• Published 2nd Jan 2024
  • 281 Views, 9 Comments

Color War 1 (Rewritten) - Serenity Darkmoon Raven

A war started over tension among the color countries.

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The first battles

General Pain sent planes to sink some of Red's navy in the Red River. He believes if we do that then they can dominate the Red River and use the Red River to transport soldiers to the front lines.

Many aircraft fly on the sky, the airplanes can be heard from a while away. On the Red River, the Kingdom of Red's navy dominates the river, there lies two battles ships and their only Aircraft carrier. They used to have 14 ships in their navy before they fought in several wars and now only have three ships left that didn't sunk.

Kingdom of Blue's air force fly above the sky, they have a goal and they won't stop for nothing.. They will drop bombs on the ships and sunk them so Kingdom of Blue's small but effective navy can rush into the scene and win control of the Red River, then they have an advantage and can stop one of Kingdom of Red's trade routes which will cripple their economy.

Blue's air force fly above the ships, they drop a horde of mini black bombs, small but powerful. The sailors of Kingdom of Red saw the planes, they used the ships turret to destory the attackers. They knocked down, one planes, two planes, then after a while, ten planes. The ships were destoryed. Artillery that were close to the Kingdom of Red-Kingdom of Blue border made it rain hellfire and attacked the ships, the battleships sunk and their aircraft carrier's crew was gone. Then the soldiers from Kingdom of Blue's army swam over and took control of the aircraft carrier. Some soldiers stationed at the border were attacking the soldiers.

Bullets flew everywhere, many soldiers moan and fell. At the end of the day, Kingdom of Red soldiers ran. Kingdom of Blue won control of the Red River. They now can use their navy to support their troops.

Meanwhile, King Orange VI heard about the commotion going on, he knew his country lost the war against Kingdom of Blue and lost the High Mountains. The High Mountains have many resources, and oil. King Orange VI then ordered 25,000 soldiers to invade Kingdom of Blue, they think they would defeat Kingdom of Blue easily. They sent these soldiers to High Mountains.

There was Blue soldiers were in a bunker. They are in a rural village that is very close to the High mountains, the village is Blueburg. There are many villagers living in Blueburg, around 100,000. The High Moutains are easy to pass through, there lies a road between the mountains. There is also trenches there from the previous Blue-Orange wars. One of the Blue soldiers were bored, one of them were smoking, two of them were sleeping.

The Blue Officer heard the sound of artillery from a short distance. The Officer stopped smoking and looked outside. A horde of Orange soldiers charging from the distance. The Officer yelled, "EVERYONE, GET TO THEIR STATION!"

The soldiers who were sleeping woke up, The soldier who was smoking, stopped smoking and started grabbing his assault rifle and started firing. A blue soldier grabbed a sniper rifle and looked through the scope. The Orange soldiers charged at the four blue soldiers, The officer started using the machine gun and started firing at the horde.

The Blue soldier with the sniper looked through the scope and saw the commander, Commander Orange Loop stood there and fired his gun at the Blue soldiers, one of the bullets flew and hit the Blue officer in the chest. The Blue officer yelled in a loud tone. Blood rushed out of his chest, He moaned. The officer grabbed his walkie talkie and said in a weak tone, "Help... we.. we... are being attack by Kingdom of Orange... they got me... please.. send rein-"

THe Blue sniper fired and the bullet hit the charging commander in the head. He also fired at a bullet at another soldier behind him, it crashed into his chest.

The soldiers continued to fire, many soldiers fell. Only one blue soldier died so far. Then a heavy orange tank started rolling, The tank saw the soldiers and fired a shell. The shell hit the bunker. Two soldiers fell on their backside. One of them died, their head is detached from their body and the floor is splattered with blood like paint splattered on paper. One of the soldiers were lucky to not die yet. He grabbed a rocket and then pulled the trigger, the rocket flew out and the tank was unlucky to get hit with it. Two orange soldiers died a long with the destruction of the tank.

The Orange soldiers fired back, the sniper continued to fire. The soldier who launched the rocket, gently closed his eyes, rest his head on the ground. He will never open his eyes again. The sniper fired and has ran out of ammo... none of his dead comrades have any ammo. He yelled, "We are doomed! We... won't survive and help is far away!"

He saw a Molotov cocktail. he lit it and threw it at the crowd of soldiers firing. The fire spread, many soldiers were on fire, even their best tank, the iron jaguar. It was also their only best tank, they are also expensive to make. Many soldiers burned and turn to ashes. The other Orange soldiers retreated and hid in trenches or ran away. Out of the 25,000 soldiers, only 20,000 died, 2,000 were injured. There were medkits everywhere in the bunker.

Then, he heard artillery, the artillery fired at the bunker, the roof of the bunker was about to collapse. He ran out and yelled, "I gotta go... hope I don't die!"

He ran quickly but the only thing that can be heard is the sound of artillery hitting the ground, and he saw the sun staring back at him. He lays in the ground, blood was all over him and on the green ground. Blueburg was devastated and then was occupied by the Orange army.

Then, The orange army raised their rifles and yelled in victory. Then, they heard the sound of artillery and planes, the planes dropped bombs, one of the planes dropped soldiers. The soldiers are dropping down and wear big, fluffy parachutes, They have rifles and flamethrowers in their head, the orange soldiers fired at the Blue soldiers, the blue soldiers fired back, after an hour, the 20,000 Blue soldiers (Now 16,000 Blue soldiers), now recapture the city of Blueburg.

Green Empire mobilized their army, the Green Emperor, Sir Green thought it would take weeks but it only took 3 days to fully mobilized, they don't use conscripts since they know conscripts won't be motivated to fight, might rebel, or just be miserable and to win this heavy war they need happy and willing to fight soldiers.

They defeated Pink Republic and Purple Republic in a month under Commander Green Strike. Green Emperor Sir Green wanted to regroup the soldiers and make an offensive. Green Strike disagreed and thought that the Kingdom of Red is weak and know Green Empire can defeat them. So he and the remaining 36,000 soldiers in the Green first Army pushed south of Kingdom of Red and to the metropolis city of Sunkeyville. The Red soldiers who were stationed there and the Red 3rd army who was left of the city. The two Red armies ambush the Green army. The Green army fought with their might but the Red's firepower defeated them. Green strike was shot in the abdomen and tried to crawl back but a Red soldier ran to him and stab him with the saber that is part of his rifle.

After 6 months, Blue made quick offensive due to their greater, stronger, motivated, well-equipped, and it had more resources than Orange Kingdom. Orange lost their capital to Kingdom of Blue. Kingdom of Orange surrendered.