• Published 29th Oct 2012
  • 1,653 Views, 69 Comments

A Dying Light - Nobrains

  • ...

An Intermission

*Hey there, guys. I've been working hard at trying to make this as presentable as possible. It's a bit out of my comfort zone as a writer and I had a lot of fun writing it. Think of this as a little short recession from the action, which also means that there might be more to tell in this story, eh? I know a few of you have been asking and waiting for something like this, so here you go, and enjoy!


Whispers. Nothing but whispers surrounded her. She was hopeless and scared, scared that whatever was in the shadows enveloping her, would soon come out with only one thing on its mind: death.

Why had he left her here? Alone, defenseless and terrified. What friend did that? He left like a coward, he died without a single thought of regret in his mind, she thought, and now she was going to die here, alone.

It was getting cold, the stone she sat upon seemed to sap the warmth from her body, taking it greedily and leaving her shivering. “You bastard... You left me here... You died, but I never wanted you to go...”

She could hear something just out of sight. It sounded ungodly, like something even worse than the scourge. She couldn't fight it if it decided to attack.. he could have protected her though... he always did... but then he yelled at her... and left.

Now there was nothing for her, so she just sat there until a deep guttural sound could be heard. She slid back, her legs useless ever since the fall that had changed everything. What she would've done to see him again.

The voice was upon her now, surrounding her, as if there was more than one. She never saw anything but the sound, the accursed sound! She brought her hands up to her pale blue ears and screamed in horror as the guttural sounds synchronized and rocked her very soul.

“Stop! Stop it, please.................. STOP!!!!!”


Titus shot up from his place on the bed, sweating terribly. The light from the moon came through dimly upon the sheets he laid under. He breathed frantically until he finally realizing that the dream he had been experiencing was just that. Why had he seen that? He was past that, past his time in Azeroth, past her...

Apparently that had not been so if he had just paid witness to that. What could it mean though? Had he really left her there, in the darkness to die? Was she really crippled? He didn't even know if she was even alive!

He rolled over and fell out of bed on the cool tiled ground. This vacation in Canterlot had gone on long enough in his opinion. The ponies were all friendly enough to him, considering he was a human, but no matter what, he always felt a bit out of place.

He stayed on his knees for a short while, trying to regain his composure and truly make sense of what had just taken place in his fragile mind. The last time he had a dream like that, he had ended up fighting for his life in a dead land beyond the Everfree Forest, and it all had turned out to be on false pretenses.

So he wasn't going to just act out on some dream he had. He knew she was gone anyways, there was nothing he could do to get to her. Then again... they managed to get a gnome across the planes, perhaps there was some sort of chance? No, no he was being crazy. Anyone that was capable of doing that was long gone, for Starswirl had passed in the tunnels along with his corrupted companion and the gnome in question.

He shifted off of his knees and leaned against the bed as he sat on the ground. It was going to nag at him now, thinking that there was some way he could see Eleii again. He had left so suddenly, though, she certainly didn't deserve his absence, and she had always been a bit reliant on him and his abilities...

“Are you okay..?” A gentle voice said, he felt a pair of hooves wrapping around his neck affectionately. “Did you have a bad dream?”

“Y-yeah. I'll be okay, though.” The paladin returned, starting to really come back from his apprehension. Lyra always made him feel a kind of calm, no matter the circumstances or even if she tended to be a bit excitable herself.

“Great, now you've got me all worried.” The spearmint green unicorn hopped off the bed and yawned, closing her yellow eyes for a second before reopening them and magically pushing the curtains covering the window above the bed out of the way, allowing more light to be seen.

She looked around and smiled while she slowly circled her human. They were in Canterlot castle, but this room was a bit different than the one they had stayed in on their first visit.

Instead of the tower, they were residing in a luxurious room that was in the servant quarters of the castle. This was more like a small apartment than simply a guest room, for it was made in thought of a permanent residence, and that's how they had been using it for the last three weeks.

After the harrowing experience back in the tunnels under the badlands, Titus and Lyra had been staying in Canterlot, enjoying the novel lifestyle that it provided. Ponies in the capital were much more sophisticated than their intermediate counterparts down below in the neighboring towns.

For that reason, Titus’ enthusiasm about the whole thing had been eroding away ever so slowly. He never liked the aristocrats, even more so the ones in Stormwind. The greedy bastards. Their actions had caused a lot of lingering issues that nipped at the heels of the city and resulted in backlash repeatedly from the neighboring land of Westfall.

He stood up slowly and wallowed about the room, trying to collect his thoughts. He had just realized how long it had been since he had thought of.. her.

His head hung low and his brow furrowed. Strands of brown hair constantly covered and interfered with his vision and he blew them away from his bearded face, occasionally cussing as the continued occurrence interrupted his train of thought.

Lyra watched him pace about. He hadn't acted like this for such a long time. Could he be concerned about his one friend again? Luna had told him that it didn't matter anymore, that he would never know what became of her.

It seemed like she would never know exactly what went on in his head. Was it because he was human? Perhaps, but he had always been a bit of an enigma. Titus could describe it as much as he'd like, but she'd never be able to see the large bastions, the other races, or the wars that scarred the land so. It was a part of him, and he wouldn't be able to share it with anyone, not even her.

“Titus?” She asked after a second, finding it very hard to see him this way in the middle of the night.

“Yes?” He asked after a moment, finally stopping and taking a minute to concern himself with something else.

“Shouldn't we head back to sleep?” She prayed that it would be enough to get him out of this state. It hurt her so bad inside to see him anything other than happy.

