• Published 13th May 2024
  • 464 Views, 13 Comments

My new life in equestria - PlayerUzU

Anon somehow got teleported to a magic world, random

  • ...

The first meting Part 1

You know that little voice inside your head that is always there, doesn't matter if you are happy, sad, angry or feel anything at all.

It's always there, just lingering in your mind, the doubt, a strong and annoying feeling.

Why do I feel it you may ask, well, it's been 3 years since I simply was yanked out of my world and got here in this weird magical horse land, in a little town called ponyville I think, a purple pony with wings and a horn approached me and simply talked, yeah, imagine my face when I discovered that those ponies not only talked but could also fly and do magic, REAL MAGIC.

Anyway, her name was Twilight and apparently, she was the princess of friendship? How can you be a princess of a concept beats me.

She just made some questions and wrote a letter to someone, or if you may somepony heh, I chuckled at that not gonna lie.

Anyway, the letter was for a pony called Celestia, basically the god of ponies and their ruler.

And well, she was, something alright, regal, white as snow, a mane that flows with.... uhh... nothing? Look, physics isn't my cup of tea, but I'm certain that hair can't flow like that.

Well, after some small talk she decided to get me to the royal castle in Canterlot, it's not like a I had a choice, so I just accepted.

There she explained to me the basics of this world and how she wasn't really all that surprised to see a human, apparently, she has a mirror that sends ponies to another another dimension with humans, mind you, not my dimension, cause apparently their people can be pink.

But still, it's a human world, and even though she wasn't supposed to use that mirror she did a couple of times, got to know how the human society works.

After some hours, in the evening, she told me to meet her sister, a pony called Luna, another goddess and ruler of their world, and she can move the moon, oh yeah, I kinda forgot to mention how Celestia moves the sun and Luna the moon, no, I didn't dare to question it.

Well, Luna was, for a lack of a better word, cold, distant even.

Late at night I couldn't sleep, I was always a night type of person but usually I could sleep well, maybe the shock of being in another world finally set in, so I just decided to walk around the castle until I feel sleepy, after a couple of minutes I met Luna in the throne room.... alone.

I decided to talk to her.

"Hi, your majesty" I said quietly.

"Oh, Anon, I wasn't expecting you to be awake this late" Luna responded regally.

"Well, I was supposed to, but sleep just left my body without a message, maybe it finally settled that I just got sucked in another world without even saying goodbye to my friends and family" I said grimly.

"I see, to be honest, we, I mean, I can relate to that, it's not really the same thing, but I was banished to the moon for a thousand years, and just 2 years ago I came back, and things were, different, almost like I was not in the world I knew anymore" Wait, a thousand years? I couldn't believe that, but she said with so much conviction and sadness, that I just believed it.

"Huh, so we both are kinda outcasts of this world" I said with a chuckle.

"Also, why were you so grumpy earlier? Not to be rude or anything, but back then you were cold and distant, but now, you ware sweet and caring" I said shooting her with a confused look.

She makes a grumpy face, cute.

"Well, you would also be grumpy when you don't get your full time of sleep for 3 days straight, and also, I don't know how to act around my sister" she said while her grumpy face turned into a sad one.

"After a thousand years away from her, I kinda forgot how we talked to each other, not only that but she is different from back then" she took a quick pause to take a deep breath.

"Even after 3 years since my return, I feel like she still has some resentment for what I did" Taking a couple of minutes to collect my thoughts, I simply chuckled.

"Have you even talked to her about this? I mean, for sure she misses you, after we meet she apologized a lot because of your grumpy mood, saying things like "she isn't like that usually" or "I'm so sorry for your first impression of Lulu being that", and after that she banged her head on a wall for a good 5 minutes for telling me your secret nickname " I said with a cheeky smirk on my face.

"So, Lulu, have you ever talked to her about how you feel?" A wide smirk on my face, teasing a goddess, what a wild ride.

"First thing, call me Lulu again and I will crush your skull" she said with eyes that seemed to stare my soul, took all my might to not wet myself.

"Second, no, I haven't talked to her about it, our schedules make it almost impossible to do so" The face she was making is almost unreadable, looks like a mix of regret and sadness.

"Wait, you two never had a break? It's the whole year working nonstop? Now I'm not surprised why you two seem so tired and well, grumpy".

This is unbelievable, the rulers and technically the gods of this land never had a break, I can only imagine how much stress these two have gathered along the years.

"We can't leave our ponies without our guidance or protection, they need us to be there when the time comes" she said so royally that I remembered that right know I'm talking to a princess, how did I even forget that? It's not like I know her, this is the first time I meet her, technically the second.

"Even just a day once a week? Don't they have the royal guard for protection, the elements of harmony, and well, 2 other princesses? I mean, I don't know the other one, but Twilight seems nice, a little too nerdy, but she seems like a god woman".

"Pardon?" Luna said with confusion on her face.

"What? Did I say something wrong?"

"Well, not really, at least I don't think so, but what's that woman thing you were talking about?". A questioning look on her face.

Oh yeah, only Celestia and Twilight know about humans, ponies don't really know about how we talk.

