• Published 21st Aug 2011
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A Chip Off the Old Hoof

A Chip off the Old Hoof

“Have you ever wondered why Fluttershy lives on the ground?” asked Rainbow Dash. She had been leaning against a cabinet as Applejack worked to prepare hot apple pies. Applejack looked up from her oven at Rainbow Dash with a raised eyebrow. “I mean, she is a pegasus, right? Most of us have awesome cloud houses.”

“Derpy doesn’t,” said Applejack, pulling the last pie. “Heck, ah can think of a dozen pegasi who don’t.”

“That’s because Dinky can’t fly,” Rainbow retorted. “And the rest of them at least visit Cloudsdale once in a while. Aside from the the times I dragged her there, she’s been back, like three times.”

“Maybe she just likes Ponyville?” suggested Applejack. She closed the oven door then doffed her apron onto a peg. “You know she ain’t that good ah flier, and she is afraid of heights.”

“Or maybe...” said Rainbow, “maybe she’s on the run from a crime so awful, it has no name.” She threw her hooves and wings wide to encompass the magnitude of the supposed crime. Applejack stared at the blue pegasus.

“Yah have met Fluttershy, right?” she asked. “Yellow pegasus? Pink hair? Butterfly cutie mark?”

“I’m just sayin’,” replied Rainbow Dash. “Isn’t it kinda weird that she’s only ever goes back home once every few years?”

“Maybe she just ain’t got anypony to visit,” offered Applejack. “She said herself that she didn’t have no friends when she left.”

“I’m sticking with the horrible crime theory until I find out otherwise,” said Rainbow. She opened the kitchen door and flew off, kicking up a cloud of dust behind her.

Rainbow Dash soared over Ponyville toward Fluttershy’s cottage. The question stuck with her long enough to be irritating. The answer was probably as simple as Applejack suggested, but there was no harm in asking. She spotted Fluttershy in her garden, a floppy straw hat covering her eyes from the sun. Rainbow Dash dove from the sky, and touched down in Fluttershy’s garden with as much grace as a bowling ball. Fluttershy jumped, surprised at the sudden appearance of her friend. Angel glowered at the pegasus and stomped off.

“Hey Fluttershy,” demanded Rainbow Dash. “I’m headed to Cloudsdale, you wanna come?” The timid pegasus looked up at her through her straw hat.

“Um, no, I’m good,” she said softly. “I’ve got a lot of work to do here, and uh, I really shouldn’t be gone too long.”

“C’mon!” whined Rainbow Dash. “You never come with me. We’ll catch a Wonderbolts show, maybe some clubs, hit the tracks. It’ll be a blast!”

“Um, no thank you,” muttered Fluttershy. “Some other time?”

“How’s tomorrow?”


“Tomorrow,” repeated Rainbow Dash. “How does tomorrow look? Your animals friends will be fine for a day; don’t worry about them.”


“I’ll pay for everything,” offered Rainbow Dash. “We can hang out with some of my friends, stay out late. It’ll be a blast.”

“No, that’s okay, I think I’ll just, uh,” Fluttershy looked around, “repair the roof on my chicken coop.” Rainbow Dash sighed with intense irritation.

“Why don’t you like going to Cloudsdale?” Rainbow demanded. “Cloudsdale is awesome. I’m practically famous there!”

“It’s too noisy,” said Fluttershy. “It’s always so busy and the only animals up there are birds. I mean, they’re nice and all, but I like it down here.” She gestured to her garden and her animals. “It’s nice and quiet.”

“Psh,” scoffed Rainbow Dash. “No offense, Fluttershy, but your cottage is kind of boring.”

“I like boring,” muttered Fluttershy.

“I’m gonna go see if Pinkie Pie wants to come.” She unfurled her wings, and looked back at Fluttershy. “Last chance.”

“You go have fun,” said Fluttershy. She turned back to her garden, and hummed quietly.

Rainbow Dash took of into the air again. She looked back at the pegasus. What was with her anyway? It’s like she was avoiding the coolest place in Equestria on purpose! She knew Pinkie Pie would be up for a good time.

Rainbow Dash flew over Ponyville, looking for Sugarcube Corner. The pastry-shaped building was impossible to miss, and Rainbow Dash touched down outside. Pinkie Pie sat in the rear of the store with a wrench in her mouth. She looked at a diagram tacked to the wall, then back at her flying machine. It looked mostly reassembled and ready to fly, but Rainbow Dash wasn’t sure.

“You workin’ on that thing again?” asked Rainbow Dash. Pinkie rubbed her chin with a hoof. She looked at Rainbow Dash, then back to her machine, then back at Rainbow Dash.

“Nope!” she declared, spitting out her wrench. “That’s been done for a week; I’m working on something else entirely.” Rainbow looked to the blueprint on the wall. The diagram appeared to be some sort of automated, high speed cupcake dispenser, but the actual machine was nowhere to be seen. Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow at Pinkie Pie, who only smiled. “What are you doing?” asked Pinkie.

