• Published 30th Dec 2011
  • 2,097 Views, 31 Comments

A bad egg in Equestria - Alkem

Dr. Robotnik from the Sonic games is loose in Equestira, with no Sonic around can anypony stop him?

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Chapter 1

A bad egg in Equestria.

"Hurry we have to keep moving!"

"Just what the hey was that thing?"

"I don't know but its best we keep moving before we find out…..Celestia help us."

Two ponies ran through the thick shrubbery deep within the Everfree forest. They moved as fast as their hooves could carry them, neither looked back in fear of what they saw and what they presumed was chasing them.

"We've got to warn everypony!"

"Shut up and keep running!"

They hopped over fallen trees, ducked under low branches; desperately fleeing from what they witnessed. Up ahead was a pack of manticores.

"Sweet Luna! How are we getting passed that?"

"Like this!" the older colt shouted.

The pony charged straight through the crowd, the beasts surprised by the pony's sudden appearance stepped aside as he and the other pony, sticking right behind him, ran right past. Enraged the pack began chasing after them.

"I can't believe we just did that!"

"Keep moving, we still got a long way to go."

The colts barreled through, the forest seemed almost endless. Behind them, were the roars of the manticores giving chase, but further back was what really frightened them. They continued their sprint, but something caught the attention of the lead stallion.

"You hear that?"

"Yeah. The manticores. They've stopped following us."

"No. They didn't stop."

Terrified, the duo ran blindly. They had been running for awhile with no sign of the forest's edge. They were starting to lose their sanity, but they knew they had to keep running. The 2nd colt's mind raced, panicking over what will happen to the two of them….he lost focus.

"This way!" the lead Colt quickly turned left. The second pony lost in thought, didn't notice his friends and continued heading forward. By the time he realized what had happened, it was too late.

"Where are you!" the long colt cried out, still running in hopes of seeing his missing companion.

"UWAAAH!" the familiar voice cried out. The colt stopped in his track, as the scream of his friend shut his entire body down. The colt, immobilized with fear, desperately tried to move; trying to quell his fears enough just to continue running. That's when they struck.

The figures moved in on the pony. They were so swift he couldn't even yell out. The last thing he saw before he fainted was the silhouette of one of his captors and the piercing bright red inequine eyes it had.

The pony dreamed, in his dream he saw images; Images of the manticores that were chasing him, of cold, hard creatures that were dragging him somewhere, of his friend. The last thing he saw before his dream faded was of the first thing the two ponies saw. A tower, a tower made of cold steel. It's surrounding smelled foul, with pools of chemicals anypony would say are toxic. Giant metal gears churning and ticking. It was such an unnatural structure, even by pony standards. Both he and his friend came upon it during an expedition, but as soon as they approached it, swarms of creatures, the likes of which neither pony had ever witnessed descended on them. So they ran.

The young colt woke up, delighted to still be among the living, found himself laying on a cold metal surface. Sounds he had never heard before going off around him, it hurt his ears. Getting a full view of his surroundings, he saw numerous cages on a moving platform. Inside were manticores, just like the ones that were chasing him before. The cages were approach a giant metal box; it had all sorts of bizarre gizmos, buttons, levers, pistons and wires. It was decades beyond anything ponies were capable of making, probably more.

He watched one caged manticore go into the box, it shook, sparks of light flickered from the inside, and lots of loud noises came from it, particularly the cries of the manticore in agony. Its cries coming to a halt when a giant metal poll that stuck out from the top descended down. On the other side of the box, a large clunky creature made of metal like the one that captured it walked out. It was unlike any creature he's ever seen, it walked on two legs and had fingers on each hand. Circular in shape, colored orange, and had blue lit up blue eyes.

Too focused on the horrors happening before him the colt hadn't realized yet that he too was locked inside a cage. Unable to continue looking any longer, the colt averted his eyes elsewhere. He took notice of the enormous complex. A corridor winded around the cylindrical building spiraling upwards, he could not even see the ceiling. He figured out where he was; the tower. He heard a voice from above, the bars obscured his view, that was probably when he first notice his entrapment.

