• Published 29th Oct 2012
  • 1,654 Views, 69 Comments

A Dying Light - Nobrains

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Chapter Six

Chapter Six

Reality came back as Titus found himself under water. He clenched his eyes shut and began to swim for what he thought was up. He broke through the surface of the water with a gasp and hacked and coughed.

He heard a much more delicate voice join along in chorus with his coughing. He ran an arm around his back and sighed in relief to feel the little green unicorn was still holding onto him.

“You shouldn't have agreed to this!” She nearly sobbed. “I just wanted everything to be normal from now on!”

That cut up Titus inside. He knew he had let her down. She had just asked for solace and contempt, but now was being thrown into a torrent of stress and danger. He felt guilty doing this to her since he knew that she would be at his side no matter simply because of love and the fact that should would worry herself to death without him.

“Over here, you two. Up here at the mouth of the tunnel.” Titus finally opened his eyes to see that they were underground. Either Starswirl had messed up with the spell, or they were under the badlands itself. Titus didn't hesitate to swim over to the mouth of the tunnel Starswirl was speaking of.

After he had pulled himself out of the water, he just wanted to fall over and take a breather from all that, but he found himself unable too as Lyra got off his back staggered slightly, shivering and then sitting down, traumatized.

“I just.. wanted.. to talk to Celestia.. I just wanted to be happy without anymore of this..” Her teeth were chattering from the drop in temperature that the water had caused.

Titus got up onto his feet and immediately walked over to the miserable unicorn. He patted her head softly and tried to cheer her up with comforting words. “We'll get through this, and then we can do whatever you want.”

She kept her head down, drops of water dropping to the wet floor from her mane. She obviously wasn't buying into the suggestion he was laying out for her.

He sat down next to her and gently stroked her mane, causing her to tense up from the compassionate touch that the Paladin placed upon her. She knew shouldn't keep mopey act for much longer. She could never be upset with her human.

She pulled her head up gently and looked at him with a pitiful look. “Do you mean it?”

Titus just laughed lightly. “Of course, why wouldn't I?”

She suddenly grabbed him and pulled him into her for a hug. It had never been awkward for her. Never. For him, especially in front of another, it was still a work in progress, but he didn't shy away from the contact.

“Things can't be normal with you around, huh?” She asked softly in his arms.

“I doubt it. Trouble seems to follow me wherever I go. I would understand if you didn't want to be a part of all this.” He already knew what words were going to come next, but he still wanted to hear what she had to say.

“Are you kidding? You're all I have, and all I need.” She laughed a bit, along with Titus who had expected just as much.

“As warming as this is to see..” Starswirl leaning against a tunnel wall looking off into the pool of water behind them. “I believe we have some other worries to tend to, and then you two lovebirds can worry about whatever you want. I'll even send you to the beach, if you'd like.” The sorcerer snickered.

“Oh, ha ha.” Lyra said bitterly, finally breaking the contact from Titus. She had to admit though that the beach was certainly not a bad thing to look forward to in the near future after they had dealt with all of this.

“Very well, sorcerer.” Titus sat up, causing Lyra to hold out her hooves hopelessly after him as he walked towards Starswirl. “I assume this was the place you meant to bring us too?”

“Quite so, Beacon. From here on out, things will be getting quite dangerous. We have two dangerous individuals within these tunnels. If we take care of this before they can spread corruption, then I believe we should be able to complete this task in less than say.. a few days.”

“What?!” Lyra shot up and looked at the sorcerer in disbelief. “You've got to be kidding?! How big are these tunnels?!”

“Large enough to drive those in search of the starstones insane, of course. What a silly question to ask here.”

“Humph.” Was all she returned, walking over to Titus.

“Well..” Starswirl got off the wall and spun his hat lightly upon his head with a smirk. “Shall we be going?”

“Yes.” Titus huffed and began to follow the bearded unicorn down the tunnel.

“Wait!” Lyra cried out, not moving an inch. Titus turned around and Starswirl sighed in irritation. Lyra gave the Paladin the most pathetic look she could muster, her fore-hooves outstretched and reaching towards Titus.

Titus rolled his eyes and came over, picking the green unicorn up. She smiled with deviance as she repositioned herself on his back and stuck her tongue out in the direction of the bearded pony who wasn't looking at them at the moment.

