• Published 14th Dec 2023
  • 150 Views, 3 Comments

A Journey of Self Discovery - coolpony01

A mare by the name of Ditzy Beifong has no idea what she is there is no one like her in the earth empire or any other nation on earth but she will soon learn the truth of herself and go on a life changing adventure and gain self -discovery.

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Ch 11

The date is April 1 175 Ag today is my fourteenth birthday. I am getting older and gaining more experience and knowledge.

I along with my friends have done quite a lot of good things in the multiverse we’ve helped to ensure that plants wouldn’t be able to be taken over or destroyed by the Friends of Ponies. Taratorus we’ve even helped to prevent a few from being destroyed. And because of this the rest of us besides just Twilight have become widely recognized and respected and admired. We now all hold speeches to give people hope and courage and we’re quite good at it. Which isn’t a surprise. I mean I’ve seen a lot of good speeches and I’ve learned a lot from Twilight as well as my parents when it comes down to what decisions to make. Mom and dad would probably be proud of my skills though I can’t let them learn of the multiverse. Our universe isn’t well known and it’s best that none of the threats discover its existence. And keeping secrets is necessary to achieve this

When I woke up I got ready for the day and went to meet up with mom and dad for breakfast.

“Happy Birthday Ditzy, our little teenager is growing up.” Dad said with joy.

“Hey, technically I’ve been a teenager since I’ve turned thirteen.” I said.

“True but you’re progressing into teenagehood.” Dad said.

“True I’m glad I’m finally 14. I can't wait until I’m an adult.” I said.

“Yes from all the independence you already have at your age. I’m sure you’ll be fine.” Dad said.

“Well as long as I work hard that should happen.” I said.

“Very true your father and I didn’t create the empire overnight.” Mom said.

“Very true things don’t just happen like that, it takes it’s own time.” I said.

“Exactly so don’t worry about that because your time will come.” Mom said.

What they don’t know is that I’ve already done quite a lot of great and good things.
I just smiled. “Well then I won’t be stupid I should just focus on living my life.” I said.

“Very true you’re still a kid and shouldn’t focus on big matters. It is best to concern yourself with your studies and your happiness.” Mom said.

“Yes I suppose that does make some sense.” I said. Though I don’t believe her,

“Well once your mind fully develops you’ll be able to properly make the wise decisions that lead to greatness.” Dad said.
We enjoyed our time together. My parents took off the day for my birthday. I told them they didn’t have to but they insisted we enjoyed our time together making sure that we enjoyed every moment possible. Haku even got me a present and I got a cake and could blow out the candles. It was really special.

“Oh that reminds us.” Mom said as she went to get something.

“No.” I said.

“Yes.” Mom said.

As she went to get a green jewel “It is tradition for Earth Kingdom or know Earth Empire parents to give their children a jewel necklace on their 14th birthday it represents the growt of love and family.” Mom said with a sweet smile. This is a wonderful gift and means that she truly sees me as a daughter.

“Thank you.” I said with joy and complete gratitude.

“You’re welcome now, go eat your cake.”

I finished my cake and then headed over to my other friends to celebrate with them that night. I saw them with a platter of chocolate chip pancakes. “Happy Birthday.” They all said with joy.

I smiled. “Aww thank you guys you didn’t have to do this.” I said in appreciation and some guilt for the tasty treat.

“We wanted to come on Ditzy , just eat the pancakes.” Doctor said,

“Well okay.” I said.

We all enjoyed our pancakes. “Hey sis don’t go too overboard with the pancakes.” Spike cautioned he really is wise for his age.

“Don’t worry Spike I won't know how to make this last.” Twilight said.

“I agree with Twi on this one I’m sure she’ll want to make the memory last.” I said.

“True though my sis tends to go a bit overboard on pictures.” Spike said.

“I’m not that bad.” Twilight insisted.

We then took some pictures. Twi wanted them to be exceptional though she wasn’t too overbearing, thank Celestia. And the pictures were really good. I'm gonna enjoy looking back on this day.

My friends then began to sign a birthday song. “Happy Birthday to you Happy Birthday to you Happy Birthday dear Ditzy Happy Birthday to you.” They sang.

I blew out the candles. And passed out the birthday cake. We all enjoyed our cake especially Twilight and Spike. They both share a sweet tooth.

“This is really good Spike.” I complemented.

“Learned from the best.” He answered.

“Aww thanks Spike.” I said with gratitude.

“Well Spike’s right I mean nine of us made food that didn’t suck until we met you.” Doctor said.

“Well I have my parents to thank for my cooking.” I said

“Then I guess we gotta thank them too cause you taught us how to cook we had to eat a lot of crappy foods.” Doctor said

“Yeah we’re glad we can finally eat decent stuff Twilight and I were on packaged food diets for months.” Spike said.

“Yeah that wasn’t fun.” Twilight said.

“I’m sorry about that.” I said.

