• Published 30th Dec 2011
  • 2,098 Views, 31 Comments

A bad egg in Equestria - Alkem

Dr. Robotnik from the Sonic games is loose in Equestira, with no Sonic around can anypony stop him?

  • ...

Chapter 5

A bad Egg in Equestria

With his tower still casting its menacing shadow across the leafy rooftops of the Everfree Forest, Dr. Robotnik looked out over new empire and laughed. Behind the doorway of his chambers, his vast creations were tirelessly at work. Among the busy marching lines of metallic minions, one made its way into the chamber.

"Master, I have a report on the units you sent to capture the target."

The doctor continued looking outward, smiling to himself. "Oh good, they've managed to capture that creature faster than I expected."

The little bot's gyros begin to spin wildly, causing it to rattle. "The results are actually the opposite sir. Both units' signals were lost some time after they arrived at the location. From the data we received from them before they went offline, it is determined that they have been destroyed."

"What?!" the doctor yelled, hitting his fist against his seat, quickly swerved his chair to face to face his cowering messenger. "How could my glorious creations, my beautiful masterpieces, fail?"

"Units E-140-DD and Iron Drake's signals were lost moments upon their arrival. No signs indicate a malfunction on their part, and from the last images collected it was accessed that they were destroyed by the target's defenses."

"Defenses?" Robotnik sat back down, tugging on his moustache while he stared over to Canterlot castle in the distance. "So, those ponies actually do have some fight in them. Show me the last images received from those two before they went offline."

"Roger." The droid's eyes shined bright, projecting an image in the air before them. "Now displaying the last recorded images of unit E-140-DD and unit Iron Drake." Displayed were pictures of Twilight, Pinkie, Applejack and Fluttershy combating his work.

"So, these four were the one who dismantled my creations." He crossed his arms began tapping his foot on the ground. "Any news on their current location?"

The bot's eyes flickered, changing the image to that of a map. "Last scans show, the four subjects were headed out of the target's fortifications and moving towards our location. They should be arriving in the contained sector formerly known as Ponyville."

"I see. Who's positioned in that sector?"

"Only a small battalion of Egg Pawns led by unit E-4, code name, Rusty Grim Beauty."

"Hmm. That should be enough to stop their little ragtag group of heroes. I've got to prepare for more important things." He looked on at the map, stood up, and pointed to Canterlot. "I want the ship ready for takeoff. We're hitting them hard this time. I won't fail a second time.

"Aye aye sir!" the bot replied, saluting before making its way out of the chamber.

Robotnik followed, stepping out to view his mass produced army move to prepare. He couldn't help but smile as he made his way. "Soon I'll have both of them in my hands. This, this world and all others will belong to mine. Mwahahahahahahaha!"

Miles away, out of earshot of the doctor's maniacal laughter that echoed through the forest, the quartet of Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Twilight Sparkle had just arrived at the edge of somewhere dear to them, their home; where all the madness began for them. Standing atop a hill, they had a clear view of the town. They hardly recognized it with the blanket of smog covering it. Any homes that remained were wrapped in steel coils along that rendered them indistinguishable. The only other notable thing they could see were large metal blocks that spewed plumes of black smoke. Looking past the cover of dark clouds, they spotted more of the blotted machines from before that clumsily patrolled the town.

"Jus' look at what those varmints have gone and done to our home. We've got to stop em."

"I know Applejack, I know," said Twilight. "I want to save our home too. And the best way to do that is to stop it at its source." She diverted her eyes over to the Everfree Forest, focusing on the dark spire that jutted out from its center. "We have to make our way into the Everfree Forest, and the fastest way is through Ponyville."

Standing to Twilight's left, Fluttershy, staring down at their conquered home, felt her legs begin to shake. "Um Twilight," she said, her voice as shaky as her legs were. "Why don't we just um I dunno… go around to get to the Everfree Forest? Instead of going through a Ponyville infested with all those big, mean. She shuddered, dropping to the ground. "Scary thing?"

Twilight shook her head. "Sorry Fluttershy, but we've to go through Ponyville. It's the fastest way. Plus we can save those ponies trapped inside those things. Plus Rarity or Rainbow Dash could be inside one of those things down there."

"Yes," Fluttershy sighed. "You're right Twilight. I know we can't leave our friends in danger like that. It's just that those things are so scary."

Pinkie Pie hopped beside the trembling pegasus and wrapped her forelegs around her. "Aww, no need to be scared. Together, you, me, Twilight, and Applejack can get through this in no time flat. We'll find Rarity and Dash and together, stop all this craziness."