“Well, I was going to try to find Fluttershy’s dark secret of why she doesn't go to Cloudsdale,” said Rainbow Dash. “But that sounds like a lot of work.”

“Maybe she committed some horrible crime and can never go back!” suggested Pinkie Pie.

“That’s what I said!”

“Or maybe not,” said Pinkie Pie. She thought for a moment. “Maybe it’s she doesn’t have any friends there,” said Pinkie. She gasped. “Oh no! Fluttershy doesn't have any friends in Cloudsdale and that’s why she never wants to go back there! We should go there and make a bunch of friends. Then we’ll throw a party for her in Cloudsdale.” Pinkie began bouncing in the soft grass. “I’ve never had a party in the clouds before. This is gonna be great!”

“How are you gonna walk around Cloudsdale?” asked Rainbow. Pinkie only grinned.

Pinkie and Rainbow dash trotted through the town square towards the Library. The streets today weren’t as busy as they normally were, with the so many of the ponies making themselves busy preparing for Fall. The two found themselves outside the Library after a short walk. The voices of Twilight and Rarity arguing inside floated out into the streets.

“They should be rose colored!” demanded Rarity. “And those splotches! They look simply awful!”

“The color doesn’t matter!” said Twilight. “It’s just a side effect of the spell!” Rainbow Dash and Pinkie walked through the open door to see the two unicorns arguing over a set of purple and green spotted boots. Twilight looked up at Rainbow Dash.

“Just the pony I wanted to see,” she said. “I’m working on a something new with Rarity.”

“Don’t include my name in this atrocity,” scoffed Rarity. “These boots started off fabulous, now they’re so garish, I can’t stand to look at them.”

“The color’s not important!” repeated Twilight. “Its what they do that’s much more impressive.” She picked up the boots and walked out the door. The ponies followed. She put the boots on her hooves, then cleared her throat. “Rainbow Dash, I need you to get me a cloud.” Rainbow Dash replied with a salute and bolted into the sky. She was back with a small cloud in a manner of seconds.

“What’s my time?” she asked.

“We were supposed to be timing you?” asked Pinkie. “And me without my watch!” Twilight affected her teacher’s voice, and gestured to the boots.

“Observe, if you will.” She hopped up onto the tiny white cloud Rainbow had brought down. Pinkie Pie gasped as Twlight trotted in place, showing off her latest magical success. “I made these boots so we can work on the clouds any time we need to.” said Twilight, hopping off the cloud. “If the Rainbow Dash is sick, or just didn’t do her job like she’s supposed to,” She glared at the pegasus pony. “Then we can take a balloon up, and work on the clouds ourselves.” She took off the boots and fell through the cloud back onto the dirt road. “I still need to run some tests to make sure they’ll last as long as our we need them to but...”

“They’re perfect!” squealed Pinkie Pie. “Rainbow Dash and I were going to Cloudsdale today! I can take those boots and test them out for you and make sure they work!”

“Well that seems arbitrarily convenient, ” replied Twilight, rubbing a hoof to her chin. “But I suppose if you’re going, you can test them out for me.” Twilight levitated a prodigious pile of paperwork at the perky pink pony. Pinkie Pie slipped on the boots and bounced around.

“I’ll need you to fill out these scrolls as you’re walking around,” continued Twilight. “Be sure to keep detailed notes on how they’re working, how the feel, if they fail and you plummet from the clouds...” Twilight paused a moment. “On second thought, maybe this isn’t a good idea.”

“I can’t let her go out like that!” protested Rarity. “Here, allow me.” She reached into a nearby saddle bag, and floated a can of spray paint to the boots. The can rattled, and with a few quick puffs, and the boots were acceptably purple again. She sighed and put a hoof to her forehead. “It’s all I can do sometimes to keep things beautiful here sometimes.”

“The only time I ever had spray paint was back in my delinquent days,” said Rainbow Dash. “I never figured you for a vandal.”

“I am not, nor have ever been a delinquent!” shouted Rarity. She stuck her nose in the air with an indignant huff, and marched from the library.

“These shoes look great!” cheered Pinkie Pie. She looked at her hooves, then bounced from side to side. “I can’t wait to get to Cloudsdale now! Come on, Rainbow Dash, we’ve got a party with our names on it!”


As Celesita’s sun began to set in the west, Rainbow Dash burst through the cloud layer as Pinkie’s flying contraption touched down in Cloudsdale. Pinkie hopped off and pranced around in the clouds, while Rainbow Dash looked around the city.

“Alright, where do you want to go first?” she asked. “There’s the discos, the race tracks. The Wonderbolts are putting on a show tomorrow, so that’ll have to wait...” She looked at Pinkie’s flying contraption. “Wait, how is that staying on the cloud?”

