• Published 16th Oct 2012
  • 5,265 Views, 103 Comments

Tryouts, Tears and Truth - gmen15

Applejack realizes she loves Rainbow Dash, who's trying out for the Wonderbolts

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Tryouts, Tears and Truth

Tryouts, Tears and Truth

Applejack really should have been apple bucking. She should have been hard at work, harvesting apples for her family, instead of letting her mind drift off while her green eyes stared out beyond the orchard, taking in the vast sky that surrounded.

She always stressed how daydreaming should be saved for the occasional breaks from work, believing that having one's mind on subjects not related to apple bucking would result in a reduction in work quality and speed or, as she put it, cause one to "lolly-gag" or "dilly-dally around like a school-aged filly".

Normally, the only thing that could get her mind off work was thinking about a freshly made zap apple pie, which never failed to make her mouth water from imagining the warm, crispy goodness of the non-existent pastry.

But right now, she was thinking about something else entirely.

Her strange attention span loss started early that morning, when Rainbow Dash stopped by. She was on her way to the tryouts when she came by to thank Applejack for supporting her over the last couple of days.

Applejack was confident that her friend was a lock. Not only was she faster and better than most of the current Wonderbolts, she also saved three of them- as well as Rarity-and always seemed to leave an impression on Spitfire. Recently, the yellow and orange pegasus had taken quite a liking to Rainbow Dash, even going so far as to ask Rainbow Dash to attend her birthday party, which was something only a handful of ponies outside of the Wonderbolts had the privilege of being invited to.

Applejack stared out at the horizon, a content smile spread across her face. Her mind was solely on Rainbow Dash and the tryout. Applejack could see her rain-nuking the competition, her cyan face full of glee after reading her name on the list of ponies that made the cut, the same glee she saw on her face only a few days before, when she first flew to Sweet Apple Acres to tell Applejack about the invite.

It was a particularly clear and sunny day. Applejack was in the orchard, hard at work bucking the apple trees.

Suddenly, somepony called her name. She looked up to see the Rainbow Dash flying towards her, a big grin on her face. It was a grin that revealed Rainbow Dash's competitive nature, as well as her excitement. In her hoof, she held a piece of paper, rolled up so Applejack couldn't tell if it had anything on it, or if it was just scrap she picked up on the way over.

But she couldn't worry about the mysterious scroll for too long, because Rainbow Dash was flying directly at her face with no sign of slowing down. Was she too excited to notice her jet-like speed? Did she want to run into Applejack as some form of rough play, something the two mares often enjoyed to do?

Rainbow Dash skidded to a halt mere inches from Applejack's face, causing Applejack to rear back in fright, her hat flying off her head and landing on the ground beside her hooves.

"Whoa there speed-demon! Y'all almost took mah head off." Applejack said, picking her hat off the ground and brushing it off before placing it on her head.

Rainbow Dash landed on the ground, her grin wide, her eyes excited. She was acting like a filly that just shared a kiss with the hottest colt in school.

"Sorry AJ, but this is just too cool! I can't hold back!" Rainbow Dash said, hopping a bit.

"Hold back with what?" Applejack asked, still puzzled by her friend's erratic behavior.

Rainbow Dash unrolled the piece of paper and held it up for Applejack to see. The paper showed the image of three ponies in skin-tight blue suits, their eyes hidden behind goggles and the determined look of athletes on their faces. In the background, similarly dressed ponies flew through the sky in a uniform pattern, smoke trailing behind them as they made their descent.

The bottom of the page read, "CONGRATULATIONS! YOU HAVE BEEN SELECTED FOR THIS YEAR'S ANNUAL WONDERBOLT TRYOUTS!" in yellow letters, some of which were in the shape of a lightning-bolt, giving the poster some more spice and further promoting the group.

"I got this in the mail yesterday! I guess saving the Wonderbolts and successfully filling Cloudsdale's reservoir has its advantages." Rainbow Dash said full of glee. She lowered the poster so Applejack was looking directly into her friend's big, red eyes.

Applejack smiled, "Well boy howdy, ah sure am happy for ya RD."

"Thanks! Only a handful of pegasi get invitations to try out for the Wonderbolts, and even fewer make the cut," Rainbow Dash said, rolling the paper back up into a scroll and holding it in her hoof "And it's in three days, which means I'll have to train extra hard to make sure I'm ready to knock them off their hooves!"

Applejack chuckled, "That's really a great accomplishment. How many pegasi are trying out?"

"Well usually five to ten are invited, and the Wonderbolts usually only take two. Three at most, but that's only if they're losing a member to retirement or injury or something."

"Ah," Applejack nodded, "Well, listen let me know if ya want mah help with anything."

