• Published 21st Jan 2024
  • 391 Views, 5 Comments

Godzilla Junior VS Gojira Takeshi Jr. (The Bridge vs Arrogance of Man) - ThatOneOtherGuy

Catch the ultimate showdown; where winner takes all!

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Pre analysis

Pass the edge of our solar system and beyond the reach of our universe is the thin fabric known as reality. The phenomenon in which anything and everything can exist all at once. It’s a concept that many have tried, but very few have managed to grasp. There are no boundaries for such an idea, reality encompasses all from time, space, to life itself. The only limit is the imagination that one sets it out to be. One could imagine a reality in which the paranormal was real, a reality where the Milky Way galaxy never existed, or a reality that completely changes the way we see life as it is. The imagination of one's mind, similar to reality itself, is boundless.

This somehow leaps back around to Godzilla x mlp crossovers……yeah, we’re doing this now.

Godzilla Junior- The son of the king of the monsters.


Gojira Takeshi Jr- A transmutant created from the arrogance of man.

Though the concept of Godzilla being put in a world filled with magical, talking unicorns that talk about friendship 24/7 may sound ridiculous, these two have not only managed to live in this strange world, but thrive.

For this battle, we’ll be sticking with the base origins of each of these characters. This will exclude outside stories such Sounds of Thunder or Shy and Aggressive as they depict entirely different characters from the ones we’ll be using today.

I’m that one other guy that does all the research (Cuz nobody else wants to) to find out would win in a-


The year was 2013, the year that marked the end.

Extraterrestrial monsters had launched an all out attack off the coast of the South Pacific. Their primary target was the Mu Islands; more specifically, Solgell Island. Any form of human interference was shot down instantly. No form of conventional weaponry could even scratch the skin of any of these beasts. Nuclear missiles had the same effect as a firecracker. All hope seemed lost.

That was until humanity's last line of defense came in at the last second: the titans.

Creatures of titanic proportions engaged against the alien threat, thus starting an all out war. As the two armies slashed, tail whipped, and killed each other, the leaders of the two groups met in the center. Though it had been their first interaction after several years, a rivalry filled with hatred and violence had been brewing. Despite being from two different realms, this was a rivalry of the same blood. The blood that belonged to the late king of the monsters, Godzilla.

The first brother was one that had been borned by accident. Created after G-cells were caught in a black hole, causing them to mutate at a rapid pace, the monster that formed would go by many names. The crystal terror, the space monster, or even the space Godzilla. But he would much rather be referred to as: Xenilla.

The second brother is much more infamous. Found on Adonoa Island and hatched in an institute in Kyoto, this creature would be raised by his adoptive, human mother Azusa Gojo before being handed over to the king of the monsters himself, Godzilla. He would be raised on Baas island for several years until 1996 when Godzilla transferred all his energy to his son in order to save his life, right before his inevitable death. With new found life and power, he would quickly become the next king, but this time swore to protect humanity from any threat. The heir to the throne, the alpha titan, what many saw as a god incarnate, his father’s name would be passed on to him for many years to come. His name is: Godzilla Junior.

As both Junior and Xenilla clashed in the center of Solgell Island, the humans would deploy their last means of weaponry. A machine that had been in the works for several years that was easily the most powerful tool in human history. It was called the Dimension Tide; a device capable of transporting organisms across entire dimensions. As the humans prepared the Dimension Tide, Junior and Xenilla began gathering energy from the sun, enough to cause the forest they stood in to disintegrate into ash.

The heat felt from these beasts was comparable to the very core of Terra. It was as if two miniature suns had formed, and there wasn’t enough room for both of them. Any kaiju still alive fled at the sight of the inevitable death of one of the siblings, only those loyal enough stayed. At that second, however, the Dimension Tide was ready. Its coordinates had been set, its trajectory was almost perfect, and in a matter of seconds it had charged up and was ready to fire.

And in perfect rhythm, all three fired at the same time.

The full power of nuclear hellfire, a sun’s coronal wrath, and a black hole completely consumed the six remaining kaiju still on Solgell. They would be transported across entire universes, entering an entirely new reality, in a matter of seconds. They crashed through the dimensional barrier, officially becoming part of this brand new world.

