• Published 29th Oct 2012
  • 1,654 Views, 69 Comments

A Dying Light - Nobrains

  • ...

Chapter Nine

Chapter Nine

The door to the anteroom in the back of the throne room opened once more and out peeked two heads. Light still shown through the painted glass windows and the adjustment to the light caused Titus and Lyra to both be blinded for a brief moment.

When the moment passed, they both stepped out into the open and moved back to the front where Celestia had just finished talking to an ambassador, who politely bowed out and continued on out of sight.

“Oh, you're back sooner than I thought you would be, and a bit disgruntled by the looks of you both, too.” Celestia looked a tad bit surprised but quickly gave them a warm smile. “You must have taken care of whatever Starswirl needed you to do. He did say it was quite urgent.” She looked around. “He did say he was going to be with you two if all went well... hmm..”

“I don't believe he'll be coming back.” Titus stated. “He.. wanted to stay behind.”

“I see...” Celestia gave them a thoughtful look. “Well, it does seem like everything is in order here regardless. The fog that plagued the lands below has finally dispersed, not too long before your return, I believe.”

“That's a relief.” Lyra said, happy to hear that they wouldn't have to attempt yet again at finding their house within a town they knew so well.

“I was thinking..” Celestia began. “Since you two have been such a help over the days, that perhaps you'd like to stay in Canterlot for a few days? It wouldn't be like the last time you came, no formal dinners to attend with aristocrats or anything like that. Just you two enjoy the city together; I know you'd both enjoy it much more here this time.”

Lyra squealed and looked up to Titus who wasn't really taking the question into consideration until he found a pair of yellow eyes staring up at him expectantly. He sighed inwardly, just wanting to go back and forget about all of this, but he couldn't find the heart to even consider telling Lyra of his thoughts on the matter.

“We'd love to.” He finally said, giving into the eyes upon him.

Lyra cheered and Celestia nodded, pleased with the decision. “You both deserve it, that is for sure. Why don't you both go around town and enjoy the sites while we prepare your quarters?

“That would be nice.” Titus said. Turning towards the way to the courtyard.

“Will we have time to talk?” Lyra asked before following after her human.

“Of course. When you get back, we can talk all you want.” The princess called back happily.

Lyra smiled and hopped along by Titus who pushed the doors open and entered the courtyard. It was late in the day, but the sun was still incredibly bright. The Paladin stopped to take in the whole sight of the town below them. It was nice to be away from all the fighting. He wasn't sure he'd ever be used to anymore.

He suddenly reached behind his back and found that he had left his hammer back with Starswirl. That meant that it was pretty much gone forever. He had gone through two different weapons since he had arrived in this world, he wasn't sure he would ever see another one tailored to him ever again due to the scarcity of arms in this world at all.

Oh well. If all went well from here on out, then he wasn't going to need it ever again. But he knew well enough that nothing could stay peaceful, at least not where he ever went.

He suddenly felt a soft pressure pull his arm down and looked down to Lyra who had been trying to get his attention for some time now. She looked a bit dreamy and he was already getting concerned as to where this might have been leading.

“I knew I'd get you to say it eventually.” She said auspiciously.

“Say what?” He asked, trying to play dumb.

“That you love me, dumby.” She giggled. “What? You thought you could just live that one down? Nope! Nope! I'm going to tell everyone!”

Titus felt his face begin to heat up. “Please don't.”

“Why should I listen to you? I would only be telling the truth!”

Titus facepalmed. “By the Light, why do you try to tease me so much?”

“Because it bothers you!” She laughed and ran down through the courtyard and into the city below, shouting: “Titus loves me! A human loves me!”

The Paladin began to run after her, his face red with embarrassment. He couldn't say anything out loud though, for his voice was choked from the dryness that had just formed from what had just happened, coupled with the pain that he was fighting through to keep this pace.

This was going to be a long vacation. A very long and embarrassing one.


Starswirl's ragged breaths could be heard echoing down the tunnels. He was now sitting against the side of the passageway, contemplating all that he had done for this world.

He looked down at his hooves, sighing. “I've done so much.. so much.. I pray there is something else for me beyond death.”

He certainly didn't regret the choice he had made in restoring the Beacon's life, but he had found that he was becoming more afraid of death with each passing minute. He was shaking awfully and he swore he was seeing spots now.

“If you're going to take me.. I'd really enjoy it being quick and uneventful.”

“Relax...” A soft voice said into his ears.

He jolted up and looked around rapidly. “Who else is here?”

“Just somepony to ease your pain...” A pony in white robes suddenly came into view, its aura alone illuminating the tunnel completely. “I have come to help you along your way..”

“What are you?” Starswirl asked suspiciously.

“I am not obligated to tell.” The pony was right over him now, looking down at him from beneath her hood. “I am simply doing as I was told to do.”

“But by who? Why? Why me?” The sorcerer was beginning to grow suspicious as to why anything like this was happening now of all times.

“Shh...” She put a hoof on the sorcerer's chest who proceeded to throw it off of him.

“I require answers! Why not tell a dying old stallion? What is going on here?!”

“Sir, please...”

“No! I have been around too long to know that this doesn't just happen out of pity for my soul or anything of the like. Tell me, what is this all about?”

The robed mare sighed. “They said you would comply...”

“Not without some answers.”

“I can't tell you, okay?”

“I guess you can move along then, huh?” Starswirl stuck his tongue out in protest.

“I don't have time for this.” The mare put a hoof on Starswirl's head. Before the sorcerer could backlash once more, he was out cold.

The mare pulled the hood from her head, revealing a horn, and frowned as her turquoise eyes studied the sleeping figure. “There is still much for you to do in this world, sorcerer. So much...”

A portal suddenly formed behind her and she levitated the ancient sorcerer off the ground. “We won't let you die that easily..” They both went through the portal, closing quickly behind them.

The passageway went silent. The way it always should have been.