• Published 26th Jun 2023
  • 1,343 Views, 18 Comments

The Son of the Sun - eragon13666

When a human is thrust into a new world, taken from his mother, and brought to a place where he is the only one of his kind, how, and will he live a happy life? Even if he adopted by a all powerful Alicorn?

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Chapter 3: The Son of the Sun

Author's Note:

I Had something DM me so I will say this. consider this story as a sort of dairy of the MC many years into the future, its why someone as young as him ether uses words or phrases that no five/ten year old should.

However with the end of this chapter consider this the end of the prolog as now its full steam ahead with the adventures!

A lot can happen in a short span of time; you can grow, learn, and meet some pretty interesting people. For one, I don't believe learning that I couldn't go home really hit me until a few days later. Some nights were fine, and I slept through them without any issues. Other nights, I came to Celestia's room, asking if I could be with her. So far, she was the only one I felt safe with, and she was more than happy to help me in my time of need and want. After learning that it was Twilight's fault for me being here, I used the unicorn words, not my own. I kept myself away from her for a while; whenever it was time for her studies with the princess, I would stay inside to do my own extra studying. I had picked up reading rather quickly, and the tutors I had were getting used to me. I did enjoy learning about history and, more so, the amazing things Celestia had done in the past.

A few days after I learned I wouldn't be returning home, she brought in some reporters to have an exclusive interview with her and the unknown creature; they even took a photo of me and her together. She was so hoping to get the word of the ponies far and wide to say who I was, what I was, and that I was of no threat to the safety of Equestria and her ponies. Of course, after this, there were rumors of where I had come from or straight-up lies like any newspaper or conspiracy lout could come up with.

It felt good to walk outside with her beside me as she showed me around Canterlot, with many ponies coming up to greet her, though they just flat-out paid no heed to me. Though some did come up to me. But then would quickly smile at the princess. Who would then tell me out of earshot that they were no doubt doing this to be in her good grace; It didn't bug me too much, as for me, I was just happy to be outside after so long being cooped up. Of course, I couldn't always be with Celestia, as she had her duties as a ruler to uphold, but that didn't mean I was left alone. Celestia had a niece and a nephew, though I have yet to see the one known as Blue Blood at this moment in time. Princess Cadance was someone I had a good chance of meeting.

She was known to babysit Twilight at times, so it seemed only natural that she would want to watch over me. She was around fifteen years old, but she was vastly mature for her age. A pinkish-like coat, her mane done in a ponytail, with three colors that flowed through them. Much like her niece, she held a set of wings and a horn. She was very nice to me and would read stories or play games with me. As Twilight studied, she took care of both me and Spike, who mostly crawled or slept most of the time but would come to join in on the fun in his own way.

"You are being very mature about everything that has happened." She said this to me one day as we were in the shade watching as Twilight worked on her magic. Spike was once again lying on my lap, almost like a puppy, with a gem sticking out of his mouth. taken away from your world, and you are not angry at the one who did it to you."

"Do you want me to be angry at them?" I asked her, rightfully confused about what she was saying, as she laughed softly and shook her head at this.

"No, no, of course not." She answered as she leaned down and nuzzled my cheek softly. I learned quickly that a pony nuzzle can be considered the equivalent of a hug. Though those with wings mostly held others with their wings, "Of course not," she repeated as she looked to Twilight and watched as she started to use some spells to change a stick into a little stone statue of a plain pony. Just as many would've done a lot when hearing what you heard—yelled, screamed, maybe even attacked." She looked down as she sighed softly, shaking her head. "Though the means by which it happened are rare, it could've happened to anypony." I'm not sure how I would've reacted to such a moment." I didn't say anything, as I only looked down at Spike as he let out a deep breath as he slept.

"I really don't know how to explain it myself," I admitted as I looked away. "Part of me wants to be angry, but another part of me knows it was a simple mistake. There is nothing that could be done to safely return me home, and Princess Celestia has been very kind to me." Cadance could only nod her head at this, and then I went on. "I'll try and talk to Twilight soon, just not now."

It took weeks for Twilight to finally want to talk to me; she was so scared about talking with me, saying sorry many times over, but I promised her I wasn't blaming her for anything and that it was a mistake. Just for her to promise not to do that sort of thing again, I didn't want someone to go through what I went through, and it was like Cadance said, what would they have done if they were brought away from their home? It took a bit longer than that, but it came to the point that me and Twilight started to become good friends. When she was done studying and working with the princess, she came over to me and helped me study. I can happily say that at that point, me and Twilight became good friends.

