• Published 14th Dec 2023
  • 149 Views, 3 Comments

A Journey of Self Discovery - coolpony01

A mare by the name of Ditzy Beifong has no idea what she is there is no one like her in the earth empire or any other nation on earth but she will soon learn the truth of herself and go on a life changing adventure and gain self -discovery.

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Ch 3

My parents recently took over the city of Zaofu. I've heard they’ve been quite authoritarian. No one is allowed to say anything against them, the army, or the Earth Empire well without punishment. I’ve also heard my parents are quite harsh when it comes to punishment. I'll admit laws do need to be enforced but there also needs to be a line though I know better than to speak of this especially after what happened to my family. They all got a life sentence I understand why the family members that attempted to assassinate my mom got a life sentence but the ones who weren’t involved why give them a life sentence. I also heard they were taken to a reeducation facility a prison camp it’s where serious criminals are sent to I had no idea prison camps exist within the Earth Empire they are probably pretty bad places to end up though my parents said they are only for people who committed great crimes against the Earth Empire so it's tolerable. I’ll admit some of the people there probably deserve it so I shouldn’t worry too much about it.

I let out a groan as I woke up and went out of bed at 5AM. I do not like waking up this early, but I have to this the time my parents want me up by. I went to turn my alarm clock off and picked out my Earth Empire uniform. All the people around here are required to wear it. I then did everything else I needed to get ready for the day. I then went to have breakfast with my parents. I went down the familiar hallways I used to travel a lot before my parents started their cause. But there’s Earth Empire symbols everywhere and far more guards than there were when I used to live here all those years ago. A lot has changed over the years and probably will change more in the years to come.

When I got there, I saw my parents and sat down to go have breakfast with them. I can see we’re having scrambled eggs, toast with jam, and milk.

“Good morning mom and dad. "I greeted

“Good morning Ditzy.'' Mom greeted me.

“Good morning Ditzy you should know that I will be away working on a very important project regarding spirit vines, "dad said.

“Oh how long will you be gone.” I asked.

“A month at least your mother will remain here to secure the city. "Dad said.

“Since your father and I will be quite busy doing what we can for the empire and its citizens we will need you to be on your best behavior," mom said.

“Yes, mom and dad.” I answered.

“Good your mother and I will be quite busy meeting the needs of the Earth Empire and its citizens and so it would be best if we don’t have to deal with any other matters.” dad said.

” Don’t worry I understand besides your decisions will help make a brighter future for us all.” I spoke.

“Exactly that’s why we must focus on making sure the future of our citizens will be a good one that includes you." Mom said.

“I’ll do whatever I can to help those in need though I probably won’t do nearly as good as you guys.” I spoke.

“Well, you’re helping and that’s what counts.” dad said.

“You make an excellent point.” I said.

“Exactly so don’t feel like you’re not being helpful your mother and I have to get going now we love you. "Dad said

“I’ll see you later Ditzy I love you." mom said.

“Bye I love you too.” I spoke.

I then left. I still have some free time until I have to get to work so I decided to go out into the garden where I used to play all those years back. I saw quite a lot of beautiful pound flowers, ponds, neatly trimmed trees, and bushes and not to mention the collection of metals the Beifong estate has. I could hear the sound of birds in the treetops and the smell of freshly cut grass. I went to sit down on a bench and let the sun warm my coat. It's been one of my favorite things since I was little. I should make the most of my life since my parents are leaders. I will probably have some freedoms denied to me for safety reasons. There are certain things I won’t be able to do with my life which is saddening though it could be worse at least my day will have some happiness though it will most likely be the same as the days before. Little did I know I was wrong. I was really wrong.