A world that was completely different from our own. A world where mythical creatures lived in harmony. Dragons, manticores, griffons, chimeras, pegasus, and unicorns all existed in this world along with several other creatures whether they be natural or fabled. But by far the most notable difference were the effects that the barrier had on the kaiju. They weren’t killed or injured, but they felt abnormal. When they eventually came to and woke up, they got to see what kind of world they were in.

They also got to see what had changed about them. It was a change that none of them would have predicted.

Hands replaced with hooves, scales replaced with fur, dorsal plates replaced with manes, and tails turned into ponytails. Some were ponies, others were unicorns, a few were even other mythical creatures. In fact, this whole world was mostly inhabited by ponies that both acted and even spoke like humans. The six kaiju had found themselves in the land of: Equestria.

Each of the kaiju had landed in different parts of Equestria with most landing in the small town known as Ponyville. All except for one who crashed landed in the most famous and royal settlement in all of Equestria. A castle settled on the tallest mountain that overlooked the sun. The heart of Equestria itself where the alicorn princesses lived. The kingdom was called: Canterlot. And the kaiju that landed there was none other than the heir of the king of the monsters himself, Godzilla Junior.

-Full Name: Godzilla Gojo Junior
-Age: Late 20s
-Height: Slightly taller than Princess Luna
-Weight: In between Luna and Celestia
-Species: Weird looking unicorn
-Alias: Godzilla, Big G, Icka’brod
-Biological son of Godzilla
-Current king of the monsters
-Favorite Food: Flowers

Now I know what some of you might be thinking, how can this mere pony be considered the king of the monsters. I mean, he’s now 1/50 of his original size, can you even still consider him a king? To that, I say, looks can be deceiving. Despite his new look, Junior kept several aspects of his original kaiju such as his strength, endurance, abilities, and even his size. Standing at roughly six feet in height, Junior is double the size of the average pony.

Not just that, but he’s also many times stronger. His dense muscle structure allows him to be able to casually break out of steel cuffs and kick a bag across the entire training hall in Canterlot. With him being the alpha titan, he can scale to other kaiju who have similar feats of strength. Such as Destroyah, who destroyed an entire warehouse with a single blast of her micro-oxygen beam or even his brother, Xenilla, who once caught a piece of debris that was bigger than him.

His dense skin is almost as tough as steel, allowing him to take heavy amounts of punishment. He’s essentially immune to any means of conventional weaponry such as swords and clubs. His high pain tolerance has allowed him to shrug off blows that would’ve otherwise killed the average mare. Such as taking several direct shots of alicorn magic or even an entire house collapsing on top of him.

However, in the rare case his skin is damaged, Junior has a reliable healing factor which allows him to recover from any manner of wound. From something as small as scratches to entire pieces of flesh. It’s not just reliable, but quick too. After his fight with Princess Luna, which lasted for almost an entire night, Junior was left badly injured. However, by morning, he looked as if nothing had ever happened.

His senses are also much greater than any other being in Equestria. His sight, hearing, taste, and especially smell are all greater than that of a regular pony. In fact, his sense of smell is so great that he’s able to decode the thoughts of someone or past events just from their scent. He can also tell where other members of his species are at all times, even when they’re several stories above them.

But all of this means nothing when it comes to his main ability. After all, what would a king be without some serious firepower. This is in the form of: The Atomic Breath.

A beam composed of pure energy and radiation, the atomic breath can burn and blow up just about anything. From the castle walls of Canterlot to steel to even the side of a mountain. It's even been shown capable of overpowering several forms of magic whether it be from unicorns to even alicorns.

But if Big G is surrounded by his enemies, he can emit a short range burst of radiation called the nuclear pulse. This ability acts as a shockwave of sorts, allowing him to send members of the royal guard flying with a single burst. All of Junior’s abilities obtain their energy from a nuclear reactor that also acts as his heart. He can also absorb the solar rays emitted from the sun to act as both a recharge and an enhancement for his abilities.

It’s thanks to these skills and more that allowed Junior to become part of the royal guard at Canterlot and quickly rise up the rankings to become one of the top soldiers.

His feats were even enough to attract the attention of some mares. Including the princess of the night herself. At least after she got over the whole “trying to kill you” thing that happened on his first day.

However, it wasn’t only thanks to his enhanced physical attributes and special abilities that caused him to obtain a high level of power. In fact, there’s a little something bigger than that.