“Hey you’re not the one to be sorry and we’re not in that position anymore. I mean we have pop tarts now. Twilight said.

“True.” I admitted.

“I’m glad we have sweets now and always had a bit of a sweet tooth.” Spike said.

“We know Spike.” I said while laughing.

“Yeah and it will be nice eating them when Coming 2 Avono finally comes out. The first one was so funny.” Spike said.

“Yeah I liked how they blasted that drug dealer that was so funny.” Doctor said.

“Oh that reminds me, do you remember when you used your magic to knock out Hacker and Shadow Bolt and stole their plans and shit.” I said.

“Yes, that was so funny.” Twilight laughed.

“So true those pricks deserved it.” Spike said.

“Well at least they faced karma.” Twilight said.

“Yeah they really deserved it. I can’t wait until the Friends of Ponies are finally defeated and then we’ll have more time to have fun.” Doctor said,

“Now that’ll be nice, we can go to Disney Galaxy.” I suggested.

“Oh my sis and I used to go there every Summer. The rides there are really cool.” Spike said.

“Maybe we can go there for your birthday one of these days.” Twilight suggested.

“Know that would be fun.” Spike said.

Yeah that does sound fun. When I was younger my parents would always go to Zaofu’s founding festival every year. I always enjoyed doing the rides and games they’d probably like

After breakfast my friends said they got me presents. I said to them I didn’t need any but they insisted.

“Can you open mine first.” Spike asked,

I smiled and opened the present I saw it was a device that could play all sorts of multiverse music.

“Aww Spike I’ve always wante one of these I’ve just been so busy you didn’t have to.” I said with glee.

“Come on you deserve it besides with all the work you do you gotta find some way to distress yourself.” Spike said.

“Ture,” I replied.

“Ahem I don’t mean to interrupt but would you mind opening my present.” Doctor said.

I smiled “Of course Doctor.” I said.

I then opened the presnet to find a brand new techno chip

I really needed one of these my technologie’s been a little iffy lately and with the work we do our technology needs to function properly.

“Aww thank’s Doc I really needed one of these.” I said.

“Excuse me Ditzy I don’t mean to be intrusive though would you like to open my present.” Twilight asked.

I smiled and nodded my head and went to open the presnet. I found a book about the history of the pegasus and the good and bad we’ve done to help to better relationships between other races and species. Though we are busy people with all the people that need our help and all so I am appreciative toward the gift.

I went over and hugged her “Thank you Twi this is a wonderful gift.” I said joy.

“Oh I gotta get the last one.” Spike said with excitement.

“Guys this is too much.” I said.

“Exactly this one is for all of us.” Doctor said.

“Oh alright.” I gave in.

I then felt joy and overwhelmed when Spike came back with an adorable baby owl. The owl had pale light grayish amber feathers, grayish amber wings, and dark amber eyes.

“Aww.” I said.

I went to hold the baby owl the hatchling snuggled up to me and I felt joy.

“We named her Owliscious her mother was killed by an eagle so we decided to take her in.” Twilight said.

I don’t blame them she is adorable and sweet after all.

“Thank you for making my birthday special though we ought to get to work.” I said.

We decided that since we can’t do work during the day because of my birthday that we would do it later that night.

“Oh I have a question.” Spike asked.

“Yes Spike you can watch over Owlicious while we work.” I said.
“Thanks.” Spike said with gratitude.

The adorable baby owl then went up and snuggled up to Spike it was an adorable sight.

And we began to scan for any signs of trouble and sure enough there were signs of interdimensional travel being done by the use of crystalline and dark magic. That’s a really bad idea dark magic is too dangerous and corrupting.

“Alright Spike you and Owlcious are going to Equano until we get back.” Twilight said.

He then went to safety and we went to stop those bastards.

We saw unicorns using dark magic to strengthen and replicate crystalline. They were also using dark magic to mud control non ponies to use them as slaves. We are in absolute disgust. This is so inquma Quma means passionate and good treatment of all types of people rather than in my world where that term means inhumane which means passionate and good treatment of humans. Quma was created for everyone rather than one race or species.

We informed our allies of this

We made sure to stay undetected as we began to do what we could to disable the crystalline and dark magic being used to strengthen it and enslave. We also weakened the unicorns magical abilities themselves and other technical equipment.

Once this was done we easily defeated those assholes and freed the people. The terrorists are to be tried for illegal use of dark magic and crystalline, crimes against Qoma.

I saw hope this was good for the need to bring moral back to these people and courage for a brighter future.

When we were done we went to Equona we were delighted to see Spike and Owliscious playing together

“Oh you guys are back how’d it go.” Spike asked.

“We managed to stop the bad guys.” Twilight said.

We then went to take Spike back home. It was time for him to hit the hay and the same for me.

It was nice having a late birthday dinner with my friends. It was nice being able to celebrate dinner with my parents and friends that made my day and I smiled at that thought as I feel asleep. This has been a good birthday.