• Published 13th Nov 2023
  • 291 Views, 5 Comments

Life is Very Complex - coolpony01

A younge citizen of the earth nation has no idea what she is but it doesn't matter to her she has people who love her

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Ch 5 Discussions and some Coping

I went back to the sweet. I was still… unsettled and felt sorrow. And so, with these fears I do as I always do. I got out a pencil and a note pad of mine. When mother stated to the other world leaders of how those that crossed their borders or stood in their way would be crushed it made me feel afraid. And so, I began to write down matters of diplomacy and politics to keep the peace. This is how I cope with these sorts of anxieties. Even mother alongside father says it’s good, healthy even.

I began to lose track of time, but you’d think that I’d hear mother and father walk in the room. When mother stated that I looked worried using the name Chika she and father gave me all those years ago I shot up my head and felt stupid for letting myself get that into my writing but it was a little late and so she went and read it and asked why I was concerned about diplomatic international relationships and so I had to tell her the truth of how I felt about her particular choice of words towards those who lead the other countries as it is wrong to discuss the restoring to certain… cruel actions such as crushing anyone who gets in the way of their cause. As well as those who may only simply commit illegal actions by crossing the border for this may likely be due to peaceful matters instead of matters of hostility. There were airbenders who would enter the country to simply provide earth nation civilians with that of aid and protection and I am aware that harsh punishments towards those of chasity and good reasoning would be unjust. But I still knew mother and father were fair and just rulers as well as kindhearted.

So I may have a civil discussion with them. She was understanding of my reasoning in question and stated that it was only tough rhetoric to make sure the other nations knew that we mean business and that she had no true intention of war upon the people of our allies.

She stated that the other nations wanted to bully us into accepting some idiot king who would serve them but neglect the people. I wouldn’t say this for sure as he has stated cares and regret towards the tyrant queen’s methods. And not to mention the fact that he did have some plans that would be quite beneficial towards the country such as allowing the civilians to hold at least an adequate amount of power. A few of the matters he was concerned with were of providing commoners with things they shouldn’t be denied such as running water to make it to the homes and public areas. This was not the only sort of program the prince had planned towards the common folk. The prince also wanted to ensure they have proper heating during times of cold and cooling. As well as other sorts of access being granted to the commoners such as proper medical aid, proper education, as well as opportunities for certain types of jobs. His decision making was actually similar to mother and father’s.

However, he didn’t seem to have the sort of capacity nor the commitment levels of mother and father especially in regards towards the military. Likely because of the abuse his great Aunt did upon the civilians such as forcing airbenders to join for xenophobic matters. This is likely why mom and dad didn't see him as the proper sort of leader towards the country as they likely feared any sort of reduction towards the levels of soldiers amongst the country would increase the levels of bandits once more. Not to mention he did not have the experience nor has done very much for the country as he was not the leader and was to remain within Republic City for his safety. And so, some of these are understandable and there have been some sort of questions of the prince such as not having the sort of knowledge of how to properly run politics lead alone a country as he was not able to gain the experience as well as his bits of selfishness as he does have a bit of expensive taste in regard towards food, clothing, as well as pampering such as spas. He is not as bad as the queen of course but he did need to get that bit of impulse under control. He also seemed to not have the skills or level of courage and commitment as mother and father. This could have been gained through experience as well as humility and the gaining of other traits such as virtue, but this would take some time not to mention the success of order and prosperity of my parents and so it's clear they may be the better of leaders. However, this still does not mean he is a selfish fool. Prince Wu always seemed to be one who had genuine care and at least some form of intellect and wisdom in regard towards politics and worldly peace and harmony.

He did manage to create at least some good changes within Republic City during the time such as providing young children with education in regard to the certain wrong doings of the monarch. So, the children of the next generation may learn of the wrongs of the past, so they need not repeat and rather be replaced with that of kindness and of good will towards others. Even mother and father held acknowledgements and respect towards this as well as the other sorts of servitude he did start on small sort of nonprofit charitable chastity type organization that kids much commitment towards providing the needy with their basic essentials, material values, as well as any skills needed for survival and certain use such as that work related skills as well as his commitment towards teaching values such as kindness, chastity, as well as knowledge. As well as discovering passion and love for various things and why it must be valued.

These are noble cases but simply nought as great as the ones of mother and father. And so, I simply replied that he likely would not make the best ruler for the country as he did not have the amount of experience nor intellectual capacity for a leader yet with regards to the bit of selfishness toward any sorts of expenses common within the earth monarchy. And mother said this was exactly the reason for the decision her alongside father made in regards towards becoming the leaders of the country and they stated that they would need my help in regards towards ensuring a proper transition of power and of providing the country with a great golden age of order and prosperity. As I was their daughter and I was aware of the importance of the nobility of this and so with much truth of gratitude and inspiration and of chasity towards such a cause of nobility and of genuine care for the peoples of the new Earth Empire I stated I would stand by them. Mother then gave me a look of true warmth and that of genuine care and of appreciation and love.

This feeling of genuine warmth was short-lived as Grandma Suyin walked in the room. There was clear disappointment and anger upon her face. I remember the words she spoke very clearly towards mother.

“We need to talk”

I could see great anger appear upon my mother's face and the words she spoke were of clear anger.
“Can you give us the room please.” She stated of formality and politeness.

I simply nodded my head and left the room. I knew better than to do any sort of eavesdropping as this would anger mother and father. I did not wish for any conflict as they still loved and cared about me, and I loved and cared about them and will respect their decision. And so, I simply set my mind to something more enjoyable and sat down next to Bolin, the only true friend I have within my parents' army. I could see fear and sorrow upon his face for the situation. I could not help but feel sympathy and care towards my dear friend, but we knew better than to talk about any sort of misgivings. We may have towards certain aspects of my mother and father’s choices as we are not allowed to state any words against the cause.

And so, we simply choose to instead not let our fears get the best of us as we are aware of the fairness and kindness inside them and of the simple truth that they would likely make the best leaders for the country and so we simply decided to have a little fun. We do love listening to pro bender games. Bolin was a pro bender and a damn good one. His team was my favorite growing up and no it wasn’t because Korra was their teammate it was because they were a good team creaming all the other players. Plus listening to them play and creaming the other players was fun.

We’re listening to our favorite team the deer cats know that’s a great theme. They know how to actually bend they’re team players. They were always accepting towards everyone even me and I appreciate that as not everyone is accepting towards myself. It is not easy for myself to find acceptance nor respect as many of the more traditionalist xenophobic types wouldn often view me as a threat.

And so, it was quite lovely listening to a pro bender game from a team that holds some form of respect and admiration towards me. In the final round of the game, it was intense and genuinely awesome. The other team, the wolf cats were tough and quite frankly are xenophobic assholes who have no respect towards I. Always had to say I was some dangerous animal. They knew nothing about me and wouldn’t let the deer cats win very easily. I really enjoyed all the action and sweet moves especially when the water bender managed to knock all three players out of the ring. That was awesome just like Korra did to make it to the finals along with Bolin and his brother and so it was really cool. This would allow us to enjoy a few hours together we are close friends after all, and we won’t be leaving until the morning and may as well enjoy this little vacation it's my first one in a while and so I may as enjoy this while it lasts.