“Let us go, then.” Starswirl said with an edge of impatience.

The tunnels were endless and Titus had sworn that they had seen the same place over and over again. Starswirl was extremely cautious, pausing constantly before they went around a corner or stepped into a much more open area.

“Do you know where we're going?” Lyra asked the sorcerer who seemed to almost be in a different place within his mind.

“Oh? Oh yes. I was just heading towards the chamber where the stones would lay upon their stands. It shouldn't be much farther now, actually right around..” Starswirl nearly choked on his own breath from the sight before as he came around the corner.

All they found was rubble and dust, but the dust simply floated in place, unchanged by the air around them or the air they breathed.

“What has he been doing?!” Starswirl suddenly shouted. Titus gave him a worried look as the sorcerer seemed to be trying to understand what just had taken place here.

“Why would he destroy the chamber where the starstones were?” Titus asked, trying to go through the possibilities himself.

“It's not that, Beacon. It's the fact that this whole tunnel is held in stasis, I've never imagined something this large to be under such a technical spell as a stasis incantation. He definitely has the starstones with him, that much I am sure.” Starswirl squinted his eyes as he continued to look at the dust that had clouded at an unseen interval. “It needs to be released, too much magic held in place like this will certainly cause some complications for any that linger above the surface and the land itself, as dead as it already is.” His horn began to glow, as he prepared to disable the spell that the tunnel was under.

“Wait shouldn't we...” Titus started, but the spell had already been released. The tunnel began to rumble, or rather resumed its previous rumbling, causing them to nearly fall over in result.

“I suggest you clear of this tunnel.” Starswirl said, his eyes still on the top of the tunnel.

“What about you?” The Paladin asked in concern.

“Eh, I'll be fine. Just make sure you on your little mare are okay.” He seemed to be much more confident in how he would turn out than anyone else there, so Titus nodded and cleared back around the corner they came.

The dirt and rock came roaring down behind them right where they had once stood, forcing Titus to stagger onto his knees for a second. Lyra was coughing from the sudden intake of dirt and other cloudy materials.

Titus was soon coughing as well and in the air along with the two's hacking, a very peculiar sound could be heard. Titus hadn't heard anything like it for a very long time. Like a blade being dragged across the ground, the sound was almost cringe worthy.

He forced himself to look around but found that they were blinded by the particle residue. The air around him seemed to be a bit colder than what he had remembered and forced himself to desperately try to discern some shape out of the choking air.

“A human...” a cold voice called out. Before Titus could answer back, the shine and glow of a blade was right in between his eyes. The air suddenly cleared and Titus found himself speechless to the being before him.

It was a gnome Death Knight. That's what Starswirl's friend had brought? Why would anyone of the Alliance work for the forces of evil? Not even a Death Knight with his own free will would do such a thing.

The Death Knight turned its gaze to the unicorn on his back. “It seems you have one of those mangy beasts on your back, human. I could get rid of it if you needed me to.”

“What the... I'm not a beast!” Lyra roared out. Like hell if she would let anything get rid of her! Titus would protect her!

“I'd prefer you didn't.” Titus stood back up looking down at the gnome. “So you are the one that was brought into this world?”

“What are you talking about? We are simply underneath some region of Azeroth. Perhaps we could find ley lines down here as well.”

“Uhh.. No. You're not in Azeroth.” Lyra corrected the Death Knight.

“Curb your tongue, beast. I am speaking with the human right now.” The gnome clearly did not like Lyra one bit, which bothered Titus a bit.

“You can't say that! He's my human!” She growled back.

“A slave? Is this true, human?” The gnome tilted his head up towards the Paladin. It was difficult to read the gnome and if he was really taking this all seriously from beneath the guise of his helmet.

“Of course, not.” He was having a mental overload with all the things going on around him. He rubbed his temples for a second before continuing. “She's just... possessive. Look, how did you get here? Why are you working for evil? Why are you so hostile?”

“Humans.. so curious, but not always for the answer.” The gnome finally brought back his blade, understanding that nothing was out to get him at the moment. “I was forced here, and by evil I'm sure you mean the beast that thought he could capture me. I work for no evil, and have no ties to anything. As for my hostility, I have simply been attempting to get revenge upon the one that had brought me here.” He gestured towards Lyra. “His kind is that of hers. If she is not in league with that one, then why is she here? Why are you here, human?”

