• Published 13th Nov 2023
  • 287 Views, 5 Comments

Life is Very Complex - coolpony01

A younge citizen of the earth nation has no idea what she is but it doesn't matter to her she has people who love her

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Ch 6 A Relaxing Evening with Discussions of the Future

I then had a thought within myself and let out a slight smile. Bolin then smiled as he knows me. “Does Chika want a bath.” He asked with glee as he does know me quite well.

“You do know me quite well don’t you.” I said with a smile/

“Well go on then you deserve a break.” Bolin stated.

And so I headed to the luxurious tub that was full of the most beautiful reds, golden colors, and greens. And the water felt warm and soaking upon my coat and the shampoo as well as the body wash helped to provide me with soothness and calmness as well as providing myself with a pleasant clean scent of lavender. It has been a while since I last had a seven hour bubble bath, not since my tenth birthday. I was only allowed during special occasions and this technically counts as a special occasion. So I should take advantage of such a calming and blissful experience. And it did allow for joy as well as reflection. I then heard a knock at the door.

“Chika what are you doing?” I recognized it was the voice of mother. I was a bit startled but still glad that she finally maintained the negotiations with her fellow leaders alongside father.

“Oh hi mom you’re back I was just taking a bath.” I said

“For how long it’s eleven pm.”mom stated

“Uhm since four.” I said with a bit of nervousness and embarrassment.

“Really Chika you’ve been bathing for seven hours.” Mom said a bit annoyed but not surprised.

“Well I haven’t done this since my tenth birthday.” I protested but still felt pleasantness at the bath.

“I shouldn’t be surprised you have always been one to enjoy a lovely bath. Come get ready your father and I still need to discuss of today's events and of the future.” Mom stated.

This interested me dearly as I wish to know certain aspects of any certain ideas of my parents to better the country as well as the certain adjustments me along with they would have to make.

“Alright.” I stated.

I began to get ready and then went to sit on the bed I will be resting on for the night alongside mother and father.

“Chika, your mother and I had to become the leaders that idiot simply wouldn’t have made a good ruler.” Dad stated with care ad logic he is a scientist after all

“Yes I am aware he is not exactly the most fitting ruler at the moment.” I stated the truth.
“Exactly, we simply couldn’t allow our progress over the last few years to be undone.” dad said.

I do hold much passion and admiration towards my parents and am aware of the truth of my father's words and how it is simply right if I do what I can to help.

“Oh What can I do to help? I'm sure there'll be plenty of ideas I can pass as well as … organization.” I said with a light glow upon those last words.

Mother and father simply smiled and gave out a light hearted chuckle at that.

“You have not changed very much have you Chika.” Father said with a gentle warmth.

“Very true, well there will be much you can do but you don’t need to worry about that right now you are still young and need to learn and discover joys. Not to mention the empire is far more stable than it was and so we do not wish for you to overwork yourself.” Dad said of great care and of deep love and commitment towards me.

“Especially in regards towards any sorts of… adjusting that may be of necessary.” Mom said with much care. This caused me to feel a bit uneasy as I recognized the commitment in that tone. When mother and father care very deeply about my safety they tend to make certain… precautions that may be a bit overprotective to some including myself and so I went to ask more about this as I know it is of importance but it would not exactly be easy during these years to hide any sort of concern. “What do you mean exactly?” I asked with a hint of concern.

“Well it would be wise if you are to retain a few body guards while you are out within public. There are criminal scum who would wish to harm you as your father and I now run the nation.” Mom said with a sort of care she’s always shown for years as well as the seriousness of her words as she has always cared for me even if they may be a bit too overprotective at times. Though they’ve always had a tendency to overdue their levels of security towards me. But I knew of its importance and knew better than to address this to them unless it becomes too serious or of an over extensive level of strictness as I do require that of freedom as well as.

“Yes I am aware of this it would be best to avoid any dangers such as the followers of Zaheer from bridging harm towards myself.” I said a logical fact.