While the kaiju are in their equestrian forms for their everyday lives, that doesn’t mean they’re permanently stuck like that. You see, the reason why the kaiju were turned into the inhabitants of Equestria was because when they crashed through the dimensional barrier that separated Equestria from other dimensions, it ended up stripping the kaiju of a large portion of their energy, forcing them to assimilate into the races of creatures that existed in this universe. However, if a kaiju were to be exposed to equestrian magic from another source, they would be able to transform back into their original titan selves.

It’s thanks to this process that allows the flame of the guardian to roar. A chance to allow the king to walk the earth once more.

-Height: 100 meters
-Weight: 60,000 tons
-Length: 215 meters
-Species: Mutated Godzillasaurus via radiation

In his kaiju form, Godzilla Junior shows why he is the king of the monsters. He’s strong enough to lift up to four times his own body weight, fast enough to swim across the entire pacific in a couple hours, and tough enough to survive a fall from the clouds. He becomes an absolute powerhouse of a creature.

His firepower is amplified considerably. The atomic breath in his equestrian form was impressive. But it’s in the kaiju form when this thermonuclear beam shows its full potential. It’s hot enough to cut entire crevices into the earth and capable of completely incinerating smaller kaiju. It’s even been stated that this attack has a range of up to two kilometers; that’s more than three times the height of the Empire State Building.

Junior’s nuclear pulse and healing factor also make a return and they too are massively amplified. Now the nuclear pulse is capable of destroying entire city blocks and his regenerative abilities are vastly quickened. He can even put most of his energy into the pulse to create an explosion that, according to witnesses, is comparable to that of a miniature sun.

Though his kaiju form also allows him to use abilities that he didn’t have in his equestrian form. Junior can transport his nuclear energy across different parts of his body to act as an amplifier for his physical attacks. So while it may look like a normal punch, in reality it packs the force of a Little Boy…the bomb not the child.

You would think that Godzilla Junior would rely on his primal instincts in terms of combat, but you would be terribly mistaken. Junior’s will to fight is very tactical, choosing to ration his energy to either increase the power of his attacks or to quicken the speed of his healing factor. He’s also not afraid to utilize the area around him, using the terrain as cover or even its own weapon. This was how, even as a child, he managed to defeat creatures that were as big as him by using anything nearby to either hurt or keep his enemies away. He learned each of these tactics and combat strategies through his very own sensai, Kong.

It’s through his great strength and power that allowed him to take up the mantle of his father’s title as king. But instead of earning it through being ferocious and dominating like his father, Junior decided to earn it through honor and sacrifice. He would use his greater authority to focus on protecting the human race back on Terra from any threat, whether they be extraterrestrial or not. A major reason for that was from his own adoptive mother, Azusa Gojo who taught Junior about compassion and empathy to help ensure him of a brighter future. It could be thanks to her that made Junior the respectful and loyal monster king that he is today.

He’s beaten monsters of similar size to him with little effort.

Lifted a cruise ship with his bare hands.

And took on an entire colony of hundreds of gyaos all by himself, and killed nearly all of them.

Godzilla Junior is a force to be reckoned with, but would you believe me if I told you that this isn’t even Junior at his most powerful?

You see, if provoked enough, Junior can tap into a form that is so deadly, so powerful, and so dangerous that other members of his species shudder at the mere mention of it. A form that surpasses the limits of the user, a form that causes them to go into meltdown, a form that killed the original Godzilla.

This is known as: Burning State.

In this form, Junior’s body heat exceeds immeasurable temperatures. His power is almost overwhelming as he is now essentially a walking nuclear bomb that’s just about ready to go off. Just by standing still, Junior can set the nearby forest and ground on fire. In fact, his skin is so hot that he managed to melt the scales off of King Ghidorah. Not burn, not break, not even disintegrate, but melt. To give you an idea, King Ghidorah was able to take on all members of the dark hunters who consist of Monster X, Gigan, Megalon, and Irys.

His atomic breath and nuclear pulse are now strong enough to completely incinerate other kaiju. In fact, the atomic breath appears to be as effective as a spit straw when compared to his most powerful ability: The Red Spiral Heat Ray; a beam that consists of all of Junior’s energy. It’s so powerful that it’s seen more as suicide as almost nothing has been able to survive a blast from it or blasting it. Key word: almost.

