• Published 21st Jan 2024
  • 388 Views, 5 Comments

Godzilla Junior VS Gojira Takeshi Jr. (The Bridge vs Arrogance of Man) - ThatOneOtherGuy

Catch the ultimate showdown; where winner takes all!

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Let the battle begin

Cast off thy fear. Turn and face thy enemy. Never give an inch. If thou retreat, thou shall age. Be afraid, thou shall die. Face thy enemy and roar like the mighty dragon, Godzilla.

The castle of Canterlot stands as the very heart and soul of Equestria. Sitting on one of the tallest mountains overlooking the rising sun as it surpasses the clouds. The castle itself contains a ballroom, throne room, training grounds for guards, and several living quarters for either soldiers or advisers. One of the most notable parts of Canterlot is its stellar library containing several shelves filled with books, scrolls, and other important pieces of history.

On this day the library was completely empty with the only presence being the light shimmering through the glass windows. Soon, however, the quietness was interrupted by the shaking of furniture. A few tables started to vibrate with enough force to cause the contents that laid on top of them to fall onto the floor. Lights started to flicker, bookshelves threatened to fall over, and the curtains atop the windows draped over them causing the entire room to be shrouded in darkness.

Then, one second later, the shaking stopped. The very next second, a bright yellow and white portal appeared in the center of the room. From it walked out a very tall individual. He had black spiky hair and amber eyes that looked all around his surroundings. He wore a dark gray jacket along with black pants that fit tightly to his body. Even with the thick jacket, it didn’t require x-ray vision to tell that this man was jacked. As he stepped out, he got a feel with his surroundings which felt all too familiar to him.

“Is this…Canterlot?”, Takeshi said to himself.

“Technically, yes”, said a voice. Following him through the portal was a small moth-like creature with large, blue insect eyes and majestic, pink wings.

“However, it’s not the Canterlot that you’re familiar with, Gojira. Remember this is an alternate universe so some aspects of it might be a little different from our own”, said the moth as the portal closed behind her.

“I’m aware of that, Amber”, Takeshi replied. “But I didn’t expect it to be so similar.”

“Well, nevertheless, we have a job to do so let’s not get distracted now”, said Amber.

“Right, right”, said Takeshi. “Remind me again what we’re looking for.”

“According to Discord, he left a personal belonging of his in this dimension. He said to search for anything parquilar”, said Amber. Takeshi looked around the library, it looked exactly how he remembered it. Apart from a couple of pencils and books on the floor, it looked as though it had been fully abandoned.

“Why do I get the feeling Discord’s playing a troll on us?”, asked Takeshi with an annoyed look on his face.

“I’m sure he wouldn’t, besides we only just got here. Maybe we just have to look around until we find something out of the ordinary”, said Amber. “This is Discord we’re talking about.”

Takeshi scoffed, whatever it was that Discord loss, finding it would surely be like trying to find a semi truck in a haystack. Takeshi walked toward the two large doors that connected to the library and slowly opened them. Seeing that the coast was clear, he signaled for Amber to follow him as they left the library.

They slowly walked through the halls, stopping whenever they heard the slightest noise while keeping an eye out for whatever Discord lost. As they were about to round a corner, the sound of footsteps caused Takeshi to stop and lean against the wall. However, something didn’t feel right. Those footsteps didn’t sound like they were coming from a human. In fact, they sounded more like someone clopping.

“Is something the matter?”, asked Amber. Takeshi looked around the corner. What he saw caused him to look away immediately with his eyes as wide as dinner plates.

“I believe I found something out of the ordinary”, he said.

Amber looked out from behind the corner, she too was just as surprised. Standing together in a group down the hall were three ponies wearing armor that, from Takeshi’s perspective, looked almost identical to the armor from Canterlot. One was red, another was orange, the other was brown, they each had different heights and manes, but they were all ponies. And even weirder, they were talking.

“I’m telling you, how do we know that there aren’t other realities out there”, said Starlight to his companions.

“Oh please, you’re full of it”, replied Hammerbolt.

“No, think about it. Big G came from a different universe, then there’s that whole mirror dimension. So, how are we sure there aren’t other realities out there?”, said Starlight.

“I don’t know, all that interdimensional stuff just makes my head hurt”, said Cached Ire, a little confused on where this conversation was going.

“Yeah, I’d prefer to stay out of conspiracy theorist territory”, said Hammerbolt. As the three talked, none of them noticed the pair of heads peeking from around the corner.

“Amber, please for the love of god tell me that I’m just seeing things”, said Takeshi.

“Indeed, you are not, Gojira”, replied Amber. “It seems that whatever kind of universe we’re in, ponies seem to have gained the same level of intellect as humans.” Even Amber had to admit, she hadn’t seen anything quite as strange as talking ponies in suits of armor before.

“We should quickly find Discord’s belonging and leave. Remember what he said, don’t interact with anyone from this universe”, she said.

“Agreed”, said Takeshi. The two were just about to head off, but a question from one of the ponies caught Takeshi’s attention.

“Speaking of Big G, where is he? I haven’t seen him all day”, asked Cached Ire.

“I think he said he would be teaching that filly student of his some kind of new trick?”, said Starlight.

“What kind?”, asked Hammerbolt.

“Don’t know, but by the sound of his voice he seemed pretty serious about it”, said Starlight. “So it might be really important.”

“Well, knowing him, it’ll probably be about shooting fire or lifting boulders. I mean, this is Big G we’re talking about”, said Hammerbolt.

“Heh, yeah, though, could you imagine if they were just playing a game or whatever?”, joked Cached Ire.

Gojira Takeshi listened very carefully, his mind having stopped questioning about where they were and was now wondering who they were talking about. The name Big G sounded a little familiar to him, and he didn’t know why. For all he could know, this Big G fella was more than likely another pony, but from what these three were saying, he must’ve been a lot stronger than any of them. There was also that statement where he was from a different dimension which boggled Takeshi’s mind even further.

“Gojira, are you coming or what?”, asked Amber. Takeshi snapped out of his daze.

“Y-yeah, let’s go”, he said. The two quickly left afterwards. Although this place looked like Canterlot, it was now almost completely unnoticeable to Takeshi. They left just in time as another pony guard walked around the corner.

“Hey, are you baboons done slacking off?”, said what was very clearly an annoyed voice which caused the three guards to groan.

“Aw geez, hey Bold Rush”, said Starlight. “We’re just having a nice little chat, that’s all.”

“If it doesn’t have anything to do with protecting the princesses then it’s clearly not very important”, replied Bold Rush. Starlight held back from rolling his eyes, he knew if he did then Bild Rush would go on another rant.

“Do you think he’s still salty after Godzilla nearly made him piss himself?”, whispered Cached Ire to Hammerbolt, causing him to laugh.

“I wouldn’t be surprised”, Hammerbolt whispered back. Unfortunately, Bold Rush heard their chat.

“First of all, I was not frightened by that overgrown brute”, he said, despite everyone knowing that was a lie. “And secondly, get back to your duties before I report you three to the captain.” Bold Rush walked away shortly afterwards, leaving the three guards to wonder exactly what they would’ve been reported for.

“Uggghhh”, groaned Chibi Moon. Her tiny voice filled the ears of her Sensei as he watched her try and repeatedly fail at her task. “Come on, this seemed so easy when you did it!”

Her Sensei in question stood behind Chibi observing her technique. Just like Chibi Moon, he too was a unicorn, but a rather unique one due to both his horn being bent and his physique. The filly seemed like a stuffed animal in comparison to his height. His deep black fur left little to nothing up to imagination especially since the lunar armor he was wearing had to be specifically designed for him. He had a light gray mane and tail which were both very spiky, almost as if they were something else. He was definitely a strange looking unicorn, but his red eyes held little to no malice.

“Don’t beat yourself down too much, Chibi”, said Godzilla Junior as he stood to the side.

“I know, Sensei”, replied Chibi. “But it’s just so hard.”

“Well no ones capable of being perfect on their first attempt, especially for something as hard as this”, said Godzilla Junior. Chibi Moon sighed as her pigtails lowered.

“Can you please show me how you did it again, Sensei?”, she asked. Junior lightly chuckled.

“Of course, Chibi”, he said before stepping in front of her. “You see, the trick here is to not over-correct. Put trust in your eyes and don’t rely entirely on your judgment.”

Junior planted all four of his hooves firmly into the ground. He stared ahead of him and took a deep breath in. Energy started to crackle as his mane and tail started to emit a light blue glow. Chibi Moon had a giddy smile on her face, she never got tired of seeing her Sensei’s strongest ability. Steam started to emit from Junior’s maw as he channeled his energy into a perfect beam. And right before he was ready to unleash his maw…

He head butted a nearby boulder, sending it flying in the air. The rock flew in a perfect arc before landing perfectly inside a circle that had been traced in the dirt. Once the boulder settled, Junior’s mane and tail turned back to normal as he cut off his energy. He looked at his feat of strength with a proud smirk.

”It’s just like our lessons, this takes practice, patience, and above all else, confidence”, said Junior.

“Ok, Sensei, though a quick question. Why exactly are we doing this? I mean, this doesn’t seem to have anything to do with magic or anything of the sorts”, asked Chibi Moon. Junior lightly chuckled.

“Not every one of our meetings has to do with training or learning different techniques. Sometimes it’s nice to relax, take a breather, and have a little fun with those you care about. You can learn just as much as our actual lessons”, said Junior as he grabbed a smaller rock and handed it to Chibi. “From what I recall, a certain unicorn learned that lesson and now she’s an alicorn. Who knows, maybe that’ll happen to you.”

Chibi stared up at her mentor, his red eyes filled with certainty over what he had just said. He meant it, and Chibi believed him. Chibi stepped forward with her horn starting to glow a pink aura. A small, pink shield protected the top of her head as she then ran toward the rock and rammed it with all her might. The miniature shield caused the small boulder to bounce off it and be sent rolling back. It didn’t go as far as Juniors, but for a pony of her size compared to his, the outcome wasn’t very shocking.

Nevertheless, Chibi smiled as the small shield disappeared. Seeing the young smile on her face, Junior ruffled up her mane with his hoof. “See what I mean, all it takes is a clear mind to discover new talents”, said Junior.

“Thanks, Sensei”, said Chibi before a puzzled look crossed her face. “By the way, where did you learn this stuff from? Are there any sports that the kaiju played?”

