• Published 13th Jul 2023
  • 187 Views, 2 Comments

What Followed The Dawn - Anemptyshell

We once again join our Septet of unlikely heroes. A year has past since the fall of Nightmare Moon. Unfortunately, there is always another storm on the horizon, and Stargazer is of course stuck in the eye of it all.

  • ...

Divide and Conquer

The swim to Aris was pretty decent. The water was a little cold for my liking, but otherwise, it was your average polymorphed sightseeing tour under an enemy-controlled fortress. The Hippogriffs seemed excited. The hushed whispers and looks toward the sky above left everyone on edge. Tempest had practically glued herself to my side, to the chagrin of Sabre. She seemed incredibly serious about the owed debt. The pirate thing had her a little peeved at how close I was to getting myself really messed up. I deserved that. And Skystar deserved not to look ready to swim off screaming for her life.

"I pulled ahead of Tempest and sidled myself along Babble. "Just a bit of the jitters, ay?" I asked.

"If by jitters you mean in over her head. Then yes, I agree completely. She's always anxious when we execute one of her rescue missions. This," Babble waves over to Skystar. The aquatic mare ducked and bucked at every fish that swam around her. "This is just pitiful."

"She fears death. A very real and possible concern, considering what we plan to do," Tempest said from behind us. Babble and I shared a face hoof.

"Thank you, Tempest. We very much needed the reminder of our obvious mortality," I said, turning to leer at my nonplussed guardian.

"Your mortality is very much in question. The conditions of your revival are untested and potentially terrifying."

I took a deep underwater breath and withheld a groan that would no doubt send our fidgeting princess into a death roll. Tempest wasn't wrong, per se, but there was such a thing as tact.

"She's not wrong," Nightmare said.

"I know," I answered.

"We could test the limits of my divine provenance if you like."

The groan grew louder, at least in my head. "For the sake of all that is decent, do not attempt to get us killed."

Nightmare's Cheshire grin spoke volumes. I did not have time for this.

"We're nearing the tunnel. Keep close. They are rather dark. Once inside, we will split into our assigned teams. Then, it's all in Faust's hooves."

Babble tensed, glaring ahead at the encroaching mass of rock that was Mt. Aris. He seemed ready to bore a hole through one end and out the other. I nudged him, but he didn't respond. However, his glare moved from the rock to the spot already bored into the mountain. Our ticket in and the start of Operation Salvation. Leave it to Bright to come up with a name that was both accurate and ironic in more ways than one.

"Everyone, stay close. The tunnels are winding. It'll take three or so minutes to get to the secret lagoon. Then," Skystar's voice hitched. "Then we save our home."

"This is so exciting. I've never written espionage before," Bright shouted from the back of the congregation. He wrapped a hoof around Blue's neck and all but throttled the poor ambassador as he excitedly laughed.

"At least someone is having fun," Sombra said. He'd taken point letting Skystar fall behind him as she jittered and woed.

"Expect anything else?" I asked.

“Never,” Sombra said.

Then, the light above vanished. We entered the cave system. The winding descriptor did the tunnels no justice. The sharp turns, double backs, and deadends were well. I was glad I wasn't the guide. I could feel a headache coming on just imagining memorizing these things.

"Left," Babble said, pulling me from my spiral of spatial awareness. I blinked back to reality and followed Babble's directions—three minutes and counting until we again threw ourselves at some larger-than-life tyrant. I shook my head and withheld a terse laugh.

"It is by your own hooves that you walk this path, whelp."

"Truer words have never been spoken. Still, though."

"You wish for peace and quiet. Ideals that can only be obtained when all your enemies are defeated. As long as evil thrives, you will know no such freedoms. My naive little thestral."

I nod along. "You did it again," I said.

Nightmare cocked an eyebrow. "Did what?"

"You said as long as evil thrives. I know a villain is the hero of their own story and all. But, you sided with us again."

Nightmare balked. "What else am I to do? I am not free to pursue my own desires, one way or the other. As you've said before. We are stuck with one another, depending on how my power manifests. We may be so for some centuries to come."