Applejack stepped in and joined the two of them. "Pinkie's right sugar cube. As long as we stick together, there ain't nothin' stoppin' us."

With the two of them beside her, Fluttershy, still trembling slightly, stood back up. "O-o-o-okay, I'll do my best to…" She paused, thinking to herself. "But, but what am I supposed to do? The three of you can handle yourselves when it comes to handling those things, but I… I…" Fluttershy slumped down to the ground again, with her hoofs covering her face. "I'm useless."

"Now hush," Applejack commented. "Ya ain't worthless. You're just stinkin' thinkin' is all. Why remember the time when you stared down that dragon and saved us all?"

Pinkie approached and moved away Fluttershy's hooves. "Or what about that time when you stood up to the Iron Will monster,"

Twilight came in, joining the others to stand before their friend. "Or how about the time you saved Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and I from a vicious cockatrice? That was very brave."

Encourage by their words and welcoming smiles, Fluttershy looked up at them. "Well I…"

"Hmmm?" the trio hummed.

"I guess I…"

"Uh huh," they said in unison.

"I… I" Just she noticed something approach her friends from behind. Fluttershy hit the dirt, with her hooves over her head again. "I can't. I'm sorry I can't fight those things. They scare me," she said pointing to the things behind the girls.

"Eh?" The trio turned to see what had gotten her so spooked. Fluttering before them was a small swarm of butterfly cast in metal. At first the girls were surprised at the metallic insects, but after a few uneventful seconds of them pointless flying, they disregarded them

"That's it? That's what got you all frightened?" Applejack said bluntly, approaching the flying yellow creatures that were behind them "Butterflies?"

"I thought you loved butterflies? You even have a grove of them."

"I do Pinkie. But not when they're metal monster butterflies that can catch a pony and take them away."

Twilight joined AJ in observing the metallic insect, seeing them simply flutter about, the passing giving them a challenging time to stay aloft. "Uh I don't think these guys can do any of that Fluttershy. They're just flying around doing nothing."

"That's it!" Applejack shouted. "Fluttershy, this is your chance."

"My chance?" Fluttershy repeated, curiously staring at her.

"Yeah, yer chance to see what yer made of so ya get over yer fear. I'm sure if ya beat these guys you'll see that yer are a brave pony and won't be so scared no more. right Twi?" she asked turning her head.

Twilight took a moment to answer. Looking over to Fluttershy what was crouched down, then to the robotic butterflies still aimlessly flying, then back to Fluttershy who managed to move a couple of feet away when she looked away and then sighed. "I guess it's worth a shot. After all, it doesn't look like those things can do anything harmful."

Twilight, Pinkie, and Applejack stepped back, giving Fluttershy space to face the small swarm that flew about and began to surround her.

"You can do it Fluttershy, kick some tail!" Pinkie shouted, waving a small flag with Fluttershy's face on it.

With her knees rattling, back shivering, and teeth chattering, a whimpering Fluttershy slowly approached the swarm. She began inching her hoof towards them, taking her time to make contact. Carefully making her approach, cautiously, delicately, slowly, paintstaken—

"Come on already Fluttershy!" an aggravated Applejack barked, startling her to tapped against one of them.

"Um excuse me," Fluttershy said. The swarmed turned its focus onto her and hovered attentively around her. "Could you please, surrender and go back to normal?"

In the distance, Applejack and Twilight groaned collectively while Pinkie nervously slimed as they watched on. To their shock the swarm started whipping into a frenzy. They flew circles around the pegasi, increasing in speed. Seeing the situation had quickly escalate, the girls rushed over to help their friend her, but the fast moving spiraling wall of motorized bugs stopped them from getting to her.

"Twilight, can't ya stop em with yer magic?"

"I'm trying, but they're moving so fast it's hard to focus on them."

Try as they might they could only watch their friend vanish behind a curtain of swirling machines.

The robotic butterflies closed in around her, leaving less space to move with each passing second, Fluttershy, fear stricken, bent down and shielded her eyes, leaving her rear still standing upright. Within the darkness of her eye's curtains, she could barely make out her friends panicked yells. The whirling bugs made too much noise to understand what they were saying. She stayed there motionless, hoping it would be over soon. Suddenly she felt something. One of the bots had landed upon her and was noticing her cutie mark. The others, still circling around the terrified pegasus, soon followed suit and collected around her mark that was an uncanny resembles of them. Still with her hooves blocking her sight, Fluttershy realized the noise had come to a stop. She moved her hooves away and saw that the swarm had resumed its peaceful fluttering..