“I picked up this trick after a battle with a giant lobster, however I never got the chance to show it off until now. As for sports, if you don’t count kaiju quarrels as wrestling, then no there aren’t any kaiju sports”, said Junior. The only sport he was familiar with was one called basketball if he could recall. The only reason he knew about it was after seeing a billboard for it back on Terra promoting a man named Charles Barkley.

“Personally, I think you would do amazing with the sports we have in Equestria”, said Chibi. Junior lightly chuckled over the thought, he’d probably be twice the height of any of the other players.

“Who knows, but one thing I do know is that we’ll have to be heading back to Canterlot soon, I have my guard duties to attend to”, said Junior. Chibi smiled since she knew what that meant.

“Don’t worry, Sensei, I understand. After all, we don’t want to keep Ms.Luna waiting”, she said with a cheeky smile. Junior merely rolled his eyes, trying to hide a light blush.

“Oh please, I didn’t mean that”, he said. However, Chibi saw right through his act.

“You sure, you seem pretty eager to head back to the Lunar wing”, she said, leaning forward with a playful smirk on her face. Not even Junior’s helmet could hide the rosy cheeks.

“Go on and head inside, else you want to pay for the next time we head to the tavern!”, he said before scooting Chibi Moon in the direction of Canterlot. Chibi replied with a giggle before skipping away.

Junior couldn’t help but give out a small laugh, that kid had surely come a long way since the first time he met her. However, just at that moment, an unexpected sensation struck Godzilla Junior with the force of a bullet. So much so that Junior’s eyes glowed red for a brief moment as he looked around, wondering where that strange feeling came from. He didn’t know what it was, but he knew something was wrong. His ears twitched, his nose scrunched up, his hooves firmly planted themselves in the ground, and nothing happened. He started to relax a bit once the voice of his student echoed in his mind.

“Is something wrong, Sensei?”, asked Chibi. Junior looked around once more, seeing nothing that would turn him defensive.

“Nothing’s wrong, Chibi, just…thought I heard something”, said Junior before following Chibi Moon back to Canterlot.

Meanwhile, both Takeshi and Amber had checked through several rooms in Canterlot and had found nothing. They were forced to sneak through several corridors in order to not be seen as they struggled to find something that looked out of place. With this being a world where everything was designed to be used by a pony, everything seemed out of place. The two of them had eventually found themselves in what appeared to be another library, but this one was much smaller in comparison to the one they started off in.

“Any luck?”, asked Amber as she fluttered over Takeshi’s shoulder.

“None whatsoever”, answered Takeshi. “This place resembles Canterlot to a tee, and yet I feel completely lost.”

“Perhaps we’re searching in areas that are too secluded. If Discord were to lose something in this dimension, I doubt it would be here”, said Amber as she gestured to the study area they found themselves in.

“Well, we can’t just go and check the throne room, unless you want to risk being caught”, said Takeshi. “I know Discord, he probably lost whatever we’re looking for in an obscure spot to make it hard on us.”

“I suppose that does sound in character for him”, said Amber. “But at the same time, we should also consider more drastic options since our current pace will more than likely put us in a position of being spotted.”

“What are you imp-”, a sudden realization entered Takeshi’s mind, “wait, don’t tell me you’re considering splitting up.”

“I don’t like the idea as much as you do, but we’re out of options. We can’t stay in this dimension for very long before we’re discovered”, said Amber. Takeshi still wasn’t fond of the idea.

“Splitting up doesn’t fix the problem, it creates new ones”, he said. “What if one of us is spotted, we still don’t know what those…things are capable of.”

Amber could understand where Takeshi’s worry was coming from, and it wasn’t the fear of splitting up. “Don’t worry Junior, I’ll be fine. We’ve both been through worse situations than this, we can handle ourselves”, she said in a reassuring tone. Takeshi hated the thought of Amber being hurt, but was at a loss for words.

“Fine, but only for an hour, afterwards we meet up back here and see if we found anything”, said Takeshi.

“Agreed”, said Amber, before fluttering up to one of the open windows. She looked back at Takeshi before flying out of the window.

“Good luck”, she said.

“Good luck…and be careful”, said Takeshi.

The separated duo of mutant and fairy traced across more rooms in Canterlot. Some of them were study rooms, others were living quarters. Due to her ability of flight and smaller size, it was much easier for Amber to sneak around the hallways of the castle since she could now fly outside and through the windows. Takeshi, meanwhile, was still forced to sneak around the several corridors of the castle which was much easier said than done. An hour had nearly passed and neither of the two could find what they were looking for. Amber flew outside the castle in defeat, her little moth wings tired from all the flapping.

“This shouldn’t be so hard, where could it be?”, she said to herself. Granted, she didn’t entirely know what “it” was so perhaps this was Discord messing with them. Nevertheless, she saw one more open window that more than likely led to yet another room.

“Last one, hope this one’s lucky”, she said.

With a quick flutter of her wings, Amber flew to the opened window and peered inside. The room appeared to be another living quarter and it seemed to be empty. She carefully hovered inside and started to look around. She checked several drawers, curtains, the closet, any kind of personal belongings that this pony had, and she once again came out empty handed.

In a last ditch attempt, she checked under the bed to see if hopefully there was something unusual under there. What she found was surely unusual. She found several magazines of sorts with what appeared to be romanticized ponies on them, each in their own flirtatious position. Amber didn’t know what it was nor why there were so many of them, but she at first thought this was the out of place item they’d been looking for.

But then, something else caught her eye, something far more interesting. Under that same bed was a flock of someone’s hair. Not any hair, but hair that glittered in the sunlight. It appeared to be almost sparkling. It had multiple colors of pink, green, and blue. Amber recognized this kind of hair from anyone. It came from one of the only avatars that ruled over Equestria. Amber’s eyes widened over the thought.

“Celestia”, she said in amazement.

She was so amazed over her find, that she didn’t notice the large club that swung in her direction until it was too late. With a mighty swing, the club struck Amber and sent her flying into the wall. The hit luckily didn’t critically injure Amber, but it was enough to knock her out cold. The pony wielding the club looked the strange moth-fairy creature over.

“Weird bug”, said Bold Rush. “Next time, stay out of my stuff!” After making sure the moth was unconscious, and hiding the erotic magazines back under his bed, Bild Rush got a closer look at his intruder.

“Must be from Godzilla’s world”, he said to himself before baring an unenthusiastic look. “As if we needed more of those things.”

Bold Rush’s mind kept replaying that moment over and over again. That overgrown weed of a pony made an absolute mockery of him and he had never managed to come back from that. He was now seen as some kind of joke with several guards talking behind his back. He blamed Godzilla and all the other pests that came along with him. And now he had, what he assumed to be, another one of said pests in his own bedroom. Bold Rush allowed his anger to get the better of him as he raised his club in the air. He looked down at the unconscious Amber with hatred in his eyes.

“This will show them”, he said to himself and prepared to strike down. But he never got the chance.

The sound of light growling could be heard behind him, causing Bold Rush to stop mid swing. He at first thought that it was one of the kaiju that he had heavily bad mouthed. Fearing the worst, he turned around to see where the noise was coming from. What he didn’t expect was to see a two legged creature that stood taller than him and seemed to be wearing some kind of jacket. The amber eyes of the creature stared him down as it started to approach Bold Rush.

“Who the hay are you?”, asked Bold Rush, backing away slowly. His answer came in the form of a quick jab to his jaw, causing him to drop his club and knock his helmet off.

Takeshi approached the disoriented pony, his teeth bared and his eyes having taken on a more reptilian look. He grabbed Bold Rush by the neck before lifting him off the ground. He stared him right in the eyes as a growl emitted from his lips

“You’re gonna regret that”, he exclaimed.

Meanwhile, from another part of the castle, Incognito and Blueberry Frost were roaming the halls. They were engaged in light conversation.

“Ye’ know, never t’augth I’d say this, but where the bloody hay is Bold Rush? He was supposed to report back over an hour ago” , asked Blueberry Frost.

“Knowing him, probably off ogling one of the princesses or something”, joked Incognito.

Suddenly, faster than the blink of an eye, the wall to the right of the two burst open, sending dust and several pieces of concrete everywhere. Both Incognito and Blueberry Frost were lucky to have been just out of the path of the blast, else they probably would’ve been crushed.

“What in the name of Celestia was that?!”, exclaimed Blueberry Frost.

Her answer came in the form of a groan, drawing both her and Incognito’s attention. As the dust settled, the two guards saw a badly injured Bold Rush lying in a pile of rubble with part of his armor having either been removed or destroyed. The two guards were shocked as they ran up to the heavily damaged stallion.

“Bold Rush, what happened?”, asked Incognito.

Bold Rush didn’t respond with words, but rather with a gesture. He pointed toward the hole that was left behind. Neither Incognito nor Blueberry Frost noticed, but it wasn’t just one wall that Bold Rush had been thrown through, but several. Roughly five walls had been destroyed and at the very last one stood an obscure looking figure that left as soon as it was noticed.

Blueberry Frost gained a look of seriousness as she turned toward her partner. “Gather up the other guards, sometin’ tells me things are gonna get ugly”, she said before drawing her spear and running through the hole in the wall.

“Yes captain”, exclaimed Incognito before galloping away. Though he was still hurt, Bold Rush couldn’t help but also feel annoyed that they had essentially abandoned him.

Meanwhile, Takeshi went back inside Bold Rush’s room to overlook his moth friend. Amber didn’t appear to be critically injured, but she also wasn’t moving. Takeshi lowered his head, pressing his ear against Amber’s chest. He was thankful to hear a heartbeat.

“Rest easy, just keep breathing”, he said softly.

However, at the same time, he still felt responsible for what happened. He came along to help Amber and protect her from any harm, and he had failed to do either. Amber was now lying unconscious in front of him and he had now compromised their mission with how he handled that one pony guard. He mentally cursed himself for not being more careful.

‘It’s all your fault.’

‘They’re coming for you.’

‘You failed.’

He heard footsteps from behind as another pony guard approached him. Blueberry Frost had her spear at the ready in case stuff were to hit the fan. She slowly approached Takeshi from behind. Takeshi started to breathe heavily as he tried to shut out the voice in his head, but its words overpowered any semblance of self he had.

‘She’s hurt because of you.’

‘They’ll try and kill you.’

‘Fight back.’




The voice’s demands proved too much and Takeshi soon submitted. His amber eyes became a bright red as a growl emitted from his lips. Blueberry Frost stopped advancing as Takeshi stood up to his full height, completely dwarfing her. He let out a mighty yell that caused the surrounding area to shake. Blueberry Frost stood her ground as she wielded her signature spear.

