• Published 13th Nov 2023
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Life is Very Complex - coolpony01

A younge citizen of the earth nation has no idea what she is but it doesn't matter to her she has people who love her

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Ch 1 Change the good and the bad

Life is in itself very complex full of many theories to explain the why in our cognitive and emotional states. Whether they be of lighter and more positive shades and of darker less positive.

My experiences of life along with my research over the topic has led me to that conclusion. I remember when I first arrived in Equestria all those years ago. I was much different back then. I tended to keep quiet and conservative as I was somehow brought to this universal earth through magical aspects.

I lost that of my mother and father. The princess was very interested when I discussed to her the existence of intellectual ape-like beings. Humans were the first proven intellectual beings of sentimentalism discovered in a great many centuries and so it was a great surprise for all those of Equestria. Well before I discovered Equestria I was found by a kind hearted human couple. My mother’s name was Kuvira. She was very tough yet kind hearted. She was the captain of Granda Suyin’s guard at the time and my father’s name was Bataar Beifong. He was always very smart when it came to technology and science much like his father before him. It was not surprising that he was grandfather Bataar’s assistant.

When they found me they were both fascinated to discover another intellectual being other than human and were both very kind hearted and opened their home and their hearts to me. I became their daughter and they became my parents. I was much like them with my fascination for learning and would read over a variety of books. My personal favorite of these being the ones of mythology and politics. It was like entering a world built upon philosophical ideals. My parents always made sure I didn’t get my head in the clouds by befriending many wonderful children my age.

I remember how we used to play together during the seasons of each year. I also remember the times with my family of much joy and of care and consideration for each other.

Life was perfect, however, when the earth queen of our land was assassinated all that changed. What came forth was chaos and destruction. Mother and father knew the right thing to do was to help bring the country and its citizens back together. However, the rest of the family did not agree as they wished to keep Zaofu a stronghold city rather than have its resources distributed. I personally felt this to be quite selfish as those within the areas of chaos who were being life threatened were in far more need of the resources.

We were cut off from the family. Well, mother and father were. I was still allowed to return to Zaofu as I wished due to my age. However, my parents were the ones who had custody and knew Grandma Suyin may become a bit overprotective and even controlling of me and so I stayed with them.

It was quite lovely. I always did wish to visit the grand libraries of the palace of the monarchy family. I also did enjoy befriending many of the kind and noble hearted children of the guard. We especially loved to do what we could for the people of Ba Sing Se whether it be providing them with food or by aiding the sick and injured with that of heart. It was all so special and still is to this day treasured within my heart. We did help to bring hope and prosperity back to the civilians of Ba Sing Se who were of lower social and political status.

It is not much of a surprise why those of higher status took notice of the good and chaste work of mother and father. They showed great commitment and care towards those who were in need. I did notice they grew a bit stern and heavy handed and maybe even a bit harsh at times when it comes down to criminals or those who may be that of political opponents. But I didn’t pay much attention to that as they were still very kind towards those in need of their care and kindness including myself.

We still spent quite a lot of time together. Making the most wonderful of memories. Whether it be of nice delicious meals of taste and culture or studying over various pieces of literature in regards to the spirits or of political philosophical matters.

But my most favorite of these would be the great research and studying mother and father alongside I would bring towards the uniqueness of my person. They alongside me wished to learn of what I was. We found I was most closely related with certain species such as sheep ponies or fox horses.

Mom and dad would even joke and call me their little pony. I always loved the nickname they gave me as well as the name they chose. Chicka means that of wisdom, a trait which I am quite strong with.

If only this was to last, mom and dad wouldn't become consumed by their drives in regards to providing the country with that aid. I remember when President Raiko of the United Republic of Nations invited mom and dad to discuss her becoming that of the temporary leader until the nation was stable once again.

We felt great joy and passion because of this. Once we arrived mom and dad had a long discussion with president Raiko along with other members of high political powers and intellect of the matters regarding providing that of order and prosperity back to the Earth Kingdom.

Once the meeting was over mother and father seemed well put in proper terms… changed well at least somewhat. They held a deep commitment towards removing the forms of chaos within that of the country. But of a commitment that may hold that of shadow a desire and care that could lead down a certain path that may not exactly be the best for the country or themselves or myself.

I of course kept this hidden as I knew of the good my parents were still doing for the people of the Earth Kingdom. My fears and suspicions, however, were still there and they would become confirmed come the winter. One day while I was resting amongst my bed in the rather luxurious and advanced train mother and father received as a means of traveling towards the many provinces of the lands of the kingdom of Earth. We were ambushed and metal benders attempted to crush all of us as a means of rebellion against mother and father occupying the state of Mohuno. It was one that always held that of love towards the monarchs. They were the ones that brought them the knowledge to grow crops and to change their waters when a big drought hit their lands. Mother and father along with myself expected some sort of retaliation but this was a sort of hostility we did not expect.