A sort of fear crossed his features, soon evaporating and replaced with weariness. “I suppose I could try.” He gave an awkward glance to the bed they had been sleeping on. “I'm not sure I want to have that happen again.”

“Well you can't spend the rest of your life not sleeping, silly.” Lyra told him, quickly hopping back onto the bed that was for once, big enough to support both of them.

“I can certainly try.” He returned, sitting at the side of the bed and bringing his gaze to the ground. He wasn't sure if he meant what he had just said, however.

“You're joking.” She called out skeptically behind him.

“I hope.”

Lyra frowned. It really was bothering him it seemed. Each moment that past soon after felt agonizing. She wished he would just lay down and try to sleep, but he simply sat there and kept his eyes on the ground.

She eventually slid over to his side and looked at him with her large yellow eyes. “I know you're not alright. You can't lie to me.”

Titus's eyes turned to her and he smiled sadly. “I know. It's just trouble adjusting-”

His arm was lifted by it's own accord and wrapped around the unicorn by his side. The magic she possessed was still quite strange to the paladin sometimes.

“You know... I'll always be here for you right?” She asked him expectantly.

Titus sighed and shook himself from his introspection. “I know that. Of course I do.” He hugged her softly and soon found himself nearly choking, his airway constricted from the sheer competence of Lyra's display of affection.

He gave a indicating tap on her hoof and she released her death hold. “Sorry..” She smiled embarrassingly.

“I'll be honest, I'm use to it at this point. It's every waking moment with you at this point.” Titus gave a mocking sigh.

Lyra huffed and puffed. “Say what you want. I know you like it.”

“Was I ever complaining?” He returned laying back down lightly on the bed.

“Well.... I guess not.” She ruffled her snout slightly. “Wanna tell me about that dream?”

He furrowed his brows. “I guess I can, I mean it can't hurt.”

“That's the spirit.” She fell back by his side, her hooves waving enthusiastically in the air.

“I've told you about my friend Eleii before, right?”

“The whole reason we were put through that whole ordeal in the forest, yes,” Lyra said unenthusiastically.

“Sorry about all that... I just needed to know.” Titus looked around dreamily.

“Well, what about her?” She didn't like it when Titus mentioned any sort of females from his time in Azeroth. She didn't like to think about what might have happened before he had met her. If she kept thinking about it, she swore she would tear her mane out, but it would be worth it if it meant Titus feeling a bit more composed.

“Well... I guess I'm still wondering if she's okay after all this time...”

“There's nothing you can do, Titus. It's really just best to forget about it.” She floundered herself on top of him suddenly.

“I wish I could. I really do.” He mind seemed to be drifting elsewhere as he didn't bother looking at the unicorn laid across him now.

“Anything I can do to help?” Lyra asked him.

“Just keep being you, of course.” Titus put a hand on her back and rubbed her gently.

“Hmmph, alright.” She was grouchy about all of this, he'd find a way to make it up to her in the morning. He just hoped he would be able to sleep until then. He certainly did not feel tired anymore and he was in the mood to pace about, yet he doubted Lyra would be leaving her spot anytime soon.

He reluctantly remained unmoving eventually dozing off. The dream did not return but instead his slumber was clouded with greyness and outlines of figures seem to manifest and disappear faster than he could keep up with.

He swore he had seen silhouettes of orcs, dwarfs, elves and other humans, but there was another amongst them, one that looked like a pony almost... strange. Perhaps he had been here long enough to mess with his very way of perception. Sometimes, he was afraid he'd forget faces of one's he knew, or how each race looked specifically. It was almost inevitable however, he would be the only human face he would remember eventually.

Still that silhouette of a pony seemed so out of place amongst it all... how strange..


He woke up with a thud onto the floor, seeming to have been dragged out of bed by a certain unicorn as he saw himself still surrounded by a faint green aura.

“Was that necessary?” He asked, rubbing his head.

“After waiting for as long as I did? Yes!” Lyra looked both mad at Titus and pleased with how she had handled the situation. “It's noon!”

Titus went from groggy to surprised. “Oh? I never sleep that long...”

“Well you just did, silly.” She began to make the bed with her magic, stepping past the baffled paladin.

“What exactly are we going to be doing today?” He asked after a moment, watching Lyra work her magic silently.

“Well,” she pondered, “I think we're just going to have to make it up on the spot.”

“If that's what you want.” He had accepted that he was along for the ride with Lyra at the helm for this trip before they had stepped one foot into Canterlot soon after his... well his near death experience. He didn't like to think about it all in the end, he didn't like to think about anything that had happened that day.

After setting himself to look at least somewhat presentable, he allowed Lyra to lead him out of the door and into the labyrinth that was the interior of Canterlot castle.

Lyra and her excellent sense of direction lead them through with ease and they pressed out into the outside air, both looking quite relaxed.

“Hey,” Titus suddenly blurted out, remembering his actions from last night. “I'm sorry about all of that, I guess I can just get a little home si-”

“Shush! I don't want to hear it! Let's just forget about it all, okay?”

Titus gaped his mouth in shock to Lyra's response. “A-are you sure?”

“Look,” she relaxed back into a smile and gave him a pitiful look, “I love you, and home is where your heart is.” She trotted up to him quickly and gently used her magic to bring his hand under her chin.

“And where's that?” The paladin asked as innocently as possible.

“I believe it's right here.” She bashed her eyelashes quickly.

Titus nearly visibly flinched, but caught himself before he could do anything of the like. Good, he was getting better with how he handled himself.

Lyra seemed satisfied with what had just occurred and took a step back, releasing Titus's hands, but then giving him one last skeptical look. “You are... happy with me, aren't you?”

