• Published 26th Jun 2023
  • 1,323 Views, 18 Comments

The Son of the Sun - eragon13666

When a human is thrust into a new world, taken from his mother, and brought to a place where he is the only one of his kind, how, and will he live a happy life? Even if he adopted by a all powerful Alicorn?

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Chapter 1: A new Day

This story was greatly inspired by dnkntst's story called The Monster of Canterlot,

The Monster of Canterlot - Fimfiction

A story I always wanted to write myself, but never found the time or the passion to do; until now. While reading if you see some events in the story, or things that seem a little too close to their story, again as I said, I don't take any credit for the source idea. And I would highly recommend you read their story as well!


Many children can't remember much of their childhood, wither it's because of them being far too young to be able to remember; or the fact they don't' want to remember some things. However this day for me, I could, and can still remember clearly as if it happened just the other day.

I was home, in a city I can't remember it's name, in a country that I also can't remember. My mother was a single parent, working full time to provide for us, in a job that could barely give us the roof over our heads and food in our bellies. Even paying the babysitter who would watch me after I came back from school was a bit on the pricey side. Still, we were happy, whatever we had, whatever came our way; we would do what we could to get through the day.

While the babysitter was on her phone in the other room, talking to someone, I was in the living room watching TV, cartoons or anything that popped up. In one moment I was there sitting along and enjoying the finer things, the next...I was not.

A flash of light covered me, a strange feeling of pulling and pushing; it made me feel as if I was toothpaste being pushed through the tube it was stuck in. Where I once saw four walls, I did no longer, but a lush looking garden, grass so green it almost seemed like something you would only see on a painting or a movie. All I wore at that point were a pair of pants, a shirt with a dragon across my right chest side. Black sneakers you would get at a bargain shop, as well as a pair of white socks.

I got up rather quickly and was looking around, the air smelt clean, fresh, the sky clear and a crystal blue. At five years old I didn't really know what to do, as I span around and then started to walk around, even calling out for my mother, tears welling up, stress at not knowing where I was, what happened to me and what I would do. "Are you alright, little one?"

I turned around, and when I first met her, all I could think about was Pegasus from Disney's Hercules. She stood easily double my size, as I was only three feet tall at that point, however her horn if you added that would make her almost eight feet tall. Her coat held a white colour, mane holding many different color that flowed as if the wind was pushing it. Her eyes held a sort of purple like colour to them, a golden breast plate, crown and hoof shoes on each of her hooves.

She held a smile along her muzzle that, to me made me almost feel safe and comfort. However when she took a step forward, I took a few step backward; she stopped as well and said to me. "Do no fear me little one, I mean you no harm." She said as she lowered herself down, folding her legs in a way to make herself seem smaller. I noticed another pony, closer to my size, though she was around my size, her eyes were a darker color of purple, while her fur were a lighter shade than it. She had a horn coming out of her forehead, she hid behind the larger pony, staring at me, and then to the larger one. Perhaps they were mother and daughter? That I had no idea.

"I...I don't know how I got here," I said, my voice slightly quivering as I looked around. "Where am I, where is my home?" I asked as the pony sighed softly, as I noticed her gaze turn to the smaller one. She seem to shrink backwards a bit, but still held close to the larger pony's leg. She looked back at me and moved a hoof over toward me, it took a moment but I moved closer, and took a hold of it as she smiled. "Who are you?" I questioned as she gazed down at me before finally answered.

"I am, Princess Celestia of, Equestria." She spoke placing her hoof over her chest as I stood closer to her after I released her hoof. "And this, is my student, Twilight Sparkle." She said as the little pony nodded but still kept herself away. "And what is your name?"

"Brandon," I said looking at her placing my hands along my sides, looking up at her as she nodded her head slightly and said.

"Then, Brandon," she spoke softly, standing up as she kept her gaze at me. "Though I wish it was under better... Circumstances, you can stay here at the palace as we help you." I could only nod my head ever so slightly, however soon I heard Twilight speak for the first time.

"But, Princess...I...." The princess placed her hoof up a bit, silencing the small unicorn, who quickly closed her lip, back then I didn't think much of it.

"Not now, my faithful student." She answered with a softness in her voice, though her eyes did seem to gleam something else, as if she was hiding something from me.

The ponies that worked in the palace, seem to gaze at me with a look of curiosity, and slightly fear. I didn't know why, I was smaller than them, and I could see some use magic, fly; and one even carrying loads of things. Perhaps it was because I was something they had never seen before, so maybe there was that worry of what I could do. Twilight left to a section of the palace after, Princess Celestia told her to go, as she took me to what seem like a medical room. The doctor there, took a step back when seeing me, but quickly bowed to the princess. When told that she wanted a full testing done on me, mostly to see if there was anything wrong with me, or even what my diet could be. "We don't truly know what he is," she spoke as she then looked to me. "I rather not feed him something that could harm him, or worst."