As a matter of fact, Junior can access this state in his equestrian form if he gathers more energy than his nuclear reactor of a heart can handle. He was so powerful that it took the combined efforts of all of the alicorn princesses just to slow him down. Remember, these are the same alicorns that move the sun and the moon on a daily basis. He may only be able to stay in this state for only a couple of minutes, but why does that matter when all he needs is a few seconds to kill his opponent.

It was even in this form where he almost killed his brother, Xenilla. However, he only stopped when others started to get involved and he realized that the only way for him to kill Xenilla was by potentially killing his friends. It was with that thought that he saw himself as not just a monster, but also a fool.

So he ran into the forest to stay away from everyone and it was only after the god of this world, Harmony herself stepped in and brought his adoptive mother over to Equestria in order to calm him down. But, it’s okay. He’s cool now…get it…cuz-cuz you want to cool down when you’re burning…it’s funny, I know.


Took on both Gigan and Irys by himself.

Withstood the mind manipulation of a windigo.

Struck fear into Nightmare.

Shook all of Canterlot by roaring.

Destroyed an entire town in a single hour.

Won the final war.

Took on Xenilla when he was in burning state.

Defeats: Xenilla, Monster X, Boreas, King Ghidorah.

Not bad for a weird looking unicorn.

You might be thinking, this guy must be invincible. Unfortunately, you would only be half right. Junior is a powerful beast, however he’s far from indestructible.


-As powerful as Junior is in his kaiju form, he can only stay in it considering how much equestrian magic he has. At most, he can only stay in this form for a couple of hours, though he has stayed in the form for an entire night. Once he turns back to normal, he can’t transform back until his own body has either healed or recharged on his own supply of energy.

-His burning state is an incredibly risky decision. If he stays in it for too long he could go under meltdown which destroys his body from the inside out. That’s why this state is usually treated as a last resort.

-Junior may be a tactical fighter, but at times he has shown to act on instinct. This has caused him to make decisions without thinking them through or thinking of the consequences that would come from them.

But probably his biggest weakness is his state of mind. Despite protecting humanity for several years, that never stopped people seeing Junior for what he was, a monster. And in some ways, Junior believed the same. He never saw himself as the hero but rather a loose cannon; a being that could so easily fall into the same path that his father took, and that is probably his greatest fear.

In many regards, Junior being sent to Equestria allowed him to find the one thing he had been begging for throughout his whole life: inner peace.

It’s thanks to his friends,


and loved ones-

-that allowed Junior to overcome his inner demons, defeat King Ghidorah, and repair his shattered relationship with his brother. Junior has now dedicated his life to protect this land and all of the inhabitants that live in it. For everything that this world brought to him and the other kaiju, Junior is proud to call Equestria his home.

For any force that would dare to attack Equestria, be warned. There’s a good reason they call him the king of the monsters.

The species of man known as transmutants are considered by many to be a tragic race of individuals.

Transmutants are humans who have had their DNA spliced with that of ancient deities that existed several centuries before the first earthbound. Creatures of incomprehensible size that roamed the world creating territories in either the land, sea, or sky. Considered to be gods by the ancestors of the people that roam the earth today. These were known as: kaiju.

Many decades later, a research facility called Monarch came across the remains of some of the kaiju. The sight of these creature’s graves intrigued the scientists that worked there. So much so that they decided to run some experiments on the DNA that could be extracted from these remains. Their guinea pigs for these experiments: humans. More specifically, humans that no one would notice would go missing, any kind of rift raft they found were kidnapped and brought to the facility for experimentation. The outcome that came from this were the transmutants, the byproducts of what happens when humanity tries to play god.

Two of the unfortunate ones that were taken to Monarch were a man and his son. They had both been living in Neighpon for several years until their residence was broken into by masked soldiers who knocked both of them out. They would be taken to Monarch to be the subjects of what the scientists hoped to be their greatest creations. These humans wouldn’t just become transmutants, their DNA would be spliced with one of the strongest kaiju of them all. A creature that was considered by many to be the Alpha titan. This kaiju was known as: The god of destruction.

The unfortunate names of the two that would be forced to split with their humanity would quickly become infamous under the titles Alpha and Lucky Dragon. Their real names are Gojira Takeshi Senior, and his son: Gojira Takeshi Junior.