“To do what's right.” Titus returned flatly.

“Yes. A Paladin by the looks of you. Figures you would run in headstrong regarding an issue that didn't involve you directly.”

Lyra was fuming after that. It was one thing to insult her, but when her human was taking an onslaught of harsh words, it was a different story.

Fortunately, Titus knew her well enough to put a hand on the side of her face before she blew up at the gnome. “I fight for what I believe is right. I only ask not to be questioned when I make my judgment.” He felt like a real hypocrite saying that. He had questioned himself making this very decision, something that was causing the slightest of turmoil within him even now.

“Very well, but I'll keep my opinion, if that's not too much.”

“Fair enough.”

“What are you doing???” Lyra hissed into his ear. “You're too nice for your own good!”

“He's an ally.” Titus whispered back. “He's been through a lot more than you'd think, you have to understand that when you're talking to him.”

“... Fine..”

During their little conversation, they had failed to notice that the gnome was beginning to walk away and was about to leave their line of sight when Titus finally noticed him.

“Hey, wait! Where are you going?” He asked.

“I've wasted enough time here.” The Death Knight called back. “I am still looking for that beast that would have used me for his own will.”

“We're looking for the same person too! I think...” Lyra called out after the gnome.

“As much as I would appreciate the help of an inferior Paladin, I think I'll pass.” The gnome continued on, out of sight.

Titus frowned. Was this all the interaction he was going to get with a fellow being of Azeroth here? Bitter words and one-track minded goals? If only it had been anyone other than a Death Knight...

Titus and Lyra were suddenly pushed out of the way, and were surprised to see that Starswirl was running after the gnome now. Where had he come from? “Get back here, creature of evil!”

“Uh oh.” Lyra said. Titus was already following the sorcerer, trying to convince him to stop whatever hostile attack he was planning. Starswirl would not listen, however, and once the Death Knight had come back into sight, the sorcerer fired off a sparking bolt of magic.

The Death Knight, turned around just in time to notice this and dodged out of the way, hitting the side of the tunnel to avoid the bolt. He brought his blade up and pointed it at the bearded pointing, practically marking him for death.

“Stop!” Titus called out, trying to do anything to keep the conflict from continuing.

“He reeks of evil, human! He may be of your world but he is clearly not affiliated with you in any way!” Starswirl's mind was set on protecting his world, and Titus knew that there was no way to prevent this without direct intervention.

“I am not evil, I can assure you..” The gnome said, not deterred a bit by the ancient sorcerer before him. “But I do not tolerate attempts at my life.”

“Have at it, then!” Starswirl returned, his face dead serious.

That was it. He had to stop this. Titus gently pulled Lyra off his back and placed her upon the ground. “Please stay back.”

“But you're going to get-”


She nodded and fell back a few more steps until he was satisfied, and then turned towards the battle that was about to take place. Before he could close in on them, though, Starswirl had already ignited the battle and fired multiple projectiles at once.

The gnome had no issue with them and took must of the attack by putting his blade before him to block, the rest simply scraping by his armor and heading down the tunnel further illuminating it as it traveled down.

The Death Knight jumped forth at incredible speed already closing in on his target and ready to end it. Starswirl stood his ground and channeled a shield at his front angle. The gnome was forced to bounce off of it and fall back slightly.

“Assist me, Beacon!” Starswirl called out, hoping that Titus would engage the gnome in melee combat.

“Is that what you are? His tool?” The Death Knight called back. “Is this what's right? I had no quarrel with you.”

“No! Stop it, both of you!” He knew his words meant little, but he wasn't about to pick a side here.

They continued to fight as Titus wracked through his mind on how to cease the engagement. One was fighting to defend his world and the other was fighting to defend himself. Both seemed to be stubborn and wouldn't be willing to give up unless separated probably.

The dark hand that was a trademark of any Death Knight suddenly came forth and attempted to grab Starswirl through his shield. Before the tendril could grasp the sorcerer, though, Starswirl began another spell and spectral blades swirled around him, cutting the dark energies to shreds.

The shield had faded away now and this was the Death Knight's chance to attack. He came out the unicorn, his mind dead set on ending a life this very moment.