"Fluttershy!" Twilight called out, running towards her up with Pinkie and Applejack. "Are you okay?"

Galloping as fast as they could, they were just a few feet away when they started screeching to a halt.

"Twilight? What's wrong?" Fluttershy asked, looking on in concern, seeing her friends now cautiously backing away.

"Ah Fluttershy," Applejack said nervously. "Ya might wanna take a gander behind ya."

"Behind me?" To Fluttershy's surprise, the swarm's antennas were now glowing yellow with the spark shooting between them. As Twilight, Pinkie and Applejack stepped further away, she noticed that the sparks and light seemed to die down. Worried about what danger she was in, she too started stepping back towards the other, but the swarm followed her, their antenna lights shining brighter with each step she made closer to the girls.

"Wait a second Fluttershy," called out Twilight. "I think they may be trying to protect you."

"Protect me?"

"Yes. Whenever we tried to approach, they became defensive. They also started acting up when you were getting close to us. They must think you're one of them and only trying to keep you safe."

"A-ar-are you sure about that Twilight?"

"Positive. I bet if we try to get too close they'll attack whoever it is in self defense."

"Hmm," Pinkie stepped past the pair standing beside her. "Let's see about that." Pinkie quickly rushed in and started zigzagging around Fluttershy. The butterfly robot's antennas shined bright again and began zapping bolts of lightning down, missing the quick hoofed mare that then ran around and went back to the others. "Okay, you're right. They are guarding her."

With this revelation, Fluttershy looked to her hovering guardians who simply fluttered beside to her as if nothing and stared them down. "Okay guys, listen up… please. These girls are my friends, and you do not hurt my friends."

Still eying the collection of metallic bugs, Fluttershy started stepping back towards her friends. Right on cue, the swarm began to light up in preparation to fire. Seeing this, Fluttershy narrowed her gaze at them and continued stepping back. In reaction, the swarm's light show began to die down until the last of them cut off its weapon as she reached her friends. "There, see, friends, friends. Good boys."

After confirming it was safe to approach, Pinkie was the first to run over to hug Fluttershy and admire her new friends. "This is so incredible Fluttershy. First you were all scared like, "aaah! Noo!" she said mimicking Fluttershy's earlier trembling. "But now you've gotten over your fears. Even better, you made some new friends from it!"

Applejack and Twilight joined in to congratulate her. Holding one of the insectoids in her hoof, Twilight examined one of the newly acquired friends. "I'm not too sure about this. There's no telling if these things are safe or not."

"Aww, come on Twilight. They seem like they'll listen, plus they look really cute," said Pinkie.

"Well, if they can help Fluttershy, I suppose. Alright, let's get going already. We still have friends to save and a doctor to stop."

Making their way down the streets of their conquered town, the sounds of steel and iron grinding followed by loud pops followed them. Together the four of them struck hard and fast, bashing each mechanical foe that blocked their path, liberating the pony inside who emerged slightly dazed from the dismantled scraps heaps to hear Applejack call out to them.

"Quick everypony, head for Canterlot! You'll be safe there!"

Focusing on getting a group of ponies' attention, Applejack didn't noting a pair of egg pawn that lunged at her. Thankfully Twilight caught them using her magic, smashed them against each other and also yelling out instructions.

"Tell everypony you see to head there. Go, now!"

Dozens of freed ponies galloped away, while Applejack, Twilight, Pinkie, and Fluttershy valiantly faced off against the hordes of foes still headed their way.

Applejack lassoed up groups of them at a time and swung them over her head like a ball and chain, slammed it onto another bots. Twilight meanwhile was tossing and bots into the air, hurtling them onto the cube structures around them and cracking them like the eggs they resembled. Up ahead of them, Pinkie Pie was displaying her impressive acrobatics and quick hoof work, giggling all the while as she tricked the mechanical drone into running into each other and hopped along their heads.

Bringing up the rear, with a butterfly bot positioned on her head turned her head left and right to guiding her where to go, Fluttershy galloped ahead with her eyes sealed shut behind Twilight and Applejack, completely unaware that her newly acquainted friends were absolutely decimating everything that dared get close to her. They clustered up, firing their shots into a concentrated blast that blew away the robots' metal casings imprisoning the mares and colts trapped inside.

"Please everypony, hurry to Canterlot," said Fluttershy, still running with her eyes shut. Her voice timid voice made inaudible by the cries and yells of the ponies already headed to Canterlot.

"Girls, we're almost at the center of town!" Twilight shouted.

