• Published 2nd Nov 2012
  • 2,479 Views, 116 Comments

Four Man Cheeseburger Apocalypse - Dihinner

From hell to heaven then back to hell

  • ...

Traveling Through One Thousand Night Clubs

“Why exactly did we have to kill the bride?” asked Twilight in a shaky voice, “I know it was an infected but, it was her wedding.”

Nick sighed, “Look, I know you’ve told us about the last wedding you were at but come on, she would have killed one of us if we didn’t kill it.”


“Still what? It was infected; we killed it, end of story. Now let’s get going, the faster we get through the sewer the better,” said Nick.

Rarity bolted upright when Nick mentioned sewer. “Excuse me, did you say sewer?”

Nick nodded, “yep, and trust me, it’s just as fun as it sounds.”

Rarity shivered at the thought of having to walk through sewer waste, and from things with a highly infectious disease at that. But, if it meant that she would get home in the end, she decided that she would have to brave the sewer like the rest of them.

Coach lifted the metal bar keeping the infected out of the room and opened the door. About ten infected were in the alleyway and were cut down quickly. They advanced up some stairs and entered a large street with a pool hall at the end.

The shots of the guns were muffled by the rain, which was pounding heavily on the backs and shoulders of the ten. Ellis tore open an infected with his newly acquired crowbar. A trail of intestines rolled out of the infected as it ran around screaming before collapsing.

The constant fighting was already beginning to affect the ponies. Just yesterday, they had recoiled at the very thought of doing this.

And now Fluttershy, the meek and quiet animal caretaker who wouldn’t hurt a fly, single hoofedly slaughtered a Tank with an M60.

Though it had changed them mentally, they still had many of their old selves in them. Such as Fluttershy still being incredibly reluctant to shoot an infected, despite what she is willing to do against a Tank. Rarity of course, had been covered with blood, puke and various other bits from the infected but still found time to get it all out of her coat and mane after they made it to a safe house.

Rochelle shoved an infected into a blocked off alley way and crushed it’s skull with a Cricket bat. The ten ran down the street to get inside the pool hall before the rain really started to come down. They climbed up a metal green bench and through a window to the pool hall. Ellis grabbed a combat rifle off one of the pool tables along with some incendiary ammo.

“What’s that?” asked Rainbow dash as Ellis set down the box of ammo.

“Fire bullets, they help a lot,” said Ellis as he loaded his rifle and passed some rounds to Rainbow dash, who loaded them in her shot gun.

Pinkie pie grabbed one of the shotguns on the table and walked over to the juke box.

“Ooh,” she said as she pushed the button on the front of the music machine.

A piano sound emitted from is as the song ‘Still Alive’ started to play.

The ten rested for a moment until a collective shriek echoed throughout the pool hall.

“Uh oh,” muttered Applejack as she held her automatic shotgun steady at the window.

Nick looked out another window to the right and noticed that the construction site beside them was relatively empty, “this way, come on!” he said as he jumped out the window and onto a large pipe.

The others soon followed as Nick jumped off the pipe and onto the muddy ground. He ran up the small slope and looked through a fence.

A large black tour bus with the Midnight Riders logo sped past the other side of the fence as Nick stopped for a moment to wait for the others to catch up.

Just then a rather large horde of infected poured out of the pool hall and the ten bolted into a nearby club. Coach quickly looked back to see if the infected were far away enough for them to escape. Unfortunately the infected were too close to properly escape so Coach quickly grabbed a nearby Molotov and threw it into the horde.

Applejack quickly glanced back to see the burning forms of the infected caught in the fire and Coach running to catch up. One infected’s eyes were lit ablaze by the fire bomb causing Applejack to look away in disgust and horror. ‘sweet Celestia, what are we doing to these people?’ she thought to herself as she and the others ran up two sets of stairs and ended up in a mid-sized room with a plank leading to a partially destroyed brick building.

“Bad time for a Smoker to show up, huh?” asked Ellis as he carefully walked across the plank.

Rainbow dash shuddered in the backpack, “don’t even say that. I don’t want to break something else.”

“That and you’d be dead,” muttered Nick just loud enough so only Rainbow dash could hear him.

“Shut up,” she growled as Ellis ran across the room in the brick building towards a large green bin on the floor.

“I didn’t say anything,” said Ellis, confused.

“Nick,” Rainbow dash sighed.

“hey, he’s not so bad once you get used to him, said Ellis as he opened the bin, which was filled to the brim with pain pills. “Pills here!” he called out to the others on the plank.

An infected man slowly turned to look up some stairs as Twilight fired a bullet from her assault rifle, causing its head to explode into a fine red mist.


