• Published 13th Jul 2023
  • 188 Views, 2 Comments

What Followed The Dawn - Anemptyshell

We once again join our Septet of unlikely heroes. A year has past since the fall of Nightmare Moon. Unfortunately, there is always another storm on the horizon, and Stargazer is of course stuck in the eye of it all.

  • ...

Atop the Mountain

There was light, and then there was dark. Starlight's spell had consumed everything, and through the heat of mana burning and the hiss of the spell itself, there was no pain, no explosion; instead, there were the shadows.

I would be lying if I said I understood the full scope of Stella's new or returning powers. I stood in our mindscape, watching as the light that sought to erase everything was consumed. It was like a candle had been doused by a tsunami. Stella herself seemed pensive as if waiting for the gotcha. Starlight was strong and intelligent, so there had to be something more. I shook my head and sighed. It was always so complicated.

"Are you okay?" I asked. Stella didn't respond, her eyes glued to the outside world. I slouched in place, let out a baleful yawn, and watched the world go dark.

When both spells finished, we stood staring at a still-frothing Starlight. Her horn was still a blazing beacon in the night. We chanced a chaste glance at Tempest. She looked no worse for wear. Not that I'd expect her to show weakness even if she were at death's door. She scowled, her horn arcing with unused mana.

"We suggest you hold onto what power you have left, Tempest Shadow. We have no means to predict if it may be needed."

Tempest gave us a slow look before returning to stare at Starlight, though her horn was doused, if only for now. One misplaced pebble, and we've little doubt she'd be obliterating something. We wish for whatever solemn fool that is, the mercy of a quick death.

"This is pointless; you've lost Starlight; please, do not take this any further. You've every right to be angry. But, that does not mean one should throw their life away, for something as petty as revenge."

Starlight barked a humorless laugh. "That's rich coming from you. That's how this all started, right? Revenge, revenge against Celestia, Equestria, and all those you felt had betrayed you."

We nodded. "This is true, but that is the past. A past not worth repeating. Learn from our folly; be better than us."

"Oh, I have, I've learned a lot, actually. I've learned that in raw power, you've got me beat. You also, be it a new form or not, had far more experience in war and cruelty than I. So, that in mind. I've chosen a separate path; it was a bit more windy than I'd have liked, but a win is a win."

I cocked a brow, turning to Stella. She'd taken to biting her lip so hard, metaphysical or not, she'd drawn blood. I'd hazard the guess that the us outside had, too. Stella seemed ready to bolt. A certain hesitant energy sat in the air. The sum whole of our mind was practically dancing with sparks.

"Do you have any idea what she means?" I asked. Stella growled, eyes darting around, scanning our surroundings. She had me getting nervous. I'd taken to idly tapping a hoof, eyes following Stella rather than the world around us. "Stella?"

"Where?" was all she said before something popped behind us. There was a sudden whoosh, and something smacked into our back. The second it did, something clung to us, heavy and growing. Then it clicked.

"An orb, one of her magic orb things, shit." I jumped up from my spot in the mindscape and all but pounced toward Stella. "Thoughts, these stupid things are, this isn't good."

Stella hissed. Her fangs bared, she reared onto her hind legs, wings spread wide. Our corporeal form matched in tandem. Despite the growing wait on our back, we stood wide, eyes glowing in the dark.

"I win," Starlight said. She grinned from ear to ear, muzzle held up in smug superiority. Tempest cursed from beside us. We paid her no mind.

"Won, that is amusing. We have given you ample chances to quietly surrender. You have trampled our mercy into the dust. Won indeed."

A sudden crackling sound had me shudder. It was as if a rake was going up our spine. I looked at Stella, who seemed unphased by the sound of the feeling that followed it. Starlight blinked in confusion, eyes dilating as the sound continued. The stone that sought to imprison us was cracking and sliding off in chunks. My own look matched Starlight's. Even Tempest's stoic disposition seemed to recoil.

"What, how, you can't."

Stella smiled at Starlight as the largest stone, the spot where it began, split in twine and fell to both sides. I attempted to ask Stella what she did but could only manage to flap my mouth wordlessly.

"Oh, and whom, I wonder, decided that? This is not the first time you've resorted to these cursed spheres of yours. Twice prior have we avoided the fate you would have left us to. Twice over, we had the chance to examine your secret weapons. Twice over, we've dissected what power they wield and how to undermine said power. Did you think us daft, a mindless brute? No, my dear Starlight. But more than that. You forget, that your once upon a time, ally." Stella looks over and nods to Tempest. "Knows them well. As such, finding a means to break free was foal's play."

Starlight took a step back. The color had drained from her face. She couldn't keep from shaking her head in silent denial. I could relate. While we had come across the orbs before, and Tempest would clearly know about them. I hadn't ever thought of pursuing such things. To that end, when had she had the chance? What was even going on anymore?

"While you slumbered," Stella said.

I blinked. "What?"

"We sought the aide of Tempest Shadow while you slumbered. We did not intend to let the Storm King or his allies surprise us. We would not let the impudent cur believe himself safe."