A few months later, when guards, maids, and cooks were getting used to me, they would smile and nod to me, and some of the guards would talk to me. Telling me about their duty and even talking about how Shining Armor, Twilight's older brother, was working to become a guard himself. If he wasn't trying to win her over. As a child, I thought that was gross—boys and girls, gross! But they only chuckled at me and told me that I should just wait until I'm older. There was only one bad thing about living here, and that was a colt around my age that had just moved in.

"Ugh...this thing is still here?" It was breakfast, and I was enjoying some cereal. I was greatly surprised when this came into the world, and I always had a sugar one. Of course, Celestia made sure I ate something healthy, so I had an apple or orange beside me and some apple juice as well. This person was Prince's Blue Blood. His coat, as he claimed, was white as snow; his mane and tail sparkled like gold; and his eyes were a light blue. He had come to the castle a week or so ago; Celestia wouldn't explain why, but he would be staying here. All I was told was that he had been away for a while before I came here and that he had returned.

From what I understood, though he called Celestia Aunty, they were not related by blood. He was part of the bloodline of a royal line that was known as Princess Platinum. Though Celestia is the ruler of Equestria, those of noble blood are still high-ranking and hold many things of power in Equestria. It seems that for Blue Blood, his parents were sort of merchants, or more so, the heads of the merchants. The other nobles held different titles and did different work, or more so, they had others do work for them. Though the reason why he was here wasn't known or wasn't told, he didn't like me at all when we first met.

"Blue Blood, we spoke many times not to call anypony names such as that." Celestia spoke with a clear look of just being annoyed, but she didn't want to punish him. "His name is Brandon, and..."

"But why is a peasant living in the castle? He is of no royal blood or title! He should be with the peasants down there!" Even though he was my age, the way he talked, and more so, talked down to others, was just horrible. He bossed everyone around, and as a prince, the servants had to. I even felt bad when Celestia said I could ask them if I needed anything, but I always said please and thank you; he just demanded it and got mad when they 'took too long'. I couldn't understand why he acted like this. Princess Celestia was never like that; Cadance wasn't ether, and they were Alicorns. From what I was taught, they outranked nearly any pony power in the nation.

"Brandon has gone through...a lot," She answered the colt as he rolled his eyes, seeming uncaring. "You remember what I told you about how he came here?"

"Then have him live with the students of your home; it was her fault after all."

"Blue Blood, that is enough!" She finally spoke up and clapped her hoof to the table as he slightly lowered his chin to his chest. "I will not tell you again."

I left soon after I finished my meal and went to get a bath. I had one of the maids offer to bathe me again. However, I simply said I could do it, though she did help with the warming of the water, and it seemed they used enchanted crystals to fill the tubs with water. It was kind of cool to see how it worked, and I always wished I could use magic. Still, when I was done, with today being a free day of studying for me, I was going to enjoy walking around when I saw him again. He was walking down the hallway with a maid or two behind him, and when he saw me, he scuffed again at me as the helpers seemed to be upset. Either they wished to say something but couldn't, or they knew I was going to be bugged by the prince again. "Oh look, the Thing is sinking up the hallway," he said in that same teasing voice he had. For someone who was a bit older than me then and claimed to be higher than anyone else, he seemed to enjoy tormenting or belittling people. "Perhaps we should get some maids down here to wash the floor, isn't that right?" he asked, looking back at the maid, who only looked away.

"I...can request the area be clean." She said this as I frowned, not angry with her but knowing she was only listening to what he said. I started to walk away as Blue Blood called out.

"You know, she's only being nice to you because you're the only one of your kind here." I heard him say it as I kept on walking. "As soon as she grows bored of you, I'm sure she will kick you out where you belong, Thing!" I only clenched my fists tightly; I didn't want to answer or give him that satisfaction. So I just held my head up and kept on walking. He would have to grow tired at some point, right?


