• Published 14th Dec 2023
  • 149 Views, 3 Comments

A Journey of Self Discovery - coolpony01

A mare by the name of Ditzy Beifong has no idea what she is there is no one like her in the earth empire or any other nation on earth but she will soon learn the truth of herself and go on a life changing adventure and gain self -discovery.

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Ch 1

The date is May 1 174 AG. The Earth Kingdom is pretty much stabilized so tomorrow is the coronation of prince Wu. Despite the fact that he’s clearly not the leader type. The coronation is taken place in Republic City, the capital of the United Republic of Nations. After the hundred-year war former fire nation colonies became the United Republic to avoid war and so people of different to live together

I’m glad that I’ll be able to come with them and see I’ll sorts of people they know I’ll behave myself with. I wouldn't disrespect them.

I woke up to the sound of my alarm at 5AM. I hate waking up early, but my parents want me up at this time. I went and picked out the green uniform that everyone is required to wear. I have to follow the dress code around here.

I then got ready and went to go have breakfast with my parents I can see we’re having scrambled eggs, toast and jam, and some milk.

“Good morning mom and dad what can I do to get ready?” I asked. My parents then gave me looks.

“Your father and I have decided that you will remain here during the coronation. "Mom said. “What why.” I asked disappointed.

“President Raiko informed us that there were some people that were making threats against you.”She replied. I got a bit scared.

“That’s not good. "I said.

“No, it isn't apparently there were some civilians that were making threats against you fortunately they were arrested and charged for their crime but it’s best you remain somewhere safe and secure. "Dad said.

“You’re right why are there so many people that go against me because I’m not human.”I said.

“They simply are afraid of what they don’t understand or see themselves as superior but you’re right it is wrong don’t worry your mother and I will always ensure that you have a stable future. "Dad said.

“Thank you.” I said with a smile.

“Well, we are your parents and should take care of you. "Mom said.

“You guys have always cared for others I hope the new king learns from you I mean we can’t undo all the progress you guys made.”I said.

“Know don’t worry about that just go eat.” dad said.

“Kay.” I said as I began to eat the delicious breakfast.

“Mm this is really good. "I said.

“I’m sure the cooks will appreciate that." mom said.

“I’m sure you’re right how long will you be gone for?” I asked. “A few days at most we’ll come back as soon as we’re done. "Dad said.

"Don’t worry I’ll behave when you’re gone.” I said with care.

“Good we are glad to hear that we will be very busy, and it would be best if we did not have to deal with any additional problems. "Mom said.

“Don’t worry I won’t cause any problems.” I spoke.

“Thank you Ditzy your mother and I have to go know we’re see you when we get back.” dad said.

“Goodbye mom and dad I love you. "I said. “We love you two.” mom said.

After they left, I went over to the mail delivery room. I am required to do my fair share of work around here. I saw my boss Hila she is firm yet understanding.

“Good morning, Miss Beifong now make sure to work properly. "Miss Hila said.

“Yes boss.” I then got to work we are very busy today since the coronation is tomorrow there is quite a lot of mail discussing what decisions will be made for the country ad longer than usual. But I have to do my job when I went up to my boss for my daily payment, she gave me more than usual.

“This is too much. "I said.

“Not for your work.” my boss said.

“Well thank you.” I spoke.

“Don’t mention it you should get going.” my boss said.

I went to go have dinner by myself I was given possum chicken and a salad. My parents always make sure I have a healthy diet. After that I continued my studies, my parents care very deeply that I have a decent education. They do not believe I should be denied that just because I’m not human and neither do I that is why I’m so committed to my studies. By the time I got done with my schoolwork, homework, and studying, it was nine p.m. it was time for bed. I’ll admit I’m a bit nervous about what would happen with the coronation, but I have to try and remain calm and stay positive I then fell asleep.

I woke up to the should of my alarm today is the day of the coronation I’m very interested in what the future of the country will be like, but I have work to do. I went to go eat my breakfast I’m having pig sheep bacon and toast and jam with milk for my breakfast the meal was quite delicious, and I’ll need the energy afterwards. I then went over to the place I work.

“Good morning boss I’ll get to work right away. "I said.

“That’s what I like to hear now get to work.” my boss said.

“Yes boss”. I then got to work it's an annoying busy day, so I had to work hard a bit later in the day the coronation began and I along with my coworkers decided to watch it on the radio.
It went …differently than expected at first it seemed as though the prince would take his place on the throne, he was crowned king, and all went expected until my mom had other plans. She went on about how she learned that technology and innovation were the key to what should bring a nation forward and that it was the idea of a king and queen that caused the Earth Kingdom to fall into disarray. She then made an announcement to the world and declared that the earth kingdom was no more and that she created a new earth empire and that she would continue to lead it into a future of prosperity herself. She then stated to the fellow world leaders that anyone who crossed their border or stood in their way would be crushed.

I’ll admit I agree my parents have quite a lot of leadership skills and have done many good things for the country, but this crushing thing sounded kina harsh. I also didn’t want them to get too stressed from ruling and maintaining a nation.

“What you guys stanning around for get back to work. "Our boss said. I gave my boss a solemn nod and went back to work I tried to keep my mind off what happened since I tend to work a lot my boss gave me quite a lot of pay.

“This is too much. "I said.

“Ditzy you worked very hard today you earned this.” Miss Hila said. “Alright Miss Hila thank you. "I said

I had to work a while and so when I was done, I had to eat dinner it was possum chicken and a salad my parents weren’t here they were probably very busy due to that they were now the leaders of this new Earth Empire. I also heard that would be leaving soon to continue the cause. I went to do my studying after a while the train began to move.
I have an idea on where we’re going Zaofu, it’s the only part of the nation that isn’t under my parents control so technically they have every right to take it and I highly doubt my parents will allow something like that to slid I just hope there isn’t much conflict. But I made sure to focus on my studying my parents want me having a decent education.

I then heard the door open and turned to see my parents walk in “Oh hi mom and dad did you need something.” I asked.

“Your mother and I thought we should talk over what happened today. "Dad said.

“Oh, I’ll admit I was pretty shocked. "I said.

“We thought you would be. "Mom said. They then went and sat on my bed.

“Come sit. "Mom said gesturing me. I went and sat on my bed.

“Ditzy we could not allow that royal idiot to take the throne he clearly would’ve ruined the progress your mother and I made for the country and its citizens.” She said.

“That makes sense I never liked him either.” I spoke.

“Exactly we have to make sure the citizens have a stable future including you. "Mom said. “Well thank you for caring about us so much.” I spoke.

“Oh, that reminds me we need to discuss the necessary actions your mother and I will have to make regarding your safety." Dad said.

“Like what exactly.” I asked.

“Well since there are quite a lot of people that will go after you for being the daughter of the leaders of the nation it makes sense for you to continue to have a private bodyguard for your safety and it makes sense for you to only go out in public when it is necessary. "Mom said.

“Alright that makes sense. "I said.

“We know you will not like these changes very much and we wish to give you more freedom but as your parents we have to keep you safe. "Dad said.

“Yes, I know I’ll adhere to these changes. "I said. “Good Ditzy we love you and we just want what is best for you. "Mom said.

“I know I love you guys' goodnight.” I said.

“Goodnight Ditzy we love you two "Dad said. My parents then left, and I went in my covers. I’ll admit I’m a bit worried I don’t agree with some of the ideas like crushing and I do want to be able to live my life. I don’t have very many friends and I do not wish to not be able to experience the aspects of life. I will keep this to myself to avoid any unnecessary conflict. I am still pretty scared but I at least I still have my parents and the few friends I have.