All I could muster was a tired shrug. "Yeah, that would do it."

"But that is the difference between you and me, Starlight. You could never have won this game. For, you were never even a player."

"Nononono, This can't be happening. I was supposed to win. You're just a monster. This can't be happening."

Starlight attempted to flee, to turn tail and run as quickly and as far as she could to her airship, the Storm King's palace, and the ends of Equiss. She would have if only she faced any other. As hard as she made to turn and flee. She could not move from her spot. Her hooves had been pulled into her very shadow, stuck like she'd found herself caught in liquid tar. She fought to free herself, screaming and pulling, but it did little. The fear in her eyes grew. Each movement was more desperate and erratic. She cursed, pulled, twisted, and growled, but she only sunk deeper into the shadow and into herself.

Stella slowly walked over with no joy or taunting. Instead, both Stella, inside and out, were tired. Our wings sagged, eyes barely able to stay open. The adrenaline had come crashing down, and the battering we'd taken left us at our limit. Yet, even still, Stella strode forth.

"I believe this farce needs to end. You are not wrong to hate me, but to let it consume you. You have begun down a path I am all too familiar with. I can not force you from it, but I offer aid should you seek it. You are not alone."

Before Starlight could respond, Stella tapped a hoof to Starlight's forehead, and thus, the outraged unicorn drooped, snoring as she was forced into an uneasy, unwanted slumber.

"You can do that?" I asked.

Stella tutted. "While my new form is based upon that of your own. I am now without any of my old magic. I must simply wield it more creatively."

"Huh, fair enough."

"What would you do with her?" Tempest asked, taking a place beside us. She looked down at the sleeping mare and sneered.

"We shall do as we must. For now, she is a prisoner of war. Her capture should give us some leverage over the yetis who follow her correct?"

Tempest did not seem happy with our decision but refrained from expressing whatever thoughts were running through her head. "It'll at least get their attention. If that is a good thing, It'd be the first. Those mindless apes will take any excuse to smash something."

"Well, that is why we have you, is it not?"

That earned a smirk from our overprotective companion. "Among other reasons. I am invaluable, after all."

We nodded. "That you are."

"Star, you around here?" We pursed our lips and prepared for the inevitable. Bright Pitch was on the hunt.


"I'm surprised your friends found us so quickly," Tempest mused. The dutiful mare slung Starlight's unconscious body across her back.


"There, over there," Bright called from behind us.


Even braced, the wind was knocked from our lungs as I was tackled at full speed from behind. So, there we were, face buried in the cobble as an overexcited Bright hugged the life from our body.

"Star, you big dummy. Who said you were allowed to take on the final baddie without me present to record it? That'd be just silly. Oh, and uh, what happened to your coat, and mane, and wings, and well, everything?"

"It would be easier for them to answer if you weren't on the verge of killing them, you know?" Tempest offered a small mercy.

"Oh, right, sorry."

Bright climbed off of us and offered Tempest a hoof bump, which she accepted, lest she be crushed next. We groaned and stumbled to our hooves. Stella looked over at me and winked. The moment she did, there was a flash, like the flicker of a candle in the night's gentle breeze. Where Stella's new form once stood, Stargazer, in all his normalcy, now stood.

"This better?" I asked Bright. Stella was laughing in my head. The stupid traitor, she'd rue this day, so I swore.

"Wow, neat trick."

It was about that time that Bright's teammates showed up, unlike Bright, who seemed to be almost glowing, with not a scratch to show. Sombra and Sabre both looked like they'd been run ragged. Gliding above them was Babble, who seemed to be intensely scrutinizing the scene.

"Well, here comes the cavalry, like five minutes too late. Class act, guys, really. You're doing Faust's work."

That earned me a smack to the head from Sabre, who looked on the verge of collapse. I wasn't any better, so I chose to say nothing. I was pulled into a tight hug as I rubbed the sudden bruise. I leaned into it, if only half because standing was a massive pain.

"You look like you got your plot kicked," Sabre said. It was a matter of fact. He left no room for interpretation. Once again, he did not look much better, so I once again said nothing regarding it.

"Only a little. You should see the other mare," I said, motioning to Tempest and her cargo.

"You beat her, really?" Babble asked, landing between Tempest and me. After all that, you beat her?"

"If it helps, I did nearly die. So, you know, same old same old."

"A bad habit," Sombra said. He looked around the battlefield with interest before pointing to the remains of Starlight's orb and the rock that spawned from it. "Explain."

"Yeah, I need to write down everything," Bright said, pad and pencil in hoof. My fellow bat danced in place with anticipation.

I scoff. "First, I take it you took care of the shaman?" I asked.

"We did now explain," Sombra said. His glare sent a shiver down my spine. If I didn't know him, I might have even been scared. I tapped my chin and shook my head. Nah, never. Sombra is too pure a soul. Stella balked from her place in the mind palace.

"So, it all started a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away." I was met with an audience of blank stares. "Fine, geez. I assume Babble told you what had happened before his leave, right?" I received a round of nods.

