• Published 3rd Jan 2024
  • 301 Views, 26 Comments

The Silanos - Kama and Hallie

Notorious Italian-American crime family, the Silanos, expand their business to Equestria, and slowly begin to rise to power.

  • ...

The New Day

Morning arrived to Ponyville and the Silano House, and everyone inside the mansion awoke to the sound of crashing coming from the hallway of the second floor. Gabriele was the first to get out of his room, wearing his white undershirt, and he ran out to the hallway to see what caused the noise. Gabriele was about to pull out a weapon as he approached the spot where the noise came from, but he stopped himself when he saw what caused it.

"God dammit, you again?! This is the third time this week!" Gabriele yelled at the intruder.

On the floor, surrounded by fallen photograpgh, broken vases, and scattered mail from her saddlebag, laid a cross-eyed grey pegasus mare with a mailman uniform, shaking her head due to crashing hard through the open window. Gabriele has seen this mare several times around Ponyville, the locals called her "Derpy", though he'd heard some ponies also call her "Ditzy Doo". The grey cross-eyed mare smiled innocently up at the human, who only scowled at her in return. Derpy grabbed some envelopes out of her saddlebag with her mouth and offered them to Gabriele, who stared at them for a moment before angrily swiping them from her.

"Look at the fuckin' state o' the hallway! Can ya not fly properly or somethin'?! What's the matta' with ya?!" Gabriele scolded Derpy, who only rubbed the back of her head and continued to smile innocently. "Watch where ya goin' next time, 'cause next time'll be ya final warning! Ya understand?!"

Derpy nodded nervously in response.

"Good, now get the fuck outta here!"

The mailmare got up back onto her hooves and flew out of the open window that she came through, leaving Gabriele alone in the hallway as he just shook his head at the mailmare before turning to the letters he held in his hand.

A moment later, Roberto and Ainsley appeared in the hallway, the former still wearing his red silk pajamas and his slickback hair somehow managed to stay tidy as usual, while the latter wore mint-green pajamas. "I heard a noise. What the hell happened?" Roberto asked.

"It's that damn mailpony again, Pops," Gabriele answered his father.

"Again? Jesus, these horses are nuts!" Roberto said as he grabbed a cigar out of the pocket of his pajamas and began to light it, despite just waking up.

Later that noon, after all the Silanos have had breakfast and dressed up for the day, the three of them headed out to Ponyville. Today, instead of his usual black suit with stripes, Roberto instead wore a white suit and hat. The mob boss had over fifty different suits in his wardrobe, it'd be a shame if he only wore one.

The Silanos walked through Ponyville, heading to a specific destination that Roberto requested, and as soon as they saw it, they stopped to admire the view. All three of them, even Gabriele, though he did not show the same face of awe as his little brother, were amazed by what they were looking at, despite seeing it everyday at Ponyville.

"Would ya look at that? 'Ave ya eva' seen a view like that?" Roberto asked his sons. "I've always wanted ta visit those places eva' since we arrived 'ere in Ponyville, but neva' really got the chance ta. But now I do!"

Standing ahead of them was the giant crystal tree-shaped castle known as the Castle of Friendship, the landmark of Ponyville and a reminder of Princess Twilight Sparkle's impact on Equestria. It stood there, sparkling against the light of the noon sun, towering over every other building in Ponyville, its size and colors making it stand out like a sore thumb in the small town mostly comprised of straw-roofed houses. And to the right of the massive castle, on the other side of the Sparkling Lake, resting on a green slope and surrounded by many waterfalls pouring into the lake was another purple castle, it was the School of Friendship. With both of these castles being so near each other, sharing Princess Twilight's motif of stars and the color purple, and the fact they both centred around being about "Friendship", Gabriele and Roberto couldn't help but wonder if the known-for-her-benevolence Princess Twilight didn't at least have her head a little bit up her own ass.

"So that's the castle Princess Twilight used ta live in before she moved ta Canterlot?" Gabriele asked.

"Yep, that's the one," Ainsley confirmed.

"Well, holy fuckin' cannoli! So she really jus' left this miracle gifted to 'er standin' 'ere after she moved ta Canterlot?! I mean, didn't this thing jus' allegedly sprout outta the ground from a rainbow after her battle with that bad guy named T-Rex or somethin'?"

"Yeah, that's what ponies say."

"Then why did she leave it behind?! It looks fuckin' awesome!"

"Pretty sure movin' the capital afta' a thousand years would require tons o' paperwork an' infrastructure change. Plus, can ya really imagine a small town like this bein' the capital of an entire country?" Roberto asked back.

"Eh, good point. But if Princess Twilight no longer lives 'ere, then who the hell does?" Gabriele asked again.

"The owner of the castle now is her student, Starlight Glimmer I think her name was. She also runs the school too," Ainsley answered yet again.

"Huh, good ta know," Gabriele simply said. "Ya know, if we're eva' in need fa some crystal ta sell, we can always take some from that castle. Nobody'll notice anyway, since the the entire place is made o' crystal anyways."