“Don’t worry,” said Rochelle as she swung her axe at another infected, leaving a large gash in its stomach, “you’ll get used to it.”

Twilight sighed, “I don’t think I ever want to get used to this.”

Rochelle nodded, “yeah, sorry about dragging you guys with us. We really had no idea you were in the pool of water when the lightning bolt hit us.”

Twilight gave her a weak smile as they left the building and started to run over to another night club that the sign: visit underground Rayford in the ‘under the river tour. Admission inside’.
The ten ran through the partially closed security door and into the main part of the club, which had a couple dozen infected. Ellis spotted the entrance to the tour and started to head in that general direction with Rainbow dash.

“Let’s go under the river!” he said cheerfully as he went down the stairs and into the musty reception area.

Past the reception area was a wide, dug out hallway supported by a wooden walkway and supports.

“This is under the river?” muttered Applejack.

“You have to pay an extra five bucks before they start construction,” replied Nick as he shot down some infected with his magnum.

“That’s a scam if I’ve ever seen one.”

Nick laughed a bit, “Well played Rayford, well played.”

The ten rounded a corner and went down into another room of the tour.

“I guess this shit’s old huh? I mean I don’t know but,” said Ellis as he continued to walk on the walkway.

“People really had to pay for this…” started Rainbow dash.


“Yeah, like, what’s the deal with this?”

Ellis shrugged, “I guess it’s hard to keep construction going during a zombie apocalypse.”

Rainbow dash laughed a bit as they entered yet another room. This time however, it had a door in front of a downwards leading staircase. Nick groaned upon sighting it.

“Do we really have to go through this again?”

“We do if you really want to get back to the car,” said Coach as he started to walk down the metal stairs.

“What’d down there? Asked Rarity.

“Frankly, you guys would be better off knowing what exactly you were going through down there,” said Rochelle, “just make sure you keep your head as far away from the water as possible.”

The ten descended down the small stair case until they saw Ellis and Rainbow dash had stopped in front of a large hole, which leaded into a pile of dead bodies.

“Cannonball!” shouted Ellis as he jumped onto the bodies.

The others soon followed and Rarity just figured out why they were told to keep their heads out of the water.

“Is this sewage?!” Rarity asked in horror.

“Yep,” said Nick.

Rarity and the other four ponies yelled loudly as they all ran as fast as they could through the sewer to the ladder on the far side of the rom while Nick, Ellis, Coach, Rochelle and Rainbow dash laughed loudly.

“You should have seen the look on you face!” laughed Rainbow dash, who was safely out of the sewage and still in the backpack on Ellis’s back.

“Man, I should have brought a camera!” said Ellis, who was also laughing as he climbed up the red ladder and into one of the tunnels leading to the other room.

The five sewage covered ponies glared at the survivors and Rainbow dash as they laughed at them and stopped at a small alarmed door beside a pile of ammo.

“Better get ready, the alarm is going to sound,” said Ellis as everyone reloaded and resupplied their ammo. Once they were all finished, Ellis pressed the button beside the door and a loud alarmed followed by a collective shriek from all the infected in the sewer rang out around them.

“Ellis, what did you just do?!” asked Rainbow dash as Ellis jumped back into the sewer water and started to run to the other side of the large room.

Hundreds of infected sloshed through the water as the came charging at the ten. The darkened room was soon illuminated and filled with the sounds of gunshots. Rochelle soon made her way to another ladder and helped Pinkie pie up it.

“Push the button when you get to the door!” said Rochelle as she helped the other ponies up the ladder.

“Ok!” Pinkie pie said as she ran over to the door and pushed the button. She quickly looked back to see some infected starting to climb up onto the railing and shot them off with her AK-47. She turned again to see Rochelle herself climb up the ladder and headed to the end of the railing, shooting every infected she could see.

“Back in the water,” called out Ellis as he opened fire and jumped into the water and ran into the large tunnel at the end of the room.

More bullets flashed and infected fell as the ten ran through the tunnel until they could see a light at the end of it. Ellis ran towards it faster and found a platform with a ladder and another set of vertical stairs. He gunned down an incoming Jockey and saw the safe room door.

“A safe room!” he called out, “and it’s dry!”

The other eight quickly scrambled after him and slammed the safe room door shut.

Ellis started to laugh, “I can hardly believe we made that!”

Author's Note:

damn, it's been a while.

well, sorry about the wait, hopefuly next time it won't be as long.

also, sorry about the lack of speaking for some characters. they all have their own campaign where they have more of a role.
p.s. any questions for the charachters? ask here http://dihinner.tumblr.com/