next evolution of humanity, the merging of organic and machine. Some scarry sci-fi shit, honestly.

"Others want it for more mundane things like boosted athletes. But sports associations have been dealing with people cheating any way they can since sports began. Nothing new there. Not sure if you were a victim or you chose to be this way, but yeah, back to your original question, I’m personally curious what the limits of your strength and stamina are. Call me stupid or naughty or whatever, but I like to push the limit of what it means to be human. You want to be the best? You find the best and challenge them.”

Sunset could respect that idea if not the man it was coming from. She had been guilty of being a bit of an adrenaline junkie and pushing her limits as well. While 'usually' taking all the necessary precautions, Sunset had tried most of the typical daredevil rushes such as skydiving, base jumping, and high speed racing both on and offroad. She was an alicorn, one of the most powerful magical creatures to ever exist and much of that power stayed with her in the human world following her ascension making her stronger and faster than almost any human alive. As Twilight had told her more than once, magic flowed through her veins even if she could cast no spells in her current form. So, in a way, Eagle Eye was right. She had been modified, but not in any way he could have imagined.

Sunset Shimmer examined her hand. Over them many decades she had scraped knuckles, cut skin while working or working on art projects or even accidentally while carving up a vegetable or two. And yet... they had all healed leaving only flawless goldenrod skin. She did not even need moisturizer in the wintertime, for Celestia's sake!

Sunset closed her fist tightly and then open again. Sometimes, without actively thinking about it or if hungover or overtired, Sunset found herself crawling about on the floor as if her hands were hooves. Twilight had caught her doing it more than once. I sometimes forget what my hooves feel like. I sometimes forget that I’m a pony at all and… there was a time that such a thought would have horrified me down to my soul. But… the longer I stay here, the more I fall in love with this world and my family here, the more I feel detached from Equestria. Sure, I used to dream what it was like to be an alicorn, but I still to this day question whether I deserved it and what it all means. Did ascension mean the fulfillment of my destiny or was it only the beginning? Do I even still have a destiny? Sweet Mother of Mine, forgive me. I’m as human now as I am pony.

Only the two Twilights, her mother, and her Aunt Luna knew the whole truth of how Sunset became an alicorn. The truth that even their daughters did not know. Twilight, her wife, was the last non-Equestrian that had been there that day when Sunset had ascended and fallen out of that broken portal a bloodied and battered mess. That was one of the many things she loved so much about her beloved wife, Twilight Sparkle. Magic had touched her too even if they were not entirely sure how. Magic was sustaining both of them.

Sunset smiled mostly to herself, even if the man on the other side of the room could see it and draw his only conclusions what that smile meant. They shared one thing in common. That was enough for a foundation in which friendship was possible. Sunset also loved to push the limits of herself physically, but it was her beautiful wife who was always challenging Sunset’s mind, keeping her sharp and simultaneously grounded. No other being could possibly understand what that was like after so many years. At least no other being on this side of the mirror that is.

Sunset Shimmer shook her head and turned back to the screen. She said quietly, but clearly, “You’re right about a number of things, but still so wrong. I shouldn't tell you anything about it, but, I dunno, sometimes it's good to talk." Sunset examined her hand again, eyes lingering on her titanium wedding band and the red ruby tension setting. "Really long story short, my mother needed a weapon to fight a battle she did not want to fight herself. I was to be that weapon. But she balked part of the way through and when I was a bratty teenager I ran away. We didn't talk for a long time, but eventually, I got in with the right crowd and they set me straight. Even reconciled with mom. I may be different than most, but I'm still flesh and blood wrapped around a soul just like everyone else. just understand you don’t want to get on my bad side, Eagle Eye. You might get burned.”

Eagle Eye grunted in response. “I'm sorry. No one should be used by their own parents that way. It's just wrong, even if they meant well or the 'greater good' or something. As far as your bad side? Meh, we’ll see.”

Sunset flashed a wry grin. “Didn’t your mother ever tell you not to play with fire? You must love the idea of getting hurt.”

“Probably about as much as you love all that old music I sometimes hear you playing.”

“Classic. Not OLD.”

Eagle Eye moved to the next suit. “Whatever, grandma. Probably wearing granny panties to go along with that old people music. Beige and boring.”

Sunset rolled her eyes. I know I’m walking into his trap, but he’s not getting the last jab on this one. “Black, low rise thong, with a little frilly lace at the waistband. Not that you will get to see them, but juuuuust picture it and try to focus on the task while my ass is sticking out here and I’m staring at this screen.”

Eagle Eye arched a brow and grinned. “Oh, OH! Now I always heard women hated thongs because they ride up your butt crack. So, why would you wear a thong up here where your husband can’t see and enjoy it?”

