• Published 3rd Jan 2024
  • 302 Views, 26 Comments

The Silanos - Kama and Hallie

Notorious Italian-American crime family, the Silanos, expand their business to Equestria, and slowly begin to rise to power.

  • ...


Roberto arrived home just as the sun was setting over the horizon. It still amazed the mob boss that the sun and the moon in this world were actively being controlled by a pony, it was just such a crazy concept to wrap his heaad around. It'd be like if the President of the United States was given control over the Earth's rotation, which was honestly a really terrifying thought.

One thing he'd have to give Ponyville credit for is that ever since he moved here, he's easily walked more in these past few days than he ever did in the past several years of his life. Ponyville wasn't exactly a town that was built to have cars driving around (though that didn't stop Gabriele from cruising around in his convertible like a madman), so while the Silanos kept several cars in their garage (they have quite a few cars), they rarely ever had to use them unless they're going somewhere outside of Ponyville, which resulted in Roberto having to walk everywhere for once. Ponyville wasn't a big town, so it wasn't like he was trekking across the big city. And it was obviously nothing like New York or New Jersey, so not driving was no big deal anyways.

Roberto entered the Silano House, and he saw in the living room was Gabriele and Ainsley sitting on one of the couches talking to each other, and there was Vincenzo who was wearing a dark purple tracksuit and was busy reading over papers he held in his hands. As Roberto walked into the living room, the first thing he noticed about his sons were their outfits, which were not the same ones they wore when he left them over at the School of Friendship. Gabriele was wearing a fancy grey silk suit, which was very unlike him, and Ainsley wore a pink suit with a skirt. He was looking a little bit more like a mafioso than every before. Just by a little bit, though.

"Well, well. When did you kids get so fancy?" Roberto greeted his family.

"Hey, Dad! You're finally home!" Ainsley smiled up at his father.

"Ay, Pops! Whaddya think of our new suits? Pretty cool right?" Gabriele asked as he got up from the couch to present his outfit better.

Roberto smiled proudly while tidying up his son's suit. "Damn right it is. Ya look like a proper gentleman, Gabriele. Don'tcha look good!"

Ainsley also got up from the couch to show off his outfit. "This is my suit, Dad! Whaddya think? I designed and stitched it together myself! With Miss Rarity's help, of course."

Roberto looked up and down at his son's new suit, only instead of the proud smile he gave his brother, he now instead had a more hesitant expression. "Well...it's certainly very...you," he answered the best he could.

Ainsley knew that the only reason his father said that instead of insulting him or glaring at him judgingly was purely because he was his son and made an exception for him, otherwise Roberto would not hesitate telling that person exactly how it felt, and it wasn't a pretty sight. Ainsley didn't feel offended, though, as his father putting in the effort not to judge or insult was something he usually reserved for business partners, so it was a sign that he did care about him, in his own way.

"But still, I like the look o' you two! You both look like you'll make great heirs ta the family business!" Roberto continued.

"Aw, shucks, Dad," Ainsley said while blushing slightly.

"Thanks, Pops. But don't expect me ta wear this suit every day, alright? I mean, don't get me wrong, I look fuckin' cool in it, but I prefer ta wear somethin' that isn't so tight around my neck," Gabriele said with a strain as he tried looseing up his tie. "Plus, I think it's betta' fa me ta wear somethin' that's more fit fa action."

Roberto nodded, then turned to Vincenzo, who was still busy looking over the papers he held. "Hey, Vincenzo! How's our gem business goin'?" he asked.

Vincenzo looked up from his papers and at Roberto through his reading glasses. It was always strange seeing him wear eyeglasses considering the tough violent guy he was. But considering his age, while he was younger than Roberto, he was at an age where eyesight was beginning to fade.

"Oh, it's goin' great, boss. We delivered ten carts worth o' gems back ta Earth as our first export delivery, an' those jewelry stores an' millionaires ate 'em right up! We've earned close to forty million dollars on our first day!"