Years passed for me—five years of being in Equestria—and now, at the age of ten, things were getting better and better for me. I still got the odd look from time to time from anyone visiting Canterlot for the first time or who hadn't visited too many times. My studies were coming along great, but I soon knew what I wanted to do: I wanted to become a guard. It was silly, sure, but I wanted to protect the princess from anything, or at least help the ponies that helped me grow. When I went to talk to Celestia about this, she only smiled and said this would be a good time for me to learn how to train and defend myself, as starting young would be good. Of course, they normally start recruit training at eighteen, but there wasn't anything wrong with a trainer teaching me basic things and letting me see where I stood in terms of what sort of weapon I could use.

The sword was the weapon for me, and they had to use Minotaur's style handles because of our hands being so close together in a way. So my days would consist of studying homeschooling and then training with the trainer who came to teach me. Of course, all it was for now was just stances that had to be modified with my body; Celestia even got a book for the Minotaur's about their styles, modified by said trainer. It was hard work, but I wanted to do this and I wanted to learn, and it felt better than waiting around and not doing anything.

It even got to the point that soon, Twilight's brother and I would playfully spar, testing ourselves or just working our bodies. Sure, he was stronger than me, but it seemed I could last longer than him, and when it came to climbing, well, I beat him there. Around this time we also learned by mistake that I seemed to be somewhat immune to magic, not to the point that I wasn't harmed or it bounced off, but where some attacks would hurt someone, it was almost as the doctor said, my body could push back three quarters of magic. Like my body was just naturally able to defend against it. We even tested it by having Twilight try and lift something the same height and weight as me, but when she tried it on me, she said she had to try even harder to do it. Still, one day, something happened that would change my life, as well as the Princess's, forever.

Shining Armor was in a stance, holding his spear in his hoof. I was still surprised by how well a pony could hold a weapon, but it was still in a way that he could use it effectively. Celestia, Cadance, and Twilight were watching, with Spike a bit older and sitting on top of Twilight's back. We moved away, his spear coming to hit me as I blocked with my sword, using my foot to push him away, but he swung around, and I backed up a bit more. However, what I didn't expect was for his horn to glow. He shot a magic bolt, and this one was strong. It hit me square in the chest, which caused me to fall back and skid across the ground, even crying out in pain. I heard the clutter of both mine and his weapon as he rushed to me, as Celestia did as well. "Brandon!" Celestia called out as she was beside me, lifting my chest and seeing the start of a bruise. "Are you okay?"

"I'm so sorry!" Shining yelled out, as he too was upset at what he just did. "I didn't think it was that strong."

"I'm okay, I'm okay," I gasped as I felt Celestia use her magic to heal me as she made sure I was okay. "Really, Mom, don't worry, I'm..." and I blinked a bit as I just realized what I had just said. It was very silent after I spoke of this; as for me calling her mom, I never even thought of it. It just sort of came out. I mean, she had been raising me for five years, and even though she had been looking for a family to stay with, there just always seemed to be a reason as to why they were worried that I would be harmed under their care or something else. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to!" I soon felt the Alicorn of the sun wrap me in a hug, her arms and wings wrapping my body close as I was held to her chest. I was confused at first, but when I felt her nuzzle me softly, she said what needed to be said.

"Oh, young Brandon, it is quite alright," she said, and I blinked slightly as she added. "I've been meaning to speak to you these last few days and just never found the right time or way to say it." She pulled me back as she looked down at me, a smile on her muzzle as she added. "I've lived a long life and have done many things; I've watched many grow around me—friends and lovers—come and go." She gave a small, sad look for just a moment before smiling again. "But I've never been a mother, and with all this time looking for a family to take you in when I should've asked, would you wish to stay? So I will ask." She gazed at me with soft, caring eyes. "Brandon, will you grant me the honor of being your mother?"

It was a strange feeling, a strange washing-over moment, to hear someone you personally watched raise and lower the sun and moon now stand before you, asking if you wished to be adopted. I was going to be adopted into a line of royals, and I didn't know what to say. I didn't have to think long, as she was the one who raised me these last five years, watched over me, cared for me, made sure I was happy, and sang me to sleep. I knew what I wanted to say. "Yes, I want you to be my mom!" and her smile brightened more as we hugged. Twilight and Cadance seemed happy, and Spike was clapping his little claws. Shining, somewhat ruined it, as he laughed and said.

"Does that mean I have to call him 'your highness' now?" He asked as his sister lightly smacked him as we all laughed. It would take some time, but I would soon have my title and be known all throughout Equestria.

Prince Brandon Sol of Equestria, the Son of the Sun!