• Published 26th Jun 2023
  • 1,344 Views, 18 Comments

The Son of the Sun - eragon13666

When a human is thrust into a new world, taken from his mother, and brought to a place where he is the only one of his kind, how, and will he live a happy life? Even if he adopted by a all powerful Alicorn?

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Chapter 4: The Week Before

Author's Note:

I'm looking for anyone willing to edit this story, if anyone wishes, then i'll be one happy buddy!

Years had passed since I was formally adopted by Princess Celestia, or as I now called her, Mom. It caused quite a stir in the kingdom of Equestria as well, with many ponies believing it not to be true or that some wouldn't truly regard me as their prince. It didn't matter to me; the fact that I now had a mother and a family was more than good for me. I was even given a crown, though I barely wore it at all, as I didn't like it all that much; it just felt so heavy on my head. not because of the weight, but because of the idea of what the crown meant.

As the years went on, I gained the respect, however, of many as Blue Blood and other of the nobles that lived in or came to Canterlot, the Common Pony. Though I had to leave with at least two guards with me at all times, it was like a break for them, and though they were still on duty, I made sure they were relaxed. It almost became funny how, when Shining Armor became captain of the Royal Guards, when they learned I would at times take them out to lunch, there was now a list of those who went and those who didn't. This way, every pony had at least one "free day," as we started to call it, before the next rotation. Some may think of it in a bad way, as their duties were to keep me safe, but whatever I was doing at the time, whatever I wanted to do with them, what was wrong with treating them out at times? I know the pony that hated it the most was Blue Blood himself.

He didn't like the fact that now, in his eyes and in his words, I was not a pony, so I shouldn't be the prince of Equestria. There were even rumors of him and other nobles trying to work to get the idea of Celestia to disown me; of course, this was when I was far older and out of my "cute" stage. But of course, none were able to say that in front of their ruler at all. Blue Blood, however, would always remind me that many would never consider me their true prince, but I think he was more just pissed that, in a sense, I bumped him down in terms of who was in power. But I never abused that power that was given to me. I hated how ponies would bow to me and how they never treated me as an equal; the only ones who did were Twilight, her family, my mother, and a few others. However, with a week before the Summer Sun Celebration and now at the age of eighteen, things were going to happen, for both the good and the bad.

With only a week left until my mother would have to go to Ponyville, as she would go to different cities or towns, it was her way of bringing small towns a little bit of extra money in, as many would come far and wide just to see the princess do an amazing moment. There was still much to do; however, day court would be on hold for now, as every year around this time, my mother would wish to be alone at times. The story of Nightmare Moon being known to many, but not all knew the true story, that Nightmare Moon...was her sister. Princess Luna of the Night, her sister, my aunt; became Nightmare Moon because of her feeling jealous of the love and fame my mother gained when they were younger. She admitted this to me one time a few years ago, as I heard her cry in her room, even a bottle of hard Apple Cider from a family known as the Apple Family, beside her bed. I've never seen my mother like this, and I'm sure she never wanted the ponies to see her as such as well. She explained how the hate, and anger that Luna had for her, because she felt like a slap in the face, when everypony adored her sun, but slept and were fearful of her night. Making stories how monsters came out and attacked children as they slept, or only the vile of ponies would do their horrible deeds in the dead of night.

Mother never got a chance to stop her sister turning, as it was far too late. She blamed herself because she always pushed her sister away whenever she even tried to talk to her. Even though they were both rulers, even though they saved the land in different ways with the help of The Elements of Harmony; the whispers and rumors of ponies still painted her as something else. Mother even said she herself felt like she had...more important things to deal with then what Luna was feeling, that they were just words, they were princesses so who cared. She saw how deeply that care went, when the small civil war happened.

It was only a night, so not many called it a civil war, not even in the books. As sated no one knew Nightmare Moon was mother's sister. They just thought it was a evil Alicorn that came to take over, to rule the world. Nightmare Moon, no longer Luna, took her guards and attacked, however when the Elements were used to banish Nightmare Moon, her guards were quickly rounded up. Mother claimed they knew they were just following the orders of the princess they followed, however many of her own followers demanded they be killed for what they did. However, to save their lives, she banished them, the Night Ponies, leaving Equestria to form their own community and landmass. Many times, Mother tried to reach out to them to talk in hopes of building a relationship with the Night Ponies. However, their grudge ran deep, as they did not believe in the princess and her ways, claiming they were awaiting the day of their true ruler's return.