“Bring it ya’ vermin”, she demanded.

Junior and Chibi had just returned from their morning “lesson” and Junior was escorting Chibi back to her home. However, as he walked, Junior couldn’t help but feel a weird, almost painful sensation in his head. It felt like a migraine, but it felt more aggressive. He had a similar feeling back when they were out in the woods. Junior didn’t know what the cause of it was, but the fact that he had never felt it before caused him to feel a little tense. Chibi noticed the down behavior of her teacher as a worried frown formed on her face.

“Sensei? Are you alright?”, she asked.

Junior shook his head to clear his vision. “Yeah, I’m fine. Just having a headache is all, nothing too serious”, he said. Or at least he hoped so.

“Huh, that’s weird. I didn’t think kaiju could get headaches”, said Chibi.

‘Not unless something bad is about to happen’, Junior thought to himself.

Just then, a low rumbling could be felt all across the palace. They stopped in their tracks as dust fell from the concrete ceiling. Chibi Moon, out of fear, backed against her teacher as Godzilla Junior stood at the ready. The rumbling soon ended and was replaced with the deafening sound of silence. The ponies looked around, confused over what the cause was.

“What was that?”, asked Chibi.

“I don’t know”, said Junior. “Whatever it was, it’s gone-”

He cut himself off as his ears started to twitch, turning his head toward the wall. His migraine had started to die enough for his senses to return to him and he was now able to pick up a scent. One that was so familiar to him that it could’ve been his own. He placed his head against the wall to try and get a better picture of what was happening. He heard the sound of shouting, yells, furniture being thrown, swords clanging against the floor, wicked cries of pain, and most alluring of all, the roar of another beast.

A roar that sounded so much like his own.

“It can’t be”, Junior said to himself. Soon, a horrified look came on his face as the noises came closer and closer and the rumbling soon came back.

“Sensei, what’s going on-”

“Chibi, get down!”

Junior leapt back toward Chibi as the wall came crumbling down in an explosion of debris. Junior covered the small filly with his own body to shield her from flying bits of concrete. The dust soon settled and a hole bigger than Junior was all that was left of the wall. The hole opened up a platoon of shouting as several guards came running down the hall. A couple stopped to aid in the pony that had been thrown through the wall to help create the hole. Junior stood up amongst the crowd of soldiers as Chibi stood close to him out of fear. One of the soldiers Junior recognized thanks to his bright red fur and brown mane.

“Starlight!”, he shouted before pulling the stallion aside. “Starlight, what the hell is going on?”

“I don’t know, we were just told that something attacked one of our troops and now it’s going rampant!”, exclaimed Starlight.

Junior watched all the other guards run by, he was shocked to see just how many were being needed. The only other time he had seen this many soldiers was when he had crash landed in Canterlot so many years ago. But if that exchange was anything to go off of, then they weren’t just going to need guards, but one of the princesses.

“Starlight, escort Chibi back to her residence”, demanded Junior.

“What! Sensei wait-”

“I don’t have time to argue about this, Chibi”, said Junior. He placed his hoof against Chibi’s own. Chibi knew the gesture, the one where he was making a promise. “Just get somewhere safe and stay there. I’ll be back soon.” Chibi tried to object, but Junior had already started to run along with the other guards.

“Sensei!”, shouted Chibi.

“Come on, we got to move”, exclaimed Starlight as he led Chibi away from the scene. Chibi was upset with the only piece of hope she could hold on to being that Junior had promised her. She only hoped it wouldn’t be broken.

Meanwhile, it was complete and utter chaos throughout the palace. Takeshi made quick and easy work of each and every guard that was thrown at him. His superior strength and fighting skills made him almost unmatched by each and every guard. He jabbed one in the chest, threw one over his shoulder, busted another wall, and even managed to punch through a soldier’s chest plate.

However, some ponies were harder than he first expected. Some of the guards were unicorns that shot blasts of magic at him. Takeshi managed to dodge some of them, but most of the shots landed leaving burns on both his jacket and even his skin. They reminded him of the magic guns from his world, meaning they were more annoying than painful.

At the same time, he was struck in the side, causing him to be sent skidding into a wall. A much larger pony in the form of Hammerbolt came charging at him again as Takeshi firmly planted his feet into the ground. The two collided in a pushing match to see who would fall first. Unfortunately for the stallion, Hammerbolt seriously underestimated his opponent.

With a mighty shove, Takeshi pushed Hammerbolt back, causing him to fall over. He felt a few more magic blasts against his back. To solve this, Takeshi grabbed Hammerbolt by the tail and, with a mighty heave, Takeshi threw the stallion at the other unicorns. Hammerbolt collided with them similar to a bowling ball knocking down bowling pins to score a strike.

Takeshi didn’t have a lot of time to breathe before he saw the familiar face of Blueberry Frost charging at him with her spear at the ready. He sidestepped to the side before delivering a kick which Frost managed to dodge by rolling underneath it thanks to her smaller size. She used her spear to slash Takeshi’s leg, releasing a grunt of pain.

Blueberry Frost prepared to strike again, however Takeshi grabbed the tip of her spear with his hand which had grown charcoal scales and claws. This sudden change in skin surprised Frost, but not as much as Takeshi using his strength to rip the tip of her spear clean off the staff. With a swift uppercut, Takeshi sent Blueberry Frost flying back until she slammed against the wall.

He growled before slamming his foot against the ground and released an intense battle cry. Blueberry Frost tried to stand up, but one of her legs was badly hurt. Takeshi started to slowly approach Blueberry Frost, his amber eyes becoming more red. For the first time in her career as captain of the royal guard at Canterlot, Blueberry Frost felt afraid. Takeshi was so focused on Frost, however, he didn’t notice another stallion charging at him.

Takeshi felt a powerful blow against him with enough force to send him flying to the side. He hit a nearby wall with enough force to leave several cracks before slumping against it. Takeshi was almost shocked at the sheer strength of the attack especially when he endured a similar one from Hammerbolt. But when he saw the odd looking unicorn that delivered said blow, it made all too much sense.

“Are you alright, Frost?” , asked Junior as he helped her up.

“Just some light bruising, I’ve had worse”, replied Blueberry Frost. “You always know how to make an entrance.”

Her snarky comment went unnoticed by Junior as he seized up the intruder. He was fairly surprised to discover that they were human, but resembled closer to the humans he saw on Terra. Nevertheless, the fact they didn’t immediately die from the impact of him charging at them at full force showed they weren’t normal. Junior could tell just by looking at him that this wasn’t going to be a one sided duel.

“Get the others out of here, I’ll give our visitor a nice, warm welcome”, said Junior as he approached the downed transmutant.

“You got it”, said Blueberry Frost as she led the guards away, “and good luck.”

Takeshi rose back up to his feet, spitting out a piece of chipped concrete in the process. He was taken aback by the sheer strength of this unicorn, especially since he roughly matched its height. He refused to let that factor deter him as he faced the unicorn down. Red eyes glared back at amber eyes.

“Stand down”, demanded Junior as he stood across from Takeshi.

“Like hell I’m gonna. Especially not after what one of those bastard horses did to my friend”, he spat back.

“First of all, they’re ponies, not horses. And secondly, there are other ways we can handle this encounter. One of them being that you yield and we can negotiate peacefully”, said Junior. “As for the second option”, Junior slammed his hoof into the floor, “will require more convincing.”

Takeshi emitted a growl as his eyes started to turn more animalistic. He clutched the broken blade of Frost’s spear which he firmly held on to. “I think I’ll take my chances”, he said defiantly. Junior took in a deep breath.

“So be it.”

The two opponents charged at each other before colliding in a battle of strength. With his greater weight and size, Godzilla Junior slowly started to push back against the transmutant. He delivered a mighty shove to gain some distance between him and Takeshi before delivering a few powerful punches against his opponent. One of these punches, however, Takeshi managed to block with his hand grabbing Junior’s hoof.

Using Junior’s momentum against him, Takeshi threw the stallion over his shoulder and into the floor. He pinned Junior against the ground before raising the broken spear in an attempt to stab him. But Junior was barely able to move his head out of the way, only losing a few strands of his mane. He planted his back hooves against Takeshi’s chest before delivering a mighty kick which was enough to send Takeshi flying back.

Takeshi landed against the floor, but quickly tried to stand back up. But Junior had gotten up first and charged at Takeshi again. With his jaw wide open to reveal sharp fangs, Junior bit down on Takeshi's shoulder, releasing a scream of pain from his opponent. Takeshi tried to break free, but Junior’s bite was much firmer than he thought was possible for a pony. But Junior didn’t stop there as, with his jaws still locked on Takeshi’s shoulder, he swung his body back to send Takeshi flying back against the same wall that he had originally been slammed into.

The wall immediately collapsed as soon Takeshi crashed into it, sending the battered Transmutant into another hallway. The sudden movement had ripped a massive hole in his jacket as the wound left from Godzilla Junior’s bite immediately started to bleed. Junior took in a deep breath before unleashing a roar of dominance. The roar echoed throughout the halls of Canterlot, but it had the same volume as a train horn for Takeshi. There was only one other noise that managed to drown out Junior’s roar.


‘A monster of your power shouldn’t be humiliated by an equine.’

‘Stop holding back.’



“I’ll tell you again, stand down”, said Junior as he stood in the twelve foot diameter hole he created.

Takeshi breathed heavily as he stood up, clutching his shoulder in the process. He refused to be seen as weak. At that point, he felt a burning sensation in his stomach. His teeth grew sharp as his eyes flashed red. Junior watched as Takeshi’s skin changed from a light pale to rough, charcoal black scales that covered his arms. The same scales extended down to his hands, forming claws sharper than any blade on his fingertips. In a matter of seconds, the bite mark healed itself, leaving zero sign of any kind of injury. Junior watched in anticipation as his opponent started to change in front of his eyes. Trails of smoke billowed from Takeshi’s mouth as he felt the burning sensation rise up to his throat. He faced Junior, anger seeping from his face.

“Stand down to this”, said Takeshi.

And just then, in a matter of seconds, Takeshi ripped open his jaw and unleashed a powerful beam or radiation out of his mouth; catching Junior entirely off guard. Takeshi’s atomic breath struck Junior squarely in the chest with enough force to send him careening backwards. He tumbled for dozens of meters before colliding with one of the castle walls, completely opposite to where he was standing prior.

