• Published 2nd Nov 2012
  • 2,479 Views, 116 Comments

Four Man Cheeseburger Apocalypse - Dihinner

From hell to heaven then back to hell

  • ...

Taking a Level in Charge

Ellis ran. He could hear the infernal head humper’s demented laughter all around him. ‘Why did I volunteer to stay behind?’ he asked himself. ‘WHY?!’ as he ran, he noticed that the sun was about half way in the sky. ‘Must be around midday; hope that the other ponies don’t mind our short stay. We got a schedule to keep.’ Ellis suddenly stopped. He listened for the laughter of the Jockey. To his surprise, it stopped. He looked around him for signs of it but found none. Shrugging, he continued to run down the path the others took. Unfortunately, he failed to notice a pair of angry, yellow eyes emerging from behind some nearby trees. The owner of said eyes growled angrily as it followed its target.


“Ok, where is the damn hospital?” asked Nick as he shielded his eyes from the sun. He, Rochelle and Coach had talked the back alleyways to avoid attention. Unfortunately, Twilight forgot to tell them where the hospital was.

“It can’t be far,” said Rochelle. She heard a cough from ahead. “Careful, I think I hear Smoker.”

As they prepared to fight the Smoker, the turned a corner and discovered it was just a pony who was coughing. The three quickly and quietly passed another corner before speaking again.

“Ok, gotta stop jumping when we here every last noise,” said Coach, “We don’t need any unwanted attention.”

“Yeah? Well, we still got that Hunter out there and who knows what else,” said Nick, “for all we know these ponies are infected and there sending in a Tank.” Rochelle glared at him.

“Do you honestly think that these little ponies are going to send in a Tank? Seriously Nick, just look at them!”

“I have been al morning; I also had to patch one up,” grumbled Nick, “wasting our last medical kit.”

Coach sighed, “you did a good thing Nick, the yellow one probably would have died.”

Nick made a shout laugh, “Yeah, she would have been the first pony infected to be put down.”

Rochelle and Coach glared at him. “What? I was kidding. Jeez.” After two close encounters with the townsponies, the three survivors finally made it to the Ponyville hospital.

“Now remember people, these here ponies have never seen the likes of us,” said Coach, “Let’s give them a reason not to be scared.”

“Like what? Walk into a hospital with a chainsaw, fire axe and a bloody frying pan?” asked Nick, “nope, I don’t think they’ll think twice about that.”

The three ducked down and opened the hospital doors. They had to duck down slightly when they entered. Various pairs of suspicious eyes glared at them.

“Any minute now a Tank is going to come charging in and kill us all,” muttered Nick.

“Just relax, I’ll handle this,” said Rochelle quietly so only Nick and Coach could hear her. She walked up to the mare at the hospital counter who was filing in some paper work. “Err, hello, were here to visit someone.”

The mare looked up and gave the three survivors an annoyed glare. “And who are you supposed to be?”

“I’m Coach. This here is Nick and Rochelle. We’re here to visit a little yellow pony. She was attacked earlier by a Spitter,” said Coach.

“You need to be more specific,” replied the annoyed mare.

“We didn’t catch her name but she was yellow, pink mane and had wings,” said Nick, “sound familiar?”

The mare paused. Then replied, “Ground floor, room thirteen,” she replied before resuming her paper work.

“Thanks,” said Rochelle as they started to walk down the clean hallways. They stopped at room thirteen.

“Are you sure we should even be here?” asked Nick, “I mean, we met them just hours ago and all of a sudden we’ve visiting the sick and injured? What are we, miracle workers?”

Coach glared at the former con man. “She was attacked by a Spitter. From the sounds of it, they had no idea what it was. It’s best to warn them about the infected before anyone else gets hurt.”

Nick rolled his eyes as he opened the small door. He and the other two ducked under the door frame and entered the room. Twilight, Applejack, that rainbow one, Fluttershy and two others were inside.

“Uh… is this a bad time?” asked Rochelle, “we could leave…”

Twilight shook her head, “no, we were just talking about that thing that attacked Fluttershy. What did you call it again?”

