• Published 21st Jan 2024
  • 392 Views, 5 Comments

Godzilla Junior VS Gojira Takeshi Jr. (The Bridge vs Arrogance of Man) - ThatOneOtherGuy

Catch the ultimate showdown; where winner takes all!

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Final Analysis

Going off of cartoon logic, all that damage will buff itself out.

Takeshi may have been one of the strongest transmutants in his world, but Junior was too much for him to handle. Considering the fact that only one of them actually holds the title of king, I’m not too surprised by this outcome.

Going off of their base forms, Junior held more edges in more important categories: strength, speed, intelligence, stamina, and abilities. While Takeshi could face monsters that were nearly building level, Junior managed to keep up with the full power of Princess Luna who could move the moon.

However, Takeshi was far from completely outclassed. He had greater endurance when compared to Junior and was just as capable of a fighter. With them both having similar abilities such as regenerative powers and long ranged attacks, the deciding factor would come down to experience in which Takeshi didn’t stand a chance.

While both are very skilled combatants, Junior has fought and beaten beings much more powerful than Takeshi and his wider array of opponents, which include humans just as powerful as transmutants, made him far more versatile. It should also be noted that usually Takeshi fights alongside a team of other transmutants while Junior prefers to face his foes on his own. Then there were their fighting styles which were widely different. Takeshi’s strategy of tanking blows and healing them later would only work for so long against Junior due to his much more limited energy supply while Junior’s fighting strategy of rationing his energy would help him last much longer.

Fortunately for Takeshi, his beast form more than made up for his lack of experience.

His strength feat of lifting and throwing that tank more than outdid anything Junior lifted. And the size difference between them is almost laughable. At thirteen feet high, Takeshi doubles the height of Junior and is many times heavier. If the fight were to continue like this, Takeshi could probably overpower Junior. Unfortunately, Junior wasn’t going to stand still and let that happen.

For starters, Junior’s smaller size would make the battle far more tedious for the slower paced transmutant. And secondly, ponies of similar power to Junior have fought giant beasts like Takeshi; Junior himself has even fought monsters larger than him. So it’s not certain that Junior would stand no chance to Takeshi’s beast form. For example, Luna once fought a smaller King Ghidorah and managed to hold up fairly well.

And even then, Junior would still be able to hurt Takeshi. Both could survive powerful blasts of magic, the difference being that Takeshi almost died when he took those rounds of Diamond blasters. Junior, however, took a similar blast of magic from Princess Luna and only got more pissed. And seeing as how Godzilla Junior’s thermonuclear breath is capable of overpowering many forms of magic, including alicorn magic, Takeshi’s beast form would not have been an automatic victory.

But it’s not until both enter their kaiju forms when the verdict becomes very clear.

The only edge Takeshi held was being slightly taller and heavier than Junior. Apart from that, Takeshi was completely overwhelmed. Takeshi was almost killed by two smaller kaiju while Junior fought hundreds of gyaos by himself and killed nearly all of them. Takeshi could level entire cities while Junior could level entire mountains. And while Takeshi’s atomic breath was impressive, it paled in comparison to Junior’s far more destructive abilities.

Junior has spent a large majority of his life as a kaiju and has had to prove that he was worthy of his title of king by fighting other titans. This level of experience is almost unmatched, especially by a young adult like Takeshi. Meanwhile, Takeshi never really got used to weighing as much as the Chrysler building and has only two wins to his name; both of which wouldn’t have happened if it wasn’t for outside help.

Speaking of outside help, both Junior and Takeshi required outside sources of energy to enter their kaiju forms. So the question now would be who could outlast the other. Both lasted an entire night in their kaiju forms, however only one of them spent that whole night fighting. And even then, Junior’s ability to absorb the sun’s solar rays as energy meant that he would be able to outlast Takeshi in that regard. It’s also important to note that if Takeshi ever were to completely run out of energy, he could potentially die which is a fate that he also would have risked facing in both his base and beast form.

But of course, even despite all of this, Junior could always enter his burning state which Takeshi had absolutely no way to respond with. Nothing Takeshi has faced comes even close to the sheer power of Junior’s burning form. If Ghidorah’s scales couldn’t handle the heat of Junior’s burning state, then it’s hard to say that Takeshi would fare any better. Remember, Junior could enter his burning state in his equestrian form where he managed to match the combined power of all of the alicorn princesses. And in his kaiju form, a fully charged red spiral heat ray managed to burn the entire arm of a windigo off. That level of power is something that Takeshi, even at his strongest, wouldn’t be able to handle.