“You know I am.” Titus answered tiredly. It was always mushy intimate talk with her now since he had returned her feelings. It was thrilling at times, but tiring at others.

“I'd just like to hear you say it is all...” She seemed to be growing more and more dainty by the second.

“I am happy with you, I swear.” Titus groaned out.

Lyra leaped up into the air and then quickly descended into Canterlot, beyond bounds of the castle, expecting her human to follow her without question.

And so he did, for what he swore was the hundredth time. In fact, it seemed like he was always chasing after the unicorn at one point or another. It had seemed to become a trademark thing between the two.

He didn't head out nearly as far as he had thought as Lyra bumped into a rather large stallion as soon as she stepped onto the streets, causing her to fall back and apologize to the unhappy pony.

He shrugged her off and his gaze switched from her to the human that was closing in on the two fast. He seemed to panic slightly and avert his gaze to some other place, hoping not to have been noticed.

“Are you okay?” He asked picking her up and placing her back onto her hooves.

“Yeah, I shouldn't be so clumsy.” She took a few steps to make sure everything was in order.

“How about not running away from me all the time?” He breathed out.

Lyra gave him a sly look before shrugging his comment off and continuing on slowly with the paladin by her side, much to his relief.

They scanned the sides of the streets as they passed through, looking for anything interesting to pass their time with. Titus was hoping that eventually even Lyra would be burned out enough from all of this and call their trip in Canterlot complete. It just didn't seem to be happening.

To her, this was bliss. To just be wandering the streets with the human she loved was all she needed and she didn't want it to end anytime soon, even if leaving didn't mean it had to. In fact, there was only one little thing that made her question on whether or not they would be staying here much longer.

It was, of course, about Titus. More specifically his current state of being. After a dream like that, it was only bound to cause trouble, just like it did that one night...

But that was of no matter for now, as long as it didn't happen again. She began to get carried away in the moment and nearly ran into the nearest shop she could see, wondering how Titus would react to such an instantaneous act.

She thought better of it though. Perhaps they could just take it slow for once? Not trying to force everything into such a small margin of time. It was worth a shot, she knew she could be impatient, and running Titus ragged with all this jumping about all over the place wasn't going to do him any good. Maybe that was why he was having such dreams?

“So... anywhere look nice...?” She asked politely.

Titus grunted. “Back in Ponyville, actually.”

She frowned in disappointment. “Aww, come on. Don't you want to do something romantic?”

“Hasn't this whole trip been for that sake alone?” He seemed grim, but she could see a soft smile of playful nature on his lips.

“Well... yes, but there's never too much of a good thing.”

“That's highly debatable.” He puffed out.

She was going to end up with a deflated Titus on her hooves if she didn't think of something to relieve the tension quick. She looked around frantically and lit up when she saw a food stand on the side of a street surrounded by tables where some ponies were seated.

She suddenly realized just how hungry she was as well. Two birds with one stone it would seem. Now all she had to do was address it.

“Hey, why don't we just stop and have a bite? You know, just take it easy and stuff?” She forced a fake smile and attempted to look as angelic as possible.

Titus gave her an incredulous look. What could she be up to now? This definitely was not how she usually acted, especially these last few weeks. But he was a hungry soul, come to think of it...

“This is probably going to end up being something crazy, isn't it?”

Lyra looked appalled at such a suggestion. “Of course not!”

“Uh huh, sure. I'll humor you.” He shrugged. What could you do when you were hungry like this?

“Great!” Lyra was about to hop on ahead, but caught herself, looking at Titus with an embarrassing smile and laughing awkwardly. “Almost did it again...”

In what seemed like an instant, they were seated at a nice table and had what seemed like a quite nice meal before them (by Lyra's viewpoint, Titus would never find solace in the food here.)

“So.. uhh...” She wondered what they could talk about, it was usually all just action action action with them. “How are you?”

He returned her question with a look of comicality. “Fine? What's with such a question? You know how I'm doing.”

“I know...” She poked at her daisy’s stem nervously. She sure hoped she wasn't reverting back her old self around Titus. “I just don't want you to..”

“Go on?” He couldn't count how many times they've had a conversation like this.

“Your dreams. I don't like you having those, especially about your friend.”

Titus pursed his lip and he went quiet for a long moment. Lyra thought that she had just offended him, and in turn felt like she had just went through and stabbed herself in the heart, she was about to blurt out a hurried apology when he finally spoke up.

“It was just a dream, Lyra, nothing more.” He seemed to be genuine, and he was even smiling softly.

“I shouldn't have brought it up... I was just worried was all-”

“I'm not going to get mad at you for caring about me. Why would I go and do something like that?”

Oh, this was too good to be true. Lyra began to speak again. “You don't know how happy I am to-”

“It will remain as long as you hold it in check, Beacon.”

Titus turned his gaze to his side and nearly fell out his chair. How princess Luna had been able to sneak up on him, he would never now. He could just imagine the princess of the night touching down from the sky right next to him. That had to be the only explanation.

“Err...” Lyra began. “What are you doing here, princess?”

“To help the Beacon find peace of mind.”

“I'm quite alright, I swear.” Titus said with a hand on his head. “Nothing's a bother to me, I'm quite content.”

“You're dreams would speak otherwise.” Luna gave a knowing smile.

“...How do you know such a thing? A man's thoughts and dreams should be his own.”

“I am the princess of the night, I remind you. My realm is darkness and slumber, and since you've came to this world, your dreams are part of my domain as well.”

He frowned. He felt like his personal space had just been violated, but what was worse was the idea that Luna had been doing this since he had been in Equestria. He looked around to find that they weren't sharing anyone's company anymore.