"Of...of course you, Highness." He spoke and bowed again, however as he stepped closer and his horn glowed, I shrank back a bit; however Celestia stopped me with a softly hoof to my shoulder.

"No harm will come to you, Brandon." She promised as she nodded with a gentle smile. "We are just going to scan your body, it will be easier to know how your body functions. So if you do get hurt, or sick, we will have at least a baseline to work with." I stared at her for a moment, and then back to the doctor who only gave me a slightly, sheepish smile. After a small moment I only nodded and stepped along forward, waiting for them to start.

His horn glowed as did my body, after being told to stand still, I did as I was told but was still a bit fidgeted. Once the scans were done, the doctor went over and pulled out a sheet and used his magic again, as I watched as it looked like my body, a x-ray was printed on the thin see through like paper. He studied it for a moment and then went off and collected a few more, one was pony style, but the others I didn't know what type of bodies they were. Again only five years old after all.

There was a pause of only half a hour before the doctor came back, at this point I was sitting along Celestia's side, her wing over me like a blanket as she was humming a soft tune...that almost made me fall asleep. Though not looking, I listened into the talk they were having.

"His bones seem to almost be as close to a Minotaur's, however they are still just as different. His muscle mass seem to show rather small, but he is just a child, if he stays here for years to come, we can see about his size growth or what he will be like. Magic seem to be missing from his system, and from other scans...I don't really believe he can have children the natives of Equss."

"I see," She hummed softly as I heard a small tap like noise. "Will his lack of magic effect him in any way?"

"I don't believe so," The doctor said as he stared at the board and back at me. "I would recommend a daily scanning to see if anything happens to his body. However as you can see here," A taping was heard as he went on. "Here you can see that his digestive tract is a bit...different from a pony, but a bit along the same type of a Gryphon, though he could be Omnivore."

"And if he doesn't eat the protean that he needs...?"

"His health could lower down, and become sick." He said plainly as, Celestia hummed ever so softly.

"Luckily I have a cook that can cover for him on that sort of dish, I will just need to provide with more of what she will need." She paused again before adding. "Doctor, I would ask you tell your other nurses, and doctors within the palace to keep young, Brandon's on the down low. We don't need to cause a uproar of worry and such with the subjects, when he is ready and we make sure he is healthy, I will be showing him to the public." The doctor bowed his head as Celestia helped me to stand, and leading me off once more.

We were walking down one of many hallways, more ponies bowing, and others staring at me, some slightly flinching. We went to a few different captains, or heads of sections, Celestia telling them the same thing she told the Doctor, to keep who I was, or what I was, down and not to have any sort of leak to the public. She took me to the dining room for some food, as I sat beside her from the long dinner table. I had some of their food, which was more so just veggies, and potatoes, and I was fine with that...but I do wish there were some hotdogs, or pizza! But still it sated my hunger. She lead me off to where her bedroom would be but pulled me to a room next's to her own, a large bed that was nearly three times the size of my bed back home, large windows that she closed with her magic, as the only one that could fly close to the palace, were that o those who worked on the grounds...or I guess the air as well. She showed me the bathroom, which...I wont really explain how that worked, but it wasn't like the ones back home.

Celestia came over and laid along the bed as she asked me to come up, I did so as I sat in front of her, legs crossed as she spoke. "I understand this is less than ideal for you, Brandon. However, I promise that I will do all I can, to bring you back home."

"But..." I questioned as I looked up, I could even feel the tears slightly coming. "What...what if I can't go home?" I could see it in her eyes, as she hushed me softly, holding me close and wrapping a wing around me. "What if I can't see my mommy again?" I even wrapped my arms around her neck wanting to hug something, anyone, as now the gravity of it was hitting...I could be stuck here, forever.

The same humming that she sang back before came back as I just held her, she moving me so I was under her neck as she wrapped her arm and wing around me."I will do all I can," she whispered her promise me to. "If...we cannot send you home, I will make sure you live a comfortable life as possible here...you have my word. " I sniffled more, softly crying as she rocked me back and forth, the humming returned as my eyes closed, slowly drifting off to sleep. The feel of her feathers, and soft coat, working to me almost like safety blanket for me. My body becoming limp, as I drifted off to sleep.

Author's Note:

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of my new story, and please check out the story that gave me great inspiration!