"Actually..." Rainbow Dash said, looking down at her hooves, "Everyone is so busy, what with Twilight being in Canterlot for the week and Fluttershy taking care of that injured bear, that I haven't found anyone to practice in front of. So, I was wondering if you wouldn't mind watching me practice and give me feedback on how I look. You know, so I feel ready for tryouts?"

Applejack smiled, "Shoot, ah'd be more than honored ta be yer audience."

Rainbow Dash looked back up at her friend, grinning euphorically. "Really?"

"Of course."

"Awesome!" Rainbow Dash leapt into the air, pumping her hoof in victory. She then looked down at her friend, her wings gently flapping to keep her hovering, something that made Applejack stare in awe. How the sunlight reflected off of her cyan fur, how her joyful grin glistened and made her look radiant. Applejack couldn't do anything but stare at her friend, who seemed too caught up in the moment to notice.

"Well, I see you've got some work to do. I'll stop by in a couple of hours, sound good?"

"Huh?" Applejack said, snapping out of her trance and looked back up at Rainbow Dash, "Oh, of course RD. Stop by at three, ah should be done with work by then."

"Sweet! I'll see ya then!" Rainbow Dash said with a wave. She then flew off, scroll in hoof, leaving a brilliant array of colors in her wake. Applejack continued to stare in the direction she flew off in, she couldn't seem to look away for almost ten minutes, when the sound of Winona barking in the distance brought her back to reality. She finished her work for the day, not able to stop thinking about her friend. To her, Rainbow Dash was more than just a friend. In fact, she saw Rainbow Dash as more than a best friend.

She had feelings for her that she never felt for anypony else, neither mare nor stallion. They did remind her of the feelings she had for colts back when she was a filly. But these were so much more, multiplied to a level she never felt for any colt. It was love. Pure love that she regrettably knew would never amount to anything more than a dream.

She wished that she was brave enough to tell her friend how she felt, but whenever her heart pleaded this, her mind jumped in the way with thoughts of what could go wrong. What if she wasn't okay with it? What if she freaked-out?

What if Rainbow Dash no longer wanted to be her friend?

She didn't want to take the risk, especially when she knew Rainbow wouldn't feel the same way.

Sighing, Applejack finished her work for the day and waited for her friend to arrive. The air began to become cooler; a gentle breeze flowed through Applejack's straw-colored mane.

Right around three, Rainbow Dash returned, wearing the newest of three replica Wonderbolts uniforms she owned. Even with the lack of goggles, Rainbow Dash looked like a legitimate Wonderbolt, both in how she presented herself and the authenticity of the uniform.

Even so, Applejack couldn't help but chuckle at her friend's appearance, but Rainbow Dash didn't care. She landed and started to strut around like a peacock. A cocky grin was on her face, her eyes on Applejack, it was pure swag and Applejack loved it.

"Don't act like I don't look good in this thing." Rainbow Dash said.

Applejack kept laughing. Careful to hide her blush, she kept her face angled towards the ground. The shadows from the surrounding trees concealed the rosy tint in her cheeks.

Applejack had to admit, Rainbow Dash did look good.

The pegasus started her routine by flying around, flipping in the air, zigzagging in-between clouds like they were cones and she was a soccer player. Even when Rainbow Dash was extremely high, Applejack could see the determination on her face. She had the cocky grin of an athlete, the same kind of grin she had whenever she was showing off her skills. She eyed a couple of clouds, licking her lips in anticipation before flying at them, then around them. She kept flying around them until they were able to spin like fluffy, white dreidels.

Rainbow Dash then took to the skies, higher and higher. Applejack had to shield her eyes from the sun to watch her friend. Rainbow Dash stopped, floated in the air for a moment, composing herself, and darted towards the ground, her teeth gritted, tears forming in her eyes as her body began to stretch slightly, a cone forming in front of her. Moments later, she broke through the cone, leaving ripples of rainbow behind her. Applejack was too stunned to do anything.

Much like when Rainbow pulled off the feat at the Young Flyers' Competition, the sonic rainboom stunned Applejack. No matter how many times she'd seen it, which amounted to about four; she couldn't help but gawk at the trick.

Rainbow Dash came to a stop directly above Applejack, her grin even bigger than it was when she started. But this grin wasn't drenched in cockiness like the one she had earlier was. This grin was one of pure joy.

She felt joy at her accomplishment and her impressive flying skills. But she knew it wasn't her who'd be judging her flying. She turned to Applejack.

"Well, what did you think?" Rainbow Dash asked, still panting from her routine. "Did you like it?"

"Ah..." Applejack said, too stunned to speak.

Rainbow Dash laughed, her grin once again displaying cockiness in addition to joy.

"Ha! Speechless! I knew it, I'm totally awesome."