A trail of smoke traced from Godzilla Junior’s chest as his armor had been badly damaged to the point where it exposed his skin which also was smoking. He was more surprised than hurt over the attack. He had just witnessed a human being use a beam similar to his thermonuclear breath. He had seen a human being grow skin and claws similar to his own. Junior had his doubts about him, but this proved that this wasn’t a normal person and definitely not from Terra. He heard footsteps as he looked up to see Takeshi approaching him.

“I’m not that easily beaten, equine”, Takeshi spat at him. Junior growled before standing back to his hooves.

“Neither am I”, said Junior.

He stomped his hooves as his tail slammed against the floor. To Takeshi’s surprise, Junior’s mane and tail started to glow a light blue aura similar to his own atomic breath. Takeshi knew what that meant and he immediately got into a defensive position. Godzilla Junior’s eyes flashed bright blue as sparks flickered from his maw. When he felt the energy reach his mouth, Junior ripped his jaw open to unleash his thermonuclear breath.

Takeshi barely had a second of time to dive out of the beam’s path before it was fired. The beam followed his path as Takeshi tried his hardest to dodge the powerful attack. The walls and even the ceiling were blown apart courtesy of Junior, causing dust and soot to fill the air. The sheer magnitude of the beam could be felt all across Canterlot. Guards, residents, even two certain princesses all felt the tremors and most of them knew exactly where they came from. Starlight was escorting Chibi to a safe distance when they felt the castle shaking.

“What the hay was that?”, said Starlight. Chibi Moon however knew exactly what the cause was.

“Sensei”, she said to herself. When the tremors stopped, Starlight looked back one second to see a small filly with the same look of surprise as him. He looked away for one moment and then the next she had completely vanished.

Takeshi had faced dragons, changelings, monsters, and even a reality warper, but a tall pony that could shoot atomic fire out of its mouth was by far the strangest. The strength of this equine was something he had never expected and it even shared several of his abilities. Takeshi then remembered the two guards talking about a pony they nicknamed Big G. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to connect the dots.

After a few more seconds, Junior cut off the beam to regain his breath. It was then he realized he had completely lost sight of his opponent in the incredibly thick dust cloud he had created. However, this wasn’t a problem for Junior as he relaxed and tried to listen as carefully as he could to try and gain any sense of where the human was. He managed to pinpoint where Takeshi was, but not in the way he expected.

He felt a sudden weight on his back causing him to grunt in surprise. Takeshi had leapt on to him and was now riding Junior like a cowboy. Junior thrashed his body around in an attempt to force the transmutant off him, but Takeshi used his claws to hold firmly into Junior’s skin. A blade of pure steel couldn’t pierce Junior's fur, but he was finding out the hard way just how versatile Takeshi was.

Junior slammed himself against the walls as he felt energy buildup inside of him. In a last ditch effort, he toppled over, crushing Takeshi underneath him. That was enough to force Takeshi to let go, but not without tearing several pieces of skin and fur off. But Junior didn’t stop there as while Takeshi stood back up, he fired his thermonuclear breath at Takeshi which collided with him squarely on his chest.

The force was enough to send Takeshi flying back through another wall and land against one of the large glass windows that overlooked the mountain terrain that Canterlot resided in. It only lasted for a couple seconds, but before Junior cut off the attack, the two were now separated to regain their composure. The several claw marks on Junior’s back started to heal as well as the wound on his chest which had formed into a scar.

Takeshi slammed his fist into the ground with anger written on his face. He had fought monsters capable of destroying entire towns, and yet here he was being made a fool by a pony of all things. He stomped hard before unleashing a powerful battle cry that came off as more of a roar that was similar in volume to Juniors. He was preparing to charge back at Junior until…

Sensei!Sensei!…Sens-huh”, gasped a young voice.

Takeshi faced where the voice came from and was met with a small, light pink filly with pigtails. The young filly took several steps back out of fear as Takeshi’s eyes looked capable of staring into her soul. Her eyes were filled with fear, but what confused Takeshi the most was that the filly wasn’t fearful for her safety. He traced back to the unicorn he had been fighting. He could see the stallion was still healing from their previous tussle. He was tempted to run at him while he was down until…

“P-Please…don’t hurt him”, said Chibi.

Takeshi looked back at the filly, her eyes confirmed the thought that was forming in his mind. This small filly, this child, cared about the stallion he was fighting and was more scared for his safety than her own. Eyes that were filled with gentleness and mercy reminded the transmutant of a rose haired girl that he had grown to care immensely for. For a brief moment, Takeshi’s eyes lost their thin slits; they appeared to be human.


The moment didn’t last long as Takeshu was brought back to reality when the force of what felt like a wrecking ball came at him in full momentum. Junior shoved Takeshi back with all his might right through the wall that the two had been standing in front of. Unfortunately for both of them, said wall was a massive glass window stationed above one of the tallest mountains in all of Equestria. The only thing awaiting the two on the other side was a mile long fall with the only thing left to cushion them being several trees at the bottom.

“Sensei!”, exclaimed Chibi as she stood in the massive hole of the glass window.

Despite their rapid descent, both Junior and Takeshi were still trading blows. With Junior being on top, he managed to deliver several punches to Takeshi’s abdomen and face. These punches were fueled by heavy amounts of anger, a similar amount he experienced during his last encounter with a three headed terror. Takeshi raised his arms in a defensive position until Junior made a jab at his side, hitting a trigger point.

That was enough to cause Takeshi to shout in pain before swiping at Junior with his claws fully open. He hit Junior squarely in the side of his face, cutting clean through his armor and leaving nasty gashes in the side of his face. The sudden momentum was enough to essentially flip the two of them to where Takeshi was now the aggressor. He delivered several punches at Junior, tearing apart more pieces of Junior’s lunar armor. Junior could feel each punch become slightly stronger than before and they were both coming closer and closer to crashing against the earth.

Junior’s mane flashed a bright cyan as he started to gather energy. But instead of concentrating the energy into a beam of pure radiation, he instead focused his energy to spread across his body. With Takeshi being fueled by anger, he was unable to notice as his blows became more furious. It wasn’t until Junior’s entire body was glowing that caused Takeshi to stop his onslaught.

With a mighty roar, Junior let loose a powerful nuclear pulse. The force was enough to send both fighters in opposite directions. The blast was even enough to singe through Takeshi’s jacket and leave nasty burns on his skin. The two were now on separate free falls before colliding with the ground. Junior landed in a large field of trees while Takeshi landed in a lake with a heavy splash.

Meanwhile, back up in Canterlot, Chibi had watched the entire exchange go down only to look away from the bright flash caused by one of her sensei’s useful abilities. On the one hand, she was contemplating on using her magic to teleport down there and help Junior, but on the other hand, he had told her specifically to stay somewhere safe. Not only that, but from the looks of the attacker, Junior was facing an opponent that Chibi couldn’t help with.

Several thoughts were racing through her mind, but only one option seemed to be her best. She ran off to find someone that she knew could help her deer friend. Chibi was so dead set on finding this pony that she completely forgot about teleporting to her. She galloped as fast as her little hooves could carry her until she reached her destination; she quickly entered the lunar wing.

Junior coughed violently as he rose back to his feet. He had survived falls from space and beyond so a fall from Canterlot castle wasn’t too different. However, just because he had experienced a similar situation, didn’t mean he was immune to it. Junior could feel one of his legs give audible pain when applied weight to it, the claw mark on the side of his face still stung, and his armor was so heavily damaged that he decided to remove it. His healing factor immediately got to work by repairing his face and the broken bone in his leg.

As his wounds healed, Junior started to observe the situation he was in. He was fighting a human, or at least he thought it was a human, that matched his strength and endurance. Not only that, but this person had several abilities that were almost too familiar to his own such as a healing factor, sharp claws that vaguely resembled his, and a similar beam attack. Each unique attribute was always connected to him.

‘Those humans must’ve spliced my DNA with theirs to make super soldiers’, the thought of which brought a small smirk to Junior’s face. ‘Guess it was only a matter of time.’

The thought of humans reminded Junior of the one he had been fighting for what felt like hours. A couple pieces of fabric from Takeshi’s jacket had scattered in the ground after being singed from Junior’s attack. He sniffed the fabric to gather a scent of where the transmutant could’ve landed. When he picked up the scent, he managed to track it down to where it was pointing in the opposite direction to where he had landed.

“Alright, we’ll call round one a draw”, Junior said to himself as the last of his injuries formed into a scar. “Hope you’re ready for round two.”

Unlike Godzilla Junior, Takeshi’s fall was somewhat broken by the lake he had landed in. However, the force of the impact was enough to knock him out as he sank to the bottom of the lake. Any other human would’ve surely drowned the second they hit the surface of the water, but that was the perk to being a transmutant; he wasn’t human. Gills appeared in the side of his neck and got to work helping him breathe.


Takeshi started to stir awake as his mind began to race.

“The last remaining member of the Takeshi clan is too weak to fight a unicorn with a broken horn. How shameful.”

Takeshi felt too weak to try and combat these thoughts as he sank deeper and deeper.

“You pride yourself on being indestructible, unmatchable, and neigh unbeatable-”

He felt a pain similar to migraine invade his mind.

“And yet once again, I’m the one who has to save you.”

The gills on his neck started to be surrounded by dark, charcoal black scales that spread to his arms, legs, and torso.

“Your father would be so disappointed if he saw you now.”

His teeth started to fall out and become replaced with those similar to a young T-Rex. He felt a burning sensation throughout his body as his bones began to bend, snap, reform, and expand.

“Survive, Survive, Survive, SURVIVE!”

Sharp, jagged spikes formed out of his back, ripping his jacket in half. His bare skin was revealed to have been completely covered in dark scales. When his eyes reopened, Takeshi was unrecognizable as his pupils went from small pinpoints to thin, reptilian slits.

Junior, meanwhile, had managed to track the scent to a lake that had a single boulder sticking out of it. He was at first tempted to see if his attacker had crash landed in the water, until the boulder started to move. At first, it wiggled slightly before it fell underneath the surface of the water. Junior felt he could already tell where this was going; this person was more than what meets the eye. What he didn’t expect was the boulder being chucked out of the lake with tremendous force.

Junior leaped out of the boulder’s crash zone as it collided with the ground, leaving a massive crater. Before he could gather his breath, Junior saw small ripples and bubbles coming out of the water. Not a second later, he could see the shadow of something approaching him, something big. And just then, the creature burst through the lake’s surface, revealing itself to the world. The sight of which left Junior’s jaw agape; his opponent had undergone a serious transformation.