But perhaps the biggest deciding factor was their state of minds.

Despite Junior’s intimidating presence, at heart, he’s a very humble pony that just so happens to hold the title of king. After years of fighting, hardship, and anger, Junior has managed to come to terms with his demons and is a better person because of it, he’s the only one of the two to find inner peace. Takeshi, however, is a very tragic character that comes from a tragic race of test subjects. His inner demons aren’t chained, causing him to be locked in a battle for control. One in which if he loses, then he could turn into the very image he was painted as: a monster. His aggressive outbursts would cause him to be reckless and primalistic, something that a much more well rounded and stable opponent like Junior would be able to take advantage of.

Godzilla Junior:

+Strength and Power
+Far greater fighting experience
+Healthier mentality
+Much stronger kaiju form
+Burning State
=Required outside help to enter kaiju form
-Weaker regeneration

Gojira Takeshi Junior:

+Beast form > Equestrian Form
=Required outside help to enter kaiju form
-Much weaker kaiju form
-Heavier reliance on instinct
-Limited energy supply
-Couldn’t combat burning state

In the end; Gojira Takeshi Junior was never gonna go down easy, but it was thanks to Godzilla Junior’s superior power, experience, and healthy mindset that allowed him to become the definitive monster king of Equestria.

Looks like Takeshi mu-can’t win this fight.

The winner is Godzilla Junior.

Next Time on Death Battle!

Creatures capable of unparalleled destruction.

Powers that are completely unrivaled.

A legendary battle that’s been in the works for decades.

A matchup between two of some of the most dangerous monsters alive.


Author's Note:

Couple notes real quick:

-I can’t stress this enough, this story is non canon to neither The Bridge nor Arrogance of man. This story was created to celebrate The Bridge’s ten year anniversary and to shed some light of Johng117’s work since I feel he’s fairly underrated.

-This story was made with permission from both creators who were okay if either character were to lose.

-Don’t take this thing too seriously. This story is meant to just be dumb fun featuring two characters from two fanfics that I (and hopefully you) enjoy reading. Think of this story as more so of a ““What If” scenario rather than an actual death battle.

-I will not nor ever will make a Godzillaand vs Spike death battle; that was just meant to be a joke. Even if this somehow becomes the highest rated fanfic of the year, I’m not making another one of these.

Comments ( 4 )

... Yeah. I think The Bridge is the only well-known Godzilla crossover around since I've never heard of Arrogance of Man until now. And I'm a massive Godzilla fan. So...

Okay, you have piqued my curiosity on the second story in this crossover... And I also give this monster melee a solid 10/10 for research and action!

Awesome work! It's been... God, like years since I've sat down and read anything on this site. Mainly because I dedicate most of my time that I'm on this site to write new chapters my stories. I haven't even had a chance to read through The Bridge past the earlier chapters. So this was a fun story to pick up.

The action was great and the characterization was spot on. I have been restructuring The Arrogance of Man with the Remaster, so certain info and facts may be a bit outdated but that's on me for not getting those chapters out. I still need to lol

But overall, this was an enjoyable read. It was also cool to see both Tarb's Junior and my Takeshi to interact with each other, even if it was a death battle to determine who was the strongest.

Also that bit with Discord's lost possession being the Matrix of Leadership is hilarious to me. Now I'm wondering if the friend who borrowed it was Prime or Primus himself.

An engaging work with a very well laid out reminders, pre-fight analysis that covers plenty of details without getting bogged down, and a very well-written matchup with plenty of twists and turns! I legitimately quite like that until the final portion of the battle I wasn’t entirely sure who was gonna win.

Takeshi is a very fun character and I would not have minded if he had ended up taking it in the end. The scaling between the universes and the general vibe are just different and there is no shame in the end result of an upfront contest of strength. Takeshi’s struggles are what made him such a fun character to read also because they are so different than the stuff Junior has to go through.

If he and Junior had more similar abilities or arcs, Johng's talent wouldn't have been as displayed as it was. I really like the guy, might see what I can do to give him some focus :raritywink:

Very enjoyable read and the interaction between the two casts was very fun, especially seeing Discord, Chibi, and Luna all get involved in one degree or another. The Matrix of Leadership joke had me in stitches too!

I'll certainly be featuring this in the next chapter's reader works section.

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