"Uh...yeah speechless...ah sure am...speechless." Applejack said, rubbing the back of her head anxiously. While Rainbow Dash's tricks did manage to shock Applejack, they weren't the reason for her sudden inability to speak well. It was caused by how amazing she looked doing them. Rainbow Dash had everything; grace, poise, confidence and skill.

Rainbow Dash tilted her head in confusion.

"Um AJ? Are you okay? Your face is a little red."

Applejack realized her burning cheeks were no longer hidden by the shadows. To throw Rainbow Dash off the trail she quickly formulated an excuse.

"Oh, right. Sorry it was just...ya blew me away RD, ya really did." Applejack said. She grinned nervously, hoping her hasty explanation would be bought by the thick-headed pegasus.

Thankfully, Rainbow Dash was so caught up in her own success, that she didn't ponder her friend's odd behavior any more than she had to.

"Yes! I am truly the best flier in all of Equestria I am great, oh yeah!" Rainbow Dash began to dance in the air, saying "I'm so awesome, I'm so rad." over and over, doing the robot, moonwalk-or "Luna-walk", as many ponies called it-and some other odd dance moves, including "the q-tip", "making the pizza", "the bus driver" and "flipping the table".

Applejack laughed, her face turned an even darker shade of red.

"Dang, y'all should consider going into dancing if this whole Wonderbolt thing doesn't play out."

Rainbow Dash stopped dancing and looked down at her friend. Her previously cocky expression suddenly became dubious.

"You think it won't?"

Applejack was initially confused, until she realized the implications of what she said.

"Oh no! Ah know y'all will make it. Sorry, ah didn't mean ta give ya that doubt."

"Oh, okay." Rainbow Dash said, her voice still showing a slight bit of doubt. She landed and looked down. Stricken by guilt, Applejack trotted over and placed her hoof onto her friend's shoulder, slowly rubbing it to make her feel better.

"Rainbow Dash ya listen ta me all right." Applejack took her friend by the shoulders. Rainbow Dash looked up at her. Applejack almost lost herself in the rose-colored eyes of her friend, but quickly snapped out of it so she could make her point, "ya are the most amazing, fastest, best flying pegasus this side of Equestria. Not only do ah think ya will make the Wonderbolts, ah know ya will."

Rainbow Dash's shoulders relaxed at Applejack's comforting words. She gave her friend a kind smile and chuckled.

"He-he, thanks Applejack. I always appreciate your reassuring words."

Applejack smiled, "Well ah wouldn't be saying it if it weren't true. Ah'm the element of honesty, and I honestly believe in yer flying ability."

Rainbow Dash smiled and gave Applejack a friendly hug, which Applejack returned, though with some more affection than Rainbow Dash. She felt so warm in her embrace, so welcome and safe. Rainbow Dash's chest being so close to her own made their beating hearts sound like one, even with the skin-tight Wonderbolts' uniform acting like a thin barrier between the two.

Applejack might have been the element of honesty, but she could never confess these feelings. Part of her wished that she could, but deep in her heart she knew the relationship she had with Rainbow Dash could never go beyond friendship. Not that it was a bad thing. Applejack loved the relationship they already had, even if at times she wanted it to be something more.

For the rest of the day and into the evening, Applejack watched as her friend did her routine. Each time she praised her, saying "good job" or "yer amazing" and even "yeehaw partner! that's what ah'm talking about!"

Once she was done flying, Rainbow Dash bade her friend a good-night and flew off, having no idea of the thoughts running through Applejack's head involving her.

The next couple of days were much the same. Rainbow Dash would stop by in the last afternoon, wearing her Wonderbolts' uniform, and go through her routine. She even managed to perform some newer tricks she just learned. Tricks she read were especially well-received by the Wonderbolts, tricks that made them take notice. But even as Applejack watched the performance, her mind was only focused on the mare performing them. As the day came to a close and the sun began to set, the chilly night air starting to surround the friends, Rainbow Dash left. Applejack would then spend the rest of the night thinking about her.

Finally, the big day came, and Applejack couldn't feel happier for her friend. Rainbow Dash stopped by early in the morning, a pair of goggles strapped around her neck. She was right and raring to go, but Applejack could tell she was suffering from the pre-performance butterflies that so many athletes talked about having. She rested her hoof onto her friend's shoulder and smiled.

"Yer gonna do great sugarcube."

Rainbow Dash returned the smile, "Yeah, I know. Still, I can't help but feel a little nervous."

"That's normal. Why, before any rodeo I compete in ah feel like mah legs are gonna collapse beneath me. But once ah start, everything works out fine, just like ah know everything will work out fine with ya at these tryouts."