"We are?" Pinkie asked, trying to look through the smoke around them. "I can't see a thing through all this smoke."

"Trust me Pinkie, I know Ponyville's roads like the back of hoof.

They arrived at the town center, expecting to find a familiar building, but all that remained was a big patch of dirt surrounded by more fuming metal cubes along its edges. Twilight, surprised to find nothing where they stood, desperately searched for the missing structure she thought would be there.

"But, town hall should be right here. This street leads right to it, I'm sure of it."

Fluttershy ran up beside her and pointed her hoof off to the distance. "Uh, Twilight, I think there is something still here."

Pinkie squinted over where she pointed and faintly made out an object in the smoke "What do you think it is?"

Twilight also narrowed her eyes for a better look and saw that whatever it was, it was approaching them fast. "Trouble."

Applejack looked over at the mysterious object and then dug her hooves into the dirt. "Twi's right ya'll. Looks like we're in for another fight."

Making it way over, a machine different from those they had fought previously approached the girls. It had no feet, instead it hovering off the ground. Its shape was simply that of a large face mask covering the lower half of it behind a massive fan to only show a pair of soulless yet gorgeous eyes.

Before Twilight could even take a step forward to approach it, the mechanical visage flew back from them. Still holding its fan upright, rockets began firing from its edges that rapidly closed in on the girls.

"Everybody move!"

Doing as Twilight ordered, they scattered, avoiding the shells that hit the ground. The blasts that followed rocked the area leaving a plum of flames and smoke rising from the craters they made. The girls, knocked back by the blast regardless of dodging it, got up as quick as they could to face the emotionless machine.

"Bombs?!" Applejack yelled, scanning around to spot her friends. "Alright everypony, keep movin'; and whatever ya do, don't let those things hit ya!"

More missiles shot skyward and scattered throughout the field, each one headed for one of the girls. Pinkie easily zipped away to doge while Fluttershy's guardians picked her up and yanked her to avoid them. Applejack and Twilight however used their lasso and magic respectively to send some rockets back, striking it hard and knocking it flat on the ground.

"Now's our chance. Let's get em while it's down." Applejack commanded, leading the charge. She rushed in, giving the mask her signature buck that took out one of its eyes. The others followed her example, landing their own kicks, even Fluttershy.


Who, despite her best effort, only managed to lightly tap her hoof against it. Thankfully her companions more than made up for her attacks with their collective slams that dented it heavily.

Their battle went on, going back and forth. Rockets flying all over the place, converting the once plain field into a crevice marred battlefield. Taking another round of its own projectiles, the heavily damaged automaton began violently lashing out. It removed its fan, revealing a jagged rusty disfigured mouth that let out a bone chilling shriek that caused the girls to gasp.

It thrashed about, belting out its screeching wails while rockets launched in all directions. Seeing the projectiles being sent out, Twilight and Applejack went to work catching and tossing back every missile they could.

The batter mask, now appearing deranged by its own barrage, came to a halt. Its fan, struggling to stay airborne, dropped to the ground with a metallic thud that echoing through the field. The girls looked on and waited as the now ghoulish and haunting mask could no longer stay afloat. It's chin dug into the soil, bucking under its own weight while the sounds of crunching and churning as it desperately tried to stay functional. With the noises of it falling apart increasing, it opened its mouth and wailed out its death cry. With chunks chipping off, others thrown off from small internal burst, its ear piercing cry faded under the blast that engulfed it. The final blast spanned out through the field, just missing Twilight, Applejack, Pinkie and Fluttershy, all of whom had lain low to avoid the spreading inferno as best they could. At ground zero, the blast had vanished and the only thing could be heard was the scream of pony.

"Aaaaaaaaah!" the mare standing on two hooves yelled out with all her might before collapsing to the ground in exhaustion.

Everything was dark. But for Rarity, the sensation one feels when they first regain consciousness from a slumber was welcomed feeling, especially considering it seemed as though she had been gone for quite some time. Right before she opened her eyes memories came flooding back to her. Dark memories of what she experienced that last time she was conscious. She clamped her eyes shut, daring not to open them for fear of still being in that horrid place. Her senses returning to her, she started hearing some voices around her.

"Oh, I just hope Rarity's going to be okay."

"Now calm down sugar cube, Rarity's a lot stronger then she looks. Why I bet she'll be up in no time."

"Applejack's right Fluttershy. Rarity will be up and at em in no time. So try and relax, just like Applejack is. Speaking of, AJ, do you mind letting me go now? You're starting to crush me.

"Oh, sorry bout that Pinkie."