I could see a blue portal form my eyes went wide the only portals that exist are the two portals that lead to the spirit world in the southern and northern poles but these aren’t like those meaning they must lead somewhere else but I have no idea where and so I did what I could to move away but I could feel this invisible force pulling me towards it. “Guards help.” I cried out. I saw them trying to rescue me, but it was no use I ended up being sucked through the portal. When it was done, I saw white all around me from the sky to the ground will I be trapped here.
I then heard a groan in the distance. I curled my ears to hear the sound better. My eyes went wide as I realized whoever it was is clearly hurt and needs help. I flew over as quickly as I could when I got there, I was in shock the person looked like me he has the same body as me minus a pair of wings he has grayish amber fur, short dark gamboge spikey hair and hair for a tail, he had a strange golden hourglass tattoo on his rump. I saw a really bad wound on his side. It's bleeding really badly. I went by him. I saw his eyes widen.

“Get outta here you’re going to get yourself killed.” he said in a strange accent I didn’t recognize though it sounded strangely lovely.

“Oh, heck no I’m helping you.” I said.

I then saw this strange blue box perhaps it can be used to get us outta here and it may even have first aid and equipment. I went inside. I was shocked it was a giant machine of some sort. I wonder what exactly it did first. I looked around the place and found some medical equipment. I went back and applied pressure to the wound to secure the blood. I then wrapped it up.

“You gotta go, they're gonna kill you.” he said in concern.

I then saw two creatures like me that had wings heading toward us. I went to go out and protect him. They then landed on the ground. I can see one of them is a male with gray fur, dark red hair, dark red eyes and a strange black cloud on his rump. The other was a female. She had gray fur, grayish green hair, grayish green eyes, and a strange device on his rump. I could tell they were not good people.
“Get outta the way bitch.” the male said. I just stood my ground.

“I’m not gonna let you kill him.” I said.

“Nothing you can do will stop that and unless you want to be next you’ll step aside.” the girl said with aggression.

“Make me assholes.” I replied. I won’t let them hurt him. They went for the attack. I fought back there have been many times where I’ve had to aid Earth Empire troops in fighting bandits and other criminals, so I do have experience. I was able to throw a lot of punches and kicks and managed to knock them out.

I then approached that wounded one and I helped him get up.

“Thank you, you don’t know how grateful I am.” he said with gratitude.

“You’re welcome come we got to go find an exit.” I spoke.

“My Tardis is over there we can use it to escape." he said pointing to the strange machine. “Alright then.” I said as I brought him inside the machine.

“How do we start the machine?” I asked.

“The controls are over there.” he said, pointing to an area full of all sorts of controls. I brought him there and he began to work the controls.

“Thank you, Mame can you please lock the door, so they can’t get in.” he said.

“Sure thing.” I said as I went to close and lock the door.

“What’s their problem.” I spoke.

“The male’s name is Shadow Bolt; the female's name is Hacker they’re from an organization called the Friends of Ponies. They believe ponies are the pure species and their rights should come first.” he said.

“What’s a pony? I asked. He gave me a weird look.

“That’s what we are.” he answered.

“Wow it’s just I’ve never seen anyone that looks like me before until know so I’ve never known what I was.” I spoke.

“Well, there are many types of ponies the type you are with wings is called a Pegasus.” he answered.

“A Pegasus.” I stated with awe.

“You’ve never seen another pony before have you.” he said.

“Nope there’s never been anyone like me where I’m from.” I spoke.

“Well, there’s quite a lot of ponies in the multiverse of many different races though not all dimensions have ponies that actually live there you’re probably from one of those.” he said.

“Waits am I in another dimension?” I asked.

“Well, no this is the place is called the void it is a plane of existence between universes. "He said.

“Wow that’s so cool.” I spoke.

“Well yes, it is don’t worry I’ll get this thing going I’ll get you back to your dimension.” he said.

“So, this thing can take you anywhere.” I said with wonder.

“Oh yes I use it to try and stop bad guys like those ass holes.” he said. “Wow you’re really brave.” I said in admiration.

“Why thank you someone needs to help, and I should help you get back home.” he said. “Thank you for the help.” I said.

“No problem I’m not going to leave a filly here.” he said.

“What’s a filly.” I asked.

“A filly is a young girl pony.” he said.

