• Published 30th Dec 2011
  • 2,098 Views, 31 Comments

A bad egg in Equestria - Alkem

Dr. Robotnik from the Sonic games is loose in Equestira, with no Sonic around can anypony stop him?

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Chapter 3

A bad egg in Equestria

Chapter 3:

I never saw her after she left. Well I guess you can say I did, but that honestly wasn't her, not anymore. After she disappeared everything seemed to snowball out of control. Applejack and Rarity went in search of her. Only Applejack returned. She told us about the city of metal, the tower in the forest, and that ponies were being turned into robotic monstrosities. She said if it wasn't for Rarity's magic she wouldn't have made it back. Infuriated by the report, the Princesses organized an army to attack the tower and its owner and to free everypony who had been captured.

Nopony expected this to be the outcome.

In the Town of Ponyville, a small village located near the northern edge of the forest,a battalion of pegasus and unicorn knights were in formation preparing to embark. The town itself was mostly empty; dozens of ponies had abandoned the town when the stories of disappearances increased. The royal princesses were also present. They chose to come, after hearing the light orange mare's survivor story. They wanted to see for themselves what had been taking away ponies, and, according to the survivor, transforming them into hideous abominations. Ponies had tried to convince the sisters against coming along, but the two of them were too engulfed with anger to be convinced.

The skies about the town were cover with dark clouds nopony had ever seen before. Pegasus ponies had tried to clear the clouds away, but these were different. They didn't move easily, ponies that stayed around them too long became sick. Worst of all they just kept coming eventually blocking out the sun. The remaining 4 of the 6 heroes stayed with their princesses, ready to do whatever they could to stop this threat and save their friends.

"Spike, are you positive you want to come, this is going to be dangerous?" Twilight Sparkle, apprentice to princess Celestia and one of the 6 heroes of Equestria, asked her faithful assistant who was riding on her back.

The baby dragon only gave her a stern, determined look; hiding the feeling of despair he's had since his crush vanished.

Princess Celestia flew up, facing everypony, and addressed her army. It was the first in a long time that she spoke to her people using the traditional royal Canterlot voice.

"Attention all my beloved subjects, today we're are faced with a most dire threat, the first in a very long time! We have gathered here to launch an attack on an unknown enemy, who stands to endanger our very lives! I ask of each of you to lend me your strength in this dark time! Together we shall overcome! Look out for everypony; the friendships we hold shall see us through this challenge! Now we shall put an end to the fear, to the darkness. Go my ponies, to victory, the sun and the moon shine over you all this day!"

Everypony cheers their leader's speech, invigorated to face any danger.

"That certainly was a breathtaking speech you majesty." A voice boomed out from the Everfree forest. The sounds of clapping accompanied it.

Everypony gasped, jumping up in surprise. The knights assumed battle formations. The princesses stayed where they were flying up at the front. Twilight and her friends were at the rear, all of them looking at the forest, the pink haired pegasus shivering wildly.

"You know I was planning on expanding soon, I had already seen the three kinds of pony races and got to study them for the most part, so I didn't think anymore research was needed before moving on. But then I got to witness both you and your sister. My, this was a surprise, I was planning to harvest more ponies to make my army and wouldn't you know it, an army of ponies comes to me. Even better a new race shows up and theirs two of them. Seeing as you're princesses I bet you two are of a very rare breed. Oh I can't wait to find out what secrets you hide.

Something pops out of the tree tops of the forest. The strange round flying machine of Doctor Robotnik's hovers above the forest, the evil genius stands atop it looking down at the two winged unicorns and their subjects.

"In fact I think I won't wait at all." The madman stretches out one hand pointing over to the ponies. "Capture all of them!"

With his order hundreds of bipedal robots pop out from the forests. Hundreds more rocket out from the tree tops. Their surprise attack catches the pony army off guard, but they soon charge to face the doctor's forces.

I remember fighting; the unicorn knights faced the enemy on the ground while the pegasus knights contended with the enemies in the air. Those things used a net of some kind. It shot out from their weapons. The unicorn knights could only stop so many. The nets electrocuted them, knocking them out. Those things grabbed those ponies that were unconscious and carried them away. I tried sending their nets back to them, but that did nothing. We realized we now had to two issues one was the enemy, and the other was prevent them from taking our fallen.

We managed to destroy a few but it was like Applejack said, inside those things were ponies. It made fighting a lot harder especially when ponies were falling from the sky. We had to split our efforts between fighting and catching falling ponies and pegasus knights, but those monsters, they just kept firing. One of those things almost got Fluttershy as she went to catch a falling pony, but thankfully Pinkie Pie's party cannon stopped it. It was hectic but it started to look like we were winning.

That was until she showed up. When I first saw those colors I started to believe we were going to win. The familiar figure flew through the battle field above me, soaring faster than I've ever seen before. As she zoomed by the battlefield, more and more pegasus knights fell. Down below something unlike the others machines had shown up and started to plow through the unicorns. It had a face that it hid behind a giant metal fan. If it had never moved the fan I would've thought it was beautiful; but when it removed its face cover I saw it for what it was, a monster.