"Forty million dollars?!" Ainsley exclaimed.

"Yeah. All those gems we collected exist back on Earth, so they already have some set value, but the large amount of 'em, plus the fact they're all from Equestria kinda increases the value fa a lotta people. Honestly, next time we sell those gems, I think we could increase the price a bit," Vincenzo suggested with a sly smile.

"I suppose we could," Roberto contemplated. "But like I says, don't send too many of the gems at once, an' don't send 'em too frequently, otha'wise it'll not only grab unwanted attention, but it could screw up our business sales when they realize how common they are an' all the buyers are gonna feel like they's gettin' scammed."

"I mean, technically we are scamming them in a way," Ainsley chimed in. "We're hiding the actual amount of gems we actually mine, and with how ridiculously common they are here, they probably shouldn't cost as much as we're charging." Ainsley went silent for a second but immediately broke it afterwards, "But who cares?! Here's to making good business!"

Ainsley raised his cocktail glass, inviting everyone in the room to toast together. Gabriele grabbed his whiskey glass, Vincenzo raised his wine glass, while Roberto didn't have a glass yet which forced him to have to get up for a minute to grab a glass for himself, pour the wine, and continue on with the toast. Once he was done, the glasses all clinked together, and the Silanos all started drinking.

"So, kids. Did any trouble arise at the School while I was away?" Roberto asked as they all sunk back into their seats.

"Nothing much, except for Gabe being an asshole, of course," Ainsley answered.

"What?! Why am I the one gettin' blamed?! I'm the one whose fashion choice kept gettin' attacked!" Gabriele complained.

"We were just trying to make you look better, and now you do! You were the one who needlessly insulted and embarrassed everyone in the class! Do you just keep forgetting our mission here is to befriend the ponies, not treat them like a buncha jerks?!"

"I was jus' callin' out the hypocrisy of 'em criticizing my fashion sense while most of 'em strut around in the nude with all their fuckin' genitals hangin' out! I mean, c'mon! The double standards on these horses!"

Roberto then decided to chime in. "Yeah. Y'know, I remember when we first came to Equestria, we stood behind this crowd o' ponies in a line, an' I could see all their genitalia jus' out in the open barely bein' covered by their tails. I felt like I was committin' a sin lookin' at them. So shameless!"

"Dad, they're horses. You really can't try to apply our ethics to them," Ainsley said.

"I know they're horses, but they're supposed ta be civilized horses that can talk too, you'd think they'd show a little more decency."

"Yeah, I 'ave ta put up with lookin' at horse balls everyday, it's disgustin'," Gabriele added.

"What? Are you jealous of them or something?"

"Of horses?! Shut the fuck up, Ains. Don't be ridiculous!"

"I mean, they are pretty bi--"

"Ainsley, I said shut the fuck up!" Gabriele shouted.

Vincenzo then finally chimed in as well. "Y'know, I also noticed the princesses neva' wear clothes. So like, does everytime she walk past a crowd, she jus' shows herself off sayin' 'Hey, loyal subjects! This is my royal pussy'!"

Gabriele and Ainsley snickered hearing Vincenzo's joke. "You're pretty funny, Vinny," Gabriele commented.

"Funny how? How am I funny? Funny like I'm a clown? I amuse you?" Vincenzo's face suddenly became serious, his hand gestures mimicking Joe Pesci's during the scene he was referencing.

"Eh, the Goodfellas reference kinda works more when I do it," Gabriele said.

"Yeah, Gabe's scarier," Ainsley added.

"What? An' I'm not? Everyone starts shittin' bricks when I come up behind 'em an' strangle 'em like the pigs they are."

"Yeah, but physically, I think Gabe looks scarier. I mean, he's taller, more muscular."

"That's right, I am," Gabriele smiled smugly.

"You look a bit more big and squishy and cuddly. Kinda like the Ciceros in Goodfellas."

"I always thought he looks more like Vincent Pastore. I mean, they even kinda share a name."