I didn't have a response to that. I didn't like the implications and feared what it'd take to learn the truth even less. I expected a rebuke or taunt. Instead, I got a tired smile. Nightmare Moon, Queen of Equestria, and the Eternal Night stood before me, poise and grace discarded. The smugness, an afterthought, was replaced by a look of wary contemplation. The face of a mare who found out the hard way just how hard longevity of that sort can be on one's mind. She spent a millennium with nothing but Luna's sorrow and her own plans for revenge.

"Right," I said. I blanked my mind out of my mindscape and back to reality. Where the dark waters were giving way to the shimmer of light ahead. The journey to Aris was over. Now came the hard part.

"Everyone ready?" Babble twisted in place to face the vast majority of our party. The group went silent. "Once we breach, we'll be splitting accordingly. Four teams, four goals. We do this right and might just take back Mt. Aris here tonight. Now, ARE! YOU! READY!?"

The question was met with murmurs that grew to mumbles, words, and then yells. The Hippogriffs' final chorus was rivaled only by Bright Pitch, who was reveling in the moment.

"Looks like someone's got a leader in there somewhere," I said, nudging Babble, who grumbled in dismissal.

I nudged him again, which broke the dam and earned a cheeky smile. "Yeah, maybe. That coming from the guy who led a coup against an alicorn speaks volumes of my ability not to lead by accident and happenstance."

"He's got you there, Star."

Sabre had swam up to join the lead. He offered a shrug as I complimented Babble's earlier grumble with my own.

"I am beginning to like this Hippogriff. He speaks true to your lackluster ability not to die in your attempt to overthrow royalty," Nightmare added. It was official: I hated everyone.

The groups separated as per our agreed selections. First was the distraction party. This consisted of the Hippogriffs. They would ensure we had the chance to deal with the big three without interruption. It was dangerous and would likely go south quickly if Starlight made it back tonight. Skystar was jumpy, nervous, scared. However, the look in her eye. The look she gave to her followers. Showed nothing, gave away no fear. She was Princess Skystar; they were her subjects, and Mt. Aris was their home. It was as simple as that. I couldn't help but smile. They'd be fine.

The second group was after the quartermaster. This would mean the armory would be the target. If we cut off their supply of armor and weapons, we might stand a chance. That group was made up of Blueblood, Spade, and Thorax. A little of everything could go a long way. Besides, they weren't anything to scoff at. Their victory over Cadance proved that long ago.

The third group was that of the Shaman. As I understand it, she was in charge of the magical artifacts and brews the Yetis used in place of natural magic. We put her down, and suddenly, Mt. Aris was very much isolated. This group was made up of Sombra, Bright Pitch, and Sabre. If nothing, this was one hundred percent the team with the highest chance of success. I almost pitied the Shaman. She was in for an abysmal night.

Then, that left the lieutenant, Starlight's yes Yeti. As Tempest put it, he was big, stupid, ugly, and extremely violent. So, that was fun. This was my group because, of course, it was. Tempest, Babble, and I would handle this one. Babble felt the need to repay his debt from the pirate rescue. He owed us nothing, but well, he was also ordered by Skystar. Something about being more useful taking on the yeti leaders and such: then, of course, Tempest would not leave my side for the foreseeable future. So, we'd just have to settle this as quickly as possible. That or die horrible deaths.

"What wondrous thoughts to have before the battle. One should walk onto the battlefield knowing one has already conquered. To cower from thy enemy is to seed your own destruction," Nightmare said, striking a pose worthy of a statue. I rolled my eyes.

"Ready?" Babble asked.

"Not really."

"Too bad. We storm Aris and bring it down upon our enemies' heads tonight. And crush Starlight Glimmer if the opportunity arises as well."

The glint in Tempest's eyes did not bode well. Fire and brimstone, the manic carnal desire for battle. There weren't many ponies who could manage such a feat. They were, for the most part, far too soft. Tempest was a mold all her own. The only other pony I knew who could strike such bloodlust was Sombra if one chose to rouse him too early, deny him coffee, or threaten his kingdom, friends, or Cadance. Actually, thinking about it, he had that look a bit too often. We'd need to talk about that later.

"Quite," Babble agreed.