I met them one time, this was after mother drinking night...and after her bad hangover, as she was going once more to try out. Shining came with us, protection for me, but my way of the sword had gotten much better so I could defend myself if I had to. We went in the dead of night, as they slept during the day, a common thing they did as they considered the sun or daylight to be a reminder of the fateful day. Again my mother was denied, but when seeing me, their leader, a old Night pony her eyes slightly misty as if on the cusp of blindness saw me. It was like she was staring at your very soul, I could see the stares of the other of her kind, their eyes glowing in the night as we were surrounded. Their armor a dark blue and covered most of their body but light enough for them to fly. She stepped forward as a few flanked her.

She wore clothing like a sort of robe, the symbol of the night on either side of her flanks and her mane as silver as stars, from old age or natural color I would not know. I had to wear my crown, mother thought it would show who I was, as they said themselves they knew she had adopted a strange being, but I think this was the first time they truly saw me. However as they moved a bit closer, I removed my helm, and passed it to my mother she gave me a confused look but I just gave her a look back. She only nodded and stared back, as I looked back at the elder. I bowed my head to her, my hand over my chest as I did so, as this caused her to chuckle. "The sun of the Son, bowing before a being known to be traitors; I never thought I would live to see that sort of thing."

"You are the rulers of these lands," I spoke to her as I raised my head back up to stare at her in the eyes. "I believe it's only fair to show the respect that you seem to govern here."

"Oh? And what makes you think I have respect...Hooman was it?"

"Human," I corrected as I placed my hands along my front, showing them away from my sword. "I've learned from mother, that you don't have a royal rule, that each Elder is voted in, ether by the vote of the ponies around you; or by doing a great deed."

"The one who banished our ruler speaks true." They never called mother by her name, or title; always by their title; Banisher being the favour among them. In my younger years, I fought off bandits who had foalnapped many of our children. Allowed them to meek their makers by the end of my blade or fangs." She even gleamed as she showed off her fangs as I heard the movements of armor behind me, but I stood unmoving. I was named leader of our city, and worked to expand, and keep us safe; soon when it's my turn to step down, another will take my place, that is until our princess returns."

I nodded as I took in the small history lesson that she gave as she tilted her head to the side and asked. "Tell me, child," she started as her eyes shifted over toward my mother for a moment or two, before setting her eyes back to mine. "Did the Banisher tell you of what happened, of what really happened?" when I nodded my head, she hummed and added. "I truly don't believe it, but I wish to ask you something."

"That is?" I questioned as she looked deep to my eyes again.

"What would you, have done, in her hoof shoes?"

A question, I didn't expect of her, that was for sure, but perhaps it was a way of testing me, to see how I think. From the books that mother did save...as many of her followers would burn books that had any mention of Luna or her guards. Mother save us if Twilight ever found THAT out. I stood there for a while, moving my hands up to my chin, flat together as the tip of my fingers grazed the chin ever slightly. There was no right or wrong answer to this, or at least I didn't think there was; or could be. Still after I felt my answer was good and ready, I answered it as truthfully as I could.

"I don't know." One of her guards snorted at this, as she gave him a quick hard stare, as he stopped right away. "Allow me to explain, as I said, I don't know because I've never been in such a state of choice in my life before, I may be a prince sure, but I haven't been given the responsibility that holds the lives of many ponies in my hands." I held them palm side up, almost like cradling something as I sighed and put them back down to my side. "The question you are asking me, is a question that has no right, or wrong answer; anypony will give a different answer by how they feel. My mother banished the princess of the night, some would've frozen up, some would've taken a...not so pleasant path. She hummed and lifted her chin up slightly as she kept on listening, I even looked up, seeing the full moon, the image of the Mare on the Moon plain to see for everypony.

"I see," she spoke and nodded a bit before looking to my mother. "The talk of allowing trade is still off the table Banisher, there is still much bad blood between the Children of the Night, and you." She turned to leave as her guards followed, however she looked back and nodded to me before leaving once more.