“I have the parking brake on, silly,” smiled Pinkie. “I haven’t seen a pegasus race before. It sounds like fun!”

“They’re the best,” said Rainbow Dash, pumping her hoof. “You can even enter the amateur races if you want.” She looked at Pinkie. “Well, you couldn’t, but if you were a pegasus...” Pinkie waved off the suggestion.

“I’m not here to race, I’m here to paaaar-tay!” she said.

A few minutes later, Pinkie and Rainbow Dash were sitting in the crowds, watching the pegasi blaze past the grand stands. The stands were filled with pegasi, clopping their approval of the racers. Somepony had recognized Rainbow Dash, and ushered the two into seats right up against the track. Pinkie was up on her hooves, cheering and clopping wildly. Rainbow Dash yelled critiques at speeding pegasi.

“Tuck in your wings!” yelled Rainbow Dash. “You’re getting too much drag! My grandmother’s faster than you!” She whistled wildly at the racers and sat back down in her seat. Next to her was a bright yellow pegasus wearing a floppy hat and sunglasses. The pegasus looked over at Rainbow Dash. She pushed aside her sunglasses, and smiled.

“Rainbow Dash, right?” she asked.

“The one and only,” replied Rainbow Dash with a bow. She got a better look at the pegasus. A jolt of recognition shot through the pony. “OHMYGOSH.”

“Shhh,” shushed the pegasus. “I can’t get away to the races to often without people recognizing me.” Rainbow Dash squeaked in joy. Here she was, sitting beside her hero, Spitfire. “Who’s your pony friend?”

“That’s Pinkie Pie,” said Rainbow. The pink pony had bought some popcorn. “She and I came up here to find some friends for our pal Fluttershy.”

“Fluttershy?” she asked. “How is.. wait, didn’t you and your friends trash the Gala this year?” asked Spitfire.

“Yeah,” said rainbow with an embarrassed grin.

“It was pretty cool though,” said Spitfire. “That’s one gala they’ll be talking about for years to come. Speaking of Fluttersh...”

“Boo!” yelled Pinkie Pie, throwing popcorn at the racers. “That’s a foul if I ever saw one!”

“Have you ever seen a pegasus race before?” asked Spitfire.

“No,” replied Pinkie. “But that was clearly a foul. Boo!”

“I like your friend,” smiled Spitfire. “She’s interesting.”

“You have no idea,” replied Rainbow Dash.

Pinkie and Rainbow Dash left the tracks with their new found friend, and headed into the heart of Cloudsdale. The evening was just getting started. Music poured from the club district, and the flashing lights sent Pinkie into a tailspin of excitement. She bounced around the streets peering into each club, trying to decide where to go first. She bounded circles around Spitfire and Rainbow Dash.

“You have no idea how exciting this is!” she squealed. “It’s like a town built for parties! I can’t believe it! Eeeee!” Rainbow Dash smirked at the earth pony, and turned to Spitfire.

“So which clubs do you like?” she asked.

“I heard that DJ-P0N3 is playing at Starlight tonight,” replied Spitfire. “Do you want to check that out?”

“She’s here?” asked Rainbow Dash “That’s so awesome! We gotta go!”

The ponies found themselves ushered through the line as soon as they approached. The doorpony recognized Spitfire, and waved them through. Inside was a wonderland of strobe lights and pounding music. A white unicorn wearing purple goggles stood above the crowd. Her head bobbed in time to the music as her hooves spun records. Some pegasi floated in the air around the dance floor, while others landed and partied on the floor. Pinkie immediately found her way to the dance floor and began shaking her hooves to the beat. Rainbow Dash and Spitfire pushed through the crowd towards the bar. Rainbow signaled the bar pony, who slid them two ciders.

“So what do you do for a living?” yelled Spitfire over the thumping music.

“A little bit of everything,” yelled Rainbow. “Mostly weather in Ponyville.”

“Where’s that?” asked Spitfire, with a hoof to her ear.

“PONYVILLE,” yelled Rainbow Dash. The music continued to thump and pound in the background.

“Oh, nice!” replied Spitfire, clearly not hearing her at all. “You in town long?”

“Just tonight and tomorrow,” replied Rainbow Dash. She pointed to the dance floor. “You wanna dance?” Rather than continue to yell, Spitfire nodded. They pushed back through the crowd to find Pinkie already in full party mode. They danced together following the party ponies lead.

The evening wore on as DJ-P0N3 filled the club with music and life. By closing time, Pinkie Pie was near exhaustion from dancing with every pegasus in the club. She had even gotten a signed picture with DJ-P0N3. She walked behind Spitfire and Rainbow Dash. She was dragging her hooves, but was still as chipper as she had been at the beginning of the evening.

“That was the best party ever!” Pinkie Pie said. “We’re going to have to come up here more often! This gives me so many ideas for parties back home!”

