• Published 1st Oct 2012
  • 7,291 Views, 380 Comments

Blur - Slingshot619

When Scout finds himself in Equestria, things can only go from bad to worse.

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Chapter 12: Still no chapter names. Your welcome to help you know

Chapter might seem a little lame and anti-climatic but i'm running out of stuff to write here, i'm saving the Mann vs Machine for the sequel.

Scout felt good, he was invincible. Sniper shot at him, he may as well have been shooting a steel wall. Scout's icy blue eyes were now pure blue. There were no pupils, just shining blue. Sniper panicked and ran, too late. A well placed shot with the Scattergun sends him flying. Sniper was wounded, as he crawled away, various bullet holes in him, Scout took out his now repaired bat. He prepared, swung and Sniper's body went limp. Scout lost his Ubercharge moments later. He walked back to the hospital. leaped through the window and back into his room.

Medic was still standing there, a glimmer in his eyes. Scout gave him a high five as they celebrated. A doctor walked in and gasped. Not at the limp body of the doctor, but at Scout. He wasn't supposed to be out off his bed, much less jumping around the room.

The doctor was soon medically treated. Scout was discharged and Medic followed close behind.

"So doc, what's up with the reds?"

"The Fräuleins found a way to get here. They need something to give them an edge against us."

"Saxton ain't gonna like this."

Scout shrugged and continued walking. He wanted to go back to his home to get some rest. But first, he needed to grab a quick bite.


Heavy stepped outside expecting sentries to blast him to bits. Instead he was greeted by Spy. Heavy hugs him and almost snaps him like a twig. He and Spy go out to meet with Scout.

Upon reaching the cafe that they usually met up in. They discussed about what they were going to do. About the reds mostly, and why they were here, what they wanted. You know. The usual.

"So, who else is coming?"

"No one. The Fräuleins were too stubborn."

"So, what do we do now?"

Medic had a kind of evil look on his face.

"All I can tell you about this next procedure is that it will be… excruciating!"

Scout nodded in agreement and they parted ways. They agreed to meet up here again tommorow. Scout flew back home and found a letter on his doorstep. Scout ripped open the envelope and found only two words inside. Sure it was only two words but they shook him.

Be prepared

The reds were coming. And Scout knew it. The next morning Scout put on his gear as fast as he could and ran for the cafe. Spy and Medic were already there. Only Heavy had not arrived yet. Scout sat down and drummed the table with his fingers. They waited for Heavy to arrive. They discussed about the letter and basically panicked. They had only four members, but it should have been enough.

They decided that they should be on high alert at all times, they parted ways once more. They had all been assigned tasks. Scout's tasks was to be their eye in the sky, Medic was, well the medic. Heavy would patrol the woods while Spy would patrol the streets.

Scout took off and almost immediately saw ponies in the distance. They didn't look friendly at all. Scout panicked and tried to find the team, he went to Spy first be cause he knew that Spy was calm and collected no matter what the situation.

He was wrong.

Scout found Spy and in a matter of seconds they were mumbling and panicking like mad men.


Scout and Spy ran to go assemble the team. Soon they were all at the outskirts of Ponyville. Ready to do combat. Scout took his bat out and was ready to do damage. Heavy didn't need anything but his fist. Spy took his butterfly knife out and opened it with impressive skill. Medic had a bonesaw and his medigun at the ready.

Soon, the RED team were closing in on Ponyville. The BLU team charged. They were both almost the same. The RED team had Demoman, Sniper, Pyro and Soldier. The BLU team had Scout, Heavy, Medic and Spy.

They met at the town hall and chaos ensued. The two teams waged war, Scout only remembered battling one enemy. Demoman. Armed with his Eyelander Demoman charged as the two dueled. Bat vs sword. They both had decent speed, Scout was faster but Demoman was definitely much more capable of taking more damage.

Scout battled like he never fought before. He did a pretty good job in playing offensive and not too bad when it came to defensive. Scout couldn't use his Scattergun now. Too close ranged. Then Demoman pulled out his Stickybomb Launcher. He shot it and it caught Scout square in the chest.

"Imagine if I hadn't been drunk."

"Aw, jeeze."

Scout panicked for a while then made a plan. He ran towards Demoman and as soon as Demoman detonated it, Scout had already tackled Demoman. Demoman looked in surprised, but before he could react the bomb detonated.

The both of them blew up, remains scattered all around. The BLU team had won. But at what cost? They stopped celebrating and headed towards the enormous crater that had been caused.

The funeral took place a week after the so called war, it was a rainy day which wasn't usual. The weather ponies would've cleared the skies. But they decided rain was the way to go. They had cleaned up the town and were now holding the funeral. The BLU team looked on in depression. Thought they did not shed a tear, everypony knew that they were greiving over their lost comrade. He had fought valiantly, he had slain many foes, but his time had come. But he had not gone down unnoticed. He had done a fine batch of good deeds during his time here.

They lowered the casket and parted ways. The rain continued to pour down on them as they headed back for their homes.

Don't panic. The next chapter will be out soon.