"I gotta agree, he kinda does," Roberto chimed in.

"Yeah, yeah, laugh it up, ya damn kids. I look all squishy an' cuddly until you're the ones on the receivin' end, then we'll see who's cuddly," Vincenzo joked as he took a sip of his wine.

"Also, you may scare humans with your strangling, but I don't think it's gonna work with ponies," Ainsley added.

"Why not?" Vincenzo asked.

"Well, earth ponies are ridiculously strong, pegasi can fly, and unicorns have psychokinesis. That might make strangling them a lot harder."

"'Ey, I could strangle a world-class wrestler if I wanted to. Ya jus' gotta know how ta do it right, an' they'll drop dead gaspin' like a fish outta water."

"Okay then, do you know how to stop a unicorn from performing magic?" Ainsley asked.

Vincenzo wanted to answer but stopped himself when he realized he didn't know the answer. "Alright, fine, how?"

"I heard that if you whack them on the horn, it'll incapacitate them long enough from trying to perform any magic on you. The horns essentially the source of their power channeling, and it's really sensitive, so whacking it will disorient them pretty badly."

Vincenzo simply nodded quietly and said "Hmm, I'll keep that in mind."

Ainsley turned back to the rest of his family. "All of you kinda seem to keep forgetting that the ponies don't exactly work the same way we do. We gotta remember that ponies and humans aren't the same."

"We know ponies an' humans ain't the same, Ains. We ain't fuckin' stupid," Gabriele said.

"What I mean is, we shouldn't go up to them thinking they'll behave and react the same way humans would to us back on Earth. Like, they have a very different way of life. I bet most of the ponies in this town don't even know what the hell the mafia is, or even what narcotics are!"

"'Not know what narcotics are'? No way! There's no way a civilization like this has existed fa thousands o' years an' they neva' got addicted ta somethin'. I mean if cats have catnip, the ponies probably have their ponynip or somethin'," Vincenzo commented.

"Vinny, have ya seen the horses in this town? They're all crazy or fuckin' stupid! An' considerin' Equestria has a fuckin' Princess o' Frindship leadin' them, they all obviously got the minds o' children! They're either gonna be stupid enough ta buy from us, or too stupid ta buy from us!" said Gabriele. "An' concernin' the 'mafia' thing, it don't mattah. Like Dad said, all we gotta do is gain the respect o' the ponies around us, an' if they try ta screw with us in any way, we do things my way."

"Is it really a good idea ta rough up an' whack ponies with the Council o' Friendship around 'ere?" Roberto asked.

"The Council o' Friendship don't need ta know, Pops. They ain't the police, they don't got time ta check up on everyone in the town."

"Also, all the council members are gone out of town to meet with Princess Twilight every once a moon. Rainbow Dash mentioned that I think," Ainsley added.

"Moon?" Vincenzo asked.

"It means month."

"So that's one day o' every month where we don't have ta worry about gettin' watched by the Princess's cronies. I mean, ay, that makes things easier. We can scare the shit outta any o' the humans an' horses 'ere who tries ta cheat us out. An' if they even think about goin' ta the council members fa help, we tell 'em we'll whack their asses before they can even go out the door. It's an old method, but it works every time." Gabriele took another sip of his whiskey.

"But ya shouldn't use it on everyone 'ere," Roberto said. "There are some ponies that are off limits, which includes anyone that's directly connected ta the council members, like those Crusader fillies, or the Apple Family, things like that. If anythin' happens ta them or i front of 'em, they're gonna squeal an' rat us out ta the members, an' we can't 'ave that happenin' when we haven't even talked ta the damn Princess yet."

"Also I guess that Glim Glam from the School o' Friendship, but she's probably jus' locked in that school for most o' the time anyways so no need ta worry about 'er, or her boyfriend an' 'er...uh...actually, was she datin' that bearded orange four-eyes, or that blue Trix mare?"

"Oh, they're all dating each other," Ainsley answered.