There were no fatalities of course as the guards were quite skilled in that of metal bending as well as that of intellect and war skills. They were prepared to prevent those hostiles from bringing death to us all. However, this does not mean that none of us were injured. I, fortunately, was not as the targets were mother and father. However, this was, regretfully, not the case for mother; they managed to greatly injure her left arm; fortunately this would have no permanent effect upon the arm. There was, very fortunately, only a minimal amount of scaring though it would have to be in a cast for the next six months. Once I heard of this I went to visit her “Chika you’re alive.” Mom spoke with much joy and passion knowing I had not been harmed. I went to comfort my dear mother alongside my father. Mother and father promised that day they would do all that could to provide me with safety. I was not sure how far they would take this but I didn’t care and I promised them I would stand by their side.

Our little moment of joy would have to end because of how horrid the situation of such retaliation was. They would have to discuss with other members of their army of high status and intellect over the appropriate response to prevent such actions. I will not like the decision made for it to have been a bit too harsh at least in some aspects. Mother and father choose to punish those responsible by creating these sort of “reeducation facilities' ' but they really were prison camps. Those sent would be required to fulfill a sort of labor or the more politically correct term of “community service”

I wasn’t against this sort of decision, well not completely at the very least I will admit those who were responsible for trying to bring us death were deserving of such punishment along with anyone else who resorted to such violence. But I was worried the camp may not be used in the best of ways as there were those who faced horrid treatment within the prisons of the fire nation for instance during the one hundred year war. Those who were simply defending themselves or others of those who would only directly oppose the of a soldier or of the government may end up being sent to those “reeducation facilities” if they became too abusive.
Mother and father heard of my distraught towards the “reeducation facility” plans and provided me with that of comfort and reassurance. They wished for me not to become too worryful and wished for my mind to be free from that of anxiety of any sort of emotional pains and instead wished for joys and passion to be filled in my mind.

This however, did not mean I was required to completely hold beliefs they value as that was not of family. You see after the order in regards to the camp's construction. I’ve heard rumors stories if you will tell amongst the guards of the train when neither mother nor father were listening. I would listen out of curiosity and of concern for the decision making of mother and father as I did not wish for them to become too consumed by their desires to the point that it would harm those around them or myself in an autocratic deeply authoritarian and even slightly dictatorial way. And so I never said anything as it would be a great mistake for them to be controlling. Well see I heard what I heard was… disturbing and quite nasty. It was told that anyone within the ranks of the army who made any sort of direct offense well to an extent would end up in those camps. While I do understand this for those who would resort to violence. I’ve heard tis would happen to those of military rank for simple words such as politely disagreeing with certain… opinions that are commonly accepted amongst my parents and of the ranks of the military system of my parents creation. I’ve even seen a guard make the mistake of questioning the ideology of my parents. They both care very deeply and this would be of the certain requirements of my parents that I personally can not and will not agree with.

Mother and father did however provide for the simple villages and such they come across with economic growth and for that I am proud and tended to … ignore some of the decision making I did not agree with. The earth kingdom did not exactly have many of the wondrous technologies and such. But mother and father fixed this by installing clean water pumping water, proper heating and cooling within homes. The addition of more productive materials to add with more efficient production and storage of the corps for the civilians. By the glory of the spirits they even received a far more efficient means of transportation and materials through the means of a railway system. Not to mention of the protection the guards brought in holding off any greedy bandits.

However, all of this came at a price. The particular governors of the state had to sign a contract that stated quite a lot of limits amongst any rights or powers of the leaders and the townsfolk in question. One of them being the leaders beyond that of governors would all have to be assigned by higher up members of the military. I of course was against this because it gave the military a little bit too much control.

I always valued that of democratic and liberal ideas. I of course was against this when I learned of this. The queen was quite the tyrant. It is much of a blessing that I was a citizen of Zaofu and not that of the Earth Kingdom as I do remember the plans she made to make me into a pet. Technically, we were still part of the earth kingdom; we just had certain leeways such as legislation being created when it was discovered there were other beings of sentimental life that were not human.

I simply wished for no sort of tyrannical path for the nation to go down but I was smart enough to keep this private. Within my mind when I came to see the look of fiery within along with words of raging fire and thunder that would terrify even the earth queen herself. When mother and father learned of what the guards were saying behind her back they made the decision that if someone in her army even spoke out of term to report them or face the consequences. After that none of us dared say a word nor did we not report when we heard of this and so this was the last I’ve heard of the reduction facilities in a great while. In spite of this I was still happy I had my family and I did not find the stories of the reeducation camp to be very appealing so not listening to them anymore was good for me at least I think.