"Oh yeah, sorry, I forgot that you don't know anything about humans, well, a woman would be the same as a mare in here, and a man the same as a colt" I explained to her.

"Ah, I see, but still, I don't know if the guard or Twilight is up for the task, she has only been a princess for a couple months at most, she is not ready for something like that".

"Doesn't hurt to try does it? I mean, make a test, for a month you and Celestia will overwatch her as she takes your places in the Sunday".

"I will consider it, but we have a more pressing matter on our hoof right now".

"And what would that be?" I shot a curious glare at her.

"You". She said almost emotionless.

"Me? What do you mean?" A feeling of dread came to me, I'm not sure why though, these ponies seem nice, they wouldn't do anything to me right.... right?

"Well, you see, you don't belong in this world, but until further notice you will live here for the time being, we are not even certain if we could send you back to your world safely" A short pause came, she was apparently thinking of what to say next.

"We would like to give you a choice, you seem like a good colt, I mean, man, and quite knowledgeable"

"And what would that choice be?" A curious look was on my face, this is actually quite interesting, if one of the princesses is actually complimenting me, that kinda felt good.

"The choice is simple, you can chose a town, any town, of our land to live, we would give you a house and enough bits to live for a couple of months while you search for a job, you would live a normal life, well, as normal as it could be with you being from another world" Interesting, this seems like a good deal, but what's the other option?

"What's the other option?"

"You could live here, in the castle" Hold up, this seems like a trap.

"And what's the catch?" I deadpanned.

"What do you mean my dear human" Luna said trying to do puppy eyes, jokes on you, that doesn't work on me!

"I mean, living in a giant castle? With food, a bed, and everything else for free? Yeah, I don't bite it" Luna clicked her tongue, a frustrated look on her face, seems that I dodged a bullet here.

"You are way more cunning that I thought" Luna sighed.

"The catch would be that you would need to work in the castle" Well thar doesn't sound too bad, cleaning is easy peasy, I'm quite decent on the kitchen, and thank God that my father was a soldier, his training would come in handy here.

"Hm, work here on the castle? Doesn't sound that bad, what would I even do though?"

"Simple, you would help me and my sister with our daily, or nightly in my case, chores!" She said with so much excitement, almost like a child who got what she wanted on Christmas.

And what would that chores be?" I asked a little annoyed, sure work directly to the princesses could be nice, but that also means that I would be working almost 24/7.

"Oh, nothing too serious, just helping us to deal with some nobles, guarantee that we are on schedule, make us take a break or two during the day, and helpusdecidesomenewlaws" she said the last part so fast and quietly that I didn't understand.

"What did you say in that last part?" I said worried.

"Oh, nothing important" she said with a fake smile on her face, she didn't learn the first time.

"Luna, are you really trying to trick me again?" She blushed and shook her head like those bubbly head car decorations, it's kinda cute to be honest.

"No, never, I just...." a heavy sigh left her.

"As part of your work, you will need to help us with laws of the land, we need help mainly with laws about other species in equestria" A tinge of guilt on her expression.

"Unfortunately, me and my sister don't really know what to do regarding them, we want to befriend other species, but we fought so many wars with them that we can't be impartial with them".

"I see.... I will be completely honest with you here princess, I'm not the right person or pony for this, I have no knowledge about politics, economics and stuff like that, but..."

"I can try, the other species problem I already have some ideas actually".

"SPLENDID! WE SHALL WELCOME YOU WITH OPEN HOOVES MY FRIEND ANON!" I think that I have gone deaf, how can a little horse pack so much punch with their voice.

"Oh, we are so sorry, we didn't mean to use our royal Canterlot voice on thee" she said almost as worried as my mom was when I broke a bone for the first time.

"Don't worry, the ringing is almost stopping.... I think." I can barely hear her.

Out of nowhere a golden light appeared and as quickly as it did it also disappeared, and now a tall withe pony with a teddy bear or her wings took it place.

"Dear Lulu, can I ask you why in Tartarus are you using the royal Canterlot voice at 2 and a half in the morning?" Oh god, Celestia seems pissed.

"We are so sor-"

"Dialect Luna" Celestia intervened

"I'm so sorry dear sister, I couldn't control myself, our dead friend here accepted my offer to work with us to make equestria a better place for other species!" Why does a black horse seem so cute when excited.

"Excuse me, what?" Oh shit.

"Hey, look at the time, it was nice talking to you Luna, but I think that I will hit the hay now, bye" I rushed to the door, almost leaving, but then, a golden aura surrounded me and pulled me back.

"Oh, you won't mister, we have a lot to talk about"

Welp, I think that I'm good as dead now.

Author's Note:

So hey, this is the first time I actually wrote anything like this, was bored at work so this came up in my mind.
I'm not sure if I will do more chapters, for now it's just this one.
If you have any criticism or tips for a new writer I'm all ears!
Probably is cheesy and generic but hey, I'm new with this
PS: Sorry if anything there has mistakes, please point them out, english is not my main language and I din't have any proofreaders or editors.