• Published 3rd Jan 2024
  • 302 Views, 26 Comments

The Silanos - Kama and Hallie

Notorious Italian-American crime family, the Silanos, expand their business to Equestria, and slowly begin to rise to power.

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The Discovery

Roberto followed his right-hand man, Vincenzo De Luca, all the way back to the Silano House. The two men were exhausted by the time they arrived since they both walked faster than what they were used to. The two men were pretty overweight, and one could easily tell they weren't what you'd call physically active. The two of them entered the house, and they went through the door that led to the basement.

Despite Roberto conducting most of his businesses in his offices, he also chose to coduct a lot his illegal activities and meetings, usually meetings with his henchmen, in his basement, which also had an office of its own. He kept most of his files and documents of his illegal businesses sealed away in a hidden safe in the basement that only he knew the exact location of, just in case anyone decides to come snooping around the basement for nefarious purposes. The basement office did not really look all that special, mostly just consisting of a single desk and two couches for any visitors to rest on, and it looked much gloomier than Roberto's main office with its grey walls with visible bricks and cold cement floor, as opposed to the main office's fancier wooden paneling.

As Roberto followed Vincenzo down the stairs, he couldn't help but feel a little paranoid, as mob guys getting led down to a basement usually did not mean anything good. Roberto always knew he could trust Vincenzo, but considering how easily best friends in the mob usually turned on each other, one could never be too careful. Roberto almost felt the urge to place his hand on where he hid his gun in his suit, so that if anything happens he'd be prepared, but he decided to wait first. When the two men entered the basement, Roberto didn't notice anything strange, as everything was exactly how it normally was, that was until he looked to his left and saw something that definitely wasn't there before.

On the wall to his left, Roberto saw a long corridor that lead to a single door at the end, and to its right was another door. Roberto was already weirded out by what he was seeing and wanted to see what was going on with the new corridor, but Vincenzo stopped him before he could take a step and warned him to never go through the door at the end of the corridor. When Roberto asked why, Vincenzo simply said that he'll see pretty soon and gestured his boss to follow him.

Vincenzo led his boss through the door on the right of the corridor's entrance, and behind it Roberto saw a winding staircase, and despite his growing confusion and worry, he decided to follow his capo, but this time placed his hand near his gun.

While the two men climbed up the staircase, Roberto thought this was the perfect time to ask one of the obvious questions. "This definitely wasn't 'ere yesterday. How the hell did ya build all this so fast?"

"Those unicorn an' earth pony construction workers, boss. Lemme tell ya, they work fuckin' magic, those guys, literally! They probably could build Rome in a day," Vincenzo chuckled.

The men finally arrived at the top of the stairwell, in which Roberto just saw a very empty room, all accept one huge window that took up the entire wall in front of him that seemed to be looking into whatever room was behind the door at the end of the ominous corridor. Vincenzo face seemed to indicate this is what he wanted to show, and when Roberto slowly approached the window to see what was on the other side, he saw somthing he couldn't believe.

"What is that?!"

"I have no idea, but what I do know is that is definitely very fuckin' valuable," Vincenzo answered.

Roberto took another minute to take in what he was seeing, and after the feelings of awe washed by, his mind then shifted to what he knew best: business.

"This is certainly very, very interesting. This could certainly be extremely useful fa our business development," he said as a smile creeped onto his face and he continued watching through the window.

"Ya think we'll be able ta buy any business we want with this?" Vincenzo asked.

"Business? We'd probably be able ta buy the Princess and the frickin' President with this."