• Published 18th Nov 2023
  • 1,915 Views, 152 Comments

CYOA: Next in Line - David Silver

Welcome to Equestria. We just need you to answer some questions about how and why you've visited before you can proceed. This should only take a moment.

  • ...


You plunge into darkness, your chair giving way beneath you. Only a moment later, you land in a new chair in a room that is far smaller and far brighter.

A different pony is watching you. "I am Secret Agent Sweetie Drops."

She clops her hooves together. "And you came here on purpose. One, a point for honest. But two, points off for being a potentially hostile invader."

Sweetie Drops points to herself. "I'm in charge of making sure bad things don't walk through our door. Candy?" She nudges a butterscotch towards you across the table. "I'm thorough, but not a monster."

She coughs to herself. "If you fail my questions, I will send you on to the next world. Best of luck there. Now... Before we start, I should explain a few things." She reaches up and pulls down a tab that reveals a map of Equestria.

It has more cities than one might have expected. It's a more modernish Equestria. "Your expression implies you were expecting a different map. Interesting. We are an advanced species, we ponies. We know about dimensional travelers, and can protect ourselves from them."

She points at you. "This includes you, depending on your answers. First question! More of a request, really." She plunks down a plastic bin. "Place all your weapons here."

1) Place all your weapons there, or have no weapons to place.
2) Refuse to put all your weapons there.