Sunset shrugged, continuing to lean over the computer station with back arched and rear accentuated. “I’ll let you in on a little secret that all women already know. ALL women's underwear rides up your butt crack regardless of how much coverage they offer. Thongs just do it with style and I’ve got the ass for it. So why not?”

“Got it,” Eagle Eye said with a laugh and a shake of his head. “Damn, you are an evil woman. You win. Let’s move to the next one.”


Twilight Sparkle had returned to the server room where she had been for the last two weeks so many times that half the room started to smell like her. Or maybe it was just the computers, stale coffee, and recycled air. Regardless, Twilight had asked Drago to grab a set of fine tools from the storage locker so that they could begin their examination of the odd storage device she had found. Before he returned however, there was a knock on the server room door.

“Hey, you guys, mind if I join you this round? I feel like I'm losing my tech touch running errands for everyone and just playing armchair backup quarterback.”

Twilight blinked and shook her head. “Oh! Not at all, Spacer. In fact, we could use the extra set of eyes on the station systems while Drago and I work on a small side project. In case things start acting up again.”

Carbon “Spacer” Date was not overly fond of his name, as he had told more than one colleague. However, having one’s name legally changed was a hassle and it always made his mom frown when he brought it up, but nicknames were easy and free. So, Carbon introduced himself as Spacer to everyone that was not family. And the name eventually stuck.

It was common knowledge that Spacer came from a family of accomplished scientist and teachers, hence the name, and hope that he would follow in their footsteps. It was safe to say that nearly every member of his family had done well for themselves. Here he was in space with Sparkle Tech, the world's leading tech and innovation company. He could easily say he had done well too.

From what Twilight had been told by Drago, Spacer was an excellent computer engineer and programmer. (Not as good as him, of course.) Twilight appreciated talking shop with both of them since even Sunset, though polite about it, had difficulty following all of Twilight’s gushing about advanced quantum computing and mathematical programming.

The thin, young man with blue skin and reddish brown hair took a chair and brought up a screen to monitor the station's systems and operations. So far, all the line items were acting as they should and were highlighted green. Twilight knew they would still have to go through, for the twentieth time, and check each sensor one by one. It would probably be faster to just reinitialize from scratch, but that would require shutting down vital systems such as ventilation and the gyrocycle. That was a last resort option and needed to be avoided if possible.

“So,” Spacer said, cracking his knuckles, “Whacha working on now?”

Twilight was about to reply when Drago waltz back in with a small tool bag. “Sorry I took so long. I had to find the one with the smallest screwdrivers and we needed rubber gloves in case there is static discharge.”

“It’s not a problem. I was just about to set up the work bench. Oh, and Spacer is going to monitor systems for us while we work so that we can focus.”

Drago glanced to his right and waved, “Sweeeet.”

Once both Twilight and Drago had static free gloves and goggles on they carefully got to work examining the device. Twilight held up a finger and quickly set out her phone, opening an app. “I’m going to record this for documentation reasons. Is that okay?”

Drago nodded. “I'm sure corporate will have questions, so yeah. Plus, it makes me feel like a doctor.” Twilight giggled and Drago felt his insides turn to goo at the adorableness of it. It was absolutely unfair that a grown woman could be that beautiful, intelligent, and cute all at the same time. He wanted to comment how lucky her husband must be, but swallowed that before it made things awkward.

“Science station log. Doctor Twi- er, Starlight Moondance recording alongside Chief Computer Technician, Mister Drago Lu Jan. Approximately two hours ago, local time, a foreign object was located and removed from an exterior maintenance panel near starboard side airlock two. It has since been confirmed that said panel is a major junction to all station operating systems, mechanical and computer controlled. We are about to disassemble said object in an attempt to determine its purpose and possible origin manufacturing.”

“Your tools, doctor,” said Drago, doing his best impersonation of a prime time drama medical assistant.

“Thank you. To begin with, multiple visual examinations have revealed no markings or clues to origin on the exterior casing. However, there is a seam that, if careful, I should be able to split apart the casing. This, of course, comes with the small risk of damaging the internal components, but they can be reassembled if need be.”

“Sorry, guys, I need to runout. I think lunch is not agreeing with me,” said Spacer holding his sides as he scurried from the room.

“Uhhhh…” Drago balked. “I guess we can edit that part out later.”

Twilight nodded. “Right. Anyhow. Let’s begin.”


