• Published 13th Jul 2023
  • 187 Views, 2 Comments

What Followed The Dawn - Anemptyshell

We once again join our Septet of unlikely heroes. A year has past since the fall of Nightmare Moon. Unfortunately, there is always another storm on the horizon, and Stargazer is of course stuck in the eye of it all.

  • ...

Court at The Bottom of The Sea

It would be a disservice to say the underwater Queendom of the Hippogriff Seaponies was a wonder. They were forged from coral, sea rock, and anything they could get their hooves on. It was as naturalistic as one could get without living in a cave. The throneroom was exceptionally well put together. An eye for aesthetics, these halls did not lack. I found my eyes scanning everything, everything except Queen Novo herself.

Skystar had mentioned the Queen's less-than-thrilled opinion of Skystar's rebel rescue squad. That, however, did not hold water in terms of the scathing scowl she lazily foisted at us. Sombra had taken to matching it, and Thorax had already made himself invisible as he could. I envied him for that. Sure, just turn into a crab and scuttle away.

"Explain," Novo said. Her eyes flicked to her daughter. Skystar stood in front of our group. She pouted even as her gaze never wavered. The type of look only a kid could give a parent. It was nice to see the seas did not alter their biological imperative. Children rebel, and Parents seek to protect them. It was nature at its finest.

"They're here to help."

Queen Novo rolled her eyes and dismissed her daughter. Skystar huffed and swam around to stand or float beside us. I cracked a wry grin. United, we sail.

"We aim to crush the mindless brute who calls himself King of Storms," Sombra said, swimming to meet the Queen at eye level. Her guards leveled their spears. Novo waved them off and scoffed.

"Aren't we all? That doesn't tell me why you are here, in my Queendom. Why you found us here in Seaquestria."

"That name is a bit weak. You're just portmanteauing a completely separate diarchy's name with a new location of your own. I mean, spice it up a bit. Get creative," Bright Pitch said.

He hadn't even looked up. He instead sullenly looked to where his favored notepad should be but wasn't. Spade offered a solemn pat on the back in consolation for Bright's loss. He'd simply have to retain everything he saw and heard in Seaquestria, all by himself. I licked my upper lip. He had a point, though. The name really was underwhelming.

"Your complaint has been noted. Now, why are you here? I will not ask again," Queen Novo said. She rose from her lounging atop her throne to standing or as close to it as she could underwater to her fullest. She raised a hoof, and the nearby guards encircled us.

It wasn't a very sane choice on their end, considering who they were threatening. I mean, Sombra, Spade, or Sabre could probably take them all separately. That was not the case, however, for together, they were a monster all their own.

"We heard your people needed help. That you disappeared after the Storm King attacked Mt. Aris. We wanted to help. We still do."

Sabre placed a hoof on his chest. He seemed unstirred by the nearby pointy sticks the Sea folk were waving about. He smiled at Skystar. Who smiled back. Queen Novo shook her head but once again dismissed her guards. I hope Novo offered killer life insurance. They might very well need it.

"Continue," Queen Novo commanded.

"The Storm King attacked Canterlot. One of his minions. Starlight Glimmer captured Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. We thought that if we joined together, we might be able to save both our homes."

"Sums it up nicely, Sabre," Spade said.

"Ah yes, the return of day and your humbled royalty. I will at least congratulate whatever fools went on that crusade," Novo said with a dry chuckle.

"That would be us, actually," Blueblood said. The smugness was getting really thick in these waters.

"Is that so? Then bravo, I am genuinely impressed."

"Enough to help us?" Thorax asked.

"No, I will not risk the lives of my people on a pipe dream. The Storm King is a tyrant and a fiend. I do not condone the acts of my daughter, but at least she risks only a few for the sake of rescuing an equal measure of our lost people at a time. It is reckless and foalish, but at least thought through. You came here, hoping I would jump at the bit to slay that monster. As much as watching him topple would make my day. I will not risk losing another queendom, not ever."

"A fair a point as any. However, Your Majesty. If you hide, cowering in fear of the unknown. A villain you could help slay. Then The Storm King has already conquered your Queendom. He has already broken you," Sabre said.