"I know." Rainbow Dash giggled, before she gave Applejack another hug, "Thanks for being my cheering section."

"N-no problem, sugarcube." Applejack said, returning the hug. Once again, her blush returned and her heart-rate began to increase. She nuzzled her head against Rainbow Dash's neck, something that most friends would do to comfort each other. Rainbow Dash returned the gesture, sending a tingle through Applejack's spine, before she broke the hug off.

"Wish me luck!" Rainbow Dash said with a grin.

"He-he, good luck RD, not that ya need it."

Rainbow Dash jumped into the air and looked down at Applejack, her eyes brimming with the utmost confidence.

"Next time you see me, I'll be a full-fledged Wonderbolt!"

With that Rainbow Dash flew off, leaving Applejack behind, waving to her as her friend flew further and further away until she was nothing but a speck in the distance, trailed by a brilliant rainbow.

Applejack let out a dreamy sigh, thinking about the time she spent with Rainbow Dash over the past couple of days. She imagined her elegant flying, her beauty that was only rivaled by Princess Celestia. Applejack could have spent the entire day thinking about her crush, but there was work to be done. So after daydreaming for a full ten minutes, Applejack finally re-entered the reality and trotted over to the next tree, turned around, reared her hind-hooves into the air and slammed them against the trunk. She watched in satisfaction as dozens of apples filled the buckets beneath the tree.

But even with so much work to be done, she found herself less productive. Her mind was still on Rainbow Dash. She found herself mentally wishing her friend luck over and over. She kept imagining her bright face when she'd return with a shiny, new Wonderbolt uniform on her well-toned frame. Applejack just couldn't wait to see her friend and hear the good news.

Finally, Applejack saw the familiar streak of rainbow in the sky. She grinned and prepared for her friend to fly over and tell her that she made the Wonderbolts.

Applejack took a few steps away from the trees, looking up and saw Rainbow Dash fly towards her.

It was then that she realized something was wrong.

Normally, Rainbow Dash would be coming in at break-neck speed, only to stop right before she would crash into Applejack, causing her to break out into a fit of laughter at Applejack's frightened response.

But this time was different. She wasn't flying like a mini, cyan and rainbow-colored missile. In fact, she wasn't flying any faster than a typical pegasus' would during a leisurely soar around Ponyville.

This confused Applejack. She knew her friend would always fly especially fast when she got good news or accomplished something great. So surely her flight speed after making the Wonderbolts should have been ridiculously fast, to the point where the two ponies would collide because Rainbow Dash couldn't stop herself in time. But it wasn't, it was an average speed for an average pegasus.

And if there was one thing Rainbow Dash wasn't, it was average.

Once Rainbow Dash was in view, Applejack's attention changed from her slower flying to her face. It wasn't beaming in joy like she expected it to be, not a glimmer of happiness on the pony's face. The goggles weren't even around her neck anymore; she was bare of everything save her cyan coat, rainbow mane and surprisingly neutral face.

She was about to ask what was wrong when Rainbow Dash landed in front of her and gave her a weak smile, "'Sup AJ, how was your day."

She looked tired, most likely from whatever she had to do during tryouts.

"It was fine," Applejack said, pretending like she wasn't thinking about her friend's predicament, "how did it go?"

Rainbow Dash shrugged, "Eh, it went okay."

"Did ya make it?"

"I don't know. We find out tomorrow they post a list of the ponies that made the cut outside of the training center."

Applejack nodded, but she could tell Rainbow Dash was holding something back. Rainbow Dash didn't cry often, but that was because she always tried to hide it. Normally other ponies could look at her and not assume anything was wrong. But not Applejack, she could read her friend like an open book. Right now she knew there was something she was trying to conceal. Even giving the best poker face possible couldn't prevent Applejack from seeing past the mask.

"RD, is something wrong? Ya seem...ah don't know, upset or something."

Rainbow Dash scoffed, "Pfft, me? Upset? Why would I be upset, I just got back from trying out for the Wonderbolts, something I've always dreamed of doing! I'm not upset, I'm ecstatic! I'm giddy! I'm...I'm..." Rainbow Dash tried to get out one, last word, but she couldn't. Applejack watched as Rainbow Dash's still stoic demeanor changed into one of complete vulnerability. Her eyes began to water; her lower lip began to quiver.

She buried her face in her hooves.


Applejack's watched her friend fall to the ground, hooves still covering her eyes as she bawled. Applejack wasn't sure how to approach this. Here was her friend, her best friend that she cared about more than anything in all of Equestria, and she was on the ground sobbing.

And this wasn't a normal cry; this was the cry of a pony whose hard work and dreams burst into flames and crashed to the ground right in front of her.

