• Published 2nd Jan 2024
  • 281 Views, 9 Comments

Color War 1 (Rewritten) - Serenity Darkmoon Raven

A war started over tension among the color countries.

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The day before the war

Equestria existed peacefully, then, some refugees coming for better freedoms and tired of living under an oppressive government escaped, they arrive to the place were Equestria is standing, They then make their own settlements and attract more people. The refugees were all friendly, and along with Equestria made a treaty dividing the island.

There were two nations and Equestria. Kingdom of Blue and Kingdom of Red. They own farmlands and some mountains, and they grew a ton of food.

Later, the oppressive governments and people living under governments left and joined the giant Continent where Kingdom of Blue, Kingdom of Red and Equestria existed. They raided the land and formed their own nations, Kingdom of Red, Kingdom of Blue, and Equestria teamed up to defeat the invaders. After six months of fighting, they were successful. Then, a huge horde of soldiers arrived and invaded Kingdom of Blue, Kingdom of Red joined in. Equestria reaped the resources and reparations.

The Kingdom of Red and Blue lost the war but had less casualties. The next nation was the Kingdom of Orange. Kingdom of Red tried to fight the Kingdom of Orange right away but failed, Blue then rushed to fight Orange and won. Kingdom of Red's ruler, Red II was jealous and fired all generals and hired new generals with a PhD. He wanted smart generals.

Many years, decades passed, the land is filled with nations, they co-exist, there is war and there is peace. Equestria has good relations. Kingdom of Red and Kingdom of Blue went to war many times, It always ended with a victory for Kingdom of Blue or a ceasefire. Kingdom of Blue has more allies, more resources, better equipped military. They invaded the Kingdom of Orange over a border dispute, both sides want the High Mountains, a short mountain chain with plenty of oil, there is gold mines too, and the High mountains are great for defense against an invasion.

Red the Second (or Red II) the ruler of Kingdom of Red, he was short tempered and hated losing even more than when his best friend, Calebius dying. He wore an eyepatch, and had a red scar on his arm and face. He fought in another war with Kingdom of Blue, he was killed by a sniper at Battle of Red River, he was standing on an aircraft carrier, his men mourned for him and there is a holiday to remember him.

But, at the day of the day.. Red won the war and annexed some land, even annexed half of Blood Forest and the Red River.

They along with other countries built a navy to attack ground troops and so they can control the rivers and make blockades, Red owns the Red River. Their economy increased when they started trading with other countries using the river and they forced Blue to let them travel through their country without restrictions when they are delivering resources and trading with other nations.

Princess Celestia didn't want to get involved in the war and encouraged the rulers to talk about their problems. Kingdom of Blue felt in hard times and asked Equestria for financial help, every other color country refused since they are also having hard time, they don't want to grant loans since a huge chunk of their economy will be gone, or they hate Kingdom of Blue.

Now, Kingdom of Red and Kingdom of Blue activate conscription, they need it in order to defend the land if the other country invades and both rulers theorized if conscription is activated it would produce good and better soldiers and they will be effective in Battle.

One day, a Red patriot came to Kingdom of Blue and protested about Kingdom of Blue, it's policies, and it's rulers and how Kingdom of Blue is being an imperialist. The patriot was causing a scene by yelling, asking people why they live in an imperialist country, obstructing traffic,and even littering by pushing garbage cans into people's front lawns. Some people asked the patriot to be more quiet which he responded more violently, then he was taken down and sent to prison, he caused more problems and caused the death of a prisoner, he was executed.

Kingdom of Red ruler, Red the Third and Kingdom of Blue's leader Blue the Fourth, met at a room in the capital of Kingdom of Blue, Jamesburg. Red the Third wore a green general uniform along with blue pants, had a scar on his face, and a white mustache. Blue the Fourth had a white mustache, and is wearing blue general uniform and black pants. Red the Third yelled in an angry tone, "It's not fair! Don't people living in your country have the right to protest? our ancestors went to this place to ESCAPE from oppressive governments.."

Blue the Fourth argued in angry tone, "Yes, but he was causing a scene and fought with people, he got arrested and killed a prisoner for disagreeing.. murder grants you the death penalty in Kingdom of Blue!"

Red the Third yelled in a frustrated tone, "He has the right to defend himself... you are a shadow of the oppressive governments our ancestors escaped from oppressive governments so they can basic human rights... how are you a ruler? You are a joke, like your GPA!"

Blue the Fourth argued back in a frustrated tone, "The only joke here is your reign... and future!"