The room went deathly quiet. The guards exchanged worried looks. Skystar didn't seem any better. I let out a sigh. All this way and for what?"

"A coward who would rather hide than crush her enemy. It is truly pathetic. At least her daughter has some spine. This whole voyage has been nothing but a waste of time. We should have hunted down that mare from the Storm King's Fleet and crushed her ourselves."

I blinked. There in the dark confines of my mind. Nightmare Moon sat with hooves crossed, proudly displaying her size and grandeur. Like a peacock, she wore her ego like a prize. That wasn't the odd part. What she'd said had my mind running laps.

"Did you just advocate saving Celestia and Luna? That'd you do so yourself? Are you feeling alright? Do you have a fever?" I asked.

Nightmare spat. "I did no such thing."

"We should have hunted down Starlight ourselves. That is what you said. Did you offer to save your sisters? How does that even work?"

"Silence. Whelp. You speak in semantics and assumption. As it stands, that witch has attempted harm upon us and thus deserves to suffer."

Nightmare stomped across the void and jabbed a hoof into my chest. I did not recant my smirk as I pushed her back.

"Right, that must be it. It couldn't be that the all-powerful Nightmare Moon isn't the violent monster she pretends to be."


Thusly I was kicked from Nightmare's prison, where I rejoined the rest of reality. I hadn't missed much. Time was weird between the mind and the physical plane. Seconds at most. Queen Novo had managed to float before Sabre, her eyes bulging as she shook. Sabre didn't move a muscle.

"Who are you to lecture me? Who are you to tell me how to protect my people? You know nothing of my burdens."

Sabre nodded. "You're right. I don't know the weight of a crown." Sabre said. Novo smiled in triumph. "But, I do know the cost of saving my home. You say we know nothing of your hardships. Maybe, maybe not. But we do know all too well the risks of fighting tyrants."

Novo's smile melted away. Sabre stood unwavering in his speech. He didn't yell or pantomime. It wasn't a story. That was Bright. When Sabre spoke of the battle for the day, it was a scar.

"As for crowns, you lack such wit if you dare ignore my own. I am King Sombra of the Crystal Empire. Once upon a time, I hid out of sight and out of mind of those who suffered and died. I know you far better than you could ever know."

There it was. I was surprised he'd managed to hold his tongue this long. Sombra floated beside Sabre and made himself as big as he could handle in his seapony form. Novo was back to shaking.

"I will not be disrespected in my home. You will leave now!"

"We touched a nerve, I think," Spade whispered from the safety of a single hoof's tried and true shield. I nodded, eying the still shell-shocked guards and the seething Queen.

"That's not fair. Just because you're scared doesn't mean everyone is."

Skystar had pushed passed Sabre and Sombra and pushed her mother back. Novo joined her noble protectors in surprise.


Novo started, only to be silenced with a hoof in her mouth.

"No, ever since The Storm King sent us into hiding, you've been too scared to do anything. You just sit on your throne and hope the problem magically disappears. Well, The Storm King hasn't gone anywhere. We have to do something. If not for Mt. Aris, for our old home, then to ensure no one else has to suffer like we did."

There it was, the pen dropped. Novo's mouth opened and closed in silent protest. Yet, there was nothing left to be said. Skystar turned about and started for the exit.

"If you don't help, I'll do it myself."

That was that. The rest of our group slowly followed after Skystar, leaving Seaquestria's Queen alone with her thoughts.

"Well, that happened," I said as we exited into open water.

"Yes, yes, it did," Blueblood agreed.

"Uh, Skystar. Are you sure you should—"

Thorax was shushed by the still-fuming princess. "If mom wants to hide, then let her. I am perfectly capable of helping you all by myself."

"Well then, I suspect you know a few ways into Mt. Aris, correct? The kind that leaves our foes unaware?" Sombra asked.

"My team and I have been sneaking into those cursed mines for months. They'll never see us coming."

Skystar twirled about, swimming backward as she smiled, hooves crossed, eyes twinkling with earned pride. Sombra nodded in satisfaction.