The creature stood at more than twice his height and several times his length thanks to its incredibly long tail. It had thick legs similar to an elephant and arms bulkier than your average bodybuilder. Dark, lizard-like scales covered its entire body apart from its back which was where several rows of sharp dorsal plates resided that resembled the tips of a mountain. It’s animalistic, amber eyes glared down at its opponent; Takeshi had entered his best form.

Junior was flabbergasted at what he was looking at. It was almost too incredulous to believe. He had fought aliens, cyborgs, alpha predators, cosmic beings, wendigos, and even demons, but never once did he think he’d be fighting a literal copy of himself. His response to this situation was all but drowned out by the transmutant’s mighty roar.

“What…in the name…of Tanaka?”

When the beast cut off his roar, Takeshi stomped toward his equestrian opponent. Junior finally snapped out of his amazement as he ran to the side to avoid the creature’s charge. This time, he was now the one that was on the defense as Takeshi gave chase. Junior maneuvered around several trees, only for Takeshi to simply plow through them all as he chased him down. Junior was forced to stop when he came across a large rock formation. Takeshi crashed through the trees, letting loose another monstrous roar.

He bent downward, opening his jaw wide in an attempt to bite down on the stallion, but Junior managed to roll out of his path forcing Takeshi to collide into the rock wall. Junior took this opportunity to deliver a strong kick to the beast’s face. Although it managed to disorient him, it also made him even more angry. Takeshi spun around with surprising speed and attempted to slam its clawed hand down on Junior, but he managed to dodge before it could hit him.

Junior delivered another blow to Takeshi’s head, however this time he didn’t get off scot free. Instead, Takeshi swung his head forward and slammed into Junior. His larger body packed tons of force as Junior was knocked back into a tree. Not only that, but Takeshi charged at him before he could get up and slammed his head against Junior.

The impact was enough to force the wind out of Junior’s lungs as he gave off a cry of pain. Takeshi tried slamming him against the tree again, but while he was attempting such, he failed to notice Junior’s mane starting to glow. Before Takeshi could deliver another blow, Junior unleashed his thermonuclear breath. The beam collided with Takeshi’s plates, causing the beast to give out a roar of pain. This distraction was enough to allow Junior to peel away as he let loose another beam of radiation. This one collided with one of Takeshi’s legs, sending the transmutant to the ground as the skin on its leg had been broken.

Junior took a few steps back and observed what he was facing. ‘Well, the good news is that he can still be hurt’, he thought to himself. The aching pain from his ribs caused the Terran defender to wince. ‘The bad news, he can hurt me even easier.’

The sound of the creature slowly rising to his feet caught Junior’s attention. Takeshi, unknowingly, revealed his back to Junior who noticed how the wound he delivered had yet to fully heal. This caused an idea to form in Junior’s mind as he saw the tail of the creature lay flat on the ground.

“Alright then bastard”, he said before charging forward, “let’s give one of your tricks a try!”

Junior leapt on to the tail of the transmutant and started to climb up its back. Takeshi could feel the touch of the stallion which caused him to stand fully up. Before he knew it, Junior had made his way to the wound in his back before biting down on top of it. Takeshi roared in pain as he then started to swing his body around in an attempt to knock the weird looking unicorn off. But Junior held firm as he also took the opportunity to deliver several fully charged punches to the same spot which received more roars of pain.

It wasn’t until Takeshi toppled on his back when Junior jumped off before Takeshi fell to the ground. The sight of the downed monster formed an idea in Junior’s mind when he saw the large, amber eye. Despite being a unicorn, Junior never tapped into magic due to a lack of a need to do so. However, that didn’t stop the thought of potentially putting the bent horn of his to use. And now it seemed he had found an opportunity. Before he could second guess himself, he started running.

Takeshi managed to catch a glimpse of the stallion before an entire half of his vision went dark and he felt excruciating pain. Junior had turned his horn into a spear and stabbed Takeshi in the eye with it. He wasn’t sure how lethal of an attack it would be since his horn was more blunt than the average unicorns, but it managed to emit a loud painful roar from the transmutant.

Takeshi jerked his body to the side, knocking Junior back. But before Junior could regain his footing, Takeshi swung his large tail and struck Junior in the back; sending the stallion flying into a tree with enough force to cause it to topple. Takeshi clung to his eye socket as his left eye became bloodshot and even started bleeding. He was becoming more furious as the fight went on.

‘This shouldn’t be so hard, why am I letting that fucking dirt bag get the best of me?’, he thought to himself. The wound on his back and leg had fully healed, bringing his attention back to the stallion that slowly rose to his hooves.

Junior faced Takeshi as his mane and tail lit up before firing another blast of his thermonuclear breath. The beam collided with Takeshi’s chest, but the transmutant didn’t yield. The power of the beam still hurt, which surprised even the spirit from within the beast, but Takeshi’s sheer strength and pride made him refuse to back down. Instead he thought best that it was time to return fire with fire. He began gathering up energy, causing his dorsal plates to glow bright blue.

Junior kept the attack going, until he noticed the blue glow coming from the dorsal plates. The sight caused him to cut off the attack. Despite that, Takeshi continued to gather energy, causing his gills to glow a bright blue. It was so immense that Junior could feel the radiation emitting from this creature; he knew what was coming. The last of Takeshi’s dorsal plates were now just as bright as Junior’s mane before he ripped open his jaws and unleashed a powerful roar.

Junior jumped out of the way in time as Takeshi’s atomic breath completely incinerated the tree that he was standing in front of. The blast was enough to knock Junior off his hooves as he fell to the ground. Only for him to quickly roll out of the way of another blast of atomic energy that streaked right past him, barely managing to singe some strands of hair from his mane. The heat from the beam was remarkably hotter than the first time Takeshi fired it to the point where it felt like it surpassed even Juniors. Nevertheless, that didn’t stop Junior from regathering his energy as his mane lit up and sparks shot from his mouth.

The combined glow from both the stallion’s mane and the transmutant’s dorsal plates illuminated the surrounding forest. Junior and Takeshi glared down at each other, neither willing to back down. Takeshi fired first with Junior firing not a moment later. Thermonuclear and atomic energy would collide with each other, creating an explosion comparable to a ballistic missile. The shockwave created went on for several miles, shaking even Canterlot which stood hundreds of meters above them.

The blast sent Junior flying back as he flew through another tree before crash landing against a boulder. Several parts of his body were emitting steam as he felt his body temperature slowly lower. He spat blood from his mouth which even included a tooth, he wasn’t prepared for the resulting exchange between them to be that powerful. His healing factor went to work, repairing his damaged skin which even started to bleed. However, during this time frame, Junior had lost focus on where Takeshi was until it was too late.

Junior’s eyes widened as his arms shot upward in a defensive block. From the smoke emerged Takeshi who charged at Junior at full speed with his jaw wide open and his sharp teeth bared. He was attempting to rush Junior, but the stallion just barely outpaced him by having his hooves up. The impact was still enough to knock the air out from Junior, but it could’ve been worse as he held the transmutant’s jaw open with all his might. Junior could feel himself begin to sweat as his muscles bulged from holding open the bite force comparable to a T-Rex. Takeshi thrashed about, but Junior held firm. That was until Takeshi’s dorsal plates started to light up.

For the first time throughout their encounter, Junior faltered. He had used lots of energy during their fight and was already using most of it to win the battle of strength against Takeshi. He knew that Takeshi’s atomic breath was comparable to his own so the attack would hurt, the question was how bad. Takeshi’s dorsal plates were all lit and his gills were now starting to glow. Firing back with his own nuclear beam wasn’t an option, which left Junior with two more options.

Either take the blow and see if he could heal the damages, or tap into a power source that, though he didn’t like using, would use if the situation boiled down to it. After seeing the reptilian eyes glare daggers sharper than any blade at him, Junior felt there was only one way this encounter would end. His mane flashed blue for a second before starting to become a faint orange. Takeshi let out a mighty roar as the heat emitted by the two started to cause the surrounding trees to wilt. Junior prepared to brace for impact as Takeshi was milliseconds from firing his atomic breath.

But he never got the chance. Faster than any man-made bullet, a streak of purple magic was shot from the sky before crashing down on the two combatants. The power of the magic caused a miniature mushroom cloud of smoke and dust to explode into the air. The source of the magic steadily flapped her wings as she breathed heavily, having poured out massive amounts of magic to save the stallion she cared about. She was unsure if her rash decision was the right one, but with not a second to spare, it was the only thing she could think of. As the dust settled and the silence became ear piercing, Luna waited in anticipation for something if not anything to appear from the dust cloud.

‘I pray to harmony that I wasn’t too late’, she thought to herself. Thankfully for Luna, her prayers were answered.

A bright beam of light shot into the sky, rivaling even the sun in terms of brightness. Most would’ve looked away or been fearful of the sight, but it managed to bring a smile of relief to the princess of the night. From the beam stood a tall creature with deep black scales and a presence that even Canterlot could barely match. Its massive clawed feet stomped against the terrain along with its long tail. Several light gray, maple leaf-looking dorsal plates ran along its back and tail. The titan king opened its mouth, showing off its sharp teeth, before taking a deep breath. At over one hundred meters tall, Godzilla Junior let loose a thunderous roar.

Luna was at first relieved by the sight of the monster king, preparing a mental note in her mind to thank the young filly that summoned her, but it didn’t last long as shortly afterwards another beam of light shot from the sky. The alicorn princess was flabbergasted at the sight, for as far as she was aware, there were no other kaiju recorded in the area apart from Junior. The heavy footsteps of the monster king caught her attention as Junior took a few steps to the side, appearing just as confused as Luna was. That look turned partially incredulous as another figure appeared from the beam of light; another kaiju. And this one was bigger than him.

Junior only stood around the titan’s neck as it reached its full height. It too had a long tail that appeared just as long as Junior’s, but it became thinner near its tip. The beast was armored with dark gray scales that revealed several scars from previous battles. Similar to Junior, it also had a row of black dorsal plates running down its back that resembled sharp, jagged stones. It appeared much more reptilian and animalistic than Junior, but nevertheless, its amber eyes never lost their glare. The transmutant was now at his most powerful. With a mighty stomp and an ear splitting roar, Gojira Takeshi the second had transformed.