That was a few years ago, and I did go back at times with my mother as a sort of moral support, as she claimed; that was the longest she had gotten to speaking to any leader of the tribe. As their walled off city looked almost the same size, maybe a bit smaller, then Canterlot. But we never really talked that much afterward, but I was surprised when she presented me with a book, a book she made me promise not to share with anyone else, that it was for my eyes only. I had to even keep it hidden from Twilight, who I swear when I returned, could've SMELLED, the Tartarus damned thing. The book was mostly about their culture, their way of life and the history they had growing up, how they proceed how the One Day War, as they called it happened. It seem they even raided some Equestria cities, or came back at times, to collect some books about Luna before they were destroyed; perhaps that was the reason for the burning in the first place? Still, I kept the book pretty well hidden after I finished reading it; nothing magical as Twilight would sense it, so the one place I put it was inside my armor that was made for me. Still, I stretched out as I got out of bed and made my way to the bathroom, ready to start my day off.

Washing my face and pushing my hair back a bit, I stared at the mirror before me. My green eyes locking onto what I looked like after years of growing and puberty hitting me. A slight beard growing as the showing of it growing again was seen, I would have to shave it off sooner or later as I never did like it long to begin with anyway. leaning along the counter as I looked along before turning my head left and right, a slight cracking was heard as I sighed out heavily. I knew by the time I was done, dressed and ready to leave, Crystal would've had my food ready.

Working to get dressed, as after I was shown to the whole of the nation, it seems mother was able to get more ponies to get in making me clothing, some of my favorite coming from Fancy Pants, somepony I met a few times during the past Grand Galloping Gala. Seems he was part of a clothing empire, having smaller shops or such under his banner of ownership, but they would still have their own...flare. I'm not sure how it worked and I would never pretend to know of it; if it works, it works. Once dressed in my clothing I made my way out and toward the dining room. Mother was in her seat, and Blue Blood in another. Even after all these years we never really got along, and I would barley give him the time of day. He simply only gave me a look and a snort before returning to his meal, though I noticed that he didn't have his maid with him, or I should say; one of his new maids.

Blue Blood went through maids faster than I had ever seen before, he had many different reasons as to why he went through so many. And so far the one he had right now was the longest, six months. I almost thought he had gotten rid of her as well, and almost wondering which poor mare would be the next one. The only reason I didn't have a maid, was because I didn't want one, though I may have one sooner or later as having one would help me greatly in some way shape or form. "Morning son," mother said as I nodded and smiled to her. "Did you sleep well?"

"Eh," I said with a shrug a bit as I sat down, a server coming along and offering me a cup of coffee with cream and sugar. Taking the hot drink as I took a sip I sighed as they went back to their spot. "It was alright, nothing really to say about sleeping and such."

"Hrm, I supposed so." She said chuckling as I rolled my eyes. Crystal coming with the other cooks and passed me my food as she smiled to me. Whenever she wasn't working we would hang out at times, telling me more of her home land and where she came from; likes and dislikes and such. "Still any plans for today?"

"Not really, maybe relax a bit," I spoke with a shrug as I said it in a joking way, as I don't work at all. Being a prince and all does come with its perks of being able to do that; after all. She only chuckled and nodded back at this. As she hummed a bit and looked to Blue Blood.

"And you nephew?" she asked as he answered.

"I'll be heading out, I've a mare I'm meeting."

"Unlucky for her," I muttered under my breath, his ear twitched a bit and shot me a stare; eyes narrowing down toward me as I took another drink of my coffee.

"Unlike some PONIES!" he hissed out in slight anger, my eye shifted over toward him without moving my head. "I can at least get a date."

"I don't believe being with mares that you belittle, or are using you because of your title and bits, count as a date." I rebutted as mother only sighed as she shook her head slightly. The white stallion said nothing but get up and left, as a few workers came to take his plate and glass.

"You really must not go after him as such honey." My mother said as I gazed at her as I worked on my strips of bacon. "He just needs...a good mare to help him through and help him."

"He had ever since I've been living here mother, to change himself." I said as a almost cold matter of fact tone. "He too high and mighty, and one of these days, somepony needs to knock him down a peg or two."

"And you believe it should be you?" she question as I frowned.

"Mother, he treats the staff they are slaves, he goes through more maids almost as much as marefriends. He is always bugging you for money when you give not only myself, and him; a good set of bits for spending, but it seems he spends it all within hours and come the next day wanting more!"