Applejack walked over to her friend, feeling her own eyes well up with tears. She placed a hoof around Rainbow Dash's neck, and then another, before leaning into her and holding her close. Rainbow returned the hug.

For the longest time, both friends remained in each other's embrace, their eyes moist with tears. Rainbow Dash continued to sob as Applejack tried to console her even as she cried a little.

"It's okay RD, it's okay, ah'm here for ya." Applejack said, sniffling a bit. Tears ran down her cheeks and landed on Rainbow Dash's fur.

"I hate myself." Rainbow Dash whimpered.

"Please don't say that."

"I'm...I'm worthless. I'll never amount to anything."

Applejack sighed, rubbing her friend's back. Normally hugging her friend would make her feel good and blush, but not now. Not when her friend was such a mess.

"Okay, come on RD; let's get ya to the house." Slowly, Applejack brought her friend up off the tear-soaked ground, and led her over to the house, leading the depressed pegasus through the orchard.

They reached the house and entered. The cooler air inside was a welcome feeling for both mares, who spent the entire day in the scalding heat. Applejack closed the door and led Rainbow Dash into the living room. The house was quiet. Big Macintosh was working the cart in town, Apple Bloom was having a play-date with Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle, and Granny Smith was upstairs sleeping.

Applejack led Rainbow Dash over to the comfortable-looking couch. Slowly, the cyan pegasus climbed up onto the soft cushion and lay herself down and buried her face into the seat cushion, letting out a sad sigh.

"Are ya feeling any better, RD?"

"No." Rainbow Dash answered, her voice somewhat muffled by the couch cushion. She turned her head so she could speak clearly. Applejack now got to see her eyes, her sad, depressed, cloudy eyes that had so much pain behind them it broke her heart. "My dreams are over."

"Now RD, don't be talkin' such nonsense. There's always next year, right?"

Rainbow Dash shook her head, "You don't get it, Applejack."

"What do ya mean?" Applejack asked.

"I...I can't say." Rainbow Dash said, looking down. Applejack put her hoof under Rainbow Dash's chin and lifted her face up so they were eye to eye.

"Ya can tell me anything sugarcube, don't be afraid."

Rainbow Dash nodded and looked back down. A small sigh escaped her lips.

"I knew one of those pegasi from flight school. And...and they...they remembered me."

"So, ain't that a good thing? Knowing ponies makes it easier ta make friends, don't it?"

Rainbow Dash shook her head, "No it doesn't...not when they know your secret. Not when they know what I've been trying to run from for years."

"Secret?" Applejack asked, "What secret?"

"I can't tell you."

"Please." Applejack pleaded .Rainbow Dash let out a sigh, deciding to come clean.

"The secret is that I'm..." Rainbow Dash said before trailing off, muttering the last bit so quietly that Applejack couldn't hear.

"Beg yer pardon?"

"I'm..." Rainbow Dash said before, once again, quietly mumbling the last bit.

"Ah...ah'm sorry ah can't hear ya."

"I'M GAY! OKAY! I'M GAY, AND NOW THE WONDERBOLTS KNOW IT!" Rainbow Dash screamed, sitting up in the couch. Her face was beet red, her eyes wide and her body trembling. Realizing what she shouted, she suddenly drew back, her eyes changed from angry to sad again. She looked down, trying to avoid Applejack's eye contact.

"Some punk at school outed me. Everywhere I went I was teased, I was called so many degrading names until I couldn't take it anymore. You've always wondered why I dropped out of flight school? Well, that's why."

"I thought I put that past behind me, that I could pretend none of it ever happened. But then I saw that jerk I went to school with. She wanted the edge in the competition today, so she did what any pony desperate to make the Wonderbolts would do. She told everypony there, including Soarin' and Spitfire."

"I heard laughter I never wanted to hear again, taunts and sneers that were once nothing but vague memories, returned today, reminding me of the pain I left behind...or that I hoped to leave behind. I was so humiliated that I...I..."

Rainbow Dash broke down. Not as much as she did outside, but enough. It was a sight that would make even the most stoic stallion shed a tear or two.

Applejack was stunned. Sure, Rainbow Dash was anything but the stereotypical mare, but Applejack never would've guessed she was gay. Now, here she was, watching as her typically proud, borderline arrogant, friend sobbed for this very reason.

Rainbow Dash noticed the long silence. Taking at a sign of rejection, she wiped the tears away from her eyes and prepared to leave.

"I'm sure you're weirded out by me now. I'll just leave." Rainbow Dash started to push herself off of the couch until Applejack put her hoof out to stop her.

She pushed Rainbow Dash back onto the couch and hopped up next to her. Rainbow Dash quickly looked away, too ashamed to look into her friend's eyes.

"Look at me."

Rainbow Dash shook her head.