That was it, though. He couldn't stand here and watch them kill each other. As the gnome pulled his runeblade back for an attack, Titus began to move. The second the Death Knight was about to bring his weapon down upon the unicorn who stared at him with bitter protest, the Paladin ran in front of Starswirl and caught the blade in his gloved hands, the force of the attack was enough to cause him to stagger slightly, but still hold his ground.

“I see...” The gnome seemed to have taken the intervention as another entering the battle. “I can only say you've made the wrong choice, human.”

“I'm not picking a side, dammit! Listen to me!” But that was holding no water with the Death Knight's observations. He pulled his blade up once more, preparing to swing again. “Stop!”

Titus caught the blade again, this time he could feel his palms beneath the gloves begin to wet with what he could only guess was his blood. It was nothing he couldn't fix later from a prayer to the light, but he still started to feel a rush of urgency. He threw the blade back this time, hoping that he could get in a word before the next attack came.

“We're looking for the same person! I don't mean any harm! Just stop!”

It was obvious that there would be no reaction out of him now. The blood lust was now too strong and the blade came down at a different angle this time, making Titus unable to catch it. There was only one thing he could do to save himself from being cleaved beyond healing.

He shot a strand of light, hitting the gnome squarely across the helmet, causing him to stagger slightly. There was no going back now, he pulled his hammer out before him, getting ready to engage in combat with a race that was once ally to him.

What had happened? They should have been working together, not bringing up arms against one another. The banner of the Alliance should have united them, but that clearly was null in this world.

The gnome jumped at him, eager to keep the fight close, which Titus had no problem with. The blade hit the extended handle of the hammer and Titus threw the gnome back with increased force as he began to channel a seal through his body. If he could still avoid blows though, he would gladly take that over combat.

Titus' leg was grabbed by the unmistakable tendril that the gnome had control over and felt his footing begin to give way. He was too battle savvy to let something so predictable put him out and he summoned the light through his body down to his leg causing the hand to convulse and shrink in reaction.

Their weapons began to exchange blows, one of light and faith, the other of dark ambition. It was two completely different things contrasting with one another, and it showed. Light collided with darkness both physically and metaphorically. Aura's from both infringed upon each other as the weapons connected continuously.

Lyra had been watching the whole thing in horror, wanting it all to just stop. Everything was happening too fast! Today wasn't suppose to be like this! It was just suppose to be another cheerful day with her human. Now he was risking his life because some pony that should have been dead asked for his help...

Starswirl had stepped back to watch the two fight, unable to do anything or risk hurting the Beacon in the process. He had faith that the Beacon would do what was right, but even though the Beacon was assisting him, he seemed conflicted about the whole thing, like he knew he shouldn't have been fighting another from his own world. The desire for interaction from another of his own world must have made him ignorant to the fact that this thing was indeed reeking of death itself.

Lyra ran up to the sorcerer frantically. “You have to do something! You have to make them stop! Please!”

“I can't! I'd hurt them both! I know you don't want that!” Starswirl was starting to feel the pressure coming down on him. He shouldn't have let the mare come, she was only bound to get in the way and now she was screaming at him to do something desperately.

“Fine!” Lyra yelled out, pushing past him towards where the two were fighting. The sound of fighting itself was enough to shake the tunnel. She watched them continue, trying to predict where the next exchange of blows would happen. Luckily Titus had not noticed her, or he might have missed a step from the surprise of seeing her.

She went to action and attempted to disarm the gnome. The Death Knight felt the blade he held being pulled slowly from his grip and began to retreat. He looked at it and noticed the magical aura engulfing it. He looked around to see what was causing this and his eyes caught the green unicorn who looked to be concentrating as her horn glowed.

He shot forth his death grip, grabbing the unicorn by her mane. She yelped in pain as she was pulled over to the gnome, hitting the ground before him hard.

“Ow...” Was all she managed out as she struggled to get up.

“I have no time for this. You will die right-” The gnome was lifted of the ground as a fist clenched around his neck and he was slammed into the side of the tunnel. He was staring into the eyes of the Paladin, anger and rage coursing through every visible feature of his body.

“You will not touch her again! Is that clear?!”

“It seems I've hit a nerve. Why don't-” He was slammed into the side of the tunnel once more, this time causing particles to disperse around them.