Roberto nearly spit out his drink hearing that. "What?!"

"Yeah, what? All three of 'em?! How d'ya know this?" Gabriele asked.

"Didn't you notice the way they all looked at each other?"

"No? I was too caught up with the bullshitery of the school ta pay attention ta somethin' like that."

"It happened pretty quick, but some of the glances they gave each other, you'd only ever give if you were in a relationship."

"But how is that possible?!" Roberto asked, still in disbelief.

"Polygamous relationships aren't uncommon here in Equestria, actually. I mean, there's a lot of monogamous relationships here too, obviously, but polygamy is still practiced by some, just not as much as it was in ancient times when literally everyone did it, since the number of stallions was way lower back then than it is today. Not too surprising, though. Horses are herd animals, so it makes sense the ponies would be too."

"So they just have a bunch of horse orgies runnin' around?" Vincenzo asked.

"Well, I think 'harem' is the more accurate term you're looking for."

"'Harem'?! Jesus, what are they Arabs or somethin'? Or Mormons? They do practice that, right?" Gabriele asked.

"So what, ya condone that kinda stuff?" Roberto asked his Ainsley.

"I never said I condoned it, I'm just explaining a fact about Equestria. Why are you always jumping to conclusions, Dad?"

"It's jus' that from the way you said it, it sounded like you're perfectly fine with them practicin' somethin'...like that." Ainsley noticed his father trying to restrain himself from saying something really bad.

"Dad, I told you, they're horses! They don't follow the same societal rules as we do! There are more mares than stallions, so it'd make sense they'd resort to that!"

"But these are supposed ta be civilized horses. I thought they'd 'ave moved on from the primal instinct of jus' fuckin' everything in sight."

"That's not even what polygamy is. Plus, monogamy's importance is mostly something we humans made up anyway. Every species functions differently. You can't just dismiss their social norms just because you yourself don't like it, Dad."

"It jus' sounds to me like an excuse fa the guys ta fuck all the mares they want."

"It's the mares who made that decision. Did you forget that horses are matriarchal? They're the ones who decide to make their mating rituals that way to ensure their survival!"

"Yeah, but the guys obviously still use it as an excuse ta fuck everyone they want. That's what makes 'em guys."

"Ainsley groaned in frustration. "Jeez, you and Gabe are exactly the same, always causing arguments and never listening to other arguments that challenge your views." He then took a sip of his cocktail.

"I jus' think it's a very immoral thing ta do, bein' in a relationship with more than one person. It's probably all jus' pure lust an' self-gratification without any real love or commitment. It's very destructive behavior," the mob boss said.

"I don't know what ya talkin' 'bout, Pops. I've been in many relationships an' slept with many different broads, an' I'm still fine. An' honestly, if it weren't fa the fact that they're horses, I'd totally jump into that whole harem thing," Gabriele said with a smirk.

Ainsley and Roberto stared quietly at him, with Roberto not looking at all pleased with what his son said. "That's not good eitha', Gabriele. Ya should learn ta settle down with someone, someone special, that ya didn't jus' pick up in public ta sleep with fa one night. Trust me, you'll be a lot happier that way.

"I mean, d'ya know how hard it is ta find a boss like myself that didn't cheat on his wife an' slept around behind everyone's back? Very rare. I've only fell in love an' slept with one woman in my entire life, ya mother, an' I don't regret it one bit. Sure, ya mother is way too dramatic an' hysterical an' she can be a huge pain in the ass ta deal with, but I don't care 'cause I love 'er, an' I wouldn't dream of bein' with anyone else."

Ainsley remained silent for a moment. "Wow, that's...very romantic of you, Dad."

"Yeah, we always make sure to never talk about anything relatin' to wives an' marriage 'round 'im, he always gets so damn sappy," Vincenzo told Ainsley.

Ainsley chuckled and then he and the rest of them took another sip of their drinks, bringing the conversation to a pause and leaving the room quiet for a moment. After some pondering, Ainsley spoke up again.