"Good, well. A minute or two later, I got skewered by a couple of crossbow bolts. That was a fun time, for sure," I said. Babble, Sombra, and Sabre did not look amused. I threw my hooves up. "I did."

Sombra looks to Tempest, who shakes her head. "I was not present to confirm or deny anything."

"Don't believe me, ask Stella," I huffed.

"Stella?" Sabre asked.

"Formerly known as Nightmare Moon, now known as Noctis Stella, yeah. You've met her."

Sabre rubbed a hoof down his face. "Star, we can't leave you alone for five minutes without you either nearly dying or doing something that makes Bright seem normal. Why did Nightmare of all ponies change her name?"

"Firstly, don't dead name her, secondly because she wanted to. She even got a new look. You missed a pivotal moment in her existence. We even got a cool new power-up. Of which, both Tempest and Bright can confirm."

I smiled up at Sabre. He looked down at me. My smile grew wider until Sabre could no longer bear the smug and looked to Bright.

"It's true. He was all whoosh and pow and giant starry wings. It was awesome. Once we return home, it'll be a killer scene when I get to write it."

"It was impressive," Tempest added.

"This is Something to look into later. I assume this new power broke the sealing orb's power?" Sombra asked.

"Nah, Stella had actually been working with Tempest to counter it. I mean, before it finished its whole rock prison thing."

"Of course she did," Sabre said, leering at an amused Tempest.

"Yeah, so the new suped-up Noctis Stella form thing was just more than Starlight was prepared to handle. She's alive, if you're curious by the way."

"We were not," Sombra assured. "Now, I believe we've caused enough chaos. It is—"

"Enough, Chaos, you say? It's impossible; you can never have too much of a good thing." Thus, where once there was none, there now stood Discord, who arrived in a flash of confetti and candy corn.

"Oh joy," Sabre said with a sigh. "When it rains, it pours."

"Yes, well. I think you've all proven yourselves good and proper. We have a quota for heroics, you know. We can't have you falling behind. Chyssie would never let you live it down."

"So, uh?" I asked.

"Right, right. Firstly, congratulations, you silly little love birds."

Discord pulled Sabre and me into a far too-tight hug. When he did let go, he gave a knowing wink. I withheld the satisfaction of a groan and instead smiled back up at him.

"Gee, thanks," Sabre said. He dusted off his chest plate and looked defeated at me.

"You are quite welcome, my dear friend. Now, secondly, this little farce has gone on long enough. Don't you think so?"

"Whatcha mean, Dissy?" Bright asked.

Discord snapped his claw, and the whole of Aris went quiet. That is, the fighting and fires and the maelstrom of insanity vanished like a fart in the wind. Discord offered a tada before shooting forth more confetti.

"Yetis, beaten?" I asked

"I returned them ala express delivery back to the "Storm King." I'm sure he'll enjoy an army's worth of his precious people being made snug as a bug in a rug, except instead of a rug, it's his bedroom."

"The rest of our friends?"

"Right where they were, what did you expect?" Discord asked, wrapping a limb around Sombra's withers.

Sombra did not so much as flinch. "The unexpected, of course."

"Wise," Discord nodded in agreement.

"The princesses?" Sabre asked.

"On Starlight's airship, where she left them."

"Couldn't you, you know, just free them?" Sabre asked.

"Nope, the hero clause states that is your problem, my dear Captain. You and the other bearers, and Star for whatever reason."

"Why am I an afterthought?" I asked.

"Because you are an afterthought," Stella said.

I pouted, crossed my hooves, and tried my best to ignore Stella's laughter.

"Of course, well, guess we know where we're headed next," Sabre said.

"To bed?" I asked.

"Nope, silly. Only Starlight gets to nap. We have princesses to rescue. Then we have to find Skystar, Thorax, Spade, and Blueblood. Oh, then…"

I let Bright go on, letting him happily talk into the abyss. He wasn't wrong. We did need to do those things. I just wish we could do them later.

I was pulled into a side hug by Sabre, who planted a kiss on my cheek. "Come on, we're almost done. The sooner we get this settled, the better."

"Discord." Tempest was eying the Draconequus.


"If you could do this," Tempest waved in no particular direction. "Then why not aid us from the beginning?"

Discord patted Tempest on the head and chuckled. "If I settled every little apocalypse and war, then what would you silly little ponies do once you were so used to me saving the day, and I could no longer do so?"

Tempest's expression morphed into one of recognition. One could see her stoicism and insight battle over who had rights to her face. Recognition eventually won, even if it was a war of untold proportions.

"Complacent and weak," Tempest said. Discord nodded.

"Besides, Nighty, excuse me. Stelly and Star here had some stuff they needed to work out first. Isn't that right, you two??

I shrug. "I guess so."

"There ya see, now, I believe my job here is done. Toodles." As quickly as he'd come, Discord was gone.

"So, does anyone know where Starlight's ship is?" Babble asked. A collective round of facehooves later, the seven of us were off. Tonight could not end soon enough.