“Is. That. Clear?”

The gnome stared at him from under the helmet, defiant and unwilling to comply to the Paladin's heated request. “I don't agree to anything, human. You should know that by my very nature.”

The aura around Titus ignited violently, the only thing that was holding him in check was his discipline and training. He was furious with both the Death Knight and Lyra for cutting into the combat. Once this was over, he was going to have to a very in depth talk about her risking herself when she was already so vulnerable.

“If you're going to do something that isn't just going to rattle my head around, I'd prefer that, human.” He was mocking him. Even now, when he was at his mercy, his tongue was trying to cut at him with burlesque comments.

Titus pulled him off the wall and threw the Death Knight down the tunnel with a roar. He was so tired of it all. This had not been worth it; all this had shown him was that he had no connection to Azeroth at all anymore.

They had been separated far enough now that Titus turned his attention to Lyra. Kneeling down beside the unicorn that was barely sitting up, he turned his gaze to Starswirl. “Please, just.. just keep him distracted.”

“That I can do, Beacon.” Starswirl ran by them to engage the gnome as Titus returned his attention to Lyra.

Her look was one of worry and distraught. He could only assume that she was expecting a scolding after her reckless behavior, but it never came. As she noticed that the Paladin's face continued to relax in relief, she began to ease her own stress from her body.

“I'm so dumb... I shouldn't... have down that..” Was all she said. It was clear she was in a lot of pain from the rough impact. So fragile, Titus thought, so fragile yet so stubborn. It was a surprise that she had not been hurt worse because of this fact.

“You shouldn't have.. but.. lets not worry about that now.” Titus smiled and placed his hands on her. He took a breath and began a silent prayer for the unicorn. He felt the light run through his fingertips and into the little unicorn's body.

She hummed slightly at both the warmth and just the touch of the Paladin. Just like that one night... if she could have a night like that again...

While Titus was healing her, his gaze was turned to the fighting going on between Starswirl and the gnome. So far it seemed that they were at a stalemate and the Paladin wouldn't have to worry about stepping in again until he was really done.

Lyra stood up fully now as a strength and will filled her body once more. Titus brought his hands off of her and made sure everything was okay. After being satisfied that nothing was still damaged, he sighed heavily. “You can't do that. Never do that again, promise me that.”

Lyra looked down at the ground, not wanting to be bound by such words. It stayed like this for a moment, with the sound of Starswirl and the Death Knight fighting off in the distance. She suddenly jumped forth and kissed him, wrapping her hooves around his neck.

This caught Titus off guard, causing him nearly to fall over. She pulled back after a second and looked dreamily into his eyes. The Paladin was struggling to cope with what had just happened and seemed to be quite bothered now.

She stepped back, giggling. “You can't make me promise anything.”

“I-I.. but..” He couldn't find the words and was struggling to get up after that moment of intimacy.

“Just go, don't worry about me. I'll worry about you.” She gave him a rapturous smile, only making Titus lose his composure further.

“J-just stay, okay?” She only continued to smile.

He had no more time to get her word on it, as Starswirl began to call out to him for assistance. “Beacon! The sooner you get over here and assist me, the sooner we can end this!”

Titus gave Lyra one last allusive look before rushing to the sorcerer's assistance. The unicorn watched his every step with an internal sigh.

She knew he would die for her and that was what scared her sometimes. But at this moment, she thought her kiss would be the bulwark he needed to get through this. But it was not nearly enough for what she would need to cope with the worry.


“You can hear it, don't you? The sounds of conflict...”

“Oh yes, yes I do!” Polaris cackled maniacally. These new voices had proved to be quite the friends, playing at his emotions in all the right ways. They only wanted to please him, and he was grateful for that. Why, he could even see his friends sometimes, not only hear them now!

Even in this short time, he had grown fond of them and their words. They spoke plainly and he could appreciate that, even though he did happen to exaggerate himself sometimes. They were just helping, he had to understand that! They were just helping!

He began to head in the direction he heard the clatter of weapons, having a hard time keeping his balance between all the laughing and the constant shifting he made, sometimes making contact with the side of the tunnel.

“That is it... continue forth.. only good can come from this..”

“Of course, my friends! Of course!!!”