• Published 14th Sep 2023
  • 322 Views, 18 Comments

Civil War - TheKing2001

Aria, Adagio and Sonata investigate the threat on Twilight’s life until the three have a falling out.

  • ...



I sat quietly in the hospital waiting room with Sunbeam sitting next to me as Indigo paced back and forth worriedly. Berry Blast sat in the corner, washing blood off her armor and hooves as her sister talked quietly to her.

Aria and Spitfire were talking in a nearby closed room as Aria slammed a hoof on the ground and I flinched. They were probably arguing about what to do next.

“You good?” Sunbeam asked in a low tone as I glanced at the yellow mare.

“Yeah I’m good. Just worried,” I admitted and traced a hoof on my helmet sitting on the table next to me as we both looked over at Glimmer Shine. The mare was standing with an unreadable expression at the door as Twilight stared at the ceiling.

“Yeah me too. Sugarcoat is nice.”

Nice was a bit of an interesting word to use but she was helpful I suppose? Definitely didn’t deserve to get assaulted. The doors pushed open and a brown stallion trotted out as Indigo quit her pacing and stared at him.

“Well how is she?” Sour Sweet demanded as she glared at him. She and Sugarcoat partnered up often surprisingly. The two couldn’t be considered anything like each other.

“She’s fine. She’s asleep right now. She’s gonna be asleep for a few hours. Super strong pain medication, she’s going to be feeling it and being a bit loopy for a while. Other than that, she’s okay.”

“I’ll go see her,” Twilight pushed herself of the couch. “Aria and Spitfire wants to see you all. The hospital is letting us borrow the conference room.”

“Right this way Princess,” the stallion bowed his head slightly as Twilight rolled her eyes before following him through a set of double doors.

I sighed, standing up and followed Sunbeam and the others quietly into the room as Spitfire closed the door. The blinds were pulled closed as Sunnys horn glowed. I quickly put my helmet on and nodded at Aria.

“Sound proofing spell. So nopony can hear us,” Sunny explained as Aria nodded.

“How is Sugarcoat?” Spitfire asked as she stood next to me.

“She’s fine. Asleep at the moment. Twilight is visiting her then will visit her family in Canterlot,” Lemon Zest commented as she shifted her weight a bit.

“Good. The sketches are back,” Spitfire said and Aria placed a drawing perfectly showing the mare Glimmer Shine and I had seen last night. “We don’t have a name yet but this is what she looks like.”

“I want her,” Aria snarled and slammed her hoof down on the table with each word, harder than the last. “Alive preferably. We need to make her talk. She knows something about the whole assassination thing and I want to know who she talked to and what they told her.”

“We’re having three of you at the train station at all times. A few marshals from Canterlot a private from Crystal Empire are coming to provide backup. Wallflower, Berry Blast and Indigo are to be at the train station tonight. Glimmer Shine and Sunny Flare are going to watching over Cherry Berry’s balloon stand so nopony trys to skip town that way,” Spitfire announced as I nodded. “Nopony leaves this town without us knowing.”

“I’m leaving Spitfire in charge. Princess Luna has requested I visit her. I’ll be gone for an unknown amount of time. Nopony interrogates the mare if you find her till I get back,” Aria said as we all saluted.

I yawned as Indigo drank a cup of coffee and looked around. It was past the middle of the night and I was exhausted.

“You aren’t used to night watches yet are you?” Indigo asked as Berry Blast trotted up to us to reclaim her spot to my right.

“No ma’am,” I answered and straightened up a bit as the other two laughed. “What’s funny?”

“Nopony calls us ma’am!” Berry Blast laughed and nudged me. “Don’t gotta worry about it. Berry Blast is fine.”

“Same here. Indigo is fine by me.”

Their laughter slowly ended as I blushed a bit and they smirked.

“So what can you do?” Indigo asked curiously as the mare eyed me up and down. “You’re on the small side.”

“Petite is the term,” Berry Blast corrected. “She’s petite, but surprisingly fast.”

“Oh uhm this,” I said and slammed my left hoof into the wood, disappearing from view as they nodded.

“Wow,” Berry Blast mused as I slammed my hoof down again and reappeared. “Are you related to a unicorn by any chance?”

“No. I’ve always been able to turn invisible. Nopony knows how or why,” I admitted sheepishly as I looked down. “Everypony always bullied me for it other my mom and dad. Don’t have any sisters or anything like that either.”

“Well you won’t get bullied here,” Indigo said firmly as her right wing lifted my head up. “That’s awesome!”

“For real,” Berry Blast added with a small smile. “And keep your head up, we get yelled at by Spitfire if we don’t.”

“Okay,” I nodded as I straightened up again. “Why do you think Princess Luna requested Aria come to Canterlot?”

“I don’t know,” Indigo admitted as she rested her spear against the wall and yawned herself. “We didn’t get a chance to ask her. She got on the next train immediately to Canterlot and was gone before the afternoon.”

“Interesting. I wonder what is going on.”

“Other than a unknown group threatening Twilight and us getting attacked, I don’t want to imagine. First Aria, then Sugarcoat. We probably are going to have to kill a pony in self defense soon,” Indigo grunted as I shivered. I didn’t really like the idea of killing.

“I hope not,” Berry Blast muttered. “I’m a medic. I save lives, I don’t take them.”

“Enough depressing stuff. Let’s talk gossip. I caught Spike slipping out of the castle last night,” Indigo smirked as I blushed. The little dragon was my favorite creature I met. He was really friendly. “All the way to Golden Harvests house for a movie night. Full of loud sex.”

“Really?” Berry Blast asked with a grin.

“No not really. They just held hooves and claw and made out a bit. Other than that, nothing happened.”


We both chuckled as Berry Blast groaned.