The two would be experimented on for several weeks, constantly being subjected to the torture that Monarch put them through. But in the end, they were both a complete success; Senior, however, was too much of a success. Using the new found strength that he was given, Senior would break out of Monarch and tear it down with his bare hands. He and his son would then go into hiding to try and avoid Monarch or any form of civilization. They no longer had a home in Neighpon, or anywhere else in the world.

Unfortunately, Monarch would rebuild from the destruction and would set straight away to creating a creature that could not only rival Senior, but surpass him. The outcome was a transmutant that was designed to kill the likes of both Senior and his son. The outcome was a monster that would quickly become one of the most feared, the most dangerous, and deadliest creatures to ever walk the earth. It was called: Destroyah.

Destroyah was sent loose by Monarch to hunt down the two escaped transmutants and it wouldn’t be long until he found them. Try as he might, Senior was quickly bested by the superior mutant and would be killed right in front of his own son. This kid just can’t catch a break.

Takeshi was left alone to fend for himself. He would spend most of his life running, hiding, and fighting to survive. But one day, some may call it luck but a few might say fate would have it, Takeshi came across someone who would change his life forever. She was a rising figure of royalty, considered to be the princess of the sun, and an old friend to Takeshi’s late father. She was none other than the princess of Equestria herself: Celestia.

Celestia took the young boy under her wing and brought him back to Canterlot with her. For the next few years of his life, Takeshi would be taught by Celestia how to speak proper English and was treated to all the necessary living conditions he would need. As thankful as Takeshi was, however, the scars left by Monarch had not faded. In fact, they had only worsened. Repeated nightmares, an unsustainable need for meat, and a degrading sense of trauma and anxiety would plague Gojira Takeshi for many years to come.

All the way up until adulthood when, after graduating from high school, Takeshi would move to Ponyville to try and start a new life. Little did he know that now as a transmutant, a normal life would be too much to ask since a transmutant has only one major goal in life: to survive.

Full name: Gojira Takeshi Junior
Age: Early 20s
Height: > 6’
Weight: 170 lbs
Species: Transmutant
Alias: Junior, Lucky Dragon
-Adoptive son of Celestia.
-Last remaining member of the Takeshi clan.
-Best frenemies with Discord.

What makes a transmutant different from a regular human are their enhanced physical and mental abilities. Incredible strength and endurance, enhanced senses, and some even gain special skills such as telekinesis, telepathy, X-ray vision, and more. And Takeshi is no different.

His sense of smell allows him to pick up the scent of a single drop of blood from miles away. His sense of eyesight allows him to see even in extreme darkness. And his sense of hearing allows him to detect when someone or something is approaching him even when he’s blinded. He had even managed to gain some form of short ranged telepathy.

As you could have probably guessed, Takeshi’s physical attributes are much higher than a normal human being. He can casually break stone with his fist and tussle with creatures that are much larger than him. He once even punched an armored soldier in the chest so hard that his heart stopped. Even as a child he basically had the strength of a fully grown adult.

Transmutants are also known for having an insane amount of endurance and Takeshi is no different. He’s survived the likes of being emulated, buried alive, mauled by timberwolves, shot with magic from Nightmare Moon, and even being impaled through the chest. He once even had his entire chest collapse in on itself, only to stand up and walk away with very little help. Part of the reason as to why Takeshi is so durable is thanks to his healing factor which he gained from his mutation. These regenerative abilities are nearly instantaneous and have even been shown to be able to grow back entire limbs, though this process takes much longer.

All of these aspects, however, require some form of energy which Takeshi has a limited supply of. Primarily, he survives exclusively off of radiation due to his kaiju DNA. Though other forms of energy such as steam emitted from hot springs and the ocean floor and magic have shown to be fine alternatives if there’s no radiation around for him to absorb.

Despite all of these factors, Takeshi still tried to hold on to whatever form of humanity was left in him. He moved into a small house in Ponyville, found a job at Sweet Apple Acres, and even managed to make a few friends. He even found a few other transmutants living in the Everfree forest with each one of them having escaped from Monarch. Their names were Riku Angurisu, Rodan Shou, and Mosura Yusa.

However, try as he might, Takeshi would learn the hard way that a normal life would be almost impossible. Humanity feared transmutants, seeing them as nothing more than what Monarch had presented them as, monsters. Most transmutants learned very quickly that society had ostracized them and a world where transmutants would be accepted wouldn’t be earned through peace, but rather through force. And thus a group of transmutants were formed, a group that would fight for their kind and create a world where they would be the dominant race. This group was named the Revolutionaries and their leader was none other than the very monster that Monarch had created and locked away for several years: Destroyah.

