• Published 2nd Jan 2024
  • 282 Views, 9 Comments

Color War 1 (Rewritten) - Serenity Darkmoon Raven

A war started over tension among the color countries.

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Final days of the War

The Southern Red front was filled with many army divisions. Green decided to flank and to try Air strikes and artillery bombardment instead of just charging at the army and losing. One plane that was recently made fly in the sky, it is hidden well so the enemy doesn't use anti-aircraft missiles. The plane then fired many missiles and drop bombs. The Missiles blew up several soldiers and the bombs killed many soldiers and even their best tank, The F4-Dragon. F4 Dragon was a big tank with two tank guns and even an extended platform for someone to sit on and and to use the tank gun, it is easy to reload and it has a powerful shield and they can shoot shells at 100 mph. Many soldiers died from the air strikes. One Red soldier saw the green army put on shells in the artillery machine. They quietly called for a sniper and the sniper took out the green soldiers who were reloading artillery then someone ran to the artillery and the artillery fired the shell but the soldier got headshot. The plane drops more bombs but the bombs didn't do any damage. The Commander fired a rocket launcher and they thought they missed but it killed a hidden tank. The Green army ambush the Red soldiers. But tanks and jets caused the Green army to lose. All three times when the Green army fights the Red Army they lose. Kingdom of Red pushed Green out of all their territory and captured some rural and suburb cities that are on the Blue-red Border.

Emperor of Green read the reports on the Eastern Front and Southern front. Green was defeated in both sides. Green Emperor know that there's absolutely NOTHING they can do... no matter what they do, they will lose. Green's emperor surrendered unconditionally. Kingdom of Red sent a horde of soldiers to invade Kingdom of Gray. Gray surrendered after a week. Cyan and Maroon helped Red pushed deeper into Kingdom of Blue by sending troops, sending paratroopers, sendinf aid to Kingdom of Red.. Equestria liberated the countries Kingdom of Blue conquered on the Eastern front.

King and General of Blue, General Pain refused to surrender. Cyan sent a huge missile that flew to the sky and destroyed the capital of Kingdom of Blue, it even destroyed General Pain's home and General Pain himself.

One of the generals of Kingdom of Blue signed the unconditional surrender. Kingdom of Red and Allies' won.
Shamrock Republic annex land from Kingdom of Gray. Kingdom of Orange annex 80% of the High mountains. Kingdom of Red took huge lands from Kingdom of Blue and even 10% of the High Mountains. Equestria annex Land form green and Blue. Greater Purple and Navy Blue Republic took land. Among the victors, they shared 50% of resources and military equipment from the defeated countries.

King of Red smiles as he signs the treaty.

Author's Note:

How do you think?

How do you think Kingdom of Blue and friends should have done to won?