Apparently Luna's presence was enough to send most of them packing, for he remembered there being some crisis involving her or the like quite a while ago. Every day, however, she seemed to be growing more and more comfortable in her own skin, her very manner of speaking changing ever so slowly, as her sense of overwhelming command gently grew docile.

“Looking at his dreams, huh?” Lyra asked, interested. “If you really can, then let's hear what you know about him.”

“Well...” Luna started. “He's quite a different experience altogether. He doesn't dream just about trivial fantasies or other things he longs for. What I've seen is a mix of recollection and regret. He is a very troubled soul, to put it simply.”

“Not lightly, though.” Titus muttered, a bit shaken from the confirmation of it all.

“I apologize, Beacon. I don't mean to come off as inconsiderate to your state of being. I simply was answering a question asked by your life companion.” Luna gave him an atoning look, trying to sell her case.

“Very well...” He sighed. “I don't see how you can help me with such trifles, though.”

“What if I told you, that it is very well possible to communicate to your friend through your dreams themselves.”

“I..” He was flabbergasted, his mouth hung slightly open. He eventually pushed himself out the chair giving Luna a look of disbelief. “Surely you're joking. You said...”

“I know what I've said to you in the past. There's no possible way I can take you back, especially since your soul no longer belongs to such a world, and not to mention the no longer present starstones are meaningless as well.”

“Then how could you do such a thing?” Titus stared into her eyes with a flame that seemed to have burst alive.

“Your dreams, Beacon. They can be more than just a sequence in your subconscious; it can be a gateway, a chain to connect you to others that dream all across those distant souls and stars that you see every night.”

Lyra was sitting there, hearing all of this, and not wanting to hear it anymore. Why had Luna showed up and ruined everything! She was a princess and all, but she had no right to just go busting into their conversation like that! She was already taking care of him, but now another shows up, promising some sort of closure for her human! The nerve!

She couldn't do anything, however. Nopony could go and speak up when the princess was holding such a conversation with another, and the way she felt right now, it was probably best she kept quiet and hoped that Titus would feel too insecure to accept whatever assistance the princess offered.

“I'm not sure I'd be willing to do it. What if it's not what I think it's going to be?” He wiped sweat that was beginning to form above his brows.

Luna studied him for a moment and finally spoke up. “I see. Would you mind if I spoke to your unicorn companion alone?”

Titus's eyes flashed for an instant, until finally relaxing again. “I.. I don't see why not.”

Lyra was growing confused. Why would she want to talk to her? She added nothing to the subject at hand. If anything, she just wanted Luna to get out of here and leave them in peace.

The princess crossed the table and asked Lyra to follow her a few paces off, curtly. Titus watched them go, an anxious look upon his bearded face.

After Luna had led them away far enough from the table, she stopped and spoke to Lyra softly, but with a dominating tone. “Do you want what is best for the Beacon?”

What a queer question, of course she did, but there was something about the princess that made her feel reluctant to answer. After a long moment, she mustered the voice to answer. “Always.”

“Good. Then you will convince him to go through with this. Can I trust you will?”

“Uhh...” What had she just gotten into? The princess wanted her to convince her beloved Titus to do something that she herself did not want him to go through with? What a peculiar dilemma she found herself in. She couldn't just refuse the princess, but she really didn't want her human to be put through this either...

“This is no time to mull over your thoughts. Either you will assist me, which would be wise, or you will refuse, which is inadvisable. Make your decision now.”

“Okay, okay!” She clenched her teeth and forced out the words she didn't want to say. “I'll help you convince him.”

“I am glad to see you are a clever unicorn. Now, let's hurry back, shall we?” Luna pressed by her back to the table.

“Yeah... real princess like...” Lyra muttered under her breath, stomping back to the table after the irksome princess.

Titus looked even more confused when they returned, truly curious as to why they needed to leave and have a private conversation without him. They must have been planning something, but he wasn't entirely sure...

“We apologize for leaving you momentarily, Beacon. We were just discussing issues that were none of your concern.” Luna smiled, which seemed inappropriate for the words she had just conveyed.

“No, really..” He his arm on the table and rested his head upon it gently, truly unamused. “I really think it does concern me.”

“We were just talking about...” Lyra stammered out. “Clothes..”

Titus almost wanted to laugh. He forced his look of amusement away and began to speak again. “Since when did clothing concern you two? Only me and the pompous of this land seem concerned about such trifles.”

“You don't sound very fond of clothing. Why not just stop wearing them, then?” Luna asked.

Lyra nearly fell over from even imagining such a thing. She knocked into the table slightly, sending it sliding a few inches and causing them both to eye her curiously.

Titus eventually turned back to the princess, his look unamused. “Because, I like to retain my decency, and I'm actually quite fond of clothing, believe it or not.”

“Very well. I believe your life companion has something to say to you, however.” Luna turned her gaze amusingly towards the flustered unicorn.

“I do not!!” Lyra quickly shouted, her ears drooping down from continued discomfiture.

“Yes, you do.” The princess countered with a commanding voice.

“Royalty... can't even get the job done by themselves...” The mint unicorn muttered between gritted teeth.

“What was that?”

“Nothing! Nothing at all...”

Drumming his fingers across the table, Titus waited for the two ponies to cease their bickering with one another and come back to reality. These were one of those times he had to ask himself 'how did I end up here in this situation?' Whatever the case, he was here now and had to deal with his fiery little unicorn arguing with royalty. Only for him, he supposed.

“Did we not have an agreement?” Luna began to raise her voice and towered over the unicorn who still refused to bend to her will.

“You can't tell me what to do! I won't!” Lyra was hopping mad, forgetting the world around her as their argument grew more and more heated.