“So where are you staying tonight?” Spitfire asked.

“I was going to find a friend’s house and stay there,” said Rainbow Dash. “They should still be up. It is a Friday after all.”

“You can stay at my place,” offered Spitfire. “I live with my parents though.”

“Are they cool?” asked Rainbow Dash.

“Heck yeah!” yelled Spitfire. “My dad is Ricochet.” Rainbow’s jaw dropped.

“THE Richocet?” she asked. “As in the former Wonderbolt captain?”

“That’s him,” grinned Spitfire. “I think he’d be really jazzed to meet you.”

“That’s so AWESOME!” cried Rainbow Dash. “You’re like, the coolest pony ever.”

“I credit good genetics,” replied Spitfire as she polished a hoof against her chest.

“So which place is yours?” asked Rainbow Dash.

“This one right here.” Spitfire paused in front of a wide cloud gate; polished bronze adorned with pegasi and lighting bolts. She pushed it open and lead Pinkie and Rainbow up the clouded walk way. A fountain stood in the path. It was a statue of a pegasus rearing, his wings spread in flight. Rainbow Dash stared in awe at the grounds. This place was even better looking than hers! Spitfire opened the door to the house and ushered Pinkie and Dash into the massive foyer.

Trophies and medals lined the shelves. Two older Wonderbolt uniforms and goggles adorned mannequins in display cases. Rainbow Dash squeaked with excitement. So many awesome things! She looked through the shelves, taking in the entire room like a filly in a candy store. So many pictures, news clippings and medals; it was like a museum to just how awesome ponies could be. Two different sets of trophies took up the cases, one with Ricochet’s name, the other with another name on them: Shy.

“Is Shy your mom?” asked Rainbow Dash. “THE Shy?”

“The one and only,” said Spitfire. “It’s a lot to live up to, having two Wonderbolts as your parents, but it just makes me want to be that much better.” Pinkie wandered up to what she thought was a wax statue of a yellow stallion with fiery red hair.

“Your dad must be pretty great if he’s got a statue of himself,” said Pinkie Pie, poking the statue.

“I am not a statue young lady!” snapped the stallion. Pinkie Pie bounced backwards in surprise. He stepped forward, shaking his closely cropped mane. “Who are your friends, Spitfire?”

“Sir, this is Rainbow Dash,” introduced Spitfire. “Winner of the Best Young Fliers this year, and this is Pinkie Pie. She’s an earth pony.”

“I can see that,” barked Ricochet. “A pleasure to make your acquaintances. I am Colonel Ricochet. Has my daughter been showing you a good time?”

“Yes sir!” saluted Rainbow Dash. Her grin made it hard to add what she felt was the proper amount of respect to the answer.

“You can call me Colonel,” replied Ricochet. “The only ponies need to call me sir are my daughters and my Wonderbolts, isn’t that right, Spitfire?”

“Yes sir!” snapped Spitfire. “My friends would like to spend the night.”

“That’s no problem at all,” replied Ricochet. “I’m happy to meet them. You especially, Rainbow Dash.” He ushered the ponies out of the foyer and into the living room. Paintings of pegasi in flight adorned the cloud walls and newspapers cataloguing the Wonderbolts adventures hung framed alongside medals of service. “I saw your performance this year; saved my daughter’s life even. And that trick you pulled off, that Sonic Rainboom? That was beautiful. Brought a tear to this old stallion’s eyes.” Rainbow dashed grinned like manic. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Praise from one of the greatest Wonderbolts of all time? It was a dream! Ricochet looked around for a moment, then back at his visitors. “Where are my manners?” he asked. “Let me have the little lady fix you something to eat. Shy, dear!” he bellowed. “Would you be so kind as to bring something in for our guests?”

“That’s so funny,” said Pinkie Pie. “We have a pegasus friend named Fluttershy back home!” Richochet cocked an eyebrow at Pinkie Pie.

“You know Fluttershy?” he asked suspiciously.

“She’s my best friend!” replied Pinkie. “Well maybe not best, best, but definitely up there. She’s super shy and quiet, and she’s always out with her animals. She didn’t want to come, which was alright because I don’t think she would have liked the club anyway.” Pinkie paused a moment to blink. “Why, do you know her?”

“Well yeah!” said Spitfire. “Fluttershy’s my sister.” Rainbow Dash stared at Spitfire, her jaw hanging open in shock.

“Get out!” demanded Rainbow Dash. “Your guys are Fluttershy’s family?” She glanced about the room at the trophies and medals. “No way!”

Shy walked into the living room, holding a tray of cookies and some juice. She too was a yellow pegasus with flowing pink hair; a spitting image of Fluttershy’s future.

“It’s so nice of Spitfire to bring her friends over,” she said as she set down the tray. “What brings you to Cloudsdale?”

