• Published 14th Sep 2023
  • 317 Views, 18 Comments

Civil War - TheKing2001

Aria, Adagio and Sonata investigate the threat on Twilight’s life until the three have a falling out.

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I opened the door with a hoof and trotted in, sitting down on the chair across from the pink unicorn. Glimmer Shine shut the door behind me and I could faintly make out her turning around and standing guard on one side of the door as Blitz took her spot on the right side.

“So you said your name was Lilac Blossom, correct?” I asked and dropped a folder on the table.

“Yeah. What does it matter to you?” Lilac Blossom spat as I growled quietly.

“You know, Sour Sweet is Sugarcoats partner. Not romantic, mind you but her partner regardless. And you made her very mad when you attacked Sugarcoat in the armory. I’d be more than happy to leave her in here with you for an hour while me and the other Guards take a lunch break. I’m hungry, what about you Indigo?”

“Oh I’m pretty hungry,” Indigo commented as she pushed herself off the wall she had been sitting against. “I could go for lunch.”

“Yeah me too,” I said and stood up. I opened the door. “Hey Glimmer Shine and Blitz, the four of us are going for lunch. Can you get Sour Sweet to spend some time with the prisoner?”

“You got it,” Blitz saluted and raised a hoof to walk away.

“Wait!” Lilac Blossom called out and the four of us glanced at her. “I’ll talk. Just don’t leave me here with that psychopath of a Guard you got.” Blitz and I smirked at each other as the door closed and I turned to sit back down.

“Alright speak. I want to know everything. Who you talked to, what they told you and what did you tell them. Why were you in the armory? Ours and the Canterlot Armory got hit at the same time. Why?”

“They’re looking for something,” Lilac Blossom admitted as she looked at me.

“Looking for what?” I demanded and pressed my hooves on the table. Lilac Blossom licked her lips and I glared at her. “Speak damnit!”

“You know how it’s hard to kill an alicorn right?” Lilac Blossom asked as she leaned forward. I always thought it was impossible but I waved a hoof for her to continue. “You have to really injure to even remotely come close to killing them. There’s allegedly a weapon that can make the process easier. The only three who can’t die are Celestia, Luna and Flurry Heart.”

“What about Cadence and Twilight?” Indigo asked as she sat down at the chair next to me. “They’re alicorns too.”

“I don’t know about them,” Lilac Blossom admitted. “Information of their ascension isn’t wrote down anywhere like Luna or Celestia’s is. It would make sense they are immortal too though.”

“And why do you think it’s going to be in one of the royal armories?” I pressed as she shrugged.

“Keeping it in plain sight would be smart. Ponies wouldn’t even know what they were looking for unless they knew what to look for.”

She had a point there unfortunately.

“Who else is part of your little terrorist organization? And do they plan on hitting the Crystal Empires armory next?” I demanded.

“I don’t think so. And there’s a lot of us. Mainly nobles who are afraid of their status being taken away.”

“Taken away?” Indigo asked in confusion. “Why would it be taken away?”

“Seriously?” Lilac Blossom laughed and leaned back. “The changelings have their kind in our courts due to our lovely Princess Twilight allowing them in. If a large majority vote on massive changes to remove the nobles status just because they want to keep Equestria for Equestrians, then doesn’t that make Equestria a prime target for a changeling take over? They’ve already tried twice before. A strike from within our own government that we don’t even see coming would tear down everything Princess Luna and Princess Celestia worked to create.”

“Like revenge of the sith,” I muttered to myself. “I need names.”

“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”

“Chancellor Neighsay?” Indigo asked and leaned forward as I gave her a confused look. “Real bitch, trust me.”

“No surprisingly,” Lilac Blossom shook her head. “He may be racist sure but apparently treason and killing a princess was crossing the line.”

“Uh huh,” Indigo said as she crossed her forelegs. “Anything else you want to tell us?”

“I got nothing to say to you,” Lilac Blossom scoffed as I dropped a needle on the table.

“Truth serum,” I explained at her confused look. “Legal to use apparently. It wasn’t when I first lived here. If we inject you with this, you’ll be forced to tell the truth about everything you’ve ever done, from stealing candy from a baby to attacking Sugarcoat. Trust me, you want to give up information before we hold you down and force you.” Luna had delivered it to me after all the guards were asleep. Thank God for Luna.

She gulped nervously as I smirked.


“Where do they meet?” I asked. “Canterlot, Ponyville? You could have skipped town but you decided to hide in an abandoned building on the outskirts. Why?”

She wet her lips and I gave the needle a nudge as she stared at me.

“They meet at an farm on the outskirts of Canterlot, ten miles out. It’s made up of a few nobles but mostly it’s farmers and country folk. You can’t miss it.”

“Give me a name.”

“Duke Bristle.”

Indigo and I fell silent as we stared at her.

“Seriously? The Duke?” Indigo asked with a raised eyebrow. “What would he have to gain from Twilight’s death?”

“Money, land. He has a gambling problem. He’s losing more money and influence each day. His wife and daughter are unhappy with the turn of events and he’s getting desperate. He was promised his debts be cleared if he came up with a plan to kill a princess.”

“And who reached out to him?” I asked and leaned forward.

“I’m done talking until I get some reassurances,” Lilac Blossom scoffed and glared at me. “No death penalty, no Tartarus. No maximum sentence of life.”

“You’re not really in a position to be negotiating right now,” Indigo pointed out.

“I’ll see what I can do. But you talking is making your case easier. And what you want to be right now is useful.”

I pushed myself up off the chair and exited the room with Indigo behind me before I tugged on the door to ensure it was locked. I had to report back to Luna.