“So you lied to me?! You lied to the princess of the night?!” Luna's voice was thundering now, and Titus could feel himself shaking slightly in his seat. This was getting out of hand.

Lyra, however, had no notion of ending the exchange anytime soon and tried to shout back. Although it was like a mouse trying to squeak over the roar of a tiger.

“Maybe I did! You're not very princess like, are you?!” Lyra screamed at the top of her lungs.

“YOU WOULD LIE TO US!? YOU, A SINGLE UNICORN DARES TO DEFY YOUR PRINCESS?!” She was beginning to lapse into her old self.

Titus stood up and nearly fell over, ponies along the streets were beginning to run away in fear at the outburst that was taking place, shouting something about the 'Canterlot voice.'

He struggled towards the two. Lyra was slowly slipping further and further away as she barked in defiance towards Luna, seemingly unaware of the gap that was growing between the two. Those barks began to become less and less audible as Luna's voice only grew more and more voluminous.

Without thinking, Titus plucked Lyra from her slightly mobile spot and shouted for Luna to cease her destructive blare. Unfortunately, even the princess herself was beyond hearing anything over her own voice, forcing the paladin to plod on forward towards her, Lyra slightly shellshocked from the dramatic increase in force from Luna's voice.

If she couldn't listen, then there was only one other form of action he could take. Reaching outwards with his one free hand, he gripped onto her snout and under her jaw, trying to close it softly and prevent her from continuing.

Large yelps soon died down to muffled sounds, as Luna quickly wiggled away from Titus's grip and blinked her eyes about in confusion. She looked around to see tables and chairs thrown in every which way, all casualties of her outburst.

“I... I cannot express the transgression I am feeling right now.” Her lip quivered slightly as she continued to sulk over her misbehavior.

Lyra broke from Titus and dropped to the ground, making a triumphant 'humph' sound. She quickly darted up to the princess, prepared to rub it in her face that she cracked first. As she began to say the words, the paladin scooped her up again and pulled her away.

“What are you doing?!” She thrashed about in his arms. “I knew she couldn't make you go through with it! I knew she wouldn't punish me!”

“Make me go through with what? The dream?” Titus was having a harder time than he had thought with the spearmint unicorn.

“Y-yeah!!” She roared out. She realized what she had just said and quickly covered her mouth with her fore-hooves, ceasing her protesting instantly.

Titus exhaled and quickly put the now distressful Lyra on the ground, walking to Luna. She was now trying to rearrange everything the way it had been before this whole mess began.

“Was this all really about me?”

Luna broke from her trance like state to acknowledge Titus with a guilty nod. “It will help, Beacon. I wouldn't put it forth so earnestly otherwise.”

“It's just so sudden. Why didn't you tell me that night? That damned night that I knew I was stuck here.” He was looking for anything to grasp onto, his mind a mottled mess.

“I wasn't aware you would be plagued by such dreams, and I didn't feel that it was necessary to put you through more emotional strain. It was simply better for your mental health at the time.”

Titus sat down in a chair near a table and looked up at her with contempt. “You're talking like I could have gone crazy.”

“Never anything so... ostentatious. I do believe the strain would have flawed your overall perception of the world at hand, however.” She was trying to sound as polite as possible. She couldn't risk offending him right now.

“I'm trained not to break. I'm... I was a damned Knight of the Silver Hand.” He rubbed his temples lightly. “Emotions aren't suppose to get the better of me.”

“But they have, haven't they? You wouldn't be here in this magnificent city with the... perfidious unicorn otherwise.” That may have been taking it a bit far, but Luna felt like it needed to be said.

“You're right.” He sat back in his chair, his gaze looking up into the sky. “I let emotion govern me. A path that can lead to destruction.” His thoughts were taken back to the treacherous Arthas, the paladin that had lost the Light.

“It is also not good to feel hollow, however either. A truly just pony is just as terrifying as a dishonest one, if not more.”

Why did he continue to sit here and get lectured by some princess? Why didn't he just walk away? Was it because it was all true? Or was he just so tired of it all? He would never know, but he continued to listen. Listen and understand.

Lyra was watching the scene with distaste. She swore the princess had called her something, but she wasn't sure what the word meant, and didn't want to risk coming off as light-witted. Titus just sat there, though, watching and listening to the words she had to say.

If he could just hurry up, then they could get on with their day, forgetting this whole thing ever happened. She was confident now that he wouldn't accept the offer; it wasn't worth all the trouble. He was happy, but just homesick like usual, that was all.

She soon noticed that they were both looking at her. She gave Titus a shrug and lipped the words 'what?', wondering exactly why they were doing such a thing.

“We've come to an agreement of sorts.” Luna said after a moment. “He said he would only go through with it, if you agreed to let him.”

“I-what?” She stammered out. She suddenly felt a pressure push down on her. What was he thinking?! Why would he put this on her? He knew she didn't want him to go through with it! She could just say it right now, 'let's just go,' and they'd be off! But for whatever reason, she found herself ridden with ambivalence.

“Take your time.” Titus said nervously. He was serious about this whole thing. He really wanted her honest opinion. She suddenly felt overwhelmed with flattery, but now was the time to honestly make the choice for him. Why was it so damn hard, though?

She really didn't want to take this opportunity from him... she just didn't want to see him sad was all. He was always so distant sometimes when they were alone, and it was slowly killing her inside. She just wanted to keep him happy. It was the least she could do for the reason she was happy everyday.

This could either make him a groveling soul, a pitiful thing, or finally a truly a content individual. She wasn't sure what he wanted, but Luna thought it would make him happier...