“And your father and I will never allow this, such bastards have no right to bring harm to you. No matter what they say or the lies they tell themselves, order is necessary.” Mom stated with logic and care.

“I am aware of this Zaheer is quite the… unnerving type in regards to the destruction he and his followers brought to the country over the corrupt beliefs of destroying that of order in order to return to a more natural path of beings of sentimental emotion and of chaos. It is… disturbing to know that he may do this again with how lenient President Raiko was to his sentencing they could have at least allowed Korra to take his bending.” I stated with logic and care towards the harms and destruction those of the red lotus may bring to us all.

“In that I agree but we can’t change the past, we can only look to the future.” Mom stated

Very true though I must admit I am a little bit concerned about these “necessary” changes.

“Though I will admit you may not agree with some of the necessary changes in the future but they are necessary nevertheless.” Dad added on.

I was a bit… concerned with any possible adjustments they may wish for me to make, this one does make sense at least to an extent. Though I should discuss with my parents the “necessary” changes this I knew even all those years ago.

“ I mean to ask what sort of changes you’ll be making. I do not wish to be rude in any way. I just wish to know.” I said with a hint of concern.

“No I’m glad you asked your father and I have been talking and we believe it may not exactly be very wise if you are to… socialize within public unless it is needed.” Mom said with sympathy and care though I did notice a hint of nervousness in her words. I didn't realize why until I remembered my friends in Zaofu.

You can’t be serious.” I said with a bit of sorrow and anger towards such a decision.

“Chika, please hear us out.” Mom said with care and a bit of guilt.

“So what just because I’m a part of “high” society I can’t even see my friends its been years you promised you wouldn’t do this.” I said with a bit of resentment and sorrow.

“Yes we remember we just need to keep you safe.” Dad said of care and a bit of sorrow.

“But I also need to have some amount of freedom in how I will learn without making mistakes whether good or bad.” I stated.

“Yes but such mistakes could get you killed.” Mom said rasing her voice with firmness yet care. She then softened her eyes.

“This is for the best Chika. Your father and I aren’t changing our mind about this. If you just accept this, it will be better for you.” Mother said of care, consideration, and a bit of guilt.

“But what of friendship is is of much importance and I really have none.” I said.

“Yes this is true but… safety must come first. Your mother and I both know there is an acceptable proportion of people your age who are high ranks and such.” Dad stated adding another variable.

“Yes I suppose that is true.” I will admit the idea provided some joy within myself.

“There’s that smile.” Mom said.

“Well I will admit it will be quite lovely getting closer to Haiku.” I said with warmth as I remembered the few pleasant encounters I’ve had with the son of Commander Guan of the southern forces. A very decent intellectual and cunning man it was no surprise why mother and father chose him as he clearly exceeded their expectations. I did love the idea of getting close to his son Haiku. He was very charming, polite and quite smart for his age. He reminded me of myself. We both really enjoyed pieces of literature from quite wonderful and famous authors such as the Davarna Kalanda and we both did love researching and discussing theories of my being. Much like I do with mother and father when they had more time for such things we still do but not as much as they were quite busy. It was nice to have a friend besides Bolin.Haiku was the only other friend I made over the years. He was quite the lovely and wonderful friend and I was to him and so we enjoyed our time together and it was worth befriending him. And I would enjoy going closer and I knew he would to so this would make these adjustments easier. But I will not deny any sorrows or fears towards my parent’s decision to deny any sort of visitation of my friends from Zaofu. But it still gave me great joy to know I still had friends regardless and it did at least allow for a peaceful sumpter.

This was quite helpful as I knew I would be in need of rest come the morning as the day we would leave. I was not sure where the travels upon the train would lead us to that of goodness or that of darkness and destruction but there is still going to be good this at the very least provided I with some hope and bliss though there is no telling what will occur in the future for anyone.