Skymark Blue unlocked a drawer on his desk once everyone had left his office. He kept a few important items in that particular drawer. Some of the things he had were not forbidden, but he did not want them to go missing. Others were strictly against the rules, but rank had its privileges and he had earned the right to bend said rules after more than twenty years diligently climbing the corporate ladder.

Near the front of the drawer was a well read and worn King James Bible, an emergency packet of cyanide pills, a small caliber, conceal carry pistol, and most important, a direct link sat-phone that could call anyone in the world by bouncing off a network of satellites in orbit. It was, however, for emergencies only because it was incredibly expensive to use even if it was on the company’s dime. He considered the possibility of sabotage and foreign agents on his station a justifiable emergency and such would be in his next month's expenditure report.

As the current station director, Skymark had an entire list of contacts he could have called. He knew who he should have called first, but instead was feeling generous and decided to just check the story the two women had recited for shits and giggles. It would be worth it either way the wind blew. With that in mind, Skymark called the corporate switchboard.

“Sparkle Tech, how may I direct your call?”

“This is Administrator Skymark Blue, EM number: Alpha, Alpha, Golf 19605. I need to speak to primary shareholder Aurora Shimmer and I do not have her direct line or personal phone number. Please connect me.”

“One moment while I check your credentials.”

“Please be quick, this is sat-phone call that is on the company expense reports.”

Much to her credit, the receptionist took only a minute to clear the red tape. “Thank you for your patience, Administrator.
You are on Ms. Shimmer's approved call list. Transferring you now, sir.”

Skymark grunted but nodded approvingly. Now he just had to hope the old woman whom he had only met twice would actually pick up. After three rings he heard the line connect.

“Shimmer.” The voice said without preamble. It was elderly, but strong and healthy with an edge to it.

“Senator, I apologize for bothering you. I kno-”

“Get to the point, Skymark. I know this call was routed through corporate servers and it’s the EL Two sat-phone. What’s the problem?”

Skymark had always heard that ‘Ms. Shimmer’ was harder than steel and carried her balls around in her purse and was not afraid to use them. Judging by the clipped, precise response, those comments had been completely true. “Yes, ma’am. I need to confirm that you sent two corporate agents as part of the crew of the last MAUV supply flight.” There was a groan… no an undertone growl followed by a tired sigh.

“You just had to get noticed, didn’t you? You stupid ass, winged horse goddess.”

Skymark blinked. “Um, pardon?”

“I have to assume you are referring to two women by the names of Sunbeam Glow and Starlight Moondance, correct?”


“Before I continue, understand, Administrator, this conversation did not happen and I will have the server recordings and call log records scrubbed as soon as the call ends. Yes, I inserted the two women, who are family members of mine, into the rosters for the purpose of getting them onto the station so as to keep it from falling from the sky, which hopefully is going according to plan. Understand that it was my decision alone and that neither the CEO nor my son know about this and it will remain as such for everyone’s safety including yours and the two women I just named. If I find out you did speak
to anyone else on this matter you can kiss more than your job goodbye, do you understand? Does that meet your satisfaction?”

Skymark chewed on his lip for a second. He might as well ask. “I’m not a big fan of surprises, senator, but I understand the discretion. I just need to know, are they the real deal? Can they fix this thing or are they just spoiled rich brats up here to sightsee and complain about the food?”

“Well, one might still complain about the food, but that's a vegetarian for you. Trust me to the fullest when I say they are two of the smartest and most capable people on the planet and were completely necessary to save all your asses and jobs. Give them full access to whatever they ask for… not that you could stop them if you tried. Again, trust me on that one. If they want into something, whether it is our systems or a heaping pile of deep shit, they are going to get into it.”

“Well, you paint a lovely visual.”

“I’ve known them my whole life. They are persistent and stubborn with a magic all their own. They will get the job done or die trying. Is there anything else, Administrator?”

“No, thank you.”

“Then I’ll let you get back to it. Good luck.”

Skymark heard the line disconnect. He glanced down at the phone and sighed. He then put it back in the drawer and pulled out one last hidden item from the back of the compartment. A small bottle to bourbon whiskey kept inside a box. He took a large gulp of the amber spirit and quickly replaced the bottle, locking it back up with all his other personal items.

“I think we are going to need more than luck.”

Author's Note:

Whoooo boy. Did I have to add a lot to this chapter from the first go around. I just kept expanding and expanding Sunset and Eagle Eye's conversation. I would add some, move some, take some away. I know for some, this was a lot of repetitive information, but I felt it needed to be revisited and it gave Sunset and Eagle Eye something to bond over. Twi and Drago are about to have fun autopsying some tech and Skymark got a taste of family corporate politics.

Hope everyone has a great weekend. Not much else to add to this at the moment.

Questions? Comments?