“Okay.” She forced out, her eyes clenched shut. It was going to be harder than she had thought.

“Okay what?” Titus asked curiously, his hands to his mouth. A nervous habit he had developed some time ago. He couldn't remember if it was before or after he arrived in this world; it didn't matter anyway.

“You should go through with it.”

“Really?” He was genuinely surprised from the answer they had gotten. He thought she would've ended this whole thing right here. He wasn't sure what he wanted at this point.

“What a pleasant revelation.” Luna declared delightfully. She suddenly pulled Titus from his seat with her magic, laughing, but quickly stopped. “I suppose there isn't much to do until my night comes over the land.” There was an awkward silence following that, before Luna spoke once more. “I... will meet you both in Canterlot castle after you complete your day of leisure. Enjoy yourselves.”

Luna took to the air after that, leaving the two in a rather lengthy and bitter silence. Both parties were surprised at what the other had done, and for once, they were speechless of one another.

Lyra slowly approached him, her eyes reflecting the look of confusion on Titus's own face. They both didn't say anything for a long while. Until Lyra suddenly jumped into his arms, crying gently.

“I'm doing this for you... You know that, right?” That was all she could tell both him and herself. It helped her feel like she had made the right decision.

“I know.” He held her close, reassuring her that everything was fine. “I appreciate it all.”

“I shouldn't have agreed. I shouldn't put you through this.”

“If Luna thinks it's best for me, then it shouldn't be anything bad. I'm not going anywhere, I promise.”

She sniffled and smiled, leaning up and pecking him on the lips. “I just don't want to see you sad anymore. That's all I want.”

“Well, it's hard to be sad around you. I'm more angry than sad most of the time.” He joked lightly, bringing a hand up to wipe the tears from her eyes. “Let's calm down a bit and enjoy the rest of today, right?”


He didn't put her down, but carried her off down the street, leaving everything that wasn't themselves behind. With every word of comfort Titus had given her, she still couldn't shake the feeling that she had made the wrong choice in the end. Maybe she could take it back? Maybe, but she wasn't sure her human would be very keen to the indecisive act. She had made her choice, now she had to live with it.

She just hoped she could live with herself after all of this.


The halls were dead silent when they both arrived at the castle. Lyra had made sure he was going to be exhausted before Titus got back. He was always a bit more 'easy going' when he was a bit downtrodden.

They had decided to go to the small park in Canterlot and enjoy the day in a much more active way. Titus found himself chasing after the unicorn that had teased him by magicking grass into his face while he was trying to rest on the smooth ground.

All in all, it was a good day for him, but it was the constant looming thought that he would soon be speaking to Eleii that filled his stomach with nervousness and reluctance. He did his best to push it aside and make sure Lyra was enjoying herself to the fullest.

He ended this chase the way it had begun, on the ground; except this time there was a minty unicorn by his side, enjoying each other's comfort. Some ponies walked by staring, others ignored them. He didn't care though, he was right where he wanted to be.

Now that they were back in the castle well past dusk, the place seemed a bit deserted. Celestia had finished her court and the stewards and guards had left the main chambers to take to one's bed, not leaving a single post manned in the throne room.

There was no need for them, Lyra always knew the way. Titus played along as usual and followed her back to their room, praying one day the Light might bestow upon him some sort of navigational device.

Luna was waiting in front of their room, waiting politely for them to approach. “It is good to see you enjoyed your day to the fullest. You look weary, Beacon.”

“Can't lie about that.” He grunted lightly, stepping by her and opening the door to the room.

“Abrasive, are we?” The princess teased, following in after him, leaving a rather perturbed Lyra to be the last one in.

“No, just a bit disgruntled is all. I'll be fine.” He rubbed his hands lightly and shook his head, trying to remain perceptive.

“Very well, Beacon. We can begin the trance whenever you'd like.”

“Ah, on my own terms? Great.” He huffed out a bit of air, blowing some of the strands of hair in his face away.

“It's okay to feel a bit confrontational. Take as much time as you need; as long as my domain remains over the skies.”

“Yeah.. yeah.” Lyra pushed by the princess rather impolitely and beckoned to be in the arms of her human.

Titus obliged and he let her stay as long as she liked. Luna watched them both silently, patiently waiting for them to be through with their embrace.

“You'll be okay, and then we can stay up all night, just talking.” Lyra softly assured him, finally breaking away and falling to the floor of the small chamber.

“If that's what you'd like.” He brought her ear in between his fingers and played with it softly for a second before finally taking one last breath and nodding to Luna. “Let's get this damnable thing over with.”

“As you wish.” Luna beckoned towards the bed. “It will be as if slumber.”

“What if I can't talk to her? What if she isn't there?” Titus's mouth suddenly went dry and his hands turned cold almost in an instant.

“Then we shall try at another time, Beacon. I promise you it isn't that complicated.” The princess circled around the bed, trying to make sure that he was comfortable enough. “It will simply be a trance, and I will project you outwards in the direction I remembered you coming from when I brought you here.”

He couldn't help but imagine a huge lighthouse, shining heavily through a smoky blackness. Like the one just in the distance in Stormwind Harbor. It was the only thing he could imagine that made any sort of sense to him.

“Alright. Alright.” He wiggled his fingers and twitched slightly. “By the Light, I'm ready.”

Luna didn't respond, but simply began a spell, her horn glowing softly. It eventually grew in luminosity at a rapid rate, forcing both Lyra and Titus to shield their eyes.

It only became even brighter until shielding one's eyes was rendered useless. Titus found his entire sight consumed by whiteness, all sound fading away. He dared not open his eyes now, or else risk going blind.