Anypony who hadn’t known of the ongoing fight were now fully aware after seeing two behemoths that made Canterlot look like a toy castle. Many were shocked to find out that Godzilla, the same kaiju who had saved their home from hundreds of monsters, was now facing down himself. Luna looked back to see all her subjects waiting in anticipation for the inevitable conflict. A sudden thought caused her eyes to widen. Though it hadn’t been confirmed, it might’ve been possible that Junior as a kaiju could break through the protective barrier she and her sister could create; and there were now two of him.

It seemed the same thought had also crossed Junior’s mind as he let out an auditory growl, catching Luna’s attention. His large eyes looked at her and then back at the palace, signaling for her to go. Luna looked at the kaiju and then at her kingdom, they had been in this situation before. Since the first lighting of the guardian’s flame, Godzilla Junior had shown himself worthy as a defender of Canterlot. Even if King Ghidorah were to rise from the dead, he wouldn’t spare another thought before jumping into action. Luna took a deep breath before nodding at the stallion turned beast before flying back to Canterlot. Not before taking one more look back and muttering a single phrase.

‘Please, be careful.’

Junior and Takeshi stared each other down as they slowly circled one another as they clenched their teeth and popped their fists. Their heavy footsteps gave the impression of bass drums slowly quickening in speed to signal the start of a duel. Little did Takeshi know, Junior was stalling for time until he saw the barrier for Canterlot go up. The second the golden force field had encased the entirety of the palace did the two kaiju end their circling. The tension was so intense that an atomic bomb could drop and no one would’ve noticed. Little did anypony know, however, that the second that barrier had fully closed, atomic hell would break loose.

Takeshi let loose a challenging roar before charging forward, his footsteps causing tremors. Junior retorted with a roar that accepted his challenge and he too charged forward, his charge uprooted several trees in the process. They both collided with full force, sending a massive shockwave that could shake a mountain range. The two kaiju locked arms as they both tried to overpower the other through strength. Takeshi was surprised how despite being the larger and heavier opponent, Junior was able to match his full strength.

The standstill soon ended when Junior shoved Takeshi back to gain some distance. With his claws outstretched, Junior delivered a nasty swipe on Takeshi before following it up with a punch to the side of his head. Takeshi retaliated by lunging forward with his jaw wide open, trying to bite down on Junior’s arm. But the kaiju king sidestepped out of the way before delivering another punch to Takeshi’s side. However, Takeshi carried this momentum into his tail before using it as a wip and smacking Junior square in the chest; almost causing him to fall over.

Takeshi was the first to regain his balance as he started to gather up energy. His dorsal plates began to glow a radiant blue as smoke billowed from his mouth. He fired his atomic breath which struck Junior in the chest, causing him to roar in pain and send him sliding back into another mountain. Takeshi, seeing Junior disoriented, charged toward him before firing another blast of his atomic breath. This time, however, Junior managed to move his head out of its blast point. Before Takeshi could get close, Junior delivered a strong kick to the transmutant’s shin, causing him to stagger for a moment.

With this, Junior took the opportunity to grab hold of Takeshi’s head before slamming him into the same mountain that he had been shoved into. The resulting impact caused part of the mountain to collapse. Junior was about to follow it up with a punch, but Takeshi managed to dodge the blow causing Junior’s fist to collide with the mountain side. Takeshi then lunged forward and bit down on Junior's arm, sinking his teeth deep into his skin. Junior roared in pain as he flailed his arm around to knock Takeshi loose, but the transmutant held firm.

Seeing how he wasn’t letting go, Junior started to gather energy as his dorsal plates lit up. The energy traveled to his fist with enough heat to force Takeshi to let go. However, before Takeshi could react in time, Junior fired a fully charged thermonuclear beam right into his chest. The blast wasn’t strong enough to topple Takeshi over, but it did manage to leave nasty burns. When the beam cut off, Takeshi let out another roar in defiance as Junior charged at him. Junior delivered a strong right hook against Takeshi and then followed it with a firm kick to his chest.

Takeshi retaliated with his sharp claws withdrawn and attempted to swipe at Junior, but the defender of Terra was much faster than the larger and heavier kaiju. However, with only mere inches separating the two, Takeshi managed to land a nasty slash on Junior’s chest, enough to draw blood. The attack caused Junior to flinch and drop his guard which allowed Takeshi to charge at him and shove him back against the mountain. He was so focused on pinning Junior that he didn’t notice the blue glow coming from his dorsal plates.

Junior fired his thermonuclear breath point blank into Takeshi’s face, causing the transmutant to roar in pain from the heat. The attack only lasted for a few seconds, but it was enough to almost completely blind Takeshi. Junior didn’t stop there, however, and focused the energy to travel into his fist. His entire arm flowed blue as he delivered a fully charged right hook against Takeshi. The blow resulted in a loud crack to emit from Takeshi’s jaw and a roar of pain to shortly follow.

The force was enough to cause the transmutant to fall on to his back as he clutched his broken jaw. With his opponent on the ground, Junior saw an opportunity to end this fight as he noticed Takeshi’s long tail. Using his muscular arms, Junior grabbed Takeshi’s tail and with a mighty heave and lots of strain, tugged against the 90,000 ton kaiju. Takeshi let out a shocked and confused roar as he felt himself be literally thrown over Junior’s shoulder and was sent crashing down into the mountain. The resulting impact caused the entire mountain to essentially shatter from the weight and partially bury Takeshi under rock and dirt. Seeing his foe not stand back up, Junior let loose a mighty roar that sounded as though he was declaring victory.

All while this went on, the residents of Canterlot watched in awe and amazement over the incredible spectacle. They were essentially watching two goliaths tear each other apart with neither wanting to back down and surrender. It seemed as though every single pony in Canterlot were now staring at what was quickly becoming one of the greatest duels they had ever seen. Every pony…all except for one.

Back in Bold Rush’s room, Amber was finally stirring awake after being out for what felt like hours. Her head was pounding, her muscles were numb, and her eyes struggled to adjust to the light in the room. The last thing she remembered was something hard hitting her before she blacked out. And then she realized something that caused her eyes to widen, Takeshi was missing. Suddenly, the sound of what she perceived as a roar caused the entire room she was in to shake. She tried using her wings to fly up, but they had fallen asleep after being in a single position for so long. At first she feared the worst for her friend until…

“Are you alright, my dear?”

Amber was frozen for a moment, she recognized that voice, how could one not. She slowly turned and looked up, her jaw fell to the floor. Standing before her was a tall alicorn with white, angelic fur, wings, and a horn which was currently surrounded by a yellow aura. Her mane and tail glistened in the sunlight as they flowed majestically thanks to her magic. Her magenta eyes, filled with so much beauty, watched her with care similar to that of a mother. Amber was in complete awe, the moth speculated that she would be here, but she never expected it to be true. She was currently sitting in front of the princess of the sun.

“C-Celestia?”, Amber said, incredulously. Celestia returned her question, with a warm smile.

Just then, a loud roar caused the room to shake again, this time with enough force to knock a shelf inside the room over. Finding her strength, Amber flew up to the window to see what caused the shaking. When she saw the two titans, her mouth hung agape as she became filled with fear and anxiety. She recognized one of the two kaiju, despite it looking strikingly similar to his opponent.

“Junior”, Amber said, incredulously.

Meanwhile, back outside, Takeshi slowly started to stand up after being thrown into a mountain. His regeneration set to work repairing his damaged skin, broken jaw, and even helping him get his vision back. As he stood there, he could hear the heavy stomps of his opponent slowly coming closer and closer.

Takeshi was in pain, he was flabbergasted, he was confused, but above all, he was angry. Not at Junior, but at himself. He was the remaining member of the Takeshi clan, he had pride himself on being able to withstand anything, he wanted to show he was capable of protecting those he cared about. And yet, here he was, at his most powerful and was still not able to get back at those who had hurt his friend. He hated himself for it.

“Stop holding back.”

“Admit it, you’re weak.”

Takeshi’s breath began to quicken as smoke was exhaled from his nostrils.

“You refuse to believe it.”

“You can’t win by yourself.”

His dorsal plates flashed bright blue as he clenched his fists.

“Why must I force you to see the truth, why must you be so ignorant?”

“You are a freak! And you know it.”

Junior’s footsteps had stopped short of where Takeshi was. Junior stopped due to what he saw; he could swear the transmutant was convulsing.

“Stop acting like you’re human, Junior. You know you’re lying…”

Takeshi emitted a growl as his eyes turned red.

“You are a M̵̘̅̌o̷̰̼̒͂̈̚n̵̘̻̰̟̋͛š̶̖̦̣t̴̨̲̉̈́̉̈́r̷͎̼͗̏̓͐ŏ̴̗̗̩̅͂̔͜ş̸̖͑̀̔̐i̶̦̹͆͝͝͠t̷̪̪̻̐͋͒ỷ̵̨̫̀.”

Junior’s eyes widened as he felt a sharp pain in his leg. He looked down to see that a massive cut was left in it. Takeshi’s tail slammed to the ground, the tip was covered in blood, and it wasn’t his own. He stood to his full height as his wounds healed almost instantly. His jaw snapped back into place as he released a bloodcurdling roar; the human known as Takeshi was no more, and in his place was a monster.

Before Junior could react, Takeshi lunged forward and grabbed him by the shoulders. Using his greater strength and weight, Takeshi managed to knock Junior on to his back causing his dorsal plates to cut deep into the earth. Afterwards he delivered blow after blow on either Junior’s chest, side, or even face. The monster king tried to counter by putting his arms up, but the transmutant was relentless. The blows came to an end when Junior used his tail to wrap around one of Takeshi’s arms before swinging his tail back, forcing Takeshi off of him.

However, while Junior was standing up, Takeshi rushed him again and pushed him back. The ponies from Canterlot watched in horror as the two titans came dangerously close to their home. Unfortunately, Junior was unable to fight back against Takeshi as he was shoved into the mountain where Canterlot resided on. The collision caused the mountain to shake as several ponies screamed in terror. The barrier kept the palace itself from receiving any damage, but the fear of her kingdom being destroyed struck fear into Luna as she watched Takeshi bite down on Junior’s neck. After all, she and her subjects had already witnessed the two kaijus destroy a mountain like a deck of cards. Now it was Godzilla Junior’s turn to see red.

His dorsal plates lit up as he started to gather energy. He delivered another fully charged punch to Takeshi’s abdomen, causing the transmutant to back away. He then charged forward, delivering another punch to the transmutant’s face and then another one to his side. He let out a roar of anger as he charged up another punch.

‘You try to hurt those people again and I’ll kil-!’