The Revolutionaries became infamous throughout the globe for their constant attacks on populated areas. If any form of Monarch was spotted in a city or town, that town's life-span was officially numbered. It was only a matter of time before Ponyville would become their next target. Their attack on Ponyville led to the destruction and death of many of the town’s residents. Little did the Revolutionaries know, however, some residents in Ponyville were exactly like them in that they shared the same ability that made transmutants feared across the globe.

You see, transmutants aren’t just feared for their physical enhancements or other abnormalities, but rather for their medical structure. When a person’s DNA was spliced with that of a kaiju, it gave them the ability to essentially transform into an almost perfect clone of said kaiju. Though they may be smaller than the actual titan, a transmutant’s beast form is still insanely dangerous.

And with Takeshi being a transmutant, he too gains this ability. Through excruciating pain, popping of bones, and a complete restructure of his body, Takeshi loses what little humanity he still had. This is known as: The Beast Form.

Height: 13 feet
Weight: 1 ton
Length: 30 feet
Species: Half Kaiju

Takeshi may have been strong in his base form, but his beast form blows it out of the water. Takeshi’s beast form gives extraordinary strength, incredible endurance, and it was in this form where Takeshi was granted his newest and most iconic ability: the atomic breath; fun fact, Takeshi was the one to give this ability its name. A beam of pure radiation that he can fire from his mouth, sound familiar? This beam is extremely hot and is able to cut through practically anything including stone, steel, or even monsters more than ten times his size.

By the way, the monster you see above is a hundred foot tall water dragon that, during their fight, ate Takeshi alive. In return, Takeshi blasted his way out with his atomic breath which sliced the entire creature in half.

That’s only a sheer testament to how tough Takeshi is in his beast form. He becomes essentially impervious to any form of conventional weaponry such as magic guns and even tank fire. Takeshi was even tough enough to survive a few rounds from the diamond blasters. These are massive artillery cannons that can kill transmutants with only one shot. And Takeshi survived multiple!

His strength is insane as well. He’s able to tussle with transmutants that are larger than him and even toss around a robotic version of himself. He even once lifted and threw an entire tank which, assuming he lifted a Type 97 Chi-Ha tank: the most common tank in Japan, weighed over 15 tons.

And over time, Takeshi would gain even more power when he would be merged with the soul of his former kaiju counterpart. You see, Gojira Takeshi isn’t your normal transmutant. In fact, Takeshi is the reincarnation of the kaiju that he shared DNA with. The process, however, forced Takeshi to give up even more of what little humanity he had left as the kaiju’s essence was absorbed into his body.

Through this he gained even more abilities such as the nuclear pulse, which he also named cuz why not. The nuclear pulse is a blast of radiation that exerts from all across his body sending his opponents flying while also inflicting major burns. This also made his physical body impervious to basic attacks and even resistant to the magic shot from elves. He’s even tough enough to survive his own atomic fire.

Whether it be in his beast form or human form, Takeshi is very skilled when it comes to battle. After all, he originates from the Takeshi clan, a clan of neighponese warriors that would train vigorously to protect their people. And so, he was taught how to defend himself from even a young age courtesy of his father. Through that training, Takeshi has become an expert in terms of both hand-to-hand combat and is a master with a blade. Although he gives up these traits in his beast form, even then he is far from the ravenous monster that so many see him as.

He’s gone toe to toe with Nightmare Moon.

Has faced off against Destroyah several times.

And even survived several days in a destroyed reactor by surviving off of the radiation for energy.

Because of his power, Takeshi joined a group called The Guardians which were meant to be the anti-Revolutionaries. Whenever any form of activity courtesy of the Revolutionaries was reported, the Guardians would be the first line of defense against them. All in an attempt to try and show the world what transmutants really were. They aren’t monsters, they’re people.

That was, until a massive wrench would be thrown into that plan.

The spirit within Takeshi was unpleased with the boy’s goals. Both shared a mutual enemy in the form of Destroyah, but only one refused to stop until said enemy was massacred. Not only did linking with the kaiju spirit increase Takeshi’s power, but grant said kaiju spirit full range of his body which led to major consequences. Takeshi became more violent, would sometimes lash out at those he cared about, would rely heavily on primal instinct in his beast form, and even went so far as to nearly cannibalize other transmutants. Try as hard as he might, Takeshi couldn’t escape from himself.