"Rainbow Dash, please look at me."

Sighing, Rainbow Dash complied and looked up at her friend. Applejack had the most caring look in her luminous, green eyes. She didn't look freaked out or grossed out, she looked sympathetic. Before Rainbow Dash could say anything, Applejack leaned in and gave her a quick kiss on the lips. Rainbow Dash's eyes shot open in shock, her friend's action taking her by surprise.

But as quickly as she kissed Rainbow Dash, Applejack pulled away. Rainbow Dash looked at her in astonishment, which only made Applejack feel embarrassed. Now it was her turn to look down in shame, face full of regret for her impulsive act of love.

Applejack let out a sigh. "Ah'm sorry, RD. It's just that ah really like you and ah..."

Before the country pony could finish her sentence, she was cut off by Rainbow Dash's lips, which pressed against her own in heated passion. Applejack's eyes went wide for a split second before they slowly fluttered closed.

Rainbow Dash gently pushed Applejack back against the couch cushion, taking complete control the kiss. Applejack opened her mouth and allowed Rainbow Dash's tongue to enter, causing the kiss to become even more intimate. Their tongues wrestled each other, taking in each other's tastes as their saliva mixed. They felt united, both spiritually and physically, with each other.

Applejack couldn't believe this was happening. Her best friend, the mare she loved in shame for the longest time, was now returning her feelings by giving her the best kiss of her life.

Slowly, they broke apart a few inches and looked into each other's eyes again, both much more relieved and less down than they were before.

"Well...that was...something." Applejack said,

Rainbow Dash snickered, "No duh."

Both mares started to giggle, their faces blushing even more than they had been before, now the tone of a freshly-picked apple.

Once she calmed herself, Rainbow Dash pushed off Applejack and moved to the end of the couch, sitting comfortably as she felt more relaxed than she had in a while. Applejack pushed herself back up into a sitting position and looked over at her spontaneous marefriend, who was now chilling at the other end of the couch with her left hoof placed on the arm-rest, her smile revealing her relaxed state of mind.

"So they really cut ya because yer gay?" Applejack asked.

Rainbow Dash's smile fell and she sighed, "Actually, after that jerk told everypony about my secret, I was too embarrassed to stay. So I left before I had a chance to do anything."

"Ya didn't even try out?"

"No. But it's not like it matters. I'm sure they would've kicked me out anyway. They kicked me off the flight team at school after I was outed, why would the Wonderbolts be any different?"

"Ya don't know that, sugarcube; they might be fine with it. Ah mean, Spitfire really seems ta like ya, and Soarin' treats ya like a goddess for saving his pie at the Gala." Applejack said.

Rainbow Dash shrugged, "That's true. But I can't go back there. Not now."

"But it's yer dream, ya shouldn't abandon it like that."

"I guess," Rainbow Dash said with a sigh before looking up at Applejack. She took her friend's orange hoof in her own, "then again, I did manage to accomplish one of my dreams today."

Rainbow Dash looked up at Applejack and gave her a small smile. She didn't need to say a word for Applejack to know she meant her. The country pony giggled, her cheeks blushing.

"That's real kind of ya ta say RD."

The two ponies moved closer to each other and kissed one last time before Rainbow Dash fell forward into Applejack's chest. Applejack then leaned back so they were in basically the same position they were in when they kissed, Rainbow Dash laying atop of Applejack. The earth pony slowly stroking the pegasus' mane as the pegasus kept her ear pressed to the earth pony's chest, listening to her heart-beat.

"Ah'll go with ya ta the Wonderbolts tomorrow." Applejack said.

"What if they don't take me because I'm...you know?"

Applejack let out a soft laugh, Rainbow Dash adjusting herself so she was looking up at Applejack, her chin resting on the orange pony's chest.

"Oh sugarcube, if they don't take ya on account of yer sexuality, ah'll treat 'em like mah apple trees."

Rainbow Dash giggled, "Thanks Applejack."

The two ponies kissed one last time before resting. Rainbow Dash started to fall asleep, listening to Applejack hum a soothing song, making the pegasus feel as if she was soaring in the skies with the Wonderbolts.

Applejack felt herself slowly start to drift off to sleep as well. Any worries she had as a result of her crush were gone. She felt so weightless and free, like she could fly in the sky right alongside Rainbow Dash.

Tomorrow, she would stand by Rainbow Dash when she went back to the Wonderbolts. Hopefully she would be given an open spot or, more realistically, a second chance to try out. She would be there if Rainbow Dash felt insecure, if she felt nervous or upset. If that pegasus that treated her like garbage was there, well, let's just say Applejack had a few choice words for hurting her marefriend's feelings.

But all of that was tomorrow.