In one final burst, everything that Titus had sensed suddenly went to black and the air around him became dry and cold; everything sounded so distant now, as if he had suddenly been tossed into a soundless room with a single open window, the sounds of far away places just barely touching his ears.

He dared not open his eyes for a short while, he feared the second he would, he'd never use them again.

“Is it... over? What's going on? Lyra? Luna?” He finally opened his eyes and nearly gasped.

He was in some dark void, nothing but the blackest of black surrounded him. He himself was the only source of light in this strange realm. Everything was without material and every time he took a step, it was upon nothing.

Maybe Luna had miscalculated? Perhaps he was stuck in the empty space between each and every star, a sea of souls. But there was none that he could see, and there was no indication that he was in any sort of dreamlike state. If this was it, then he hoped Luna would release him sooner than later.

Bastard...” A heavily accented voice sounded off in the distance.

“What? Who's there?! Hello!” Titus called out with all his might, but there was no answer. Instead, he could hear the sounds of a choked sob.

He followed the noise, all the while cautious of what he might find. He could hardly remember why he was even here; he just wanted to go back now.

Left me. Died like a coward.

Now that was peculiar. Those words seemed to hint at something, something he knew he had a connection with. Now he was getting more eager and eventually started running in the direction of the crying.

Not worth a damn minute of my time. Should never have met him...

“Hello! Please!” He suddenly tripped and hit the invisible ground, his jaw making impact grunted.

He expected his mouth to well up with blood, but it never came. Of course, he was just a... 'Beacon' shining off. He pulled his now stinging head upwards and found a figure rolled over and crying on the ground just ahead of him.

Why... why... why...” She softly cried, holding her legs close to her chest. Titus noticed hooves on the bottom of those clasped legs. Then it hit him.


The crying suddenly stopped and were instead replaced with frantic breathing. She looked around in front of her frantically, wondering where the sound came from. “Who... Who... Who...???

“Titus.” He struggled out, slowly pushing himself back onto his feet. “It's me... Titus...” He walked up to the prone figure and extended his hand down to her, to help her up.

She took it gingerly and he pulled her back up softly. Her face was exactly how he remembered it. Soft, delicate, the face all of her holy race possessed. He wasn't sure how to react, but a thought came to his mind as he looked her over in her drab clothing, his light reflecting off of her.

“Remember that talk we were going to have...?” He hoped this would spark something in her. Something he could begin with.

She studied him intently, her face a mask. She took a deep breath and Titus thought she was finally ready to speak. “I am so sorr-” She suddenly struck him across the face, sending him reeling to the floor.

Titus held his cheek, looking up at her with a hurt expression. “What... what is this?”

Why did you leave me!? Why did you leave me all alone! First the ones in the tombs... then me! You left me to live out my life in pain! WHY?! WHY DID YOU DIE?!

“I don't understand... I didn't mean to-”

I know what you meant to do... You... you... son of a bitch! How could you?!

Titus stood up and tried to plead his innocence. Why was she accusing him of all of this? She wasn't like this! She didn't let anger dictate her, unlike him... “Just listen to me... please.”

The last time I listened to you... the last time I listened to you...” She hesitated, as if trying to recollect some sort of memory. “You yelled at me! You said such foul words!

“I know dammit! I'm sorry! I'm a bastard! I don't even know why the Light continues to shine down upon me, why it bothers keeping me in its grace! Better men have been shunned by the Light over simple matters of honor!”

I don't care about you and your damned honor or the Light! None of it matters! What you did to me was unforgivable!

“How can you say this? You know I'd never... I'd never do anything like that.” He felt tears begin to form in his eyes. Why couldn't she see past this shroud of anger and hurt?

Save it. I spit on you and the Light. Leave me be. Leave me be to rot in this hell, a better fate than looking upon you again.

Titus stepped away, his hands clenched in emotional pain. It had all gone wrong. She hated him, and he hated himself for doing this. He was a defender once, a proud and noble being in the lands of Azeroth. Antisocial, sure, but honorable; he had fallen so far.

“As... as you wish.” Taking a step backward, Titus fought back the feeling of raw pain within his heart. He had been rejected without a chance at appeasement. He didn't feel like he deserved it, anyways.

He wandered into the darkness for what seemed like hours. He forgot about everything else, why he was even there, why he cared, and why it hurt so damn much. Her words were like daggers, each one taking a shot at his heart. Nothing was left back for him there, it was as clear as daylight.

“I am done!” He suddenly called out. “Release me! I wish to be rid of this place!”

As if on cue, the darkness receded and the sounds all came rushing back. He was out of the nightmare and back into bitter reality.


He was in the bed again, this time with a feeling of true dejection to go along with it.

He found both Luna and Lyra looking at him expectantly, waiting for his answer as to if things worked. His face turned sour and he quickly pushed himself out of the bed without a word.

“Is everything... okay?” Lyra called out as he stormed out of the room, closing the door behind him. What had happened?!

“It is done.” Luna said sadly. “He experienced what he needed to.”

“What do you mean? How do you know this is good?”

“Because, little one, I fabricated it. He saw what I needed him to see.”

“You mean... he never really...?” Lyra was in complete and utter shock.

“Yes. There was no way I could bring his soul that far out without losing it. I simply manipulated his dreams.”

“Why would you do such a thing to him? He's hurt! Look at what you've done!”

“The last tie needed to be severed, don't you see? He was still holding onto faint memories of a dear one to him; it was slowly tearing at him.”

“But he was happy with me...” She looked over at the door he had went through moments ago. She should have gone after him, but after learning this... she needed to know more from the princess.

“That was no feigned happiness. He truly cherishes your company above all else. I've seen both of your dreams more often than you think.”