He was cut off mid thought when the energy from his fist made contact with Takeshi’s own. The energy was fired, creating a powerful shockwave, but there was no reaction. The same atomic energy which Junior used to tear apart other kaiju was withstood with seeming little effort by this beast which, just over an hour ago, was once human. Junior’s eyes widened as he felt a painful pop come from his hand as Takeshi used his strength to break the bones in his palm; Junior cringed from the pain, refusing to roar. He stared at the beast, its eyes filled with no fear.

Takeshi grabbed Junior’s arm and forced him on the ground. Before Junior could get up, Takeshi grabbed him by the dorsal plates and dragged him against the earth. The terrain beneath them was instantly destroyed when the 60,000 ton body of Junior flattened the surrounding land. Takeshi let out another roar as he then grabbed Junior by the head and, similar to what Junior did with his tail, threw him over head into another mountain. Junior roared in surprise as he crashed into the mountain, causing it to crumble from impact.

Now with there finally being some distance between the two, Junior’s healing factor started repairing the damage as he stood up. There was some blood dripping from his mouth as he stared down Takeshi. He let out a roar of defiance before starting to gather energy. The blue glow from Junior’s dorsal plates signaled for Takeshi to do the same; they both knew what was about to go down. The two titans had destroyed mountains, broken each other’s bones, and yet still neither of them were choosing to surrender. This signified that this exchange between their most powerful attacks would mark who would win this battle. With both beams fully charged and the sun shining brighter than ever, they both fired at the same time.

And just like that, a miniature star had formed in Canterlot.

The full power of thermonuclear energy battled against the full blast of atomic energy as Junior and Takeshi poured everything they had into their beam struggle. The ground beneath them began to shake violently, as if an earthquake had summoned. The resulting beam struggle caused even Canterlot to shake violently as many ponies watched in awe. Junior continued to pour energy into the beam and even used some energy that he gathered from the sun to add power to his thermonuclear breath. With the added power source, he was slowly starting to overpower Takeshi’s atomic breath.

Unfortunately, there was one problem that Junior didn’t consider: the Takeshi clan never surrendered.

“I refuse…to D̷̻̎̽͝I̵͎̜͊E̷͇͖̠͌̿̔!”

Takeshi felt a massive boost in power as his eyes started to glow blue for a brief second. He unleashed every last bit of energy into the atomic breath as he let out a roar loud enough to shatter the windows in Canterlot and cause several ponies to cover their ears. Before Junior could even react, Takeshi had won the struggle. The full power of the transmutant struck Takeshi in the chest and sent him flying back into a mountain. Despite having won the duel, Takeshi kept the attack going, causing the entire mountain to be engulfed in atomic fire. A weak, painful roar could be heard from the mountain as its entirety became shrouded in smoke.

Then, one second later, it ceased to exist.

The mountain that Junior crashed into exploded in a spectacular explosion of stone, fire, and smoke. A massive mushroom cloud as big as the mountain itself completely took over the area, shrouding anything and everything in darkness. The residents of Canterlot all stood speechless, they didn’t feel scared or angry, just speechless. Godzilla, the king of the monsters, one of the main kaiju protectors of Equestria, was just defeated. Some refused to look at the destruction, but most almost couldn’t look away. Not even the alicorn princesses were spared as they each were in complete shock. Celestia turned toward Luna who’s horn began to dim, she had lost the magic needed to keep the barrier up.

“S-Sensei?” A young voice caught Luna’s attention as she turned to see where it had come from. She saw the familiar form of a young filly with light pink fur and pigtails standing at the edge of Canterlot.

Chibi stuck out her hoove, the same one that her master made a promise with, only to receive no reply. She heard footsteps from behind her, causing her to look back. She saw the saddened look of Princess Luna greet her as she lowered her head in sorrow. Chibi tried to fight back, but couldn’t and let her tears flow. She clutched the leg of Luna and continued to cry. Luna stood there, trying to keep her composure for her subjects as they too shared her expression.

It was only then that Takeshi cut the attack off to take a breather. The silence was nothing but deafening with the only noise left to break it being the deep breaths he was taking. His eyes finally were brought back to normal, his pupils regained their irises and the booming voice in his mind subsided. He could finally breathe, he could finally think straight. He faced the castle of Canterlot, expecting to feel victorious and proud. And yet, he felt nothing.

He was in pain, he was angered, he was too exhausted to even start healing. Takeshi wanted to feel accomplished, but he just couldn’t. Now that he could think straight, he was able to take in the extent of their battle. He hurt several innocent lives, terrorized a single individual, and destroyed an entire mountain range. All because one pony dared to hurt his friend, a friend he had completely forgotten about during their fight. Takeshi didn’t know if Amber was awake or not, but if she wasn’t what was he supposed to do? How would she react to seeing her close friend standing on the remains of a battlefield? How would they continue their mission now that everyone knew who he was?

The transmutant stood idle for a few seconds which felt like hours. Takeshi slowly turned toward Canterlot. He saw hundreds of ponies who had nothing to do with what happened to Amber. He finally noticed the light orange barrier that surrounded the castle; it wasn’t for Junior, it was for him. They were terrified of him and he had justified their fears. He hung his head low, this wasn’t a victory to be proud of, this was a fool’s award. He had proven his inner spirit right, he was a monster.

‘What have I done?’, he thought to himself.

“The right thing.”

However, during his mental breakdown, he hadn’t noticed the increasing rise in temperature. The air started to become thick and sticky as smoke began to infiltrate the climate. It wasn’t until Takeshi felt a massive energy spike when his attention was finally drawn to the mushroom cloud of dust. The same factors caught the attention of the residents of Canterlot as they each stared at the destroyed mountain. Chibi let go of Luna to be met with a faint orange glow that could be seen coming from the remains as smoke billowed from the cloud of dust. Suddenly, fire started to form from seemingly thin air and spread faster than any wildfire could. It was almost as if something was causing it, something very hot and very mad.

And that’s when they heard a roar, the roar of a guardian. The spark had formed into a solar flare and now everything was ablaze; everything was burning.

Junior stomped out from the mushroom cloud, his entire body was covered in bright red accents that were hot enough to cause tungsten to boil in a matter of moments. His dorsal plates shined brighter than ever before, almost as though his entire back was on fire. His eyes were completely clear with steam and flames emitting from them. Sparks shot from his mouth as each step set another acre of forest on fire. His nuclear reactor of a heart was now in complete meltdown, sending a near limitless supply of energy throughout Junior’s body causing any wound he previously had to heal instantly. Despite having no pupils, Junior’s glare was capable of cutting through steel, and he had it directed at just one being.

Many ponies watched in amazement as Junior let loose a rage filled roar; the monster king was back. Though most were fearful over the sight of the now fully enraged kaiju, some couldn’t help but cheer him on as they shouted encouragement for him. None more so than Chibi who was ecstatic to see her Sensei alive and at his most powerful. For the first time in essentially his whole life, Takeshi felt intimidated. He took a step back when he noticed that Junior was approaching him.

“Don’t even think about backing down!”

“Do not give him the satisfaction of your fear!”


Takeshi’s eyes became red, the spirit had taken control once more as he replied with a roar of defiance. His dorsal plates began to glow before he fired his atomic breath at Junior. The beam struck Junior right in the chest, only for him to give little to know reaction. All that the beam did was cause a puff of steam to emit from Junior’s chest. This sudden resistance caught even Takeshi’s spirit off guard as he cut off the attack. The heat Junior was emitting was at the point where it made a volcano feel like a lava lamp, but Takeshi only replied with another roar. It didn’t matter how hot it got, he refused to be seen as weak.

Takeshi charged forward, closing the distance between them in a matter of seconds. However, before he could even make contact with his opponent, Takeshi let out a roar of pain as he felt his body temperature rise to an unbearable level. Junior approached Takeshi before delivering a powerful punch to his face, then followed it with a fully charged atomic punch to his chest. The blow was much stronger than the last time Takeshi felt it as one of his ribs made a loud cracking noise.

Junior swung his tail around, which thanks to his current temperature, had the cutting capability of a thousand degree knife. It managed to cut through Takeshi’s skin like butter, leaving a nasty gash and emitting a painful roar from the transmutant. Junior continued to gather energy as his dorsal plates glowed an almost demonic shade of red. Sparks shot from his mouth before he unleashed his spiral heat ray. The beam struck Takeshi in the chest before launching back into a nearby mountain. A second later the entire mountain erupted in flames as Takeshi bent over, clutching the part of his chest that appeared to be practically melting from the intense heat.

Surprisingly, however, despite being in a worst state since his encounter with Destroyah, Takeshi continued to let out a roar of anger as his dorsal plates flashed a bright blue. This level of resistance and pride managed to impress even Junior as he began to approach Takeshi. Very few beings were capable of withstanding the spiral heat ray, fewer were capable of taking its full power, the fact this person managed to take even a small fraction of the full power of the attack was impressive. But to Junior, the fact he was calling this thing a person at all angered him. He had attacked his home for seemingly no reason, tried to hurt his apprentice, and nearly got him killed on multiple occasions. Junior held no sympathy for this beast as his dorsal started to glow again.

‘I’m no monster, beast. But for the atrocities you’ve committed, I’ll make an exception; for you have just messed with the king!’

Junior let loose another roar before biting down on Takeshi’s neck. The transmutant roared in pain from both the bite wound and from the extreme heat which was now right next to him; it felt like he was giving the sun a piggyback ride. He could feel his scales beginning to melt, even the tips of his dorsal began to bend and become morphed into being almost unrecognizable. Takeshi tried to fight back, but the monster king held him in a tight hold and the longer they stayed close, the hotter Junior became. Takeshi’s eyes began to catch on fire as energy crackled across his body. His dorsal plates flashed a bright blue and even orange for a brief second. There was no backing down now, both Junior and Takeshi began to prepare for what would be the official end to this fight; one of them would surely die.

“S̴̞̝̈̇͠͠u̵̲͇̥͛̃̓͝r̴͎̫̫͉͛͋̉͝v̵̧̪̜̩͋́̒̈i̷͔͕͛v̷̬̾͝ȇ̷̛̫̠̑́, Š̷̙͙͒̍̚͠͠ų̶̡̪͙̝̺̱̹͖̍͗̄̚͠r̵͓̓͘v̴͉͒̉̑̌̀̃̑͋͐͘i̸̥͈̩̇̀͒ͅv̷̧̞̜̞̲̤͛̒è̷̗̹̙̼̞͚̏́͋̍̊͆͜͝͝͠, S̶̛̛̠̟͖̍͋̾̌̽́͠Ù̶͔̼͑R̶̯͙̦͘V̷̨̧̙͈̯̲͔̬̤͇͇͂͛̈͜ͅĮ̵̧̛͍̝̦͙̼̙̩͈̣̘͎̉̈́́͊́̈̀̍͜ͅV̶̨͇̜̝̣̭̲̊̚È̶̢̛̞͕̺̲̰̔̋́͛͛͛!”

