• Published 14th Sep 2023
  • 322 Views, 18 Comments

Civil War - TheKing2001

Aria, Adagio and Sonata investigate the threat on Twilight’s life until the three have a falling out.

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I trotted up to Twilights door as Sugarcoat opened it with her magic. I trotted inside as the others joined me and the door shut quietly as the silver glow around it and Sugarcoats horn disappeared.

“Princess,” Sunny said and bowed slightly. I bit back a comment and rolled my eyes instead. I hated bowing. I already had to do it with my sisters when we first came back to Equestria when we had to tell Princess Celestia, Luna and Cadence we meant no harm. It was mortifying. I think it got even worse when Sonata started kissing Princess Luna’s hooves in “respect”.

“Please call me Twilight,” Twilight waved a hoof as I gave Sunny a smug grin. “Sit, please!”

We all sat down as Twilight placed our individual pillows and blankets down on the floor as I slowly got impatient. I was looking forward to a decent nap as was my other Guards. At least I didn’t have to patrol the castle like Indigo and Sour Sweet did. That’s an exhausting post, with how heavy the armor is and all.

“What are we doing here?” I asked finally as I focused on Twilight. “I was looking forward to a nap.” Sunny groaned quietly as Berry Blast laughed.

“I only really know Aria since I’m dating her sister so I figured we could all have a sleepover and get to know each other better in the spirit of team work!” Twilight exclaimed as she grinned at us and levitated a book into Blitzs hooves.

“Getting to know your co workers one oh one,” the pegasus read aloud as she smirked. “Step one, offer to hang out with them outside of work.”

“Seriously?” Lemon giggled as she fell on her back. “What are we, five?” Twilight turned a bright shade of red and coughed as she levitated a plate of cookies.

“I made cookies?” Twilight offered with a grin. “So Blitz will go first and we can go around the group. And play various games! Sunset loaned me a game called Cards Against Humanity. She said it’s a very good icebreaker game.”

I bit back a laugh as Twilight held up the box of cards. If only she knew what Sunset had gotten herself into, Twilight would think twice about this game. Hell, I was there when it got made.

“Well I’m Blitz,” Blitz said with a faint smile. “I’m the twin sister of Berry Blast. We come from a small suburb of Neigh Jersey. I personally like quiet nights at home and staying indoors.”

“I’m her twin sister!” Berry Blast announced eagerly with a personality like Sonata’s. “I’m the more outgoing of the two. Parties, meeting ponies and getting wasted.”

“Sugarcoat,” Sugarcoat said plainly as we all looked at her. “Intel cadet. Born in Canterlot.”

“Well that was enlightening,” Indigo snorted with a eye roll as we all laughed. “Indigo. Flight Lieutenant obviously. Aerial assault and all that cool shit. From Cloudsdale obviously. Glimmer Shine and Blitz are my wing ponies.”

“Where is Glimmer anyway?” Lemon asked curiously as she slung her headphones around her neck.

“Patrol. She prefers to work alone at night. Sour, go!”

“Ugh do I have to?” Sour grumbled and folded her forelegs across her chest. We all nodded. “Fine. I just take care of weapons and all that.”

“What rank even are you?” I asked and raised an eyebrow.

“Captain. I’m also from Canterlot as is Sunny Flare.”

“Yeah she’s a private,” Indigo snickered as she elbowed her friend. “Second lowest rank here other than Sugar. Obsessed with fashion and calling everyone dearie.”

“I’m Twilight,” Twilight announced and ignored the glare Sunny was giving Indigo.

“You don’t say,” I commented casually as I slide under my blanket and yawned.

“You all know my backstory. Pretty much was all the newspapers ran for months. I have a baby dragon and a student named Starlight. She’s out with her marefriend right now in her wagon.”

I raised an eyebrow at Twilights tone. I should ask her one day about her relationship with Trixie. I wonder how Starlight feels about it. I’ve never once seen Starlight and Twilight fight at all surprisingly. I will grudgingly admit I like Twilight but she can be very aggravating.

At least we got to skip Lemon because she was currently stuffing her mouth with gummy worms she had somehow brought with her. She was obsessed with the fucking things.

“Okay so we know the basics about each other!” Twilight exclaimed happily as she clapped her hooves and turned a page in her book. “Step two, ask them about their home life if they are comfortable answering. Remember, don’t make them uncomfortable or you’ll get a complaint potentially.”

“I’ll pass,” Sunny said flatly as she brushed her hair with a brush and shrugged. “Don’t want to talk about it. It’s complicated.”

“I wouldn’t say that,” I warned with a frown. “Twilight is gonna devote all the time she has now to get you to open up about it. She did it to Sunset and her past.”

“Isn’t Sunset our commander or whatever?” Sour Sweet questioned as she stretched out her hooves. “And that’s why Aria is temporarily in charge till Sunset comes back?”

“Yes,” Twilight admitted with a smile. “Sunset is Spitfires sister. Sunset is correctly doing uh work for me at the moment in a place far away from Equestria. You will meet her soon enough.”

“Spitfire is terrifying,” Berry Blast shivered and hugged herself. “I hope to the stars and Luna herself Sunset isn’t that scary.”

“Only when she’s mad, her family or friends get threatened or she’s being disrespected,” I answered with a roll of my hoof. “She fought Chrysalis once. I’m Aria but you all know that.”

“Uh huh. How do you know Sunset?” Blitz demanded as she tucked her legs underself.

“I tried to enslave her school and friends along with Princess Twilight with my sisters to feed off their negative energy. Siren and all, I’m over a thousand years old.”

Everyone gave me flat looks before laughing. Me and Twilight patiently waited for the laughing to stop.

“She’s being serious,” Twilight said as everyone looked at her.

“How are you still alive?” Blitz demanded as she looked me up and down. “You look good for over a thousand.”

“Magic,” I said simply.

“That’s out of the way. Let’s play a game,” Twilight announced and levitated the card game Sunset loaned her. She started reading the instructions and I rolled my eyes as I started passing out cards. Twilight set the instructions down and picked up her hand.

Indigo, Berry, Blitz, Lemon and I were laughing as Sunny and Twilight turned bright red.

“I uh think I have to have conversation with Sunset after this,” Twilight mumbled nervously as her ears flattened against her head.

Thank god for Sunset is the only thought in my mind right now.

Author's Note:

For context, I'll just list all the guards roles and stuff.

Indigo: Aerial assault.

Lemon: Communications.

Blitz: Wing pony.

Berry Blast: Medic, ground assault.

Sour Sweet: Weapons expert, ground assault.

Glimmer Shine: Espionage, wing pony.

Sunset: Leadership, strategy.

Aria: Strategy, ground assault.