“Well we came here to find friends for Fluttershy so we could bring her back here,” said Pinkie. “But then we found you guys and that’s so much better!”

“Well that’s a wonderful coincidence,” replied Shy. “How is my little girl doing? I haven’t heard from her in forever.”

“You mean you don’t talk to her?” asked Pinkie. “That’s so sad! I try to talk to my parents every week, and they live on a boring old rock farm in the middle of nowhere.”

“She was never much for talking,” said Spitfire. “She always seemed to be getting lost in the spectacle that is our family. When she fell out of Cloudsdale, it’s like she fell out of our lives.”

“If I had family as awesome as your guys, I’d hang out with them all the time!” said Rainbow Dash. “I mean, when’s the last time you saw her?”

“Oh, it’s been two or three years,” replied Shy. “But I think she rather prefers it down there, without us.” She looked down at the tray, trying to remain smiling. They were lemon cookies with butterflies frosted on them. “She’s never invited us to come see her, and she almost never comes to Cloudsdale. Sometimes we get letters, but...” Shy looked away, “it’s like she doesn’t want to be part of our family.”

“That doesn’t sound like the Fluttershy I know,” said Pinkie Pie. “Sure she’s shy and she hides sometimes, but she’s always nice no matter what and being mean to your family just isn’t like her.” She scratched her head in thought. “There’s gotta be a way we can make this right.” She looked at Rainbow dash with a smile. “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”

“I bet I am, Pinkie” replied Rainbow Dash.


When Fluttershy awoke the next morning, she had expected to feed the chickens, then work in her garden before heading over to the Carousel Boutique. She expected to step out into the glorious sun shine, and smell the fresh grass growing on her lawn. She expected a lot of things. What she didn’t expect was to find her entire family and Rainbow Dash at her front door. Her eyes went wide in terror, and she froze in place.

“Wha...” she stammered. “I... uh...”

“Guess who I ran into in Cloudsdale?” smirked Rainbow Dash. “You surprised?” Fluttershy stepped backwards into her house, still stammering. “Why didn’t you didn’t tell me your family was so cool?” Fluttershy squeaked and slammed the door in Rainbow’s face. The impact knocked her flank over mane in front of the other pegasi. Her eyes rolled in their sockets. “I guess we surprised her.”

“Guess so,” said Ricochet. Rainbow Dash bounced to her feet and into the air.

“I got this,” said Rainbow Dash. She let herself into the cottage to find Fluttershy quivering behind the couch. “What’s the matter? I thought you’d be happy to see your family.”

“You... you... don’t know them!” stuttered Fluttershy. “They’re so loud, and fast, and I’m nothing like them.”

“Well, obviously,” replied Rainbow Dash. “If I’d known how cool your family, was I would have asked to meet them sooner. Besides, you can’t leave them out there, they came all the way here to visit you.”

“Are you sure it’s them?” asked Fluttershy. “You could have the wrong family. They could be the other family of famous fliers who have a daughter they don’t talk to.”

“What’s wrong with you, Fluttershy?” asked Rainbow Dash. “They’re here because they WANT to see you.” She grabbed Fluttershy’s tail between her teeth and began dragging her across the floor. “Now come out and see them.” Fluttershy hoofed at the floor as Rainbow Dash dragged her outside. Shy greeted her daughter with a warm hug.

“Hello, Fluttershy,” said Shy. “How have you been? I haven’t seen you in so long. Are you eating right? Are you seeing anyone?”

“I’m... fine,” whispered Fluttershy, staring at the ground.

“I saw your advertising campaign,” said Ricochet. “Finally got a taste of that spotlight seeking from your old man, eh? A pretty girl like you should be in pictures.”

“Um.. well, actually...” mumbled Fluttershy.

“I saw you at the Young Flier’s competition,” said Spitfire. “But you ran away so quickly, I thought you might have been avoiding me. And why didn’t you come say hi at the Gala?” Fluttershy simply squeaked in reply.

“So...” said Spitfire, looking around at Fluttershy’s cottage. She searched for something to discuss. “Nice place you have here.” Fluttershy smiled weakly and squeaked something which could have been a thank you. She otherwise stood rooted to the spot, staring firmly at the ground. Rainbow Dash looked at the situation and cringed.

“Hey, why don’t we let Fluttershy freshen up?” suggested Rainbow Dash. “Lemme show you around town. It’s not as big and fantastic as Cloudsdale, but Ponyville has got a charm all its own.” They flew off, leaving Fluttershy to stand alone in her garden. She stared at the ground and huffed.

“Oh, Rainbow Dash,” she asked. “What have you done?” She took to the sky after them. She found them a few minutes later at Sweet Apple Acres, hovering around a massive scorched tree. A jagged black bolt was carved up the side of it from a storm weeks ago. Applejack and Big Macintosh were taking turns kicking the dead tree.