“Oh, that makes sense, thank you for helping me escape.” I spoke. “And thanks for saving me from those assholes my name is Docter by the way.” Docter said. \

“Oh, aren’t you a bit young to be a doctor?” I asked. He let out a chuckle.

“No, my father was a doctor and since he wanted me to become one, he named me Docter.” Docter said.

“That’s a strange name I’ll admit my name’s Ditzy by the way its nice to meet you.” I spoke. “Well, it’s nice to meet you two Ditzy a lot of people try to kill me so you’re a nice change of pace.” Docter said.

“Well I’m sorry about that you shouldn’t have all this pressure at your age.” I said.

“Hey I may be 13 but that doesn’t mean I can’t take care of myself.” he protested.

“Sorry I’m not trying to question your independence, it's just all the people I met have told me that no one should live on their own until their eighteen, so this is new to me.” I spoke.

“That’s understandable I mean I never thought I’d be on my own at 13.” he said I gave him a concerned look.

“You’re on your own.” I said with concern.

“Well yeah, my parents were killed by terrorists after that I committed my life to helping those in need and stopping bad guys. It's not kinda easy making friends at this job.” he said.

“Well, I’m sorry to hear that everyone needs a friend." I spoke. “I’ll admit a friend would be nice.” he said.

“Well maybe we can be friends.” I said with a smile.

“I’d be up for that you seem nice though it’s hard for us to see each other on account of people like those assholes will go after you.” he said.

“To be fair they’re probably gona go after me for defending you and frightening them.” I said.

“Yeah, you’re probably right.” he admitted.

“Well, it was for a good cause those ass holes were clearly bad people say is their anything I can help you with.” I asked.

“Well, this machine is very complicated, and you’ve helped a lot if it weren’t for.” he said.

“You’re probably right well if there’s anything I can help you with let me know.” I said.

“Sure thing.” he said he spent half an hour or so fixing up the machine.

“That should do it now, let's get you back home, "Doctor said.

“That’s good my parents must be so worried.” I spoke.

“Oh, that reminds me do they know about the multiverse? "he asked.

“No none of the people from my world know. "I answered. “

Well, it’s best they don’t find out see if they don’t know of the multiverse then your planet isn’t probably very well-known and it’d be bad for extremist ponies to find a world full of non-ponies. "He said.

“You’re probably right but it’s a little late see a portal opened up and I got sucked inside they would’ve alerted by parents. "I said.

“Those ass holes used cryston are they insane.” Docter said with anger.

“What’s cryston.” I spoke. “It’s a type of crystal that’s full of a very unstable energy source known as cryston people often used it to try and cause the boundary between universe to become unstable allowing for passage between dimensions but it’s really dangerous it can create other portals and other things to get sucked in.” Doctor explained.

“Well, that explains a lot these guys are nuts.” I spoke.

“They really are least it won’t be hard to clean their mess.” he said.

“How so?” I asked.

“Time travel.” he replied. My jaw dropped \

“That’s possible.” I said with awe.

“Oh yes of course we can travel any time in the pass and alter events as long as we don’t do anything serious the keepers of time won’t get in our cause.” he explained.

“But if I’m not sucked in the portal, I’ll never meet you and can’t save you.” I spoke. “Oh no we’re just going to make it the people around can’t see or hear the event through technology.”

he stated. “That makes sense, but won’t they notice I’m missing.”

I pointed out.

“Well, we’re simply create an individual replica of you to do what you would normally do until you’re back.” he said.

“That’s actually a pretty good idea.” I spoke.

“Oh yes I know I’ll show you how it works.” Doctor said. He then showed me how the replica material works. “Thanks for your help, Doctor.” I spoke.

“Thank you for saving me Ditzy know we got to get you home. "Doctor said. “Alright if you need help, I can help.” I offered.

“Well know that people will likely go after you it makes sense for me to teach you what I know so you can protect yourself.” I smiled and went over and hugged him.

