• Published 18th Nov 2023
  • 1,915 Views, 152 Comments

CYOA: Next in Line - David Silver

Welcome to Equestria. We just need you to answer some questions about how and why you've visited before you can proceed. This should only take a moment.

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Twilight nods thoughtfully as you explain your wish to stay human in Equestria.

"I won't force you to change your form against your will," she says. "But there must be ground rules." Her horn glows as she levitates a scroll and quill.

"First, you must respect pony customs and live in harmony." She jots a note. "Second, no violence or aggression towards ponies." Another scribble. "Third, you will check in with me regularly so I can monitor your transition."

Twilight taps the feather quill to her chin. "Oh, and no revealing sensitive information about Equestria to outsiders." She adds one final point.

"Follow these terms, work with an open heart, and you may stay as you are." Twilight smiles warmly. "I'm glad you chose our world. It won't always be easy, but together we'll make it work."

She holds out a hoof. You shake it gladly, gratitude welling up. You've been given a chance - that's all you ever needed.

"Now then! Let's get you settled." Twilight rolls up the scroll and tucks it away. "I can't wait to show you around." She leads the way through a different doorway.

It doesn't result in your becoming a pony, even if the nature of the world does seep into you, leaving you feeling... hopeful. It is a magical world, and you were to take part in it.

Twilight cheerfully leads you through an arched doorway into the sunlit streets of Ponyville. As you pass over the threshold, a tingle runs across your skin - the magic of Equestria gently embracing you.

While your form remains human, you feel the essence of this whimsical realm seeping into your spirit. A lightness lifts your steps, optimism rising in your outlook. For the first time in too long, you have hope.

Twilight points out the sights - cozy shops, a bakery, the schoolhouse - with enthusiasm. Ponies of all colors and types wave in friendly greeting. You realize after the first time you eagerly run your deft fingers over a quivering ear that your service scratching behind ears will soon be in high demand.

But you welcome the forthcoming requests - this community has already begun accepting you as one of their own. Their gentle joy is contagious. As Twilight shows you the path to your new home, you breathe deep the sweet air.

Finally, you have found where you belong. In this magical realm, you are no longer just surviving - you are living. And you can't wait to see what adventures await you in your new life among the ponies.

The end.