"Then we'll head back to the ship, and you know, prepare for espionage. A fun old time, we'll have, on The Yeti's dime. Oh, what fun we'll have," I sang off-key. This earned a smirk from Sabre, then a giggle from Skystar, which Bright reciprocated. Before long, the whole group laughed. The tension from the throneroom was forgotten for the moment.

"Let the wargames begin," Spade said cocking an over-the-top salute.

"The yeti filth will find that in war, Sombra is unmatched."

"Let's hope so," Sabre said, throwing Sombra a dry withering stare.

"Fools, if you seek war, then I am the only hope to peddling children have. The Storm King and his lackeys shall no my wrath and tremble in terror. Right before they die," Nightmare said. My brain mate fell into a fit of her own brand of manic laughter. It was enough to give foals nightmares of their own.

"We also have Tempest. I'm sure she has thought up a few plans for when we arrive. Between all of us, we should be more than a match for The King and Starlight. Right?" I asked.

I received no answer. Everyone had already been swallowed by their own thoughts. Queen Novo had been a bust, but at least Skystar was willing to help. It'd have to do. We couldn't afford for it not to be.

"What about your friends?" Bright asked. Skystar stalled in place and looked about, pulled from her own machinations.

"Oh, oh, right. I almost forgot. Sorry, Mom just got under my skin. I'll go gather my team. We'll meet you back at your boat, okay?"

"It's not a boat…" Blueblood assured only for his words to meet empty water. Skystar had rocketed away at impressive speeds. Our dear ambassador hoof was raised in protest with no one to correct. "... It's an airship."

"I don't think she heard you," Bright said. This earned the author a growl. A growl met with a laugh. Bright swam behind, Spade using his frame as a makeshift defense against the flustered Blueblood.

"Guess we'll go give the crew the not-so-great, but could be worse news," I said. I pointed in a random direction before I recoiled. "That said, where is the ship and the crew, and honestly, anything other than water?"

Blueblood swam ahead. "You're lucky I have an immaculate memory and a nigh flawless internal clock and compass."

"Is that counting the fact that your special talent is directly related to those traits? Or is that just a happy coincidence?" Spade asked.

Blue turned and pointed to Spade. "I will end you."

Spade shrugged. "I wish you a quick death once AJ finds out."

"Guys, we don't have time for squabbling. Starlight could pass us by at any moment. She was never that far behind," Sabre said.

That ushered in a new quiet. Blueblood coughed into a hoof before pointing in a direction and swimming off. The rest of us were right behind him. The swim back was a short one. However, the silence dragged the minutes out second by second.


Sabre had solved to swim beside me. I offered a deep bemoaning sigh. "I don't get her at all. One minute she's out for domination, the next staking her pride on saving the day."

"Who?" Sabre asked.

"Who else, Nightmare Moon, is who. She made some rather odd comments earlier in the throne room. I can't get them out of my head. You know, not counting the fact that's where she is and all."

"She offered to help?" Sabre asked.

I nodded. "Something like that."

"Do you trust her?"

I bit the inside of a cheek and hummed. That was the same question I'd been asking myself since we'd left Seaquestria. Nightmare hadn't said anything since we'd got moving. She sat in silent meditation, eyes closed, her prison silent as the grave.

"Would it be wrong if I said I don't think she's lying, buttering me up, or whatever? The way she got so angry at Queen Novo. It was like she took it all personally. It doesn't make much sense if you ask me. That said, I think she is on our side, in her own special Nightmarey way."

"I see, that is strange. But I think I get it."

"Get what?" I asked. Sabre cast a look around.

"You said that you and Nightmare were broken parts. That Discord stitched you both together from what was left, right?"

I nodded along.

"So, as much as you fear Nightmare is affecting you, changing you. Maybe, you are doing the same. You aren't just touched by her. She is also touched by you." Sabre said. He nudged me, shoulder to shoulder.

"Huh, that's fair. Though, Nightmare's stubbornness is totally not mine," I said and nudged Sabre back.

"Right, of course not."

"Pick up the pace, you too. We do have a timetable to keep," Blue yelled back in our direction. I had not noticed how far the others had gotten ahead of Sabre and me. I rolled my eyes and picked up the pace. Sabre, right beside me.