“Thank you I’ll do whatever I can to help.” I spoke. He hugged me back.

“Here you’ll need this, "Doctor said as he gave me a necklace with a strange symbol on it. Two triangles that Intertrime one that was upside down and one that's right side up.

“This device will allow us to keep in contact I’ll contact you sometime tomorrow for training.” he said. “Don’t worry Doctor, I promise to work hard to help you.” I spoke.

I then went back to my dimension. I could see that I was sorting through the mail in the mail department. I could remember all the things my replica did during my absence so it shouldn’t be too hard for me to adjust to this transition. I spent quite some time here due to how much mail comes into this unit. When I was done, I went to take a shower. I probably don’t smell good, and I need to remain clean. The warm water on my coat helped me to sooth and calm me. I need that especially after what happened today. I found out what I really am and realized there’s more of me and all that exists in the multiverse. I am glad I can help those in need though I wish I didn’t have to keep things from my parents but it’s for their own safety. I can’t let anything happen to the people of my planet that includes the Earth Empire. The only way this can be prevented is if I keep the work Docter and I do remain anonymous to this planet so that’s what I’ll do. The shower helped to keep me calm through this new change.

When I was done, I got dressed, put deodorant on and combed my hair. I then went to work on my classes, did my homework and studying. After I was done, I went to go have dinner with my mom. I saw a lot of troops as I walked, which isn’t surprising. This is the latest place where my parents were brought under Earth Empire control. It’s not surprising that they would make all the citizens comply. I then saw my mother I went to go sit by her. I could see we’re having lamb cola sheep and a salad.

“Hello mom how was work today? "I asked.

“Oh, work was fine the citizens are all being compliant for the most past and it has not been difficult for me to make the best decisions for the country.” mom said.

“Well, that’s good I managed to do whatever I could to help out I know sorting mail isn’t nearly as important as what you and dad do, but it is still helpful.” I spoke.

“Exactly so don’t feel down about yourself when you come of proper age it is very possible you will do great things with your life. "Mom said. I’m already doing good things with my life, but she doesn’t need to know that.

“Yes, I’m sure that will be the case.” I spoke.

“Good I’m glad you see that Ditzy now go eat.” mom said.

“Okay.” I spoke. I then began to eat I’m really hungry and need the food, but I must remember my manners. This taste very juicy and full of flavor.

“This is really good.” I said with pleasantness.

“I’m sure the chefs will love to hear that.” mom said.

“I’m sure they will if they work hard and make delicious meals, I should be polite to them I wouldn’t like it if someone was rude to me over my hard work in the mail department.” I spoke.

“You’re right about that. "mom said.

“I know.” I spoke.

“Well as long as learn the things you’ll need to know you should be fine.” mom said.

“That’s nice to know.” I spoke. “Yes, I suppose it is just tried not to over stress.” mom said.

“You’re right, besides, your job is far more stressful than mine.” I spoke.

“Very true leadership is not an easy task, but I must do whatever I can to help and remain calm.” mom said.

“Well, you’re clearly quite good at that.” I spoke.

“Why thank you Dity.” mom said.

“You’re welcome, I mean it's not easy to remain calm under pressure.” I spoke.

“You’re right and you two are quite good at it.” mom said.

“Why thank you well at least if I can deal with things like stress, I’ll be prepared for the things that lie ahead. "I said.

“Very true I must be going now make sure to keep up with your studies it is very important. I love you.” mom said.

“Bye mom I love you two.” I spoke.
I then headed to my room and did more studying it is very important that I keep up with my studies after all. When I was done, I did some relaxing to calm my mind over everything that’s happened I then went in my warm covers. It is quite clear I’ll need my rest. I thought about Doctor, the multiverse, and all those bad people as well as what I can do to stop them. I’ll admit I’m scared from the danger I will face but I must not let that get the best of me. I must have courage I can do what’s right for everyone that includes my family, the Earth Empire, my entire planet. Even though they won’t know about any of this. I helped my anxieties and feel into a peaceful slumber.