"Are ya stupid, Gabriele? That's a national landmark! We're not gonna be able ta desecrate it in any way, not that I'd wanna," Roberto scolded.

"I know, I know, I'm jus' jokin', Pops. Jeez, sometimes ya 'ave no sense o' humor."

"I do 'ave one, you're jus' not a funny person, Gabriele."

"Alright, fair enough," Gabriele simply said. "But about that school, is there anythin' we can do with it? I mean like, get it under our control? Maybe we can get it ta give ta our funds, and we'll fund the school in return!" he suggested.

Roberto and Ainsley stared at Gabriele for a moment, completely confused by his suggestion. "Gabe, the school was built and is owned by the Princess herself, I don't think they need out funds. If we wanna do something like that, we might as well just go to the local school house," Ainsley said.

"Son, you're a good worker an' enforcer, but you're a fuckin' terrible businessman. Maybe I should jus' make Ainsley the heir ta the family business," Roberto said to his son.

"Well, if that 'appens, I'd be fine with that. Business has neva' been my strong suit anyway," Gabriele told his father. "But, actually, ya know what? Maybe the students in that school can be potential drug buyers fa us!"

"What? The students? Of the School of Friendship? C'mon, they'd be the last creatures in Equestria to ever wanna buy drugs from us," Ainsley dismissed his brother's idea again.

"C'mon, Ains, think about it for a moment. That's clearly a private school by the looks of it, an' private school students are some o' the biggest druggies out there. Believe me, a lotta our customers back home buyin' coke an' heroine offa us were students from private schools. An' they neva' get caught 'cause their parents are all rich folk who're able ta pay off any cop an' judge like they're givin' away to a homeless person!"

"Still, Gabe, these two students go to a school that's literally all about friendship and love and respect. If you ask me, all those students are already pretty high. High on life, that is."

"But think about it anotha' way, Ainsley! This is a government-owned private school that's literally centered entirely 'round teaching friendship! Friend-ship! I mean, jus' think about how ridiculous that sounds!" Gabriele put heavy emphasis on the 'friendship' parts.

"Is it really any more ridiculous than anything else we've seen and heard about Equestria? This is a land where the sun and moon are moved telekinetically, and ass tattoos magically appear when you find your special talent. Plus, you're forgetting that the literal Magic of Friendship has saved Equestria from danger many times in the past. So from everything I've heard, making friends is a literal superpower around here."

"But has anyone otha' than the Princess an' the Council o' Friendship members actually displayed those legendary friendship powers everyone talks about?"

"Yes, actually. There's the Pillars, who came before them, and I guess there's the six students over at the School of Friendship who are the newer ones," Ainsley answered.

"Alright, but my point still stands. Otha' than those guys, who else is performin' friendship powers? 'Cause I certainly ain't seein' any super saiyan Harry Potter X-Men shit goin' on ova' there."

"I mean, we are pretty far away."

"Shut up, Ains. Ya know what I mean. I doubt any kids goin' inta that school 'cause they actually expect they're gonna get superpowers. The only parents who'd actually bother wastin' their money ta have their kids spend their education there? They're either stupid or jus' wanna get away from 'em. C'mon, who'd actually be this obsessed ta wanna dedicate years o' their life ta learnin' about friendship? Only Princess Twilight would. Ya can tell that bitch was really serious about this school too, she clearly used up a lotta royal government money jus' ta build that place. Jus' look at it, it's a frickin' castle! How much o' these ponies' taxes go ta that place?"

"What's your point, Gabe?"

"The point is that I 'ave a strong feelin' that the students that go 'ere aren't actually that obsessed about friendship as they're lettin' on. I'd understand if they were like...elementary school kids, but look at 'em! They're in their late teens, at least!" Gabriele pointed at some of the students walking outside the school. "If ya ask me, this school sounds like it'd be a good place fer a buncha high school or college kids ta spend the rest o' their educative years jus' hangin' around not 'avin' ta do any actual studyin'. Like, can ya really get a fuckin' degree or diploma fa makin' friends? No way, man."

"Well, the biggest flaw in your argument is that you're assuming everyone's as much of a selfish asshole as you are," Ainsley told his big brother.

"Yeah, but at the same time, not everyone's as big of a do-goodin' moral fantasist as Princess Twilight. I'm jus' sayin' that there might be potential business in that school. It is the Princess's passion after all."

"Ainsley's got a point, Gabriele," Roberto suddenly said, which took his sons by surprise because he was just standing there listening for so long as they were busy arguing that they forgot he was even there. "While it's nice you're enthusiastic an' always tryna see new business opportunities, ya really shouldn't jump ta conclusions about a place when ya haven't even seen what the inside looks like. Let's take a look inside that school, I'm quite curious about what the hell a 'School o' Friendship' even teaches."

"Well, it's kinda in the name, Pops," the eldest son said.

"Be quiet, Gabe."

"I kinda wanna see what's inside it too!" Ainsley said excitedly.

"Then what are we standin' 'round 'ere for? C'mon, let's move it! I've been wantin' ta visit those place fer a while now!" Roberto gestured his sons to follow him, and the three of them walked towards the school.