"Y'know, there are aspects of the cultural differences between us and Equestria that we could use to our advantage."

"Like what?" Roberto asked.

"Like the fact that ponies don't often wear clothes!"

"What about it?"

"I mean, think about it. Most ponies don't usually wear clothes unless it's a special occassion or something, right?"


"Which means that since wearing clothes is way more special for ponies than it is for us, we could sell clothes to them for twice the price they were on Earth! You said that your friend who makes Italian suits is coming over here, right?"

"Yeah, Giuseppe. He's comin' ova' fa a week or so ta work togetha' with Rarity. She wants ta learn about makin' human clothes, especially Italian suits."

"I thought she makes women/mare clothing. Doesn't Giuseppe specialize more in men's clothing?"

"Eh, she's willin' ta learn. Pretty sure she's tryna make men's clothin' too now. Doesn't hurt ta expand ya horizons. Rarity can learn ta make men's clothin', and Guiseppe can learn ta make women's clothin', it's a win-win."

"Okay then. So yeah, if we can get Giuseppe to make Italian suits for stallions here, we can sell those suits for double the money they would usually make for humans back on Earth! Maybe even vice versa too!"

"That does sound like a pretty good business opportunity if done right," Roberto pondered with a smirk.

"And, ay, if we eva' need ta make some extra cash, we can jus' rob her dresses an' sell 'em for a cheaper price. I mean, she does 'ave ta ship those dresses ta Canterlot an' who knows where else she set up shop, right?"

"I guess," Ainsley said.

"Yeah, so we jus' steal those dresses, pay the delivery pony to lie, an' we sell those dresses maybe in some otha' town in Equestria. Nothin' ta worry about."

"I suppose we can do that. But if you're eva' plannin' on doin' anythin' like that, ya betta' consult me first. Rarity's lookin' like she'll be a good friend an' business partner, so I wanna make sure that nothin' damages that. Capiche?"

"Yes, of course, Pops."

The Silanos and Vincenzo took a break from the conversation again to take more sips of their drink, with Ainsley being halfway done with his cocktail, and Gabriele refilling his whiskey glass. Suddenly, something popped into Ainsley's mind.

"Oh, Dad! I was wondering, what did you do today after you left the School of Friendship? You haven't told us about that."

"Oh, right. I actually went ta two places today. First, I decided ta pay a visit ta the otha' school. The Ponyville Schoolhouse. Y'know, where those Crusader fillies go."

"Why did you decide to g--" Ainsley halted when he realized what it was about. "Oh God, don't tell me you're still--"

"I decided to ask the teacher there, her name's Cheerilee, about why she decided ta release 'er students early an' made 'em go ta the bakery."

"Dad, for the last time, it wasn't a--"

"So what did ya find out?" Gabriele interrupted his brother before he could finish his sentence.

"Well, the whole early release thing was jus' part o' the school schedule. But what she told me afta' that was really interestin'."

"What was it?"

"She told me that that mornin', some weird human guy standin' outside the school told 'er about Special Cherry Day ova' at Sugarcube Corner, an' suggested she told 'er students about it."

"A human guy?"

"Yeah. I have no doubt this is the same guy who arranged all those otha' things ta make the chokin' happen!"

"Okay then, so who is it?" Ainsley asked with a skeptical look and crossed arms.

"I still don't know, but it has ta be a guy on the inside! That's the only explanation as to how they'd schedule everythin' out so well!"

"Or maybe it's just some random weird guy who gave a recommendation to the local schoolteacher! You're looking too deep into everything, Dad! It's just a coincidence!"

"That's a pretty damn crazy coincidence if ya ask me."

"Coincidences can be that crazy!"

"Ains, Pops has been in this game fa literal decades before either of us were ever even conceived. I think he knows what he's talkin' about," Gabriele argued as well.

"But this is all really crazy! Vincenzo, please tell me you think this is crazy too!" Ainsley turned to the man in the purple tracksuit who was stirring his wine.

