• Published 18th Nov 2023
  • 1,902 Views, 152 Comments

CYOA: Next in Line - David Silver

Welcome to Equestria. We just need you to answer some questions about how and why you've visited before you can proceed. This should only take a moment.

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Swept away in the moment, you and Fleur share an evening of passion, her alluring floral scent and the soft music enhancing the experience.

As you lie entwined afterwards, she traces a hoof along your chest. "Equestria prospers, but our population growth has slowed of late."

Fleur smiles coyly. "Perhaps you can help with that, mon chéri? More foals would secure our future, and I foresee us having beautiful children together."

You feel hesitant, not expecting this invitation. As... fun as that had been, making a habit of it? Sensing your reservation, Fleur takes your hand.

"I know your heart now - you will be a wonderful parent when the time comes. But first, simply enjoy yourself here! You need not decide this minute."

She gazes at you adoringly. "I see much promise in you, my dear. Our paths were meant to cross, of this I am certain. Now come, we have a whole night ahead to celebrate fortune's gift!"

As she pulls you into another passionate embrace, you lose yourself in the moment. Worries of the future fade away. Tonight, nothing exists but your entwined forms and racing hearts. Everything else can wait until dawn's first light.

"Mon ami?" she calls from an attached kitchen. "Oui! I thought I heard you awaken. Don't be startled." She gestures towards your lower half. "While I enjoy your fingers and frame... If you are to be a virile male stud, we had to make a few... adjustments. Please do not be upset."

It would seem you wield the reproductive systems of a pony. You are entirely human besides that, but she meant what she said. "You will be our stud, quite literally. I am not the only mare that wishes for your company, hm? Our world is gentle and sweet, and this I love, but it does not always lead to as many foals as one would want, especially in a world so... how do they say, industrialized? Oui, that is the word."

It would seem Equestria needs a few people that think with the tool they gave you, and you've been recruited for the task. "Tu seras aimé, I promise that."

The end. 💝