• Published 1st Oct 2012
  • 7,283 Views, 380 Comments

Blur - Slingshot619

When Scout finds himself in Equestria, things can only go from bad to worse.

  • ...

Chapter 6: Rainbow's Revenge

So, Medic will be making his appearance in the next chapter. Just a heads up.

Scout woke up. It was a new day. Scout sat up and yawned. He hadn't gotten much sleep, instead he spent the whole night building a cloud fortress twice the size of Rainbow Dash's. For the fun of it. He had already made a room for Heavy if he ever decided to come back.

"Time to get up."

Scout sighed and dragged himself off the bed. He saw the roof of Rainbow Dash's house. Scout had purposely Built his mansion on top of Rainbow's house. Just to make her jealous. Scout got up and put on his black and yellow earpiece and cap. He opened the door and leaped. He soared across Ponyville, looking down at the citizens. He spotted Rainbow Dash on a cloud reading a book. Scout landed on the cloud and lied down next to Rainbow. He looked at the cover of the book.

"I hate you." Rainbow said. She hadn't even looked at Scout

"What'cha reading?" Scout asked

He looked at the cover and couldn't help but feel like he'd seen the main character before.

"This chick kinda reminds me of the CEO of Mann Co."

Rainbow sat up.

"I'm listening. What did HE do?"

"Cutting his way out of primate hell."

Rainbow didn't look impressed.

"Fighting off a lion while simultaneously having his hair cut."

Rainbow started listening with a bit more attention.

"And last but not least, Single handedly wiping out the Indonesian berzerker shark and making it cry."

Rainbow continued listening as Scout told every single story he had to tell about Saxton. When Scout was done they both lied down on the cloud. Both staring at the sky.

"Just because i'm not trying to kill you now, doesn't mean i don't hate you." Rainbow said

"I know Skittles. I know."

Rainbow reared a hoof back, Scout saw it coming and took off. He decided to go and get lunch. But he stopped by at Fluttershy's cottage to see if Heavy wanted to follow. He knocked on the door and Heavy answered.

"Hey big guy. You want to go grab lunch?"

"Da!" Heavy said in his russian accent

Scout and Heavy left and arrived at a cafe. Scout ordered hay fries. Heavy looked through the menu. Scout saw his eyes light up. The waiter came to take their orders.

"I'll have the hay fries."


The waiter stared at him and raised an eyebrow. He left shortly.

"Easy big guy."

Scout looked around. Eventually the food came. Scout took a bite. He had been living on Bonk! and Mad Milk for the past few days, he tasted his food, surprisingly it tasted like actual fries. Heavy looked at his Daffodil sandwich for a while. And in one big bite it was gone. Heavy chewed and swallowed.

"That was delicious!"

Scout and Heavy parted ways. Heavy back to Fluttershy's and Scout back to his house. On the way back, Rainbow Dash was flying around. Something in her mouth. Scout ignored it. He was flying when all of a sudden, a flash of cyan blue and a rainbow mane was all he could see before he was smacked in the face by a bat. He turned to face his attacker and found Rainbow Dash hovering in the sky, dressed up as him.

"The hell are you doing with my stuff?"

Rainbow Dash chuckled and landed on a cloud beside him.

"To mock you."

Scout rolled his eyes in annoyance. He landed on a cloud and observed his swollen jaw. Rainbow Dash had hit him pretty hard. Now it was his turn. He pulled a ball and bat out of his pack and hit it. It flew and hit Rainbow in the head. She derped and stumbled around for a while. She shook off her daze and chased him. They flew everywhere, through Apple Acres, the Everfree Forest and the streets. Scout turned back and shouted a taunt.

"Try and keep up this time will you chucklehead?"

Rainbow growled and poured on the speed. Scout gunned it and flew fast as he could into his house. And locked the doors. Scout heard a loud BANG! outside as Rainbow crashed into his door.

Scout finished laughing and found a pink envelope. It smelled like muffins and cookies. He opened it up and found an invitation to a party on Sugarcube Corner.

"Nothing to do anyways."

He flew over to Sugarcube Corner. He entered and found ponies wearing party hats, dancing to a childish tune and various other childish games. There was a pony blindfolded and playing "Pin the tail on the pony". Another pony was pigging out at the food stand. Scout saw a plum colored pony with a mulberry shaded mane drinking punch straight out the bowl. The whole gang was there, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, Heavy, Rarity, and even Skittles was there. She didn't look hurt from her collision with the door though.

"This is a party?"

Pinkie Pie rushed over and answered.

"yup! This is one of my Pinkie parties!"

Scout looked at everyone. Everyone was looking at him.

"Why wouldn't this be a party?" Twilight asked

"I dunno. But where i come from, a party is much more fun than this."

Pinkie Pie looked at him with curiosity.

"How could this get any more fun?"

"Is there a bar nearby?"

"There's the Frosty Mug."

Scout led them all there and bought a couple of drinks. He wasn't sure about everyone else, but from the sounds of laughter and cheering they were probably having a blast. Scout drank so much that even Demoman would've been jealous.

The next morning Scout woke up on his bed. He stared at the ceiling for a while. He tried to recall exactly what happened last night. He tried to get up, but felt something, or more accurately, someone, on him.

"Looks like a lucky mare got to spend the night with Scout."

Scout looked on his chest and saw cyan blue fur and a messy rainbow mane. Scout sat there, doing absolutely nothing, hoping that he could piece together what happened. But whether he was ready or not. He was sure of one thing.

He had just banged Rainbow Dash.