Red the Third yelled in an angry tone, "I am not a mirror... by the way you better pay respect to that protester's family.. I could declare war on you but I don't have enough evidence to justify a war.."

Blue the Fourth replied in an angry tone, "Well.. maybe if the protester didn't attack everyone, get arrested, and kill a prisoner... we wouldn't be fighting!"

Red the Third yelled in a serious tone, "Well.. it's not my fault your government is a joke, like your parents love for you.."

They then engaged in a fist fight, there were many bruises on their face, Red The Third lost a tooth.. They were separated by the body guards who had bored looks on their faces. They wished this meeting was over.

Kingdom of Blue ruler, Blue the Fourth sat on his chair, there were many body guards in the room, protecting him, they all had a bored look on their faces. Blue yelled in a serious tone, "Red the Third shouldn't have fought me.."

One of the body guards yelled in a serious tone, "You can't start a war over a fist fight... it's a dumb reason.."

Blue the Fourth yelled in a serious tone, "What if?.... I accuse them of stickman right abuse and claim I was trying to overthrow their oppressive government.."

One of the body guards said in a serious tone, "Well.. you can also claim there was serious tension between the two nations.."

General Pain stands there proudly, he has two medals, every battle he fought was a victory and he only had one defeat, which was Battle of Red River. He looked around then yelled in a tone of pride, "I will do my duty for Kingdom of Blue!"

Unbeknownst to the King of Blue, there was a hitman, the King of Red hated king of Blue and thought if he takes out king of Blue there wont be a war and their country will be in turmoil. The hitman put a single bullet in the sniper rifle, he then pulled the trigger and the bullet went flying, flying faster and faster, the bullet crashed the window, the window kissed the head of King Blue. King Blue's head fell into the desk, his eyes were closed, he will never open his eyes again.

General Pain and the other generals were shocked by this. Generals Pain saw the hitman run away, he quickly pulled the pistol and fired, the hitman was shot and killed, two bullets kissed his body.

General Pain said in an angry tone, "That hitman killed our king... we have no ruler... he has no sons.. he has no wife... don't worry King Blue... I will be the new ruler of Kingdom of Blue.. I will continue his legacy... I won't forget this.."

He glanced at the dead hitman and whispered, "This is not over, kingdom of Red!"

One of the body guards asked in a curious tone, "Why do you think Kingdom of Red was responsible for this? we have many enemies.. like Kingdom of Orange, Purple Republic.."

General Pain took the crown of the dead king and said, "Well... the hitman was wearing Kingdom of Red army uniform.. only soldiers in the Kingdom of Red's army get to wear it," He reached to the hitman's pocket and said, "Here is the map of the capital of our amazing country, and there is an arrow on the cap showing the palace and the words below tell the hitman how to sneak pass our guards and electric fense! Also, three ways to kill the King of Kingdom of Blue,"

General Pain then continued in a international tone, "He must avenge our king.. we must not let this end Kingdom of Blue.. we may have lost wars against Red and other countries but we won't let that discourage us.."

The new King and general of Kingdom of Blue ran to his desk. The body guards had a look that is a mix between scared and dumbfounded, they this will not end well for Kingdom of Blue.

Kingdom of Blue's new ruler, King and General Pain wrote, "Declaration of War against Kingdom of Red.. Kingdom of Red and Blue had tension for a long time, the Kingdom of Blue also believes Kingdom of Red is violating Basic Stickman rights.. and killing the king of Kingdom of Blue"

Kingdom of Blue started a war, there is no turning back. Will King Pain be able to defeat Kingdom of Red and their allies?

Meanwhile in Equestria, Princess Celestia was reading the newspaper, she read the headline which was in bold, "King of Kingdom of Blue assassinated, General Pain becomes new King of Blue."

Princess Celestia asked in a sad tone, "Who would assassinate him?"

One of the castle guards then yelled in a concerned tone, "Not to mention, a war started, Kingdom of Blue... declared war on Kingdom of Red... I suggest we give financial support to both sides and sell military stuff to both sides so they don't think we are taking a side and invade us and the selling military stuff will improve our economy and help us build better and stronger military stuff in case one of them invade us!"

Princess Celestia nodded, she like the castle guard's idea. She said in a gentle tone, "That is a good idea, sir!"

Author's Note:

Color Wars is something I invented it is color Countries fighting and doing what nations do. The refugees are stickman.. The soldiers, kings, every character except the MLP ponies in Equestria are stickman.