For now, none of that mattered, because they were together, and both mares felt more content and fulfilled than they had at any other point in their lives.

"I love you AJ." Rainbow Dash said, already half-asleep with a smile on her face.

"Love ya Rainbow." Applejack answered with a yawn.

And with that, both mares fell asleep in each other's arms, dreaming of the future they had with each other.

Comments ( 102 )

I know this idea isn't the most original on this site, but hopefully you'll think its a decent read. :twilightsmile:

Let me know what you think in the comments below, both positive and negative.

D'awwwww, this was adorable.

Nice little read. Keep up the good work!

Wow, this was really good. It wasn't too short, and it ended nicely. As usual, your writing is awesome.

Nice, short, and sweet. I like this.

:pinkiesmile:this was good but wait???:raritydespair::raritycry::fluttershbad::applecry::fluttercry: WHAT HAPPENED WITH THE WONDERBOLTS! why is it a ONESHOT PLEASE DONT leave it at THAT, there is so much that NEEDS to happen/be resolved. i want to see that dork get what is deserved. that laughing had to be them(wonderbolts) laughing at the dweeb for thinking they gave a flying feather about that. :twilightoops:TOO MANY UNANSWERED QUESTIONS!:twilightangry2:

I'm sorry, but I'm going to bring this back down to earth a little.

The Bad: After reading it I've come away with the feeling that Dash's 'coming out' was too contrite. It just didn't have any feeling behind it. Also, in a world full of love and tolerance and acceptance I highly doubt RD wouldn't get into the wonder bolts because of a supposed gener orientation. The premise to me just seems...silly.

The good: Your writing style is very good, each paragraph connects together nicely, the dialogue is fitting for each character, and the internal monologues work well.

So I'll leave it with no thumbs either direction, good writing, good execution, but sorry I didn't believe the premise.


This was really nice, and the perfect length too. :yay:


Rainbow Dash gets accepted into the Wonderbolts, becomes captain, and proposes to Applejack seven months later. They have two magically conceived fillies, and live happily ever after. Happy now? :trixieshiftright:

I enjoyed this story. It was adorable like AppleDash usually is which is fantastic.
Oh, one thing though:

the couch, comfortable-looking and made of leather

... Something tells me they don't have anything made of leather in Equestria. :rainbowwild:

Well written, but a bit, well, generic. The topics have been covered before, both the 'coming out', reactions thereof. It's a new spin to put it during a wonderbolt tryout, mind you. Overall quite cute, but a bit generic and the reveal of Rainbow's issue, plus the confession, felt somewhat rushed. Could use extending :)


Yeah good point. Fixed it, thanks for the heads up :twilightsmile:

Really cute Story! fav and like :derpytongue2:


Thanks :pinkiehappy:

Also I like the image of Robert Downey Jr. :rainbowlaugh:


Thanks, happy to hear you enjoyed it :pinkiehappy:

Cute, but as already stated it was a bit generic and rushed at the end. I also would have liked to have seen them go to the Wonderbolts the next day.

You know, now I want to see how the try-outs go.

Other than that, I liked this. Very cute.

aww that was sooo cute:heart:

WHOOOO!!! APPLEDASH!!! I'll definitely be checking this out! :pinkiehappy:

Featured, nice, welcome.

Just a side note, this fic has nothing to do with "My Little Dashie" and I added it to the "Ponies on Earth" folder by accident. Just wanted to clarify to everyone.

Sorry for the confusion and if you know how I can remove it from the group, let me know :pinkiehappy:

Omg, so cute! I really enjoyed it. I hope RD makes it when AJ goes with her. I think AJ is just the kind of confidence boost that she needs. :rainbowkiss::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:

im not a appledash fan at all, but i figured with the context and description, the most it would have would be a tearful compassionate hug or a small kiss, something i could stomach through, but the comments just killed it. I don't often knock a story before i try it, even though it looks interesting, but i did for this one, because the lovemush comments killed it for me:ajsleepy:

now, if you took out the ship or changed it to a ship that wasn't appledash, i would read it. too bad, it looked really interesting

WOW what an awesome forum to sell cheap designer knock offs! Your bot is sure to make loads of bits!


Good Story! AppleDash is always a winning combo (though not quite as awesome as TwilightApples :twilightsheepish:). Good moral value....Never let anypony drive you from your dreams because of your ethnicity, sexual preference, or any other aspect that makes you unique! :scootangel:

hey, this got featured. Congrats!

Good story, but one thing that got my attention:
"Minus the lack of goggles...."
I do believe that is a double negative good author, you may wish to fix that.
Or if it's not, you might wish to clarify what you're saying a little more. Maybe
"Except for the lack of goggles...."

