• Published 13th May 2024
  • 463 Views, 13 Comments

My new life in equestria - PlayerUzU

Anon somehow got teleported to a magic world, random

  • ...

The first meeting Part 2

So, it seems that they don't want me dead, for now at least.

But Celestia doesn't seem so happy with the news.

"Luna, why would you hire someone you barely know to help us rule our kingdom?" Celestia said with a disappointed tone to her voice.

"Sister, this human is a kind soul, after our talk I got to let out a side of myself I couldn't bring out for hundreds of years, I know what I'm doing" Luna responded pouting like a small child, cute.

Celestia sighed and looked at me, her eyes burning with distrust, then she looked back at her sister.

"Luna, you know that we can't just blindly trust some pony just like that, you know how change-" Celestia stopped abruptly, almost like something just clicked on her mind.

"Um, Celestia, are you alright?" I asked, worried... mostly about myself.

"Anon, can I ask you a question?" Celestia said coldly, man, I don't wanna die now, I just turned 20, I still have a lot to live for.

"I mean, you just asked one, but sure, go on" I laughed nervously, that try to lighten the mood worked as well as using a sunglasses at night.

"Do you know what changelings are?" A changeling? Is that some type of food? Doesn't sound tasty though.

"No, I don't know what a changeling is" I said honestly, can't lie about something you never heard about.

Celestia simply hummed, doesn't seem like she believed me.

"I see, you know, changelings are vile creatures, they feed on love energy, they can change their looks to perfectly mimic some pony, even the voice, their queen, Chrysalis, is especially dangerous, she can do everything the others can, but she is also as powerful as me with enough love energy, she can brainwash others, and who knows what more" Celestia said grimly, with a tinge of rage and disgust.

But wow, these things sound dangerous, and a full meal to paranoic people, but one question still stands on my mind, why is the telling me this? Surely, she doesn't think that I'm one of those right?

Oh fuck.

"Celestia, what are you implying?" Luna asked, she is looking at me like how you look at a child who did something wrong.

"Oh, my little moonlight, nothing really, just that maybe this little human here, might be queen Chrysalis herself." Yep, my end is near, I had a good life, I had.... wait, my life was shit, I don't want to die a loser.

"Now wait a second, how would I be that queen you are talking about if you just said that only you, Twilight and that Sunset Shimmer knows about humans? How would Chrysalis know about them?" I'm beyond sweating now, I don't think I have water on my body anymore, if I don't get smited here, I will probably die of dehydration.

"Fair point, but we don't know much about the changelings, we don't know if they have spies on our castles, or in other worlds for that matter." Man, how the hell will I get away here.

"Isn't there a way to check if he is a changeling or not sister?" Thank God that Luna is here.

"Well, maybe Twilight might have found a way to do so, but I don't know any, from what I remember, they turn back to their original form if they are hit hard enough, we can try that!" Ah hell nah, I'm not getting zapped or bucked into oblivion, fuck that.

"You know what, fuck this shit" Then I started running for my dear life, without success of course, Celestia just grabbed me with her magic, again, this is bullshit.

"Come on my little human, no need to use those horrible words, we will just give you a little zap, you won't die (small text) at least I think so (small text)".

"What" Both me and Luna asked at the same time.

Then, Celestia zapped me, and it hurt, like a lot, it's almost as bad as a taser, actually it's worse than a taser, I blacked out.

I woke up the next morning, in the bedroom they gave me for the night, my body was sore and my head hurts like hell, almost like I'm having the worst hangover of my life, oh, there is a letter on the bedside table.

"Dear Anon, I'm so sorry for what I did to you on our prior encounter, I would personally be there on your room when you woke up to apologize but duty calls, there should be a change of clothes right beside this letter, after you finish your morning routine, ask the guard on your door to take you directly to me.

Sincerely Princess of the Esquestria Diarchy, Celestia"

Well, that was something, might as well get ready for the day.

After 30 minutes of getting ready I take a glance on the letter again.

"A personal guard huh".

When I open the door, I see a royal violet pegasus mare with a sky blue mane with white stripes, she bares a stoic feature, same as every single guard on this castle, but now that I think about it, isn't every single guard here a white unicorn stallion? Weird.

Then she looks at me, with emerald green eyes, ok, those are beautiful.

"Hey there Anon, right?" I simply nod.

"The princess told me to be your personal guard while you stay here on the castle, at least for the day, I think that princess Luna chose one for the night shift, not really sure" She then takes a pause to exhale "Any questions you might have?"

"Just one, not to be rude or anything, but isn't every royal guard a white unicorn stallion?" She chuckles at that.

"Well, yes, that's why I'm not a royal guard silly human" she says whit a smirk.

"You are not?"

"Nope, I'm a member of the EUP, basically an elite military group of equestria" She then realizes something "Ah shit, I forgot to introduce myself"

"Captain Zephyr of the third pegasi branch of the EUP, at your service" She makes a salute with her wings. "Also, sorry for the bad language"

"Meh, don't worry about it, you can be yourself when we are alone, I also have a bad mouth problem, I just control myself around most people." She seemed to relax at that.

"Thanks, Celestia for that, to be honest I was a little worried you would be one of those stuck-up ponies who seems to have a stick up their asses all the time, but I see that you are one of my kind"

"Well then, let's get going, I need to talk to Celestia about some stuff that happened last night" I said almost tone deaf, I'm still mad about it.

"Seems that you had a tough first night here on the castle huh?"

"You could say that, was all fine until the sunbut princess came out of nowhere"

"Hey, watch your mouth, I might be a little less patriot than most of the guard but I'm still part of the military" she said with a relaxed tone, seems that she is just teasing.

"Keep that for when the princess is near hoof licker"


"Oh, hey we reached the throne room"

"How do you even know? Isn't this your second day at the castle?" She said with a confused look on her face.

"I wondered here last night; I still remember how I got here"

Zephyr just sighed.

"Let's get this over with" I said determined to get some apologies.

I wasn’t prepared to see what I did when I opened that door.

Author's Note:

Hey thanks for reading this chapter.
A tiny bit shorter than the first one but hey, I tried.
So, wasn't expecting to have 150 reads in such a a small amount of time, like, it's been only 3 days.
Anyway, same as the last chapter, din't have any proofreaders or editors, found any mistake, just tell me and I will fix it.