“That was a Spitter. One of the special zombies from back home,” said Coach, “it spits this burning goo shit at people to try and kill them.”

The ponies stared at the survivors.

“Kill them?” asked the white pony.

“Yep, probably would have killed your friend too if she didn’t scream so loud. We could hear her from the library,” said Nick.

Fluttershy attempted to say something but it was muffled by the bandages, which were covering more than half her face. The white one spoke up.

“From what I have heard, you hunt zombies?” she asked.

“We don’t hunt them. They hunt us. And we fight back and look at us now, were the four riders of the goddamn apocalypse!” said Nick.

“Four?” asked white pony, “but there are only three of you…”

“Ellis is on his way,” said Rochelle, “he offered to stay behind to watch out for any more infected.”

The Pink one walked up to the survivors. “So… you’re new here?” she asked.

“Uh, I guess?” replied Nick, backing away from the pink one’s grin.

“Ooh, maybe I should throw a ‘welcome to Ponyville’ party!” she said excitedly.

Coach chuckled, “listen miss, uh…”

“Oops! My name is Pinkie pie.”

“Miss Pinkie pie, we’re not going to stay for long. We gotta go back home and get to New Orleans,” said Coach.

“New Orleans? Is that a town?” asked Twilight, “if so, what happened to the first Orleans?”

“New Orleans is the last safe city in the U.S.A. and we’re headed there. As for the first Orleans… it was named after a city in the country of France,” said Coach. Twilight nodded.

“Um, hello I’m Rarity and just wondering, what is that?” she asked pointing to Coach’s chainsaw.

“This,” he said taking it out of its sheath on his back, “is a chainsaw. I use it to cut down them zombies by the dozens. It gets pretty messy after a while though.”

Rarity nodded then paused after realising what the ‘mess’ could be composed of. She backed away slightly, keeping her eyes on the weapon. Twilight noticed the awkward silence between the ponies and the survivors and spoke up.

“So uh, what was this ‘U.S.A.’ like?” she asked.

“It was ok, until the zombies,” replied Rochelle. She paused, “hey, do you hear something?”

The room fell silent as they faintly heard something.



Ellis ran for his life. The pills he took earlier had worn off and he was starting to feel the effects of the Hunter attack. Also, to make things worse, he was the target of the Charger. He tried to run, but only managed to achieve a fast limp. He could see the outskirts of the town and tried to move faster. Unfortunately, the Charger was gaining fast. One good punch and he’d be down. Ellis knew this and so did the Charger. Panicking, he called out.


As he raced into the town with the Charger in close pursuit, many of the ponies turned their heads to see a strange figure being chased by a larger figure with one huge arm. Ellis bolted towards the hospital, which was almost in sight. The Charger decided that now was the best time to strike and did what he did best: charge and pound the survivors into the ground. It made its strange roar and charged at Ellis. It gripped him in its arm and crashed into the hospital. The charger brought up Ellis with its arm and slammed him into the ground.


This however, did not go unnoticed as the other survivors and ponies bolted out of Fluttershy’s room to help Ellis. When they arrived, the ponies gasped at the sight of the deformed monster attacking Ellis, who himself was hanging limply off the charger’s arm as it bashed him into the ground. Rochelle swung her axe at the skull of the charger but it refused to realise its prey. Coach revved up his chainsaw once more and brought it down on the spine of the monstrous infected. It made an inhuman screech (even for an infected) as it crashed into the ground, dead. The survivors quickly ran over to Ellis, who had stopped breathing. Coach quickly grabbed the defibrillator off of Ellis and proceeded to try and jolt him awake.

“Come on buddy, you ain’t going to die on us now!” he muttered as he tried again. Finally, after four unsuccessful tries, Ellis’s eyes opened as he cried out from the shock, only to fall unconscious moments later. The room was silent besides the heavy breathing from the just revived Ellis. Finally Coach spoke.

“You thought that was bad? Imagine dealing with this shit for a week!”