Aw... That was adorable. Pony romance is best fictional romance :twilightsmile:

Also, because I think Spitfire is one of the sanest ponies in Equestria, I'm certain she'd see RD for her skill and let her in. But that's just me.


Haha thanks. It was a lot of luck, though. (being at the top of the front page for hours helped immensely)

*complete* :pinkiegasp:!!! :fluttercry::pinkiecrazy::pinkiesad2::raritydespair::fluttershysad::twilightangry2::flutterrage: THIS MUST CONTINUE!

well, they never said they wouldn't let RD in because of that. She just THINKS they won't let her in.


That would make sense. Plus I think Soarin' would overlook RD's sexuality since she saved his pie. :rainbowlaugh:

Faved and liked. :coolphoto: Nothing else to say except you have my yes.


Awesome, glad you enjoyed it :pinkiehappy:

P.S. I love your avatar. I was thinking about writing a short story based on it when I saw it on DA, but I'm not sure yet. Plus I have to get permission from the artist.

nice story :twilightsmile:

It's good the way it is. A good one-shot lets the audience figure out how they think it ended. That's the beauty of it, and this ending is pretty good.

Pretty sure JJ doesn't mind you using his art as a reference for story ideas; in fact, he encourages you to! Anyway, I suppose you can ask if ya feel the need to. :raritywink:

Another generic shipfic for the masses to "enjoy"
The bar is set so low...

Sappy but I'll roll with it.

1452174 :raritydespair: PLEASE TELL ME YOU ARE DOING A SEQUEL! :rainbowkiss:

1452258 No. That would be making a fan-made sequel of a fan fic.That would be fic-ception and the fabric of time and space would cease to exist.For the sake of the universe,I will not do that.

I never said anything about anyone else making a sequel. I was just saying he should end it where it is.


Why did this have to be complete :rainbowderp:

*picks up metal baseball bat* Who's the bitch who made fun of Rainbow?

It was pretty good, but I just couldn't get over some of the things in this story. My first problem is that the premise doesn't really make sense. You're telling me that in a place like Equestria, where things like friendship and love are actually powers, that there could be so much homophobia? That's just way too hard to believe. What's worse is the idea that during such an important event like trying out for the Wonderbolts, they wouldn't do anything to punish someone who would do something that horrible. And then everyone starts laughing and jeering? Where was security? Where were the Wonderbolts kicking her out for being so disgraceful? Where were the ponies watching booing her out for being so insulting to a pony who is basically a national hero? You say Rainbow Dash left before actually trying out due to embarrassment, but there still should have been enough time before she left for her to notice security or the Wonderbolts or anyone else going in to kick her out or disqualify her, since why would they want such a disrespectful person to be part of their group? It makes no sense, and all it does is serve to break my SoD.

The last issue I have is that there's no closure to this. It just kind of ends right then. Yes, I understand that the only purpose of the tryouts is to serve as a plot device to get RD and AJ together, but the problem is that you did nothing to hide this. Nothing in this story makes the tryouts seem important, and nothing at the end tries to change this. You could take out the entire thing and still have the same ending, which just doesn't seem right. What happens? When they go back, do they let her try again? Yeah, you'd think so, but it's hard to think that when it was made perfectly clear that they didn't seem to care about one of the ponies trying out used such insulting methods to remove competition, nor did they seem interested in kicking said pony out of the competition.

I'm sorry about the rant, but I only did this because I like the idea behind the story, but I was just bothered by the implications and what they meant for the possible ending of this story.

This story has a lot of good things going for it, but just a few points rubbed me the wrong way.

1. You can't just SAY that Applejack is in love with Rainbow Dash and have it accepted at face value. You need to go in-depth as soon as you say that about how that happened, when, and why. The addition of 2-3 paragraphs near the beginning of the story where you first say Applejack loves Rainbow Dash should fix that up nicely.

2. The kiss comes on extremely suddenly, and at the worst possible time to kiss anyone. Locking lips with someone the instant they come out of the closet WILL NOT go over well, no matter who it is. Space those two events apart a little with some dialogue. Try, for example, having AJ reassure Rainbow that there's nothing wrong with being gay, and that she's not disgusted at all. Perhaps then, Applejack can confess in turn that she's been having some questions about herself as well. Keep the dialogue flowing smoothly until a kiss feels natural.

I think your story is really sweet, and I hate to see these two problems holding it back from what it could be: a real gem of a shipping one-shot.


Thanks for the feedback man, I really appreciate the constructive criticism. :twilightsmile:

I'll try to work on my writing so I can avoid those issues in future stories.

and you are again, complaining about it
learn to read tags man. If you see the romance tag, it will involve shipping. Don't read it if you don't like shipping.:pinkiehappy:

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