“Say, y’all look familiar,” said Applejack, looking up at the pegasi. “Ain’t I seen ya’ll somewhere before?”

“‘Jack, this is Colonel Ricochet, and Captain Shy,” introduced Rainbow Dash. “They’re retired Wonderbolts.”

“Oh yeah!” replied Applejack. “Yah buncha fancy fliers really know how ta’ tear up the sky.”

“We have been known to ‘tear it up’, on occasion,” replied Ricochet.

“So ya’ll are Fluttershy’s family?” asked Applejack. She kicked the tree again. “Ahm real please to meet y’all.” Big Macintosh kicked the tree again with no results. “But I can’t really talk right now; this here tree’s gotta come down,” said Applejack. “I can’t find mah saw, and just the two of us ain’t enough to take it down.”

“I think we can help with that,” said Ricochet. “You got some rope?”

“If you think you can just fly onto mah farm and offer to help,” said Applejack, “then ya’ll are okay in my book.” Applejack began tying the tree for the pegasi Fluttershy approached and fluttered up to Spitfire.

“Hey, sis,” said Spitfire. “You might want to get back, we’re going to try to pull this tree down.” Fluttershy looked at the massive tree. Surely there was a better way to go about it.

“Um, are you sure?” asked Fluttershy. “That seems awful hard, and I don’t want you too...”

“You pullin’ sugarcube?” Applejack asked. Fluttershy looked up at the massive tree..

“Do you think I should?” she asked. “I mean, I don’t think I’d be that much help...”

“Then get out the way, cause this here tree is acomin’ down.” The six ponies each took a rope and pulled furiously down the hill. Fluttershy ducked underneath a nearby table while the pegasi took to the sky. The tree began pulling from out of the ground, throwing roots and dirt everywhere. It teetered unsteadily for a moment when Applejack and Big Mac heaved on their lines. The tree creaked and groaned as it crashed into the field. Its branches collapsed into a ruined heap. The ponies cheered at their success, as Fluttershy looked up from underneath the table.

“And that’s how you get things done,” said Shy, wiping her hooves.

Applejack brought out fresh cider for the pegasi as they stood around the picnic table. She offered some to Fluttershy, who simply looked sadly at her drink. Now her family was overshadowing her in her own home town.

“Boy, you folks sure are helpful,” said Applejack. “Yah sure can tell where your daughter gets her kindness.”

“‘S’bout the only thing she got from us, right Fluttershy?” ribbed Spitfire. Fluttershy squeaked in quiet protest.

The herd of pegasi left Sweet Apple Acres, flying low over the city of Ponyville. Rainbow Dash pointed out her cloud castle, which impressed the Spitfire immensely. They touched down inside the city, and began trotting towards the library. Derpy Hooves was walking out of the library when she spotted the herd of yellow and pink pegasi coming her way. She looked at them apprehensively, covering one eye, then the other.

“Huh,” she said. “I’m not seeing double.”

“Who are you talking to, mom?” asked Dinky, popping up from the saddle bag.

“No one, dear,” she said. They flew off as Twilight Sparkle exited the library, a new book floating open in front of her.

“Hey Twilight!” yelled Rainbow Dash. “Guess who I found in Cloudsdale?” Twilight looked over the four yellow pegasi standing on the road. The three beamed in the sunlight, naturally striking heroic poses. Fluttershy instead hoofed at the ground.

“You must be Fluttershy’s parents,” said Twilight. “And her sister? Fluttershy, you never told me you had a sister.” Fluttershy murmured something inaudible. Twilight set down the book she was carrying on the table outside. “What brings you to Ponyville?”

“Just a visit with our youngest daughter,” replied Ricochet, putting an arm around Fluttershy. She squeaked at the fatherly embrace. “You must be Twilight Sparkle.”

“Pleasure to meet you,” said Twilight.

“I understand you’re one of Celestia’s prized students,” said Ricochet. “She’s always talking about you. She even keeps a picture of you in her office.” Twilight’s jaw dropped in shock.

“Really?” she asked.

“You ever been in her office?” asked Ricochet. “More books than you could imagine. It’s more like a library. Of course I’m probably just telling you things you already know.” Twilight smiled with delight.

“Your parents are friends with Celestia?” asked Rainbow Dash. “Your parents are so cool! I want them to adopt me.”

“Yes, um,” stuttered Fluttershy. “They’re great. Just... great.” She looked up at the town clock and saw that she was nearly late for meeting with Rarity. “I, um, have to go,” she said to Spitfire. “I’ve got a thing...”

“Well, I’ll come with you,” said Spitfire. “Rainbow Dash can show Mom and Dad around. How often do I get to hang out with my little sister?” She caught her sister in a headlock, and noogied her head. “So where are you headed?” Fluttershy fixed her hair, and looked at the ground.

“I’m supposed to meet Rarity at her store,” replied Fluttershy. “She’s going to take some pictures of her newest designs.”