Vincenzo just looked back and forth between Ainsley and Roberto, not knowing who to side with, so he just answered as honestly as he could. "Well, it's not really my place ta say. I jus' follow orders. I guess it is pretty crazy, but we are in the magical world of Equestria, an' ya can neva' be too careful."

Ainsley just had a defeated look on his face as he stared at Vincenzo and heard Gabriele laughing mockingly at him. The younger Silano son sunk back into the couch with his drink in his hand, looking tired. "I give up..."

Roberto ignored his son's mood and decided to continue the conversation. "Y'know, I also remembered somthin' else while I was there."

"What?" Gabriele asked.

"I thought about one o' the guys most likely ta wanna kill me: Don Cicchino."

"Cicchino? The guy who runs the prostitution business?" Ainsley asked.

"Yeah, the same."

"It makes sense, that son of a bitch has always been out ta get ya. D'ya really think it could be him?" the eldest brother asked again.

"I mean, motive-wise, he makes total sense. But the question is how he would he have been able ta do this? Because he's currently in Manehatten which is way too far fa him ta come all this way, an' there's no way he'd know my daily schedule, so I'm stickin' by my original theory that it's someone on the inside. I'm not ruling him out entirely though, I feel like he might still be connected in some way, like maybe he paid this guy off."

"By the way, that prostitution business o' his, I heard he's hirin' out human guys ta fuck mares an' vice versa, right?"

"So I've heard."

"I jus' really gotta wonder, how the hell did he convince so many guys to wanna bang horses?! What the hell is wrong with those people?" Gabriele said in disbelief.

"Don't ask me. I already 'ave a hard time toleratin' prostitution, no offense," Roberto quickly said to Ainsley, "But sellin' yaself ta horses, an' bangin' horses, it's disgustin'! Cicchino's seriously draggin' his business down to the level of bestiality? What the fuck is goin' on in that guy's head? What's the world comin' to?" Roberto ranted and took another sip of his wine as he finished.

"Well, I wouldn't really consider it bestiality," Ainsley said, which caused his father and brother to immediately turn their heads to him.

"What?" Roberto asked.

"I mean, the ponies aren't dumb animals who don't know what's going, they're thinking feeling and sapient creatures like us too. Plus, if there really are human men sex workers paid to sleep with ponies, then obviously those ponies gave their consent and actively seeked out these guys, it's not like these guys just randomly decided to hump some horse minding its own business. I've even heard and seen humans getting into relationships with ponies! So it's obviously not one-sided," Ainsley explained.

"That doesn't really make it any betta, Ainsley."

"I'm just saying that if the two parties love each other and they both consented, then it's not really that big of a problem, and it doesn't count as bestiality."

"Oh, so what, so you condone this stuff too?" Roberto asked in an accusing tone.

"God, there you go again, Dad. I never said I condone this stuff! I'm not even attracted to ponies myself! I'm just trying to clear things up and explain why it doesn't count as bestiality!"

Gabriele spoke up this time. "Doesn't really mattah. If ya ask me, those guys are all just a buncha losers who couldn't score any broads back on Earth so they resorted ta tryna bang these friendship horses outta desperation ta make themselves feel betta'."

"Exactly what I think," Roberto said. "It don't mattah if they both love each otha' or not, it's still unnatural! They're two different species! They're not meant ta be togetha'! They can't even reproduce!"

"Love isn't just about reproduction, Dad. I mean, I doubt you got together with Mom just for the sake of making babies, right?" Ainsley said.

"Ya gotta point there, but still! We're not even from the same frickin' universe! Nature an' God made it abundantly clear ta seperate us, an' say we aren't meant ta be togetha'! If ya aren't able ta reproduce with 'em, then that should be a clear sign that it's not meant ta be an' that it shouldn't happen!"

"Uh huh, and you'd use the same argument against gay people?" Ainsley asked, which caused Roberto to go silent once he realized what his son was doing.