"Ah, so our guest is finally awake I see." The voice called out. "I noticed you and your friend admiring my tower, so I decided to have you come in for a closer look, you're the first of your kind to come here."

The pony heard the sounds of gears cranking, over in the distance. He saw a cage get hoisted up by a giant metal hand. It moved closer to the pony. Getting a look at what was inside; he saw that it was his friend.

"Don't worry he's alright, for now. In fact he better in a few minutes" The tone in his voice did not reassure the colt.

"What do you want from us!" the colt shouted.

"Oh ho ho! So your kind can speak. This makes things even more exciting."

"Tell me! Why did you capture us? Who are you?"

"Of course, allow me to introduce myself."

From the wall, a walkway jutted outward just above the floor reaching the center of the tower. The pony heard footsteps belonging to the voice. He looked up; standing on the platform was not a pony, but a creature that walked on two feet. It looked like the metal creature before, or maybe it was the other way around. It had long skinny legs and arms; the lower half of its body was colored black while the other half was mostly red. Its hooves had digits but colored white, and its pale head was completely bald aside from his moustache. It had a big red nose, goggles strapped to its head, and wore glasses. Probably what stood out most to the pony what that the creature was shaped similarly to that of an egg.

"My name is Dr. Ivo Robotnik," he bowed. "As for why you and your friend are here," The Dr, pulled out a small controller and pressed a button.

Metal cubes shot out from the walls and connected themselves to the platform Robotnik was standing on. He began to work on the newly connected devices. The cage where his still knocked out friend was in began to move.

"You two have the honor of being part of my latest experiment, you two should consider yourselves lucky."

The giant claw moved the cage closer to the cube from earlier.

The colt ran out to the edge of his cage, reaching out towards his friend. "No!" he cried out.

"So you equines are smart enough to understand. Don't fret, if things work out you'll soon be joining him."

The claw dropped the cage on the conveyer belt, placing it right next to the entrance. The impact awoke the pony inside. "Wha-what? Where am I?"

"So you're finally awake. You probably shouldn't have." The Creature up top fiddled with his devices. The machine below began starting up again, this time the sounds where louder and the sparks of electricity jumped out further, practically reaching the young colt who could only watch in terror. The cage moved in, and the mad doctor. enthusiastically slammed on a button.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" The pony cried out, his scream echoed throughout the tower. It was the first time the young colt ever heard a pony neigh like that; it sent chills to his hooves. The screams continued until the metal poll dropped down, just like with the manticores.

"Now let's see how things turned out." The platform detached from the controls, and moved towards the other end of the cube. "Success! I had my doubt at first, but sometime I forgot how truly brilliant I am. Isn't that right you beauty" he said while admiring his work. "Now it's time to see if it wasn't just a fluke."

Before he could even get a look at what became of his friend, the cage the young colt was in began to move. "Why are you doing this?" he cried.

"Why? Why to fulfill my dream of domination. I may have had a minor setback back in my world, but with nothing to interfere with my plans here I'll rebuild my forces and return to finally finish what I started. As for you, while those wild beasts provide me with simple soldiers. Your kind posses true potential. Now that I know I can convert your race, I can start my next move. I'll start with a small village to build up my forces. It location is here, now please don't forget."

"Why should I remember that" the colt talked back.

"Because that will be you first mission, now come find me after you've had a change for the better."

With that the platform lifted up and the doctor. ascended, cackling madly as he disappeared.

The pony could do nothing but hopelessly slam against the bars as he moved into the dreadful machine. The pony lost it, consumed with fear of becoming one of those things. Soon he could only feel one thing. The pain, it was so immense he couldn't even cry out. He felt things clamp onto him, it was excruciating. The last thing he saw in his mind before it all went black was an image of home.

In his control room, Robotnik was formulating his next move. One of his newest metal creations walked in. "Master"

"Ah you're here. You do remember what I told you?"

"Yes master"

"Then get going, I've got a world to take over."

The mechanical monstrosity left to begin his task, while the doctor admired the view of the land. He smiled manically, looking at his future empire.