"Girl, come on. I know you're all worried, but we gotta give Rarity some space."

"Sorry Twilight."

As Rarity heard three sets of hoof steps move away, she also heard one set that was moved closer.

"Please, get better soon Rarity, we need you."

Hearing Twilight's plea, Rarity fought past her fears. "Twi-Twilight?" she said faintly, opening her eyes to catch Twilight standing over her with wavy smile on her face and well as tears running down her cheeks.

"Rarity!" Twilight said excitedly. "Girls, girls, Rarity's awake!"

Before Rarity could lift her head and turn, she felt a warm pink presence wrap around her.

"I knew we'd find you. I'm so happy!"

That warm sensation was quickly joined by two more sets of hooves holding her tightly.

"Oh Rarity, we've missed you so much."

"Glad to have ya back girl."

Finally, Twilight joined in and the five of them enjoyed this momentary joyous moment.

There under the darkened sky, in the battle scarred field, the girls took the time to fill Rarity in on what's happened while she recovered.

"Oh my. This is simply dreadful. We must hurry then. To rescue our friends and put an end this vile fiend's villainy."

"That's that spirit Rarity," Twilight commented. "Now let get moving. To the Everfree—"

A strong gust of wind suddenly blew through the area, blowing away the smoke that surrounded them and for the faintest of seconds the sun shined down upon them. That light vanished as quickly as it came as a shadow moved over the area above them.

"What in tarnation's goin' on?!" Applejack shouted as they all looked up to see what blocked out the sun.

Soaring on high, cloaking what was once Ponyville under a blanket of darkness, a gargantuan fortress slowly flew past.

"Wha-what in Equestria is that?!" Rarity said, looking on in shock.

"It's the doctor," Twilight answered. "He must be headed to Canterlot."

"We have to stop him then," said Pinkie.

"But how are we supposed to get up there? Even with my wings, there's no way I can carry all of you up there."

Twilight stared up at the aerial building making its way to the castle. Her mind racing to figure out a plan.

"Hey Twilight, what about this thing?"

Twilight turned quickly to see Pinkie Pie standing besides the large fan left behind from their previous battle. Suddenly an Idea came rushing to her. "Pinkie Pie, you're a genius!"

"I am?"

Twilight rushed over and started examine the device. "Yes. If we can use this thing's rockets to pull us, then maybe we can ride the fan up there."

Applejack joined her side with a questionable look on her face. "So let me get this straight. You wanna use rockets, rockets that explode mind you."

"Yeah, exploding like, blam, boom, and kaboom!" Pinkie commented.

"Right, those, and use em to send us flyin' through the air to catch up to a giant flying whatsit."

"Do you have a better idea?" Twilight asked.

"Hoofin' it to Canterlot."

"Sorry AJ, but we don't many other options and it's the fastest way I can think of." Using her magic, Twilight positioned the fan, aiming its wide end towards the ship. She then stood atop it and looked down onto it. "Now I just have to figure out how to…" She slammed her hoof down hard against its surface and caused a rocket to fly out which disappearing off in the distance. "Yes! Perfect. Okay Applejack, I'll need your lasso for the next part. Hop on everypony, we're taking off."

Aside from Pinkie Pie, who gleefully hopped aboard, the others climbed on with a bit of nervous reluctance.

"Are you sure about this Twi? I still think it's a might dangerous."

"I must agree with Applejack. Surely we can find some other method of transport that isn't quite so, hazardous?"

Turning to face her friends, Twilight puffed out her chest and looked sternly at them. "Look girls, I know this seems really risky, but we don't much else to go with. That mad man is on his way to Canterlot right now and we're the only ones who have a chance to stop. This may not be the best way, but it's the quickest, and right now we could really use a boost."

Both Rarity and Applejack looked at each other, still unsure about what they were about to do, and sighed. "Oh alright."

"Very well then."

Twilight looked over to Applejack. "Okay AJ, you ready to lasso up some rocket?"

"As ready as I'll ever be Twi," she answered.

"Okay, here we go." She hit her hoof against the fan again, causing another missile to launch. "Now AJ."

On Twilight's signal, Applejack twirled her rope and lassoed the rocket. Her rope then vanished from her mouth in a bright flash of light, reappearing tied to the front of the fan.

"There now we just need a few more," said Twilight as she triggered more rockets to fire. This time she quickly grabbed hold of them with her magic and tied them together with the first one. With the collection of rockets pulling it forward, the fan began to move. Lifting up off the ground and picking up speed, it headed skyward towards their destination, with the girls hanging on tightly.