However, after the ountarage of pain, agony, and battles for control, Takeshi and his spirit would be forced to come to a mutual agreement for what was soon to come. Using powerful artifacts from across Equestria, the Revolutionaries managed to rip a hole between that of the living and the deceased. A portal which acted as a gateway for the same titans that perished all those centuries ago. The kaiju had returned to Equestria.

No form of man-made weaponry could even leave a scratch on the skin of these creatures. Even something as powerful as Discord’s magic could only do as much as anger these beasts. The only way to actually kill a kaiju was to fight monster with monster. And said monster would come in the form of none other than Takeshi himself where, after absorbing large amounts of energy, managed to fully reshape his body into a way that made his beast form look like a mouse. Gojira Takeshi managed to turn himself into a kaiju.

Height: 108 meters
Weight: 90,000 tons
Length: 167 meters
Species: Titanaus Goji

Standing at over three hundred feet tall and weighing as much as thousands of monster trucks, Gojira Takeshi puts all other living creatures to shame.

He’s strong enough to throw other kaiju around, topple entire buildings as if they were made of styrofoam, and tail whip a flying kaiju so hard that they die on impact. His dense skin allows him to shrug off blows that could destroy buildings larger than him. And his sheer amount of power becomes almost incalculable.

He still retains all of his abilities, healing factor, atomic breath, and nuclear pulse, but they’re amplified up to an eleven. His atomic breath in particular was able to burn an entire kaiju down to the bone. Keep in mind, this was the same kaju that shrugged off blasts from Discord, the lord of chaos himself. If a reality warper couldn’t scratch the skin of these creatures, then that should show the level of power these monsters have.


Took on both Destroyah and Ghidorah by himself.

Survived beat downs from Nightmare Moon, Discord, and Chrysalis.

Defeated a robotic version of himself.

Survived an avalanche.

Took two kaiju on at once.

Managed to break in and out of prison.

Defeats: Mosura, Kiryu, Chrysalis, Destroyah

Takeshi has more than proven himself as being one of the strongest transmutants across Equestria, but that title did not come without problems.


-Transmutants primarily live off of energy to survive. If they were to run out, then they would become completely incapacitated or even die. A fate which even Takeshi almost suffered from.

-Gojira Takeshi will at times almost rely on his special abilities, more specifically his healing factor. This mental idea has caused him to suffer from more injuries than necessary.

-He may be tough, but there is a limit to how much punishment Takeshi can take. His thick hide has been pierced before and he’s even almost died on more than one occasion.

-Rule 63…don’t ask.

But by far his biggest weakness is how unpredictable he can be when it comes to his emotions. Although at times he and his spirit can come to an agreement, the two are essentially stuck in an evergoing battle for control. Making it to where if Takeshi were to become too emotional, he could be sent into an all out rage.

When he does lose control, he becomes an unreasonable beast with large amounts of stamina and strength to the point where he once managed to take on the likes of Destroyah, Ghidorah, and all three of the avatars at the same time. However, he’s unable to regain control without the need of outside help, making this stage the equivalent to a double-edged sword.

And as powerful as his kaiju form is, this form did not come without consequence. The amount of destruction that he and the kaiju caused was staggering to say the least. Though what Takeshi prevented could’ve been an even worse outcome, all that the public focused on was what had happened now and before, not what could’ve happened. And so, to avoid being sent to the vault, Takeshi became the primary defense against other kaiju attacks across Equestria.

But no matter how bad the situation gets, no matter how big the challenge might be, no matter how much pain Takeshi takes; he continues to fight.

It’s thanks to his friends,


and loved ones-

-that keeps Takeshi going, even when he’s on death’s door. Despite living in a world where his kind is feared and discriminated against, Takeshi has found people who care about him for not what he is, but who he is. And in return, Takeshi has repaid them with kindness, selflessness, and above all else, protection.

After all, he comes from a clan that lives to fight.

Alright the combatants are set!

Let’s end this debate once and for all!

It’s time for a Death Battle!!!!!!!!!

Author's Note:

Dear Tarb and John, when you’re making character biographies, please give actual states instead of just rough guesses.