The princesses were assisting their guards while using their magic to bring falling ponies safely down. When they started to overwhelm us, that's when the Doctor made his move. A large hand shot out from the forest, headed straight for the princess. Her back was turned, she didn't see it coming. I was going to save her with my magic, but I also saw my friend Applejack surrounded by a group that was about fire on her. I chose to save my friend, I teleported her to safety, then looked up towards my teacher. The metal hand would have gotten Celestia, but Princess Luna shoved her to safety. Luna screamed as the hand clamped around her, electricity shot through her. Everypony watched, losing morale after that.

Princess Celestia lost it. She began flying towards her sister, who was being pulled away. Using her magic to its fullest she began to destroy hundreds of enemies around her. A group of electrified nets were heading straight towards her, filled with rage, she no longer cared. If it weren't for that group of pegasus knights who jumped in the way we would have lost her too. Seeing her knights' risk themselves for her safety, snapped Celestia back. I managed to teleport Luna out of the metal trap, but as I ran over to catcher her I was struck down, the hit knocked Spike off me. I looked to see what hit me, and that's when I saw her.

It was Rainbow Dash; one of my best friends, except it wasn't her. She was covered from head to hoof in metal, just like those things. Her eyes were no longer dark pink and filled with the warmth of a loyal friend, but bright red and cold. She caught Princess Luna, and before I could even cast a spell, she took off into the forest. After that I remember Princess Celestia ordered everypony to retreat. I was hurt by that thing that looked like Rainbow Dash's attack; the only thing I could remember was seeing the princess and a bright light.

In Canterlot castle, various knights and ponies where lying in makeshift bed, being treated for their injuries. Those ponies that had been saved from those metal monsters were being questioned. Over in one of the beds, a lavender unicorn lay unconscious while her four friends wait close by.

"Is Twilight going to be ok?"The worried pony asked.

"I dunno, I dunno" The panicked pink haired, yellow pegasus with the butterflies cutie mark replied.

"Now calm down Pinkie, you too Fluttershy, the doctor said she had a bump to the noggin, but she would be ok" The light orange mare answered, trying to hide her own concern. "We just need to wait till she gets up; the princess said she wanted to talk to us after."

The entire city was in lockdown, nopony was aloud outside the castle ground. Everypony was scared that those thing might come for the castle, that no place was safe. If one of their princesses was captured, is their anyway of protecting the other.

Twilight Sparkle finally came to. She awoke to the sight of her friends around her, but somepony was missing, or rather some dragon.

"Where's Spike?" The unicorn asked.

All her friends' faces suddenly turned sullen.

"I'm sorry Twi." The blonde earth pony said, while placing her hat on her chest.

The unicorn broke down into tears, her faithful assistant her best friend was gone. It was the only thing she could do. Her friends moved in, hugging her tightly.

After their respite, the four girls went to the royal chambers. Inside Princess Celestia was grieving her own loss. The girls politely announced their presence.

"Thank you for coming girls." She spoke, trying to hide how hurt she was.

"You highness I'm sorry for your loss." The princess's apprentice said.

"It's alright my pupil, we have all lost a lot this day, but we must move on. We cannot let this villain win. I've called you here because I am about to ask you to do an important task." She levitated an exquisite, jewel adorned box over to the four mares and opens it.

"The elements of harmony, but I thought they won't work." The unicorn paused, her tone turned sad, "Not without Rainbow Dash and Rarity."

"Your friends are not gone Twilight Sparkle. You saw with your own eyes that ponies can be saved from the villains clutches. While they may not be as strong when they are together they may still lend you the strength you need to save your friends, my sister, and all of Equestria. It is no longer safe for me to approach that tower, so I must put my faith in you, the heroes of Equestria. You must save your friends and together use all the elements of harmony to stop this mad fiend." The princess used her magic on the elements changing the elements current form, from five necklaces and crown, to 6 pendants. "This should make carrying and using them easier."

The four ponies take the elements from her, admiring their new appearance.

"Don't worry your highness; we'll save our friends and Princess Luna" said the Stetson wearing pony.

"Yeah and then we'll show they mean crazy doctor and his robots" the poufy haired pink pony added.

Sensing the support of her friends Twilight felt hope slowly take the place of the sadness that was gripping her. "Together we can stop this threat!"

Celestia nodded to the heroes. "You must hurry, there's no telling when that madman will strike."

As if on cue, a large crash occurred outside in the courtyard.

"Dragon!" a guard yelled out.

The pony all looked out the window, it was true; in the courtyard there was a dragon, but this one was different. It was mechanical like those two legged creatures from before.

"Alright girls it time to save Equestria." Twilight said while sticking her hoof out.

"Yeehaw! Together we stop this thing. Applejack said while stacking her hoof on top of Twilight's

"Yeah and well save our friends!" Pinkie shouted, putting her hoof in.

"F-For Rarity and Rainbow Dash" Fluttershy said, as her shaky hoof went in the middle.

The girls lifted their hooves high and shouted, "For Equestria!" and took off to meet the danger outside,

The princess looked on as the quartet ran off, and said "Good luck my little ponies."