And just like that, another sun had formed in Equestria.

The combined power of two fully charged nuclear pulses, caused the mountain to disintegrate. The blast radius reached Canterlot and crashed against the barrier, causing both Luna and Celestia to strain from the sheer power of the explosion. Everyone was forced to cover their eyes or look away from how bright the blast was, even the princesses had to squint. Unfortunately, the power started to take its toll on the sisters as the shield began to show cracks which began to spread more rapidly. Thankfully, however, an outside source chipped in and gave her own magic in order to help keep the barrier up. Her magic capacity wasn’t nearly as much as neither Luna nor Celestia, but it was all that Amber could give.

Eventually, the explosion subsided and nothing but dust and smoke remained. The resulting struggle almost caused both the princesses to faint from the sheer amount of magic they had to use to keep the barrier up. They both could raise the sun and set the moon, and yet here they were completely exhausted from trying to withstand the sheer magnitude of the blast. Luna hadn’t noticed it, but Celestia managed to sense a small, unfamiliar flicker of magic that had helped them in their struggle. She turned back to see the tiny form of Amber fly toward the battlefield; she couldn’t help but smile. Every pony watched and waited for something, anything to come out from the wall of dust, but nothing could even be heard. It seemed that the only thing scarier than two mountain level beasts, was the silence that followed after a great battle.

Little did anyone know, the titans were gone having been completely drained of the magic that had given them each such great power. Takeshi stirred awake as he laid face down completely naked, his body covered in blood. He had more scratches than body hair, his arm was showing bone, he couldn’t feel anything in his legs, his nose was pouring blood, and he could only see out of one eye. But, despite the state he was in, Takeshi had survived. His breaths were shallow, but his heart was still beating. The pain he felt was an afterthought, the sheer magnitude of what had happened caused him to forget how little he felt in his body.

“I…d-di…it”, he said, his words barely audible.

But then, he heard footsteps. He could barely see anything, but his ears still functioned and they were picking up the sound of footsteps. Takeshi managed to move his head slightly to see who they were from; he almost lost his breath when he saw him. The same kaiju who had shattered mountains, the same kaiju who rivaled the sun, the same kaiju that left him in the state he was in, was replaced with a strange looking unicorn. Out from the smoke, Junior emerged in just as bad of a state. He had a noticeable limp with one of his legs showing flesh, part of his mane had been burned off, one of his eyes was bleeding, and his body was covered in deep red scars courtesy of his burning form. Nevertheless, Junior stood over the transmutant, his red eyes illuminating with anger.

“You hurt my people, you attack my home, you destroy my land. And what do you have to show for it? What made it feel justified?”, asked Junior, demanding an answer. Takeshi’s expression was unreadable, but his emotions were all over the place. He tried to speak, but he didn’t have the energy to make his words audible.


“Just a minute ago you were a strong creature that could shake the very earth just by walking; and now look at you. So much pain, so much blood, what was it for?”, Junior asked again. He at first expected to receive no response, only to be surprised when Takeshi managed to raise his voice.


The scowl in Junior’s face faded into confusion. Just then, he remembered; their first encounter. The first time they ever laid eyes on each other, the very first thing Takeshi ever told him was how they had hurt his friend. In that moment, Junior had let anger blind him from anything the human had said due to him hurting his friends. He had done the same thing that Takeshi had done; act as a protector. Junior looked around, so much destruction was caused by two fools. This wasn’t a victory, this was a lesson. Junior took a deep breath and looked back at the young adult that laid in front of him.

“Leave this place, human, and never return. For you have nothing more to gain, you already have my respect”, said Junior as he turned away. “And if we ever do cross paths again, I shan’t hesitate to remind you of who spared you.”

Takeshi was at first confused until he realized what Junior had meant. In the final moments of their battle, Junior had held back. In those moments when they were close, Junior could sense the soul of a human being inside the body of a titan. All he could see was agony, sorrow, shame, and dishonor. He saw a man who had been weared down by the world around them and was desperate for a break. He saw a man that didn’t deserve death, he saw a man that deserved silence. Junior began to slowly walk away, but before he could grt very far, Takeshi with what little strength he had left-


Junior stopped dead in his tracks, his eyes slightly widened when the word sunk into his mind, he turned to face the human.

“What did you say?”, he asked.

“Th-at’s my…n-name, Gojira T-Takeshi Junior”, replied Takeshi. It was a simple gesture, but one that showed how Takeshi reciprocated Junior’s respect. Junior’s eyes lowered as he turned back around.


Junior did not look back to see the shocked expression on Takeshi’s face. He walked through the dust cloud until the transmutant could no longer see him. Junior continued to slowly walk in the massive crater he had helped create until the sound of flapping caught his attention and he looked up. From the dust, a winged figure managed to force the sun’s rays through the thick wall of soot. The sight of the alicorn brought a smile to the tired stallion as she landed in front of him. Before Luna could approach Junior, another figure hopped off her back. This one was much smaller than Luna, but she was much faster as she ran up to her teacher.

“Sensei!”, exclaimed Chibi as she hugged Junior’s leg as tightly as she could. Junior was incredibly exhausted and felt that any second he was going to pass out, but this sign of affection managed to give him a slight hint of energy.

“It’s ok, Chibi. I’m ok”, he said as he comforted the young filly. He then looked up to see the prin of the night standing in front of him, sharing a similar small smile that he had. A sudden thought then entered his mind.

“Let me guess, was she the one that got you?”, asked Junior. Luna lightly chuckled.

“Who else would have”, she joked. Junior managed to scoff before the exhaustion hit him with the force of a bullet train. He would’ve collapsed had it not been for the alicorn that quickly caught him.

“What was that thing?”, asked Luna. Junior, not wanting to share the whereabouts of his opponent, only shrugged.

“I don’t know”, he said before taking a brief glance back. “But he wasn’t a thing, he was a person.”

Seeing the state Junior was in, Luna decided to not press any further. She used her magic to envelop the stallion in a dark blue aura before being able to lift him in the air; she couldn’t fight a smile when Chibi tried to help with her own magic. With the filly on her back and the tired monster king floating alongside her, Luna flapped her wings and took to the sky back to Canterlot. She never noticed the small, flying form of Amber zipping past them. Chibi managed to catch a small glimpse, however, only to rub her eyes thinking they were playing a trick.

Amber flew through the dust cloud until she saw the heavily injured form of Takeshi laying on the ground. She gasped in surprise before fluttering down to see him. Takeshi, meanwhile, was so exhausted from his fight that he didn’t notice the tiny moth until she was right in front of his incredibly bruised face.

“Gojira! What happened to you?”, exclaimed Amber in worry as she immediately got to work using her magic to heal his wounds.

“I…I…”, Takeshi stuttered. He didn’t know how to explain to Amber what had transpired while she was out.

“Don’t worry, I can explain!”

Amber and Takeshi, caught off guard, looked where they thought the voice came from, only to see nothing. Suddenly, the outline of an invisible door appeared right in front of them. It opened only a crack before swinging open to reveal who was behind it. Out stepped one of the strangest and most chaotic creatures Equestria had ever seen. A being composed of infinite amounts of power. A monster so vile that he got a chuckle over the chaos and terror that he created. A monster so powerful that he could play with reality as though it was silly putty. It was none other than-

“Discord!”, shouted Amber. “Thank goodness you’re here.”

“Oh, don’t fret, the pleasure is all mine, besides it was only a matter of time before I made a cameo”, joked Discord. “Anyways, I can see that our plan didn’t go to…plan.”

The draconequus’ snake-like body bent down to be eye to eye with Takeshi. “What could've gone wrong? Perhaps it was doing the one thing that I told you not to do”, said Discord. Takeshi didn’t bother to look up.

“Scr-ew…you”, he said.

“I’d rather not”, replied Discord.

“We’re sorry, Discord, we couldn’t find your personal belonging”, said Amber.

“Oh, about that, funny story. I actually found it in a…different dimension”, said Discord as he wore a nervous smile. Both Amber and even Takeshi watched him slack jawed over what they just heard.

“You’ll never believe this, I actually let another friend of mine borrow it for a week”,he said before pulling out the matrix of leadership, “I keep forgetting about where I place this thing. It’s always being thrown around different timelines and universes.”

“Are…you…kidding…me”, Takeshi said softly.

“Yeah, but the important thing is, everything turned out ok in the end”, said Discord. Takeshi didn’t have the energy to reply, if he did, he would’ve been cursing like a teenager.

“Umm, Discord”, said Amber, signaling toward the injured person laying on the ground.

“Oh right, sorry, let’s get you patched up”, he said. He clapped his hands twice and after a second, Takeshi’s entire body began to glow. He was lifted off the ground as every one of his wounds healed. After only a few seconds, the glow ceased and Takeshi was fully healed with not even a speck of dirt on him and even the same set of clothes he wore. He was placed back on the ground and looked himself over.

“Celestia would probably have me imprisoned again had she found out I almost got her son killed…again”, joked Discord, but he was the only one to laugh.

“Can we just go home now”, Takeshi bluntly stated.

“Of course”, replied Discord as he gestured toward the door which revealed a portal inside. Takeshi was about to walk through it until Discord stopped him.

“Ah-ah…ladies first”, he said, gesturing toward Amber. Takeshi scoffed.

Amber fluttered through the portal with Takeshi right behind her. Before he entered, he took one look back at the crater he had created. The dust had thinned enough to where he could see the tops of Canterlot; somewhere in that palace was the stallion he had faced. The final words of that strange looking unicorn stayed in his mind the most. The fact he gave him his respect, the fact he was spared, the fact he was named after a legend or even was the legend that his entire clan was centered around. He never once expected when he first entered the portal that led him and Amber here that he would be meeting the god of destruction. Nevertheless, the battle had been fought and while both sides had been damaged, he felt he had been damaged the most.

Takeshi walked through the portal before being followed by Discord. The door slowly closed before disappearing from existence. All that remained was silence.

At least for a couple of seconds until Discord popped his head out from the door.

“Just so you know, none of this is canon”, he stated before slamming the door shut.