Roberto stammered for a few moments, trying to find an answer to Ainsley's question. Roberto was obviously far from the most progressive person out there, but he knew better than to say something he knew his son would find demeaning. After a few moments of being unable to answer, Roberto just groaned. "Ugh, why d'ya always feel the need ta say somethin', Ainsley?"

Ainsley just smiled smugly, knowing he was finally able to shut up his father's ranting, and took another sip of his cocktail.

"So anyway, back to topic, what was the second thing you did today?" he asked his father.

"Oh yeah, I paid a visit ta Sweet Apple Acres ta discuss the business with Applejack. Y'know, about us usin' 'er land ta grow our produce?"

"Yeah, what did they say?"

"They accepted."

Ainsley and Gabriele cheered when they heard their father's answer, while Vincenzo raised his glass.

"That's great, Dad!" Ainsley said.

"Not only that, I noticed that Applejack still seemed a bit suspiscious of me, so I decided ta give 'em a gift I knew they couldn't refuse."

"What's that?"

Roberto smirked, put down his wine glass, and got up from the couch. "Come with me, I wanna show ya somethin'."

The Silano Brothers both got up and followed their father, while Vincenzo stayed seated to enjoy his wine as he already knew what Roberto was going to show them. Roberto led his sons down to the basement, and once they were down there he walked towards the wall behind his desk and opened up a secret compartment. Roberto had several secret compartments in the basement to store things he didn't want anybody else to see, though only two of them were used right now, one being a hidden safe to store all the documents of his illegal businesses, and the other was for containing what he was about to show his sons.

When Roberto opened up the compartment, both his sons were frozen in awe at what they were seeing. In the compartment was a big stash of golden apples, looking like something straight out of fantasy and mythology.

"No way, are those real golden apples?!" Gabriele asked, his eyes still fixated on the apples.

"Ya bet they are," Roberto answered.

"Where did you even get these?" Ainsley asked this time.

"Some of our guys who were scoutin' across Equestria an' beyond jus' suddenly bumped into these an' brought them ta me. Don't know where they found 'em, though."


"But this isn't even the entire thing."

"What?!" the brothers asked in unison.

"This is merely a very small portion of the golden apples we got. The real stash is in there," Roberto pointed to the door that rested at the end of the long narrow dark corridor at the wall to their left. Gabriele and Ainsley wondered how they didn't see it before.

"Woah, let's take a look," Gabriele said, but his father stopped him before he could take a step.

"No. Neva' go through that door! This is very important, kids. Neva', under any circumstances, eva' go through that door. Ya understand?"

"Uh, okay," Ainsley said, confused. "But why?"

"Let's jus' say that it's not jus' golden apples waitin' behind that door."

"So what's in there?"

"I can't tell ya yet. I'm afraid I'm limitin' the people who know about what's inside that room fa now, ta not attract too much attention. Also, it'll help flush out anyone who's thinkin' about stealin' from us."

"Ooh, smart thinking, Dad."

"But don't worry, one day I'll show ya what's in there."

Their heads all turned back to the golden apples. "Those are real fuckin' beauties, Pops. How much d'ya think they're worth?" Gabriele asked.

"I don't know, but what I can say is that no price is enough for 'em. They're fuckin' priceless! I'll tell ya, there's no way anyone in Equestria or Earth would eva' resist these things. They'll owe their fuckin' lives ta us when we give 'em these beauties," Roberto said.

"Heh, I can only imagine how the Apple Family felt when you showed them these. These apples are things apple farmers think they'd only ever see in Paradise!" Ainsley said.

"Oh, I saw their faces. It's like they saw the face of God Himself. There's no way they'd eva' go against us usin' their land this time."

"We can finally begin with our biggest money-maker! Is our narcotics shipment comin' 'ere soon?" Gabriele asked.

"Yeah, it should be comin' 'ere tomorrow, and once they arrive, we can declare that business in Equestria has officially started!"

The Silanos all chuckled together as they closed the door to the compartment of golden apples.