• Published 1st Oct 2012
  • 7,291 Views, 380 Comments

Blur - Slingshot619

When Scout finds himself in Equestria, things can only go from bad to worse.

  • ...

Chapter 9: Incoming

Scout was covered in flames, he was used to this kind of pain and hurt, but apparently Skittles wasn't. She ran around with her back on fire. Scout tackled her and splashed the both of them with Mad Milk. He and Rainbow Dash were instantly extinguished. Scout got up and pulled out his Scattergun. He pointed it at the Pyro and shot. The bullets definitely hit, but it just stood there and gave out a maniacal laugh.


Scout was kicked back so hard he went through a wall. He got up and shook off the dust, he pulled out his trusty baseball bat and charged. The bat made contact with Pyro's skull, but it stood there and did nothing. NOTHING. Scout didn't know what to do, this thing scared him, it was basically immune to everything. Scout took a baseball out and hit it towards the Pyro, but it shot a jet of blazing hot fire and incinerated it in mid air.

The Pyro turned to face him, but it walked past him and went straight to Fluttershy who was cowering in fear. The other ponies did nothing to help, they watched in terror as Pyro extended it's hoof towards Fluttershy. Fluttershy was shaking in fear, tears were streaming down her cheeks. The Pyro looked at her and tilted it's head sideways. It reached out with a hoof.


Pyro turned only to get slammed in to Heavy. He let out a deep growl and charged towards Pyro again. Pyro quickly got up and shot a wall of fire at Heavy. When the fire cleared, a flaming Heavy stood there, He looked pretty mad. Heavy lifted Pyro by the neck and hung him there for a good 10 minutes.


Pyro panicked and kicked Heavy, thus causing Heavy to drop it. Pyro ran for his life, his flamethrower was out of gas. Heavy gave chase, but Scout stopped him before he could advance any further.

"Woah, woah, woah, woah, easy there big guy. There could be more reds."

Heavy calmed down and observed the damage. Scout made a headcount to make sure nobody had turned into roast pony while he was busy.

"Skitz, you okay?"

Rainbow nodded, sure she was on fire for a while but she was fine. Not a scratch was on her. Scout didn't mind, he quickly observed everything and told everyone to get back on the train.

During the train ride, Scout asked Heavy how he got here.

"Train is has roof, so Heavy is climb on roof."

Scout did facehoof and continued staring out the window, he wanted to be free, he wanted to soar in the skies, he was definitely faster than the train, why should he be confined and held back by the train?

Scout had an idea, he turned around, he was grinning from ear to ear.

"Hey girls."

The mares stopped and stared at him attentively.

"20 bits says I'll reach Ponyville before the train does."

Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow.

"20 bits says you won't."


Scout opened a window and prepared to leap out, he took a step back and leaped, finally free from the restraints of the train. He sped towards Ponyville, the train was fast, but it had to go through various twists and turns, Scout could just fly over them. He saw a massacre of turns swerving through the mountains and chuckled, he was going to win for sure!

Scout had Ponyville in his sights, he gunned it and flew as fast as he could, he landed on a cloud overlooking the train station and chuckled when he saw them arriving about half an hour later. Scout flew down and "Greeted" them.

"20 bits Skitz!"

Rainbow grumbled and tossed him the money. She took off to go take a nap, the ponies parted ways to go do whatever they were supposed to do. Scout and Heavy went to the cafe and sat down, ready to discuss the events that unfolded.

"So, how was your day?"

Heavy's smile faded. He turned a bit pale.

"I fear no man. But that... thing... It scares me."

Scout went a bit pale.

"No, I ain't talking about that freak, alright. ...He's not here, is she? How do I get this f**king thing off?!"

Scout tried to tear his dogtags off, but Heavy stopped him before he could.

"Relax, Pyro is gone. For now."

Scout calmed down eventually, he knew that there were other reds nearby, but where?Scout and Heavy swore not to tell anypony. The last thing they need is for Ponyville to have a panic attack.

The both of them parted ways and headed back to their respectful homes. Heavy was first to arrive. Fluttershy was sleeping upstairs, so Heavy walked as gently as he could. He sat down on a couch tried to sleep, it was evening but Heavy felt sore and tired. Before Heavy could fall asleep, he heard something breaking the door, he turned to see an axe breaking the door down. Heavy got up and prepared, eventually the axe stopped, Heavy breathed a sigh of relief. Then, Pyro burst through the door, Flamethrower by it's side.


Back in Scout's home, he sat on his bed thinking and wondering, where were the reds? Scout was paranoid, he had lived in such a peaceful place for so long, but he was still itching to bash a red's skull. But had he lost his touch? Had living in Ponyville softened him up? Scout pondered those thoughts, when out of nowhere a projectile landed next to him and blew up, Scout found himself falling to the ground, he was to shocked to move. He fell to the ground and felt every bone in his body turn into mush. He tried to get up but couldn't. Scout tried to call for help, when suddenly the barrel of a grenade launcher was pointed at his face.

"Oh, they're gonna 'ave to glue you back together ... in Hell!