“Oooh,” cooed Spitfire. “Still doing the modeling circuit I see?”

“Um, no, not really. Just for Rarity,” said Fluttershy. “It’s okay if it’s her dresses, but I don’t...”

“So you’re not out there blazing up the track,” interrupted Spitfire. “You seem to be doing pretty well for yourself here.”

“Thanks, I guess,” replied Fluttershy. The short flight from the library came to a stop as Fluttershy and Spitfire touched down in front of Carousel Boutique. The exterior glittered in purple and pink, inviting all looking for the most fabulous fashions to come inside. Rarity caught a glimpse of Fluttershy landed and headed for the door.

“Fluttershy!” called Rarity from inside. “I was afraid you’d be late!” She came rushing outside with a mouth full of pins. “I simply must finish...” she spotted Spitfire and skidded to a halt. “Well, hello there.” She spit out the pins and extended a hoof. “You must be Spitfire. Your sister has told me ever so much about you. Please, do come in!” Rarity ushered them inside the store. A menagerie of dresses and designs both simple and exotic greeted the pegasi. “Welcome to Carousel Boutique, the finest dress shop in all of Ponyville.” Rarity ducked behind the counter, and came up with an armload of dresses. “Your darling sister has been my model for new dresses for so long, I don’t know what I would do without her!” She looked again at the sisters, then back to the dresses. “Idea!” she exclaimed.

Fluttershy found herself modeling side by side with her sister. Rarity gave the bolder, over the top designs to Spitfire. She strutted, and flaunted her wings, showcasing Rarity’s bold lines and sleek styles. Her short hair and aggressive poses brought the designs to life, showcasing the high stylings of the Rarity orginals. Fluttershy posed in the subtle pastels, shying more from the camera than normal. Her shrinking from the spot light complimented the audacious poses of her sister, leaving the photos with a beautiful contrast.

“I simply must have you back to try on more designs!” declared Rarity as the sisters left the Boutique. “You two are naturals at this! Why, I’ve never seen such fantastic photos! They are sure to be printed in all the Canterlot Fashion Magazines!”

“Happy to help a friend of my sister’s,” replied Spitfire.

Fluttershy hung her head low as the sisters walked away from Carousel Boutique. It seemed like everyone in Ponyville was on the streets tonight just to stare at the sisters. Spitfire smiled and nodded to the ponies of the town as they whispered and talked around them.

“I didn’t know Fluttershy had a sister!” some pony said.

“I wonder if I could get an autograph,” another whispered.

Fluttershy looked up into the sky to see the sun falling on the horizon. The shortening days were coming. The night air would be chilly and more work would needed on her garden and on her home. She turned to her sister.

“So, um, where are you guys staying tonight?” asked Fluttershy.

“We hadn’t discussed it,” said Spitfire. “Rainbow Dash invited me to stay over at her place, though.”

“You can stay at my place,” offered Fluttershy. “I’ve got plenty of room.”

“That sounds like a good idea,” said Spitfire, putting a hoof to her chin. “Tell you what. I’ll go find the parents, and let them know. I’m gonna hang with Rainbow Dash tonight.”

“Um, alright,” replied Fluttershy. “I’ll just be going home then.”

Fluttershy dragged her hooves along the dirt path as she wandered back to her house. It’s not like her family had to even try to make her feel inadequate; they just showed up and ponies gravitated towards their radiant personalities. She had left home thinking they wouldn’t even notice her gone, and now they were in her town making everyone forget that Fluttershy even existed. She looked into a small puddle along the dirt path and stared at her reflection. She saw only her sister’s face staring back at her. She couldn’t be mad at them. They were just being themselves; their noisy, boisterous, helpful selves.

“Oh, why can’t I be more like them?” Fluttershy said.

“Be more like who?” asked Twlight. She had trotted beside Fluttershy without her noticing.

“Like mom, and dad, and Spitfire,” said Fluttershy. “They’re just so...”

“Vibrant? Assertive? Passionate?” Fluttershy frowned at the apt descriptions of her family. Twilight affected a weak smile. “I’m not helping am I?”

“It’s okay,” said Fluttershy. “I know they mean well, but I just don’t have anything in common with them. It’s like I was found on their doorstep.”

“I’d say that was possible, but the family resemblance is uncanny,” said Twilight. “Why don’t you try to talk to them?”

“I can’t get them to stay still for five minutes,” replied Fluttershy. “It’s like trying to herd bunnies. They just won’t stop moving.” Twilight pondered what Fluttershy was saying for a moment.

“What if you could get them moving and talking at the same time?” asked Twilight. “Like a party! Parties are perfect for socializing. Enough movement for them, and you get them talking.” Fluttershy stared at Twilight in horror. “I’ll get Pinkie Pie on it right away!” Twilight trotted away giggling.