We breached the cavern. Where there was a cool, damp, and empty cave. The Yeti's, as expected, still had no idea where these caves were. From there, it was a matter of the pearl returning us to normal and us planting our hooves on dry land.

"Sombra, you ready for the port?" Sabre asked.

As one would expect, Sombra had long since mastered the craft of teleporting. The more accurately he knew where to go, the better his spell would work. The unfortunate fact was he only had memories and vague distances to use. But it was better than nothing. He would be teleporting his team and Blue's team as close to their marks as he could. The Hippogriffs knew their way through the place, so they had no issue sneaking around as they saw fit. My team, we had Tempest. Once we got into the fortress, for real, she'd have a reasonable countenance of where to go. I could feel a shudder down my spine. The shadows leaped as the chance to claw their way into my vision. Nightmare seemed on the edge of her metaphorical seat.

"Star," Sabre said. I shook my head. The shadows had my vision dancing with spots of light. Sabre placed a hoof on my shoulder. I barely reacted. Then, I was pulled into a hug against Sabre's side. I huffed but made no attempt to resist. It'd have been nice if we were anywhere else at the moment.

"I'm getting too old for this," I mused.

"No, you're getting too tired for this. Nightmare is the only one here who can complain about age," Sabre said.

"I will end you, you worthless cur," Nightmare hissed.

"Maybe. Still, it is always a bit daunting," I said.

"Yeah, you'd think saving the day would get easier with time. Experience and teamwork would be sharper and hope easier. But that isn't how facing impossible odds works, is it?"

I push myself out of Sabre's embrace. "Gee, thanks, Sabre."

He nodded. "You're welcome."

"Sabre, we are ready to depart," Sombra said.

Sabre made to turn. I tsked, and before he could make his way back to his team, I offered a quick peck on the cheek. That stalled him for just a step.

"Good luck."

He nodded, a smile on his lips as he looked back over his shoulder. "You too, Star. And Nightmare, I am holding you responsible if anything happens to Star. Got that?"

"Fool believes he may threaten me. You will rue the day you dared issue such a challenge, Earth Pony. That I swear."

"Calm down, it'll be fine. All you have to do is prove him wrong and not get me killed. Then you'll have that over his head for some time."

Nightmare pondered my words and scoffed. Though left it at that. The Hippogriffs had already made their way out of the cave. Sombra was prepping to send Blue's team and would follow suit after.

I turned to Babble. "Lead the way, Team Captain, sir," I said with a lofty salute. Babble was not amused.

"Yeah, yeah. Let's get this over with. The longer I stick with you, Equestrian's, the more complicated my life becomes."

Tempest barked a laugh. "Agreed."

"Any extra details we might wanna know about the Leftenant, Tempest?" I asked. My oh-so-diligent guardian hummed.

"His armor is distinct from the fodder that follows him. Be on the lookout for deep purple with Starlight's cutie mark on the right breast. That aside, He is only marginally smarter than the rest. Easy prey, so long as we catch him off guard. Easier still if he is alone."

"Fair enough." Thus, we marched out from the cave and into the heart of the Aris Mines. We'd need to reach the top of said mines to get to the fortress' main body. Then we just had to hunt us some yetis.

The walk into the mines was quiet. The only sound is the clop of hooves and rustle of wings. The second we exitted into the mines, from an overshadowed outcropping on one of the lower levels, the rhythmic chink of chains and picks echoed all around. Then I gagged.

"Dear Faust." I let out a hacking cough. "What is that?"

"The smell?" Babble asked. "The stench of sweat, blood, sulfur, and lithium. Some metal ore as well. You get used to it."

"It is not that bad. Get it together," Tempest said, pushing me forward with one hoof. I stumbled but complied. One hoof covered my muzzle as we snuck further in.

"Now, keep quiet. There are few guards posted this far into the mines. The further up we go, the heavier the security. If we can make it out without drawing any attention, we may actually have a chance here," Babble whispered.

"Heigh-ho, heigh-ho, to save the day we go," I sang to myself as we began our ascent. "Heigh-ho, heigh-ho. Through the mines, we go."

"Stop singing," Nightmare ordered.

I smirked. "Make me."

Author's Note:

Apologies for the delay. I, for the life of me, could not figure out how I wanted to do this chapter.