"I'm just...hoping he will change Brandon, you can't force this sort of thing!" she exclaimed as I groaned, I finished and cleaned my mouth with a napkin and stood up.

"Let's just hope that he doesn't do anything that truly screw up something." I said mostly to myself as I went over and gave her a quick peck on her cheek."I'll see you later." She smiled and gave me a quick hug before I turned to leave as she finished her meal...and I saw a few slices of cakes being brought over to her as I left the dining room area.

I was walking along the halls of the palace as many of the guards and workers would bow or salute to me. I greeted them back as I kept on walking, however as I walked, down one hallway, I heard a sound, the sound of soft crying. I was confused and worried as I made my way over to the sound. Looking around as the sound got louder, I noticed the hallway were old rooms that were working on getting fixed up. Seeing a door ajar, I opened it, to see what was inside. A unicorn maid, who outfit was a black frilly dress, and a headdress that all maids wore. Her back legs held that of a black stocking, her front; white. her coat was a sort of oat brown, and mane a deeper shade of brown. Her back was to me as she was crying softly, muttering under her breath. I knew who this was right away, this was the maid of Blue Blood, I believe her name was Spirit Shine, her Cutiemark showed a set of feather dusters crossed over one another. However her ear swivelled before turning around; and quickly gasped and bowed. "Your...your highness!" She gasped and bowed more, head down to the ground. "I'm sorry, I...I..."

"What's the matter?" I asked as I came over and knelt down to her level, and when she kept on bowing, I stopped her by placing my hand along her shoulder. "I heard you crying miss Shine, so what happened?"

"Oh no...I...I can't talk about it," she said and looked away from me, as she couldn't look me in the eyes as her hoof went to rub her right arm.

"Is it something about Blue Blood?" I questioned, she only gave me a stare, unable to really say anything as I spoke. "It's not that hard to put the two, and two together. He has gone through so many maids, doesn't care about anypony but himself; and just a jerk." She looked away again before saying.

"He..threaten my job if I said anything." She spoke softly as I sighed, having a feeling now that he did something she knew, but I promised her that I would make sure she wouldn't lose her job...it couldn't be that bad...right?

How wrong I was, we now stood in the throne room, mother in her sea as I stood beside her with my hands behind my back I did have my own smaller throne but I didn't feel like sitting right now. The maid was beside me, still rubbing her arm with her other hoof and eyes darting from the door, to me, and then to mother. For once when it came to Blue Blood you could see that she was not holding back, or ready to go easy on him. I still couldn't understand why she would allow him to go as long as he did unchecked and untaught but hopefully today would be the day as I said; he was knocked down a few pegs.

The doors opened as a few guards stood on the outside as Blue Blood walked in, clearly upset and wearing a rather nice suit. No doubt for his date that was no doubt interrupted. "Aunty what is the meaning of this?" he both demanded and questioned at the same time. "I was enjoying my lunch and...what is she doing here?" he questioned looking to Spirit who moved a bit behind me as I stared down the bothersome prince with my eyes slightly narrowing on him.

"I am not sure nephew." Mother spoke looking to him as he turned to face her. "Do you have any idea why your maid is here right now?"

"Of course not," he said but I could already see the slight worry in his eyes, the way it jerked and twitched about looking from her to the maid. "Why, did she do something wrong?" he asked as my hands slightly twitched; but mother held her composer better then myself.

Mother didn't say anything for a moment and then said after a pause, and her eyes closed. When she opened them again she asked him. "Tell me nephew, have you had any sort of sexual relationship with this maid?" Blue Blood eyes shifted again over to Spirit, his eyes narrowed again but she stopped him and added. "I already know the answer, and I am giving you one, and only ONE chance to come clean with me." She then added. "There is nothing wrong with this, as long as both parties were agreeable to it...I don't enjoy it myself as it does not hold us royals and nobles, but I understand that it happens and I will not punish when two consenting adults agree to such an act." But her eyes locked onto Blue Blood, he even flinched back from how hard she was staring at him. "However, it's what you said to her today, is why I am angry."

"Well...I..." he spoke trying to think of anything before he said. "How do we even know that I am..."

"She is pregnant Blue Blood!" Celestia said, her voice still calm but you could hear the disappointment. "And the first thing you tell her when you are brought this information, is that she will lose her job if she even breaths a word of this."