“Twilight, no, wait!” she called. Twilight was cantering away too quickly to hear. “Oh, dear. This isn’t going to end well at all, I just know it.”


The sun had set as Fluttershy finished the chores inside her cottage. She had so much to do. With her parents staying the night, she had to clean the guest bedroom, and straighten the living room. She hadn’t even begun dinner when there was a pounding on the door.

“Fluttershy!” yelled a voice. “Hey, you in there? Open up!” Fluttershy opened the door to find a young orange pegasus standing on her scooter.

“Um, hello Scootaloo,” said Fluttershy, looking around. “Isn’t it a little late for you to be out by yourself?”

“Nah, I’m fine,” replied Scootaloo. “Pinkie Pie wanted to see you at Sugercube Corner.”.

“Um, she did?” asked Fluttershy. “What did she need?”

“She didn’t say,” said Scootaloo. It’s clear the filly was hiding something. “You should really go find out yourself. I gotta get home.” With that, the young pegasus hopped on her scooter and buzzed away back towards the city. Fluttershy sighed, preparing for the worst. Twilight had gone and asked Pinkie Pie for a party. Fluttershy could only imagine how her family would show off there. There would probably be some huge flight display with fireworks and a band. Where did Pinkie even find a band at this hour? She’d be lucky to get a word in edgewise. Fluttershy tossed on her cloak and fluttered out the door toward town.

Fluttershy touched down in front of Sugarcube Corner. She expected to see the place lit up like the Gala, with music thumping louder than a dragon. Instead, she walked in the shop to find a table set out with an elegant spread. Candles softly flickered, and piano music gently wafted from the record player. Pinkie emerged from the kitchen balancing trays of steaming vegetables as Shy and Richochet stood at the table. Fluttershy looked at the scene in confusion; she’d been expecting one of Pinkie Pie’s surprise blow outs.

“Welcome, to a nice quiet evening,” said Rainbow Dash as she slid up to Fluttershy. She had a towel over her arm, and extended her hoof to the table.

“What’s this?” asked Fluttershy.

“Well,” said Twilight, “I wanted to throw your family a party. Pinkie was going to throw a massive bash with fireworks, a flight show, a band, maybe a bounce house.” Fluttershy cringed at the thought. “But I caught up with Spitfire on my way here.”

“I knew that’s just not what you wanted,” said Spitfire. She put her arm around her sister. “I could tell that you just wanted a nice quiet evening, without the huge spectacle and display. So all your friends helped out. Rarity decorated, Pinkie and Applejack are cooking, and Twilight found some nice music. I figured it’d give us all a chance to catch up.” Spitfire smiled at her sister. “What do you think? Can we have a nice family dinner?” Fluttershy looked around at her gathered family. They all sat smiling, hoping that she would join them for a quiet meal. Fluttershy smiled for the first time today.

“It’s really great,” said Fluttershy. “A nice quiet evening.”

“I’m glad you like it,” said Ricochet. “I know you’re not all about the speed and glamor like the rest of us, but we thought it’d be a good way to say that we love you no matter what you’ve done with yourself.” Fluttershy hugged her parents. She was happy to hear that they really did understand her.

As Twilight and the mares left Fluttershy and her family to their meal, she looked through the window at the touching family scene. She began to think of her next letter to the Princess:

Dear Princess Celestia,

Today I learned that where family and friends gather, differences can be put aside to make room for each other. Families and friendships are more than sharing the same interests, they’re about spending time with ponies you care about.

No matter how long it’s been since you’ve been home, when your family loves you, there’s always a place for you in their hearts. It doesn’t matter if you’re a Wonderbolt or a veterinarian. Where there’s love, there’s family.

Your Faithful Student,

Twilight Sparkle

Comments ( 7 )
#1 · Aug 21st, 2011 · · ·

SISTER STORY WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA seriously though this is a great story and im happy one of my ideas is good enough for for somepony else to think of too i just hope no one comes up with the idea to have spike runaway from home and become the great and powerful trixies assistant :twilightoops:

::flails:: Wah! That was really, really sweet. Interesting idea, too. : )

And I see what you did there (Twilight approaching the 4th wall by acknowledging the plot device.) :twilightsheepish:

Another wonderful story from a great writer. I could easily see this becoming an episode, although Spitfire being Fluttershy's sister would kinda throw most of the fandom for a loop.

Ha. I would love to watch the entire fandom freak over that.

" a set of purple and green spotted boots" At first I thought that they had turned Spike into a pair of boots.

A job well done. Five yays for you.

The stands were filled with pegasi, clopping

:rainbowhuh: i hope you mean clappingcause cloping does NOT go well in my book but i did :rainbowlaugh: when i saw this

Author Interviewer

I am SO


I was going to write this D: I thought I was sooo clever and here you wrote it a good year before I even conceived of it!

great story !
even now that the show indicate fluttershy have brother not sister it STILL great story to read

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