“...and what does he dream about me?” She was anxious to hear. She would do anything to hear.

“I see privacy is not a thing you give much heed to. But I can tell you, if you really wish. It is not anything dreadful, I assure you.”

“Yes, please. I want to hear this.”

“His dreams were always hard to read. His mind was a clouded one for a long time, not truly in sync with the world he lived in yet. When I did enter his dreams, they were often of simple things, things that only held a single meaning.”

Lyra was beginning to grow impatient. “Okay? Aren't you going to tell me when he dreamed of me, though?”

“I was getting to that.” Luna responded irritably. “Do you have no respect for anypony?”

“Not when my human is the subject of the matter, no.”

Luna groaned in frustration. “Running.”

“What?” What kind of answer was that? This princess was some cruel being if this was all she was going to tell her. “What do you mean 'running?'”

“Running after you. Chasing you. Laughter. Happiness.” Luna said all this with a monotone voice, as if possessed somehow.

“Chasing after me? Why?”

“You tell me. It obviously holds some significance to him.”

He was always chasing after her. She was always running ahead, excited and happy to be alive. If what she said was true, then Titus enjoyed her company and her little habits more than she could have thought. She felt sick to her stomach in a good way all over again.

“Go to him. He needs you now more than ever.” Luna gestured towards the way out and smiled sadly. “Remember, I've done what needs to be done. There should be nothing that will cause such doubts within him anymore. Now go.”

Lyra nodded and ran for the door, throwing it open before she even got there. She looked around frantically, looking for her human. “Dammit... dammit!” She began galloping down the halls, looking around corner after corner for him. Damn Luna, why couldn't she let them be? He was already happy. This hadn't accomplished anything but put him in a state of melancholy. For the first time since she had gotten here, she wanted to be rid of Canterlot.

“Titus!” She called out, feeling as if each second apart chipped away at her heart. “Where are you?! Please!” She might have woke the whole castle, but she didn't care. She just wanted to see him again.

Each moment that past furthered her agony. Where could he have gone to in such a short time? She had only been talking to Luna for a moment! She just had to keep looking, she wasn't going to give up. No, she would never.

Eventually she passed by a series of windows overlooking the royal gardens, where festivities would take place on the castle grounds. Down there, that's where she saw him. He was standing in the middle of an outcropping of hedges, his gaze stuck to the ground.

She wanted to say something to let him know that she was there, but there was no way from up here. Her best bet was hurrying down there to him and hoping he didn't decide to slip off again.

Running down to the gardens was quicker than she had thought it would have been and she slipped out into the night air shortly after, crying out his name as she rushed towards him, relieved to find him still there.

He didn't respond for a second until his eyes lit up and he gazed upwards toward her, nearly being thrown aback as she jumped into his arms.

“What you saw...” She began, but then a thought occurred in her mind. She couldn't tell him now, that would reignite hope within him and would trouble him forever, likely causing this whole situation to start all over again. “I'm so sorry.”

Titus pulled her up to him and laid her head on his shoulders, gently rubbing her back. “I'll be fine. I was just... I was just too foolish to see how other's I've abandoned would feel.”

She wanted to tell time so bad, to stop it, even for a second. But she knew that it was best to keep quiet. Damn! Why did Luna have to approach it this way?!

“You'd never leave me...” She whispered.

“I wouldn't.” Titus returned, his tone complacent, but choked down with his sorrow. “I'd never.”

That's exactly what she wanted to hear at a time like this. He wasn't beyond her, not even know. She knew that love would be the thing that would restore him. Things weren't always so complicated.

Titus looked around in the cold air, his hurt expression relieving slightly. “Why is it that everytime I think there might be something for me back there, it gets thrown right back in my face?”

“Well...” She said, trying to find the right words to comfort him. “That's behind you now, right? I mean, you're here with me, and that's all that matters now.”

Titus laughed daintily. “That's all that matters to you, huh?”

“That's all that ever will.” She sighed out, suddenly tired. “You know, I've been thinking...”

“Been thinking what?”

“I'm getting a bit tired of Canterlot, maybe we could-”

“Oh, thank the Light.” Titus exhaled in relief. “I've been waiting for you to say that.”

“Yeah, yeah. I know.” She said flatly. “You've got to stop being so antisocial.”

“Yeah okay. As soon as you stop being so clingy.” He countered.

“Humph!” She scrunched up her snout in an offended manner. “That's not going to be happening anytime soon.”

“Then don't expect any change from me either.”

“Fine.” She looked back towards the castle. “Let's head to bed, then.”

“Then leave in the morning?” The paladin asked ardently.

“Yes. We will leave.” Lyra brought a hoof up to her face in irritation.

“Then we shall.” He said with the faintest smile on his lips, carrying her back to the castle. It was good to have someone to love and be loved by.


Luna had been watching the two interact from the overlook Lyra had been at only moments ago. It was nice to see that there would be no more distractions from outside entities or memories of past.

She had relieved him from such things, but she hoped it would be enough to make sure his focus was clear. There was always going to be something just beyond the horizon, and she needed him ready for whatever was to come.

She was confident that he would be happy and less prone to these brooding lapses after a few short days. The unicorn was his one inclination now, and she was more than happy to be, her love for him unbelievably puissant.

She smiled softly and fancied herself a ‘benefactor’ for a short minute. Of course, this was all to ensure her people would remain safe whenever times of danger would come, but she couldn’t help but feel good that she had helped this relationship bloom a bit further.

She hummed softly to herself as she finally returned back to her own quarters, feeling quite jubilant inside.

Author's Note:

Let me know what you guys think; I've never really written anything like this.