"How do we even know that the foal is even mine," he spoke as he even shrugged and looked away. "She spelt with me only because she wanted to be with someone clearly out of her league."

"Not out enough that you agreed to it." I said as he glared at me. "You were stallion enough to bed a mare, a worker of the crown, and now the reasonability. Has come back to bite you in the flank."

"As if you have anything to say to this, Thing!" He snarled at me but I stood unfazed. "How do we know she doesn't have a stallion already, or got herself..."

"That is enough!" Celestia slammed her hoof on her throne causing him to stop and stare at her.

"She is two months along in her terms," mother said as she raised her head as she gazed at Blue Blood. "So this is what we are going to do a test in the next few weeks when she is able, to see if indeed the foal forming inside her; is yours." Blue Blood only sucked his teeth and looked away a bit clearly not happy with anything that was going on. "And if the child comes back as yours, you will be given foal support to said foal."

"If I am giving her bits, I will not want anything to do with that foal!" He pointed to the mare who moved closer behind my legs. "She was fine when she was on her back taking it from me, so clearly..." mother brought her hoof down on the throne again loud enough that it may have even cracked. He flinched backward as he tried to say something before I said

"I may have an idea, if you so wish to listen?" I spoke up, wanting to at least do something.

"And what is that, son?" Celestia asked, looking at me as I added.

"Blue Blood will pay for the support of the foal." He only glared at me all the more. "And he doesn't have to claim the foal as his own." "Because if this does come out, it will be a pretty big thing, and you know how the news likes to twist things around for drama."

"At least this is something we finally agree on." I heard him speak as I frowned, but I said nothing to his answer as I went on.

"However, the crown won't be the one giving her the money for this mother; it will be coming from Blue Blood's own money." "You give him then enough money that if he learned how to handle it, it would last longer."

"Hrm," my mother hummed and added. "So you're saying that I take a certain amount out and give it to Miss Shine?"

"Oh no," I said and smirked at Blue Blood. "Give him the same amount that you give him." But he has to go to the mail to give the money; this way he will always remember why. "Why he going and taking his own money to pay for his foal?" Though I said that it wouldn't be the crown's money, I knew it was still going to be from my mother and the kingdom. But he always considered the money he got as his own, so at least in his head, it will be like taking money out of his own pocket.

"I have more important things to do then..."

"Or!" I raised my finger and then crossed my arms. "We just let the press know what will happen...because tell me, cousin," he didn't like when I called him that, and I didn't like to call him that myself. "Because let me ask you Blue Blood...how many mares would want to 'date' you, if they find out you had another mare that has your foal, and you don't even want to do anything with them, I mean; your image would be oh so tarnish." This time he had nothing to say as he grumbled and looked away, Celestia only rubbed her eyes and said after I was done.

"You are excused, Blue Blood; we will have a talk later on. This has gone on long enough, and something has to change." "So leave; I will call for you later." He stared at her for a moment, glared at me and Spirit, and then turned to leave. "I am so sorry, my little pony." She added, gazing at the maid as she returned the princess's stare. "I will do whatever I can to make sure that when it does come back as Blue Blood's foal, he steps up." "If not taking care of it as a father, at least financial care for the foal."

"Thank...you," she answered with a bow. "But this was my fault as much as his own; I should never have done this with him." "He never once threatened my job before this. I just thought if I did this, maybe he would be nicer to me."

"In the end," the mother went on as she stood up and sighed deeply. "This has happened, and now we see where this leads... and what will you do?" "I clearly will not allow you to work with Blue Blood."

"Perhaps she can work for me, mother?" Both mares looked at me as I held my hands behind my back. "You were always saying having a maid would be greatly helpful." So why not? And when it's time for her to stay home to care for her foal, I can wait until she is able to return to work. "I lasted this long without a maid; I could wait longer."

There was a pause as the sun princess thought about it, but she smiled and nodded before looking to Spirit Shine and asking. "The choice is yours; would you rather work under my son?" She looked up at me as I waited for her answer before smiling softly and saying,

"I would greatly enjoy that, your highness!"

Comments ( 4 )

this will be fun, hopefully he'll have a new friend!

I enjoyed ‘monster of canterlot’ so I hope to see a great story come of this one as well.

Well I am making sure to not take any if not too much ideas from that story, the baseline